These Cute Baby Animals Will Make You Go Aww With Their Loveliness

  • last year
00:00 Okay, so you've seen some cute animal videos in the past, but I bet you haven't witnessed
00:05 the bundle of cuteness the animals in this video have got to offer.
00:10 We've got the cutest of the lot, from the epitomes of cuteness, aka bunnies, to a baby
00:15 goat that just wants to play with its young owner, to pet foxes that crave tickling in
00:20 the cutest way.
00:22 Here are the cutest animals in the world that will make you go "Aww".
00:27 Number 1.
00:28 Ever thought about what you should do if you accidentally meet a bear on the street?
00:33 Not the teddy bear, I mean the real one.
00:37 Act like you're frozen.
00:38 Bear would consider you dead or just a not very tasty rock and leave.
00:43 Does it really work?
00:45 Here's proof it does.
00:48 Number 2.
00:50 Foxes are considered the somewhat entertainers of the animal world.
00:54 They look adorable and love to cuddle, but don't get too charmed because they're still
00:58 predators and barely ever get domesticated.
01:02 Plus, they have this bizarre laugh.
01:09 Number 3.
01:11 This baby koala must have considered a boy a tree or maybe even his mama and began climbing
01:17 him.
01:18 But the boy wasn't happy about it.
01:20 No wonder why.
01:22 Koalas have very long nails and rough pads on their front and back feet to give them
01:27 a good grip.
01:29 Maybe this interrogation was like getting a grip from Wolverine himself.
01:33 Number 4.
01:35 Here's the best way to teach your child responsibility.
01:38 Make them feed baby birds three times per week.
01:42 You'll have 100% self-made parent material when they grow up.
01:46 That's what I call home studying.
01:49 Number 5.
01:50 Baby goat tries to communicate with baby human.
01:53 The cuteness level has reached an all-time high.
01:57 At first, baby human seems scared but quickly learns baby goats are entirely harmless and
02:03 just want to have fun.
02:06 Number 6.
02:08 This wild fox is brave enough to mess with a photographer.
02:12 Don't know what triggers it more, the curiousness of the situation or the delicious chocolate
02:16 bar in the man's pocket.
02:18 Either way, it rewards the man's calmness by posing for a few incredible photo bombs.
02:24 Looking forward to the new Animal Planet edition.
02:28 Number 7.
02:29 Another cute queen of the animal world, squirrels are always charming, both babies and grown-ups.
02:37 Some may cause drama by occupying your home roof.
02:40 Still, either way, you can always build a long-term friendship with them by supplying
02:45 enough nuts for these babies before winter.
02:50 Number 8.
02:51 I thought this could only happen in the fairy tale.
02:54 A princess-looking girl petting a bambi while the splendid waterfall runs in the back.
03:01 This deserves the Video of the Year award.
03:05 Number 9.
03:07 Another interspecies communication establishment run by a baby human and alpacas.
03:13 Look at all these curious alpacas seeing human babies for the first time.
03:17 Probably even more curious than the baby itself.
03:21 Number 10.
03:22 A sleepy, cuddling, cute little bunny the size of a girl's hand.
03:27 The best video to send to your loved ones.
03:30 That's why I'm sending it to you, my dearest subscribers.
03:34 Number 11.
03:35 What's that furry gray thing in the hands of the woman?
03:38 Another cute bomb bunny.
03:40 Quick, supply it with enough carrots so it can grow 10 times its size.
03:45 Number 12.
03:47 These creatures have conquered the internet recently and there's no wonder why.
03:51 There's probably no one in the animal world as friendly and communicative as a capybara.
03:57 It can become friends with predators, plant-eaters, and even humans.
04:02 And they love to cuddle.
04:04 But who doesn't?
04:06 Number 13.
04:07 This baby turtle is a tickler.
04:10 You probably always thought turtles don't feel when you touch their shell, but they love
04:14 when you clean it.
04:24 Number 14.
04:25 Now that's how I want to start every Monday.
04:28 Or maybe every morning.
04:30 Sunny vibes, having a picnic with my furry grass-eating friend.
04:34 Life is worth living for these exact moments.
04:39 Number 15.
04:40 Next time you meet a deer on the road, don't think twice.
04:43 Stop by and give it a carrot.
04:46 As a reward, this furry giant will let you cuddle with it.
04:49 A moment of life you'll tell to your grandchildren guaranteed.
04:54 Number 16.
04:55 This girl learned how to communicate with big animals so early.
05:00 The moment you don't really know who enjoys more, a baby girl or a grown-up horse.
05:05 I mean, look how it smiles.
05:08 Number 17.
05:09 I've always considered lions to be the coolest animals.
05:13 Always chill, huge and deadly, they remain kings of the animal world for a reason.
05:20 And that's why people who manage to become friends with lions are kings too.
05:24 They probably know each other for years, which makes this video even cozier.
05:31 Number 18.
05:33 This girl wanted a pony for her birthday, and she got it.
05:36 Dreams come true if you behave well and love your parents.
05:41 Number 19.
05:43 What can be better than petting a capybara?
05:46 Petting two of them at once.
05:48 If you ever want to get one as a pet, remember that one costs about $1,000 to $3,000, and
05:54 you have to buy at least two at a time.
05:57 Well, I'll have to skip Starbucks coffee for a few months or years.
06:02 Number 20.
06:04 Another cuddling water creature for you to be friends with.
06:07 They can easily fight for the title of cutest animal of 2023 with capybaras.
06:13 Too bad they cost the same.
06:14 If you ever hear about a madman breaking into your local zoo and stealing otters, that's
06:19 not me.
06:21 Number 21.
06:22 Cute animals for cuddles don't have to cost a lot.
06:25 If you're light on pocket money, just get yourself a goose.
06:29 If you treat them well, they'll still love you.
06:32 Number 22.
06:33 Not every cat loves when you cuddle its ears, but this one indeed does.
06:39 What breed is this?
06:40 Anyone know?
06:41 It's big, too.
06:42 I'd like to get one as a pet.
06:45 Number 23.
06:47 Not only do these big cats love to cuddle, but they also love to have kisses, too.
06:53 A great option if you love animals.
06:56 Just make sure it doesn't lick its genitals beforehand.
07:00 Number 24.
07:01 These mammals get a deficient level of cuddles, which is a big problem we have to solve.
07:07 Seriously speaking.
07:13 Seeing a blue whale is already a hugely lucky experience only a few get in their whole lives.
07:20 So if you manage to see it, you can consider yourself a chosen one.
07:25 Number 25.
07:27 Luckily, you can always cuddle with a more miniature swimming mammal.
07:32 Although belugas are rare, you can always find them in your local oceanarium.
07:37 For a big please, you'll definitely manage to pet one or even give it a delicious snack.
07:44 Number 26.
07:46 I want to buy myself a big farm when I get old.
07:50 Not for the swagger, just to have enough space for all the baby animals I can purchase and
07:55 cuddle with.
07:56 Can you imagine this cutie growing up and weighing tons?
08:00 I can't.
08:03 Number 27.
08:05 If you want to be lucky like this fella and get a chance to cuddle with parrots, here's
08:09 a hint.
08:10 Wear the same color shirt as the parrots.
08:12 They'll consider you their mama and give you all their love.
08:16 Remember the crackers, too.
08:20 Number 28.
08:21 Another lucky kid cuddling with Bambi.
08:24 I can never get enough of it.
08:26 I'll definitely make my grandchildren cuddle with all the animals I have at my farm.
08:32 Because this is worth much more than a luxurious sports car or a weekend in Dubai.
08:44 Number 29.
08:45 Now that cute kitty would be harder to buy, if even possible.
08:51 But man, look how furry they are.
08:53 Remind me of Samoyed dogs.
08:56 But don't get too charmed by its looks.
08:58 Never try to cuddle with this one without a specialist nearby.
09:03 Number 30.
09:05 If you wonder how this woman can be so lucky to have giraffes on her balcony, I'll tell
09:10 you a secret.
09:12 You can book a hotel where meetings with giraffes on the terrace are included in the price.
09:18 Now that's surely on my bucket list.
09:23 Number 31.
09:24 Talking about Samoyed, not only is this one a great friend, but he's also a great gym
09:31 partner.
09:32 I don't want to sound inappropriate, but I'm not sure whom I want more on my farm.
09:36 This dog or this girl.
09:38 Sorry, I couldn't keep it inside.
09:41 Number 32.
09:43 Dolphins are another great animal to play with.
09:46 They're knowledgeable and supportive.
09:48 I've heard many horror stories about how dolphins can get so excited by playing with you that
09:53 they can accidentally kill you.
09:56 But dying while playing with dolphins doesn't sound that bad at all.
10:00 I'd love it to be written on my gravestone.
10:10 Number 33.
10:12 Sea fish can become your friend if you have enough worms in your pocket, which is proven
10:17 by this video.
10:19 Make sure not to put these worms in your pockets or your swimsuit will be destroyed.
10:25 Number 34.
10:27 Now that's one hungry and bratty baby.
10:29 Well, if your baby ever gets that big, it'll be hard to keep it well-mannered.
10:33 Look at the size of this pup.
10:36 And it's probably around a year old, maybe less.
10:41 I'm not sure if I ever save enough pocket money to handle these babies on my animal
10:45 farm.
10:47 Number 35.
10:49 When you imagine a tiger, you probably think of some huge predator, king of the jungles.
10:54 Not a small, cute, cuddling kitty cat.
10:57 But hey, we've all been babies before.
11:01 Everyone should have a proper childhood, even animals.
11:05 Number 36.
11:06 Judging by the looks of this fella, he just woke up after a hangover in the middle of
11:11 nowhere wondering how the hell he got there and where all his drinking buddies are.
11:17 Drink responsibly, amigos.
11:19 Number 37.
11:21 If you have a bad day or you've been having depressing thoughts for some time now, go
11:26 outside, find a fluffy lamb and cuddle with it.
11:30 I've never heard of a depression that couldn't be healed by a healthy dose of animal cuddling.
11:36 Number 38.
11:38 Raccoons can get messy when you give them access to your dumpster.
11:43 But they can also become great pet buddies.
11:46 But make sure to buy one officially, not grab a random one from your nearest dumpster.
11:50 I'm serious.
11:52 Number 39.
11:54 Everyone loves scratches, especially baby alligators.
11:58 I mean, who can give them a healthy dose of back scratching?
12:02 I know I want one too.
12:03 Should I be a baby alligator to get them?
12:06 Or a huge toothbrush should be enough?
12:09 Number 40.
12:10 Now that's an animal I want on my farm.
12:13 Not only is it big and fluffy, but you can save on winter heating by just sleeping in
12:18 its wool.
12:19 Plus, even those of your cold-hearted friends who never cared about animals will be inspired
12:24 by the size of this creature's horns.
12:28 Number 41.
12:30 How can such a cute creature also be extremely delicious simultaneously?
12:35 Joking, animal lovers.
12:38 I won't dare to eat a cow now.
12:40 At least today.
12:42 Number 42.
12:44 There's a place in Thailand where you can enjoy quality cuddling with elephants.
12:49 Is this place called heaven?
12:51 Should be.
12:52 Elephants there are kept in their natural habitat and don't get abused by humans.
12:57 So that's an elephant heaven too.
12:59 Did you know these mighty creatures consider humans as kittens?
13:06 Number 43.
13:08 Horses are super intelligent.
13:10 This one surely understands it deals with a baby human.
13:14 Although the baby's movements are still shaky, the horse trusts it.
13:19 This baby can't hurt me, the horse thinks.
13:22 We see a friendship that will last for years.
13:26 Number 44.
13:28 Don't you just hate it when you're watching a movie with your friend or a loved one and
13:32 they fall asleep right in the beginning?
13:35 If you don't have such people in your life, you're that person.
13:39 Come on, being a meerkat isn't an excuse to fall asleep on your friend's favorite
13:43 scene.
13:45 Number 45.
13:47 Stay calm, parents.
13:48 Your daughter will be saved with such a bodyguard in her life.
13:52 No annoying boyfriends in your house, guaranteed.
13:56 Maybe no boyfriends at all, but perhaps that's even better for her.
14:01 Number 46.
14:03 Who said warthogs can't behave like dogs?
14:06 Pumbaa learned some manners.
14:07 Well, of course, for a pack of delicious snacks, I'd do anything too.
14:12 Just make sure it's Cheetos with extra cheese.
14:16 Number 47.
14:18 Cows are the ultimate stress destroyers, no matter their size.
14:23 This one is probably 10 times bigger than her owner, which means 10 times more love.
14:30 Number 48.
14:31 More great proof that you can become friends with any animal out there.
14:36 This birdie looks menacing, but don't judge it by its appearance.
14:40 It can give as many cuddles as your regular pup.
14:44 Yet again, make sure you have enough worms with you.
14:48 Number 49.
14:49 If you ask me where you can get the best cappuccino with milk in town, I'll show you this video.
14:55 Less stress than a regular coffee, but much more energy boost.
15:00 Number 50.
15:02 Who could become your best friend?
15:04 Anyone you open your big heart to.
15:07 Let these creatures inside and you'll be grateful for the rest of your life.
15:12 Number 51.
15:14 This kitty's purr sounds ominous, but that's the purr of enjoyment.
15:18 Nothing better than sharing kisses with your best pal.
15:22 Even if your best pal is a dangerous predator.
15:25 We've already learned not to judge by looks.
15:28 Number 52.
15:30 Ever called a regular day when a wolf asks for cuddles, but you ignore it just to tease
15:35 a little?
15:36 Then your life is definitely worth living.
15:39 I could never tease a wolf like that.
15:41 What if it barks?
15:43 I demand the cuddles, hooman.
15:47 Number 53.
15:49 This guy has the best job out there.
15:52 First it was one big furry puss, now an even bigger one.
15:57 And everyone loves him.
15:59 Just came out with a perfect plan.
16:01 Move to Africa to work with wild animals and save the money for the animal farm.
16:07 One ticket to Africa, please.
16:09 Number 54.
16:11 Ever get in a situation when a lion chases your truck?
16:14 Wonder what it wants?
16:16 Some belly cuddles.
16:18 Don't get shy.
16:19 Next time, stop and give this kitten its petting.
16:23 Number 55.
16:24 Here's an ultimate guide on how to treat a lady.
16:29 Give her enough attention, kisses and cuddles.
16:32 Walk with her in a park.
16:34 And make sure to keep her fed up.
16:36 Healthy relationships are guaranteed.
16:40 Number 56.
16:42 Classic moment.
16:43 When you're in the kitchen and your kitty comes, being so friendly and touching.
16:48 Of course it wants food.
16:50 But not only that.
16:52 I'm sure kitties are soulful and love cuddles with their humans.
16:56 But not all of them.
16:57 I know mine looks at me like the food delivery guy.
17:01 Number 57.
17:03 Now here's a trick on how to make your spring chicken fall asleep quick.
17:07 Never asked for it?
17:09 Then what the hell are you doing on the internet if not this?
17:13 Number 58.
17:14 Look, that's the guy who delivered mail to Harry Potter.
17:18 You can also call it an Oreo ice cream.
17:21 It doesn't mind.
17:22 But make sure to give it some scratches and worms before calling it that.
17:27 Number 59.
17:28 Hey, don't touch my belly when I'm full after Burger King.
17:32 You can scratch my jaw though.
17:34 Yes, that's the spot.
17:36 Number 60.
17:37 Now if you ask Berbers who are the best friends of humans, they won't say dogs, they'll say
17:43 camels.
17:44 And here's the reason.
17:47 These guys don't need much water and food.
17:50 They can carry you and your luggage.
17:52 And they're also the perfect stress release.
17:56 Number 61.
17:57 Look at the smile of this buddy.
18:00 He definitely enjoys the cuddles as much as the girl.
18:04 Or maybe more.
18:06 Number 62.
18:08 You can cuddle with an otter.
18:09 But why not cuddle with both of them simultaneously?
18:13 If you ever get such an opportunity, take it.
18:17 Number 63.
18:18 Man, sometimes I wish I could be a small child holding my parents' hands who sing me a song.
18:24 And I immediately fall asleep seeing sweet dreams.
18:28 At least I can do the same now with donkeys and basically any cuddling animal out there.
18:33 Being grown up rocks too.
18:36 Number 64.
18:37 Now that's who definitely loves kisses.
18:40 Anteater.
18:41 You get kisses, cuddles, and a free bugs in the hair check on a session with an anteater.
18:46 Shut up and take my money.
18:49 Number 65.
18:51 Respect should be met by both animals and humans.
18:55 As you can clearly see, animals can give respect too.
18:59 Number 66.
19:01 Finally, we have a teddy bear in this video.
19:04 Only in the Russia edition, of course.
19:07 This buddy is a bit shy at first, but after a teddy gets his dose of grapes and jelly,
19:12 they finally become friends.
19:14 Now I know where I'll spend my winter vacation.
19:18 Number 67.
19:20 Thanksgiving has passed and this turkey comes to hug his human and thank it for surviving
19:25 this year.
19:26 Wait before celebrating, New Year's dinner's coming.
19:30 Number 68.
19:31 When you and your best friend meet each other after a day of separation, that's a feeling
19:36 worth living.
19:37 Animal friend counts as a best friend too.
19:41 Number 69.
19:42 This distinguished ostrich learned to be a gentleman the hard way.
19:47 No peanuts for those who don't know manners.
19:50 But when you learn them, you're guaranteed a dozen just for sitting in front of a human.
19:55 And they say animals live in bad conditions.
19:58 Definitely not this fella.
20:01 Number 70.
20:02 That's the moment when you give scratches to a hundred-year-old creature and hit the
20:06 spot.
20:08 They surely both enjoyed this meeting.
20:11 Number 71.
20:13 When your mom asks you to smile in a family picture, come on man, give some effort.
20:19 You don't want to see your cringy fake smiling face in a family album ten years later.
20:24 Number 72.
20:26 If you don't have a friend to enjoy a beautiful sunset with, you can always do it with your
20:31 furry friends.
20:33 That's what animals are made for, after all.
20:35 To be friends with humans.
20:53 (upbeat music)
