FOUR Signs Your Relationship Will Last

  • last year
Credit: SWNS
00:00 Here are four signs your relationship is going to last.
00:04 Number one, it's easy.
00:06 It feels easy most of the time.
00:08 It's not a struggle, there's not tons of drama,
00:11 it's not super complicated, it's not very hard.
00:14 Most of the time, everybody has struggles.
00:17 But most of the time, the relationship feels easy.
00:19 Number two, you fight fairly.
00:22 You're reasonable when you're fighting.
00:25 You're focused on communication,
00:28 not attacking, criticizing, blaming, defending yourself.
00:32 You fight fairly.
00:34 Number three, you care about your partner's happiness.
00:38 Their being happy is important to you.
00:40 You do things to make them happy,
00:42 you support things that make them happy,
00:44 you go out of your way to bring them
00:46 special little things to make them happy.
00:48 Their happiness matters to you.
00:50 And number four, you are intentionally gentle and kind.
