• last year
00:00 Most of the animals in the world may look so cute that you might want to go up and give them a cuddle.
00:05 But this can end in a total disaster.
00:09 Today we'll go through 20 of the cutest animals that look harmless,
00:15 but are actually way more deadly than you can imagine.
00:18 Before we get into the video, please ensure you've subscribed to the 4EverGreen channel,
00:23 so you can keep up to date with our fascinating videos about animals.
00:28 Let's delve into the first cute but dangerous animal.
00:31 These cute little octopuses are nocturnal and stunning.
00:40 They're covered with beautiful bright blue rings on their bodies and hunt crustaceans and small fish.
00:46 But don't let their vibrant color deceive you.
00:49 If you're bitten by one of these creatures, you'll likely die if you don't receive medical treatment immediately.
00:55 These little octopi pack a punch, carrying a strong toxin in their salivary glands.
01:01 This substance is neurotoxic and blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, meaning your muscles can't contract.
01:09 There have been cases of humans dying from encounters with a beautiful but deadly blue-ringed octopus.
01:16 So next time you're exploring a coral reef, watch out!
01:19 Don't pick one up even if it looks so cool you want to get a closer look.
01:24 You might not live to regret it.
01:26 Swans are beautiful birds that are commonly found floating on lakes.
01:35 They're well-known for mating for life, which is cute, right?
01:38 Yet these birds are fiercely defensive of their families.
01:43 They won't hesitate to attack any animal or human that they feel is threatening them.
01:51 Swans can cause cuts and bruises if they try to attack, and they're substantially heavy birds, weighing up to 13 kilograms.
01:59 They can do some severe damage and have even been known to cause human deaths.
02:04 One man in Chicago lost his life when he suffered an attack from an aggressive male swan that was defending his nest.
02:14 The man was kayaking, and the bird caused his kayak to capsize.
02:18 Instead of leaving it at that, the swan continued to swoop and dive, and eventually, the man drowned as he was unable to swim to shore.
02:26 Duck-billed platypus are aquatic animals found in eastern Australia and are so unique and unusual,
02:39 it's understandable that if you saw one, you might want to get up close and personal with it to get a better look.
02:45 Well, platypus are definitely not as cute and cuddly as you'd think, as the males actually produce venom in their hind legs.
02:54 This venom is mainly produced in the mating season and usually paralyzes smaller animals that the platypus comes across.
03:02 However, humans are not immune to their venom.
03:05 It causes excruciating pain and feels like a sting from hundreds of hornets.
03:11 It can even leave humans incapacitated for weeks on end, and the pain can persist for years after the initial attack.
03:19 Definitely not worth risking a cuddle with a platypus if that's a possible outcome.
03:24 Pandas are commonly regarded as cuddly, innocent, and sweet creatures that look like giant teddy bears.
03:36 They have distinctive black and white markings, and most of the time, they're happy to sit around and chew their favorite snack, bamboo.
03:44 However, they're equipped with sharp teeth and claws and, if provoked, won't hesitate to attack.
03:51 Pandas are large, heavy animals that are a lot more deadly than they look.
03:56 If you ever encounter one in the wild, leave it alone, and definitely don't jump into the enclosure with a panda.
04:04 The humble hippopotamus
04:07 Hippopotamus are found in sub-Saharan Africa and are actually the world's deadliest large land animal.
04:15 They look like pudgy little animals, similar to pigs, and have short legs.
04:20 But don't let these cute looks deceive you.
04:22 Hippos are responsible for the deaths of roughly 500 humans in Africa every year.
04:29 They're highly aggressive and won't hesitate to bite and tear a person to pieces if they get too close.
04:35 Hippos are also very heavy.
04:38 They can weigh up to 2,750 kilograms.
04:42 If you got stuck underneath one of these animals, you would undoubtedly be crushed to death.
04:48 Most hippo attacks on humans occur when a person floats through their territory on a boat or a kayak,
04:54 and the hippo will capsize their vessel and likely kill the person once they're in the water.
05:00 Best avoid hippos at all costs, wouldn't you agree?
05:04 The humble red fox
05:07 Red foxes are the largest breed of fox and are found all throughout the Northern Hemisphere.
05:15 Foxes have learned that urban areas contain food and have become used to seeing people.
05:20 However, this means they've gained greater confidence and are less scared of humans.
05:26 This can cause foxes to be very bold and even attack humans.
05:30 Foxes become dangerous when they're rabid, meaning they carry the rabies disease.
05:35 Usually, foxes are scared of humans, and attacks are rare.
05:40 The humble Tasmanian devil
05:48 Tasmanian devils are found in, you guessed it, Tasmania.
05:52 These Australian locals are the largest carnivorous marsupials in the world
05:57 and are well known for their terrifying screams and howls that they make.
06:01 These little animals have powerful jaws,
06:07 so much so that they could crush your bones if they had the chance to bite down.
06:12 They can even bite through metal.
06:14 They're usually quite shy animals and are scared of humans if confronted.
06:19 However, if they're attacked by a person or trapped, they'll lash out.
06:24 If they manage to get a hold of one of your limbs, you'll likely suffer terrible injuries.
06:29 There are even old Australian myths that if you wander into the bush, a Tasmanian devil might eat you.
06:36 There aren't any reports of this actually occurring, but you never know.
06:41 The humble wolf
06:44 Wolves may look like cute little dogs,
06:49 but they're nowhere near as friendly as the household pet we know and love.
06:53 Wolves like to hang out in packs and are good at working together to take down prey.
06:58 Attacks on humans by wolves are rare due to the animals mainly living in remote areas far away from people and being scared of them.
07:07 But they do happen, and they can even be fatal.
07:11 Wolves have powerful jaws and teeth and can quickly kill a person if they want to.
07:16 Similar to the red foxes, if a wolf develops rabies, it's more likely to randomly attack a person.
07:23 It will choose the smallest and weakest person it can find, such as a woman or a child.
07:29 Bites from wolves can also be deadly if they pass on rabies to their unsuspecting victim.
07:35 The humble dolphin
07:38 There are many breeds of dolphins, but they all share one common characteristic.
07:46 They're all super cute and intelligent and look so friendly.
07:50 Most people have heard tales of dolphins saving humans from sharks
07:54 or seen dolphins happily swimming with humans and playing around.
07:58 But these aquatic animals can actually be deadly and have been killed by humans.
08:04 Dolphins are also deadly and have been known to be incredibly violent.
08:09 In captivity especially, dolphins become pent up and aggressive
08:14 and have even tried to drown their trainers or members of the public who want to swim with them.
08:19 Dolphins also have sharp teeth, and their bite can cause painful injuries.
08:25 Next time you want to swim with dolphins, perhaps think twice,
08:29 because if you're anxious or unsafe, their behavior can be life-threatening.
08:34 The humble stingray
08:37 Stingrays gracefully glide through the water and almost look like they're flying.
08:44 They're usually found in beautiful tropical locations.
08:48 But be aware, they can cause serious injuries to people and even kill them.
08:54 They have a long, thin tail that almost looks like a whip with sharp barbs full of venom.
09:00 If a stingray is startled or feels at risk,
09:03 it will lash out and sting whoever is unlucky enough to be around it.
09:08 The sting feels incredibly painful, and you must treat it instantly to relieve the pain.
09:14 The sting can even be fatal if you suffer an allergic reaction to the venom
09:20 or if it pierces you in a delicate area such as your heart or lungs.
09:25 The best way to avoid being stung is to ensure you don't accidentally step on a stingray.
09:31 The next time you're on holiday in a lovely tropical location,
09:35 make sure you look out for a camouflaged stingray in the sand before you step out for a swim.
09:42 The humble poison dart frog
09:47 Poison dart frogs look so adorable, with their big eyes and brightly colored skin.
09:53 But they're so deadly that each tiny little frog, no bigger than a person's thumb,
09:59 contains enough venom to kill 10 to 20 men.
10:03 They're named dart frogs as indigenous hunters used to use the venom on blow darts
10:08 to make their weapons even more lethal.
10:11 Glands on their necks and backs secrete toxins which will kill someone extremely quickly
10:17 that you won't even have time to get medical help.
10:20 If you see one of these frogs, ensure you stay well enough away that you don't touch it.
10:26 It won't attack you, but it's a whole 'nother story if you try to mess with it.
10:31 The humble pufferfish
10:37 Pufferfish are a unique kind of fish as they puff up into a delightful little ball
10:43 to protect themselves from predators.
10:45 They fill up with water or air and are often covered in little spikes as well.
10:51 These fish are in fact very poisonous and contain a toxic substance
10:57 that's strong enough to kill 30 adult humans.
11:00 It's best to avoid ever coming in contact with a pufferfish altogether,
11:05 as there's no known antidote if you ingest the toxin.
11:09 The fish are actually considered a delicacy in Japan,
11:13 so if you're ever visiting the country, look out for fugu as this is what it's known as over there.
11:19 It can only be cleaned and prepared by specially trained chefs
11:24 who ensure the toxin is removed before a person eats it.
11:28 Still, is it worth it to risk death just for a bite to eat?
11:34 The humble polar bear
11:37 Polar bears are a stunning white color and have fluffy coats that look warm and cozy.
11:44 But these animals have powerful jaws, huge paws with sharp claws, and can easily overpower a person.
11:52 Due to climate warming, sea ice is disappearing,
11:56 and polar bears are forced to migrate to areas closer to where people live, which increases the risk.
12:03 In some towns, people are even required to carry firearms to protect themselves against polar bear attacks,
12:10 which goes to show just how dangerous they can be.
12:14 The humble gila monster
12:23 Gila monsters don't really look like monsters.
12:27 They actually look like lovely little lizards that are found in parts of the United States and Mexico.
12:33 They have a terrible reputation, though, and are feared by locals and often described as frightful in folklore.
12:41 In their lower jaw, venom is produced by a row of glands,
12:45 and when a gila monster bites down, venom flows through into the wound.
12:50 The lizard often chews and maintains its grip to ensure more venom enters the victim.
12:55 Luckily, the bite of a gila monster is unlikely to kill a person but can seriously hurt.
13:02 They usually avoid humans, so if you don't provoke one, you'll likely be fine.
13:07 The humble raccoon
13:11 Raccoons are widespread throughout North America and are cute mammals with distinctive fur patterns.
13:19 They have a black mask over their eyes, making them look like sweet little bandits with their little paws and fluffy gray coat.
13:27 They're known to scavenge in urban areas and often come into contact with humans and houses.
13:33 Anyone who sees a raccoon should be wary and avoid touching it as they often carry rabies.
13:40 This dangerous disease can be life-threatening for humans.
13:44 Another way that raccoons can be hazardous is through their urine and droppings.
13:49 Diseases such as salmonella, raccoon roundworm can be spread to kids and animals playing in the yard that come into contact with the droppings.
13:58 Consider contacting a wildlife specialist if you commonly experience raccoons playing or looking for food in your home or yard.
14:06 They can help protect you from these deadly diseases carried by raccoons.
14:12 The humble koala
14:15 Wait, koalas can be deadly?
14:19 These animals are native to Australia and look like little teddy bears.
14:24 They have large fluffy ears, cute wide eyes, and a black oval-shaped nose.
14:30 Some zoos even allow visitors to hold them for a photo.
14:34 But these animals have long, sharp claws that could cause severe human injuries.
14:41 Koalas only lash out when provoked or feeling threatened.
14:45 So if you come across a koala, don't try to scare it or corner it.
14:57 Another way that koalas are actually dangerous is that they carry the sexually transmitted disease chlamydia.
15:04 This can even be spread to humans through touch or contact with koala urine.
15:09 Be aware of this as sometimes this can't be cured.
15:13 The humble mice
15:23 Mice are little rodents that are a lot cuter than their relatives, the much larger rats.
15:30 Mice seem so harmless. What harm can these small creatures really have on people?
15:36 They invade people's homes to look for a safe, dry place to live and a food source.
15:42 Mice don't attack humans, but they can be deadly in their own way.
15:46 They carry all sorts of diseases, such as hantaviruses.
15:50 These can be passed on to humans through mice droppings.
15:54 And if someone inhales the virus, they might develop the rare but deadly disease, hantavirus pulmonary syndrome.
16:02 People can also develop food poisoning, like salmonella, if a mouse comes into contact with their food.
16:09 It's best to set traps in your home and ensure any mice droppings are cleaned by a professional to mitigate the deadly effects of these diseases.
16:18 The humble boomslang
16:22 Have you ever heard of a boomslang before?
16:27 These are tree snakes that look slender and attractive with gorgeous wide eyes.
16:33 Boomslangs are found in sub-Saharan Africa and are full of poisonous venom.
16:38 The toxins in a boomslang's venom destroy red blood cells, can disrupt blood clotting, and cause organ and tissue damage.
16:47 Whilst these snakes used to be considered harmless due to their non-aggressive nature,
16:52 one scientist was killed when a boomslang bit his thumb, proving that these snakes can be deadly.
17:00 The venom can take hours or days to fully affect the victim, who may not realize they've even been bitten.
17:08 The scariest thing about these snakes is that they can make their victims bleed from every possible orifice until they have bled to death.
17:18 I'm like a little gracer in the yard right now, this little guy thinks he's a cobra.
17:21 Oh my gosh, he's biting me right now, but it literally doesn't feel like anything.
17:25 The humble Brazilian wandering spider
17:29 Well, maybe Brazilian wandering spiders aren't the cutest animals in the world,
17:36 but they're definitely deadly as they're one of the most venomous spiders on the planet.
17:41 These spiders are unlike other spiders as they don't wait for their prey to be caught in a web.
17:47 Instead, they wander the forest floor at night, hunting for game.
17:52 They'll either directly attack or ambush unsuspecting insects, reptiles, or mice.
17:58 If you're unlucky enough to be bitten by a Brazilian wandering spider,
18:03 you'll experience severe burning pain at the sight, nausea, hypothermia, blurred vision, and convulsions, amongst other symptoms.
18:13 Victims will need to receive medical attention immediately or risk death.
18:18 Before we move on to our last pick, let us know,
18:22 have you ever come across any of these animals before and lived to tell the tale?
18:27 Tell us in the comment section below!
18:30 And if you liked this video and don't want to miss out on any more animal-based content in the future,
18:35 please make sure you've liked and subscribed to our channel.
18:38 And now, the cutest and the deadliest animal.
18:43 The humble Slow Loris
18:46 The final animal on our list is the Slow Loris.
18:51 The Slow Loris is a nocturnal primate with a super cute look and adorable big eyes.
18:57 But think twice before approaching one to give it a pat or a cuddle,
19:02 as these animals can bite you and their venom is powerful enough to even rot flesh.
19:08 Usually, these toxins are used when one Slow Loris is fighting another, as they're fiercely territorial.
19:15 The venom can cause anaphylactic shock, which can be deadly to humans.
19:20 The best thing to do is avoid coming into contact with the Slow Loris or risk your flesh rotting off from only a tiny nip or bite.
19:29 If given access to medical care, it's possible to survive an attack,
19:34 but others haven't been so lucky and people have even died after being bitten by these cute but dangerous wild animals.
19:43 There you have it, a list of 20 of the cutest animals that are actually deadly.
19:49 Thanks so much for watching. See you in the next video.
19:53 [Music]
