These Mother Animals Said No To Predators

  • last year
00:00 Of all the animals that fly, walk, crawl or swim,
00:02 there isn't one more dangerous or deadly
00:05 than a mother protecting her child.
00:06 Mothers would go to any length possible
00:08 to ensure the safety of their young.
00:10 And this rings true for animals as well.
00:18 These mothers defy all odds to keep their young safe.
00:21 It takes only a hero mother rabbit
00:23 to wrestle a snake ruthlessly,
00:24 all in the name of saving your young.
00:26 Whether small or big,
00:28 these mothers do whatever it takes to say no to predators
00:31 or keep their babies safe.
00:32 Hey there, welcome to another awesome episode
00:41 of Forever Green.
00:42 And this time we'll be marveling you
00:43 with 35 times mothers said no to predators.
00:47 Ready to see some of the bravest
00:49 mother saves the day moments?
00:50 Then let's get into it.
00:52 Number 35, wildebeest confronts cheetah to save calf.
00:56 Kicking off today's video is a mama wildebeest and her calf
01:00 who were both having a stroll.
01:01 Unknowing to them, a cheetah is lying in ambush
01:04 waiting for the right time to snatch the calf from its mom.
01:07 The cheetah does get the first bite,
01:09 but within a flash, the mother swoops in with a headbutt
01:11 that releases the calf from the jaws of the cheetah.
01:14 They both run to safety, leaving the cheetah red-faced.
01:17 Number 34, hyena mom holds off 17 wild dogs.
01:22 Hyena and wild dogs have a longstanding rivalry
01:25 between them, and either of them wouldn't hesitate
01:27 to attack the other one when the situation arises.
01:29 However, this mother hyena isn't gonna let the dogs
01:32 have their way with her baby.
01:33 The hyena mom stands her ground against all 17 of them,
01:37 and soon after, her cub joins her in telling the dogs
01:40 to look elsewhere for their lunch.
01:42 Number 33, mama cat saves her kittens.
01:45 When this dog went on a walk with its owner,
01:48 it couldn't help but notice two cute kittens
01:50 lying by the roadside.
01:52 What it didn't know, however, was that mama cat
01:54 was right around the corner.
01:55 Mama cat dashes at the dog before it could get any chance
01:58 to harm the kittens.
01:59 At least that's what the cat must've been thinking.
02:01 The cat then goes in at the dog one more time,
02:04 this time landing a swipe at its face.
02:07 Number 32, hen defends chicks from king cobra.
02:11 We've seen so many hens defending their chicks
02:13 from all sorts of danger, be it hawks, dogs, humans,
02:16 or even against harsh weather conditions.
02:19 But what makes this hen a true hero
02:21 is not only did she have to fight a king cobra,
02:23 she also protected the ducklings
02:24 that were present at that time.
02:26 The hen spots the snake from afar
02:27 and alerts the young ones.
02:29 The snake doesn't desist from its quest,
02:31 even though it knows it's been made by the hen.
02:33 The mother hen courageously pecks the snake's head,
02:35 even when she knows a bite from the serpent
02:37 is enough to kill her.
02:38 At long last, the hen, her chicks, and ducklings
02:41 made it out unscathed.
02:43 Number 31, mother dog fights king cobra.
02:47 In a scene that is nothing short of heartbreaking,
02:49 this mother dog fights to save what's left of her pups
02:52 following the attack of a king cobra.
02:54 The dog stands her ground, alerting her owners
02:56 and ensuring the snake doesn't eat any of her pups.
02:59 She fights valiantly, even though she's faced
03:01 with such a venomous enemy.
03:03 (dogs barking)
03:06 Eventually, help comes and the dog
03:13 and what's left of the puppies are rescued.
03:16 Number 30, elephant scares away lion.
03:19 When baby elephants are born,
03:21 they easily weigh over 250 pounds
03:23 and are barely strong enough to walk, let alone run.
03:26 So this lion thought he could have an easy meal
03:28 by attacking the newborn in a sneak attack.
03:31 However, the mother elephant makes him
03:33 and turns to defend her baby.
03:34 The lion bolts into a nearby bush
03:36 to think about what could have been.
03:39 Number 29, seal saves baby from hungry neighbor.
03:43 You know how it's said that witches eat children?
03:45 Well, it seems this other seal has taken a liking
03:47 to this pup and not just for its cuteness,
03:50 but I think it finds pup delicious
03:52 and wouldn't mind swallowing him whole.
03:53 Luckily, this pup's mother was right there
03:55 to protect her pup from such an evil neighbor.
03:58 Number 28, duck sends goal packing.
04:01 Ducks are aggressive,
04:03 but mother ducks take it to another level.
04:05 (man laughing)
04:10 And if you think you could find food for yourself
04:12 where a mother duck and her ducklings are feeding,
04:14 you must have another thing going.
04:16 This goal probably didn't get the memo
04:17 and had to learn the hard way.
04:19 The goal was attacked even before
04:20 it could state its purpose at the place.
04:23 Number 27, pigeon shoo off prying hand.
04:27 If you think a pigeon would never attack you,
04:29 why not try taking its eggs
04:31 and see the ugly side of these seemingly harmless critters?
04:34 I don't know what this man must have been thinking
04:35 to try and interrupt this pigeon while it hatched its eggs.
04:38 The pigeon sure made it clear it didn't wanna be disturbed.
04:42 Number 26, wild pig shows monitor lizard the door.
04:46 Pigs may be filthy animals
04:47 that don't take their personal hygiene very seriously,
04:50 but the one thing they don't joke about
04:51 is the safety of their young.
04:53 So when this monitor lizard wanted to eat this piglet,
04:56 its mom was quick to tell Mr. Monitor Lizard
04:58 to use the door and find something else to eat.
05:01 Number 25, buffalo charges lioness to save her baby.
05:04 This lioness must have thought
05:06 she caught a nice meal for herself after she saw this calf.
05:09 Little did she know that her buffalo counterpart
05:11 wasn't gonna let go of her calf so easily.
05:13 The buffalo comes charging back
05:15 and tosses the lioness in the air like some ragdoll.
05:18 Not once, but twice.
05:19 She then chases the lioness back to her pride.
05:22 I'm sure the lioness must have lost her appetite
05:24 after such an encounter.
05:25 Number 24, lioness protects young Simba.
05:29 It's now time for the lioness to defend her baby,
05:32 and this lioness didn't disappoint.
05:33 She fought bravely against a battalion of wild dogs
05:36 to keep young Simba safe.
05:38 Wave after wave, she fought tearing into any dogs
05:40 that fell into her paws.
05:42 (dogs barking)
05:45 These attacks are common for wild dogs
05:50 as they look to take advantage
05:51 of isolated lions and their babies.
05:54 Luckily, Simba here has got a brave mama.
05:56 Number 23, cougar puts life on the line to save her cubs.
06:01 While these young cubs' mom was away,
06:03 the kids had gotten into a fight
06:04 with the fierce and ruthless bear,
06:06 but mother got there right on time
06:07 before things could get out of hand, or should I say paw?
06:10 The cougar got right in the thick of things
06:12 and wasn't gonna let the bear get off easy.
06:14 He had crossed the line.
06:15 Even after the bear had climbed the tree,
06:17 she still followed him.
06:19 Number 22, honey badger and cub
06:21 walk through the Isle of Lions.
06:24 Honey badgers are fierce animals all day long,
06:26 and lions know better than to make a mess with them.
06:29 How else could you explain how this pair of mother and child
06:32 were able to make it out of that isle alive?
06:34 Even when one of the lions caught the cub,
06:36 the mother had the audacity to challenge the lion
06:38 and free her child from its clutches.
06:41 Number 21, cheetah lures lion away from cubs.
06:45 As soon as this mother cheetah spots the lion,
06:47 she knows it's spelled danger for her young cubs,
06:49 so she quickly charges at the lion
06:51 in an attempt to lure it away from her cubs,
06:53 and her plan worked perfectly.
06:55 The cubs lay quietly in the grasses
06:56 while mama took care of the problem.
06:58 They sure were happy after meeting their mom
07:00 at the rendezvous point.
07:01 Number 20, mother duck fights off crow.
07:04 Ducks are also very aggressive birds,
07:07 as you may have seen earlier in this video.
07:09 However, this time around,
07:10 the duck had gotten a worthy opponent, the relentless cow.
07:13 Crows are known as very bull-headed birds,
07:15 so when this crow set its eyes on one of the duck's kids,
07:18 there's no way it was going to back off easily.
07:20 The crow tries different modes of attack,
07:22 but the mother duck knows all about the crow's annex,
07:25 matching it move for move, like a chess game.
07:28 Only her duckling's lives were at stake.
07:30 Eventually, mother duck wins and guards their kids to safety.
07:33 Number 19, elephant shields calf from tourist.
07:37 You know how mothers get their kids right out of danger
07:39 right before they get into trouble?
07:41 Well, this elephant obviously knows
07:43 how mean people can be to animals,
07:44 and she clearly doesn't want her innocent baby
07:46 going anywhere near humans.
07:48 Did you see how she used her trunk to pull her baby under?
07:51 Such love.
07:52 Number 18, squirrel fights to save her baby.
07:55 This man simply wanted to get rid of the squirrels
07:58 living on his roof,
07:59 but his quest is challenged by an even-spirited mama squirrel.
08:02 Each time her babies called for her,
08:03 she was more than ready to heed,
08:05 even if it meant fighting the man moving her babies.
08:08 After being chased away each time
08:09 she came to retrieve her baby,
08:11 she finally got to take her babies to a new home.
08:20 Number 17, mother giraffe protects baby against five lions.
08:24 Not many animals can come up against
08:26 a hunting pride of lions and make it out alive,
08:28 let alone survive with an offspring by their side.
08:31 But this giraffe is ready to put her kicking skills
08:33 to the work to protect her calf
08:35 from these hungry-looking lions.
08:37 She stumps her legs on the ground
08:38 to remind the lions of her kicking prowess.
08:41 And of course, the mother saves the day again.
08:43 Number 16, bison takes on two wolves.
08:46 When wolves attack bison,
08:49 they seem to look for the weak or the young ones.
08:51 On this occasion, these wolves thought
08:53 they had found their prey after managing to bite a calf
08:55 just behind its mother.
08:56 Although the wolves had bitten the calf,
08:58 and you know how wolves can be after tasting blood,
09:01 the mother refuses to let them have her child.
09:04 She constantly blocks the wolves off
09:06 as they try to go in for the killing blow.
09:08 But it was a kick from the calf itself
09:09 that created an escape window for mother and child.
09:13 Number 15, mother cat tells dog
09:15 to find someone else to play with.
09:17 All this cute dog probably wanted to do was play
09:19 with the little kittens,
09:20 but this protective mom isn't letting any dogs
09:23 near her babies.
09:24 Judging by the not-so-friendly history
09:25 between the two of them,
09:26 a quick swipe to the face of the dog
09:28 was all that was needed to drive her point home.
09:31 I think if the dog wants to play with babies,
09:33 he should go make his own.
09:34 Number 14, hyena tries to take advantage of young giraffe.
09:38 This young giraffe seems to have hurt himself
09:40 one way or another,
09:41 and the hyena wants to make the most of the situation.
09:44 The young giraffe garners all the strength he can
09:46 and runs to mama for protection.
09:48 She looked at his leg and told him
09:49 everything was gonna be okay.
09:56 Number 13, rhino protects baby from hyenas.
10:00 Hyenas have earned a damning reputation
10:02 of preying on young animals,
10:04 and this time they have their eyes set on a young rhino.
10:06 The hyenas kept tailing the mother and child,
10:09 looking for the right moment to attack the baby,
10:14 but the mother is equal to the task,
10:16 shielding her child all the way.
10:18 Number 12, protective mother goose pecks dog in the face.
10:22 Check out how this mother goose quickly tells this dog
10:24 not to mess with her family.
10:25 The dog got a little too curious
10:27 and got a peck in the face for his troubles.
10:29 Number 11, duck takes no chances.
10:32 This mother duck isn't taking any chances
10:35 when it comes to her ducklings and goals.
10:37 Even the presence of the goal in the sky
10:39 wasn't enough to set the duck off.
10:41 So, as soon as the goal tries to land on the water,
10:44 it's scent packing.
10:46 Number 10, goose wants turf for her kids.
10:48 This goose is every mother
10:51 when it comes to securing something for her kids.
10:53 She sends all the pigeons away
10:55 so her kids can have the turf to themselves
10:57 and not have to share with any pigeon.
10:59 Number nine, mother deer charges house owner.
11:02 When this deer and her calf
11:04 wandered into this man's property,
11:06 she knew they were in trouble,
11:07 but this mother isn't gonna sulk and be scared.
11:09 She's gonna stand strong and charge at the owner
11:11 to keep him away from her calf.
11:13 Number eight, cow goes mad at farmer.
11:16 Not all animals are cool with people touching their young,
11:20 even if that person owns them.
11:22 This cow goes mad at the farmer after he takes her calf.
11:25 The farmer drops the calf,
11:26 but it's a little too late for that now
11:28 as he gets head butted out of the enclosure.
11:31 Number seven, duck teaches goal a lesson.
11:33 Goals never seem to learn to stay away from ducks,
11:37 especially those with babies.
11:39 Well, this one was taught a lesson
11:40 it's not gonna forget in a hurry.
11:42 While other goals got away with just a mild warning.
11:50 This guy was attacked and almost drowned
11:53 by a mother duck protecting her ducklings.
11:55 Number six, mother rabbit wrestles snake.
11:58 When this mother rabbit returns
12:00 and sees that a snake has got her babies
12:02 under a stranglehold,
12:04 she doesn't hesitate to go to war
12:05 with the serpent to free her bunnies.
12:07 Check out how she fearlessly wrestles the snake
12:09 after she has freed her babies.
12:11 She then teaches the snake never to mess with the bunnies,
12:13 regardless of how cute or harmless they look
12:16 as it slithers away.
12:17 Talk about risking it all.
12:19 Number five, goose takes on giraffe.
12:21 If you thought height would ever stop a mother
12:24 from protecting her child,
12:26 you probably haven't met this goose.
12:28 The mother and her gooselings were having a walk
12:30 when she noticed a towering giraffe behind her.
12:32 She immediately attacks the giraffe,
12:34 not regarding the sheer height advantage
12:35 or the fact that giraffes have no business
12:37 harming a goose or its gooselings.
12:39 She's one aggressive mama.
12:41 Number four, mother elephant lends a trunk.
12:43 Baby elephants can walk almost immediately
12:47 after they are born.
12:48 However, this calf isn't quite getting the hang of it.
12:51 Check out how quickly mother elephant rushes over
12:53 to help the young lad make its first steps.
12:55 Aw, so cute.
12:57 Number three, raccoon defends baby.
12:59 Raccoons can be many things,
13:02 but one thing I bet you didn't know is that they are caring.
13:05 When they got too close to its baby,
13:07 this raccoon didn't hesitate to attack the person
13:09 with the camera.
13:10 That's a sight you don't see every day with these critters.
13:13 Number two, zebra takes on herd leader.
13:17 A weird tradition exists between zebras
13:19 that sees the new leader kill off any offspring
13:22 that is not of his bloodline.
13:23 The new leader tries drowning the poor baby zebra
13:25 by the pool.
13:26 Luckily, the baby zebra is one tough foal.
13:28 As soon as it manages to get out of the river,
13:31 the mother joins in to save her precious baby.
13:33 The battle continues with the leader
13:35 trying to kill the baby by all means,
13:36 but the mother keeps pushing him off balance.
13:39 In the end, the mother lands a kick on the leader
13:41 and she and her baby are safe, at least for now.
13:45 Number one, rat saves baby from being lunch.
13:48 Our number one pick for today
13:50 features the bravest rat I've ever seen.
13:52 This rat wouldn't let the snake leave her baby.
13:54 She bravely fights the snake
13:56 as it makes a way with the little pup
13:57 and rescues it from being lunch.
13:59 After the battle,
14:00 the victorious mother picks up her pup and heads home.
14:03 I wonder how the snake was able to steal the baby
14:05 in the first place.
14:06 And we've come to the end
14:07 of another exciting episode of "Forever Green."
14:09 We do hope you had fun watching the video.
14:11 Which of these mothers was the bravest for you?
14:14 And if you don't mind, we'd like to know
14:15 some of the bravest things your mom has done for you.
14:17 Let us know in the comments below.
14:19 Don't forget to like the video and subscribe to our channel.
14:22 Thanks so much for watching and see you around.
