The Surfer Wasn't Aware Of This Shark!

  • last year
00:00 If you love your sun and surf, then you know that you would do anything to spend your vacation
00:04 at the beach.
00:05 It's the perfect destination when you want to have some fun and relax at the same time.
00:10 You get to watch beautiful sunsets and sunrise, walk and play on the sandy shore and enjoy
00:14 a good swim in the cool, pleasant waters.
00:17 What's not to love about beaches?
00:20 Apparently, plenty.
00:22 Hazards and dangers lie in some of these beaches that could potentially ruin your entire vacation.
00:29 Or worse, kill you.
00:31 Hello guys, welcome to another episode of Forever Green.
00:35 In this video, we explore the 15 most dangerous beaches in the world.
00:40 And you should stick around for number 1, as we will show you the perfect example of
00:45 good looks can be deceiving, as some of them are the most beautiful yet the most deadly.
00:52 Number 15, Hanakapai Beach.
00:55 Hanakapai Beach is nestled in the Nepali coast of Kauai in Hawaii.
01:00 It is embossed with hauntingly beautiful golden sands, black cliff, and of course, the infinite
01:06 blue ocean.
01:07 The Kauai paradise lacks a main access road and can only be accessed via a long hike.
01:13 Those who are daring enough to go there have to maneuver boulders, zigzag paths, and formidable
01:19 waterfalls and rivers.
01:21 Unfortunately, you can't treat yourself to a refreshing swim when you get there.
01:25 This is because these breathtaking waters have very powerful riptides that have been
01:29 known to pull swimmers out to sea into their own deaths.
01:33 The alluring waters lack a coral reef that is meant to protect the area from these dangerous
01:38 waves.
01:39 The closest safe shore is about 6 miles away with no lifeguards present at the beach.
01:43 And this is why more than 83 deaths have been reported here.
01:47 Since people like to risk anyway, every year a sign at the Hanakapai Beach is constantly
01:52 updated with a list of people that have lost their lives there.
01:55 Believe me, you are better off just enjoying your cold shower at home rather than risking
02:00 a swim out here.
02:02 Number 14.
02:04 Euclid Beach.
02:05 Euclid Beach sits north of the Arctic Circle, under the magnificent northern lights, in
02:10 the north ways Lofton Island.
02:13 It is a dry, chill land and is nothing but amazeballs.
02:17 It is dangerous for its extremely cold waters.
02:20 This romantic rocky beach experiences life-threatening temperatures of about 8 to 14 degrees Celsius
02:26 in the summer.
02:28 Resist the temptation to skinny dip in these waters as exposure to such temperatures is
02:32 enough to offset hypothermia within a short stretch of time.
02:37 Number 13.
02:38 Boa Vigem Beach.
02:39 The Boa Vigem Beach is found in Brazil and boasts a 4,500 miles of coastline.
02:45 It is among the most stunning and most photographed beaches on the planet.
02:49 The Boa Vigem Beach used to be a favorite to many surfers until shark attacks started
02:53 being reported in the area.
02:55 It has since had one of the highest rates of shark attacks.
02:58 More than 56 attacks have been reported and 37% of these victims have lost their lives.
03:03 Sharks migrate through a channel off the coast as they hunt in the surrounding shallow waters.
03:08 The sharks have become so many that they have caused havoc on the normal marine life, leaving
03:12 no more food for themselves and thus feeding on the surfers.
03:17 Number 12.
03:19 Skeleton Coast.
03:21 While in Namibia, the Skeleton Coast will treat your eyes to spectacular sand dunes
03:25 and an incredible blue sea.
03:27 But that's not all.
03:28 True to its name, it is filled with all manner of skeletons and rusty, wrecked ships.
03:34 Those who have surfed here swear that the Bengala Current forms the strongest surf and
03:38 longest barrel.
03:39 However, as much as many have sailed here, only a few have returned.
03:43 Its harsh climate and lack of other water sources have turned this beach into an animal
03:47 graveyard.
03:49 At this secluded, scenic beach, whether you are in the water or on land, you are not safe
03:54 at all.
03:55 If the deadly Bengala Current does not drown you, the wild animals will pick up from where
03:59 the waves left off.
04:01 The Portuguese navigators did not name it the Gates of Hell for nothing, as the waters
04:05 are infested with 11 different species of sharks, and the land full of lions, hyenas,
04:12 and other predators that patrol the beach and prey on unsuspecting guests.
04:16 Still want to visit?
04:18 Thought so too.
04:20 Number 11.
04:21 Fraser Island.
04:23 Fraser Island is an ecotourism destination found in Australia.
04:28 It's dangerous for its waters that are brimming with sharks and salty water crocodiles.
04:33 Irukandji, the most venomous type of jellyfish in the world, is also found here.
04:38 Its sting is known to cause hellish abdominal pains, anxiety, vomiting, pulmonary edema,
04:44 profuse sweating, and hypertension and, in rare cases, fatal cardiac arrests.
04:50 Fraser Island's alluring waters also have powerful riptides that could easily drown
04:55 you.
04:56 25 to 30 packs of Australian wild dogs, known as dingoes, roam around this beach and are
05:01 known to attack humans without a flinch, completely unprovoked.
05:06 There are no medical facilities around here, so think again before you decide to visit
05:10 this beach.
05:11 And if you think that the Fraser Island is that treacherous, then number one is the ultimate
05:16 savage of all beaches.
05:19 Number 10.
05:20 Bikini Atoll.
05:21 Bikini Atoll Beach sits in the South Pacific U.S. Marshall Islands in Micronesia.
05:27 Unlike other beaches, the Bikini Atoll has no sharks, predators, crime, and its waters
05:32 certainly don't swell to risky levels.
05:34 However, it is dangerous for its extensive amounts of radiation, which are as a result
05:40 of nuclear weapons testing that was conducted here between 1946 to 1958.
05:46 Years later, it has been reported that Bikini Atoll is still radioactive.
05:50 The beach is open to tourists, but the visits are limited.
05:53 Due to the radiation contamination, you cannot enjoy coconuts or other edibles from this
05:57 beach.
05:58 While taking a vacation in Micronesia, consider visiting one of the other 600+ islands for
06:04 a more enjoyable experience.
06:08 Number 9.
06:09 Copacabana Beach.
06:11 Copacabana Beach is one of Brazil's beaches whose untamed beauty cannot be found anywhere
06:16 else in the world.
06:17 The dangers in this beach are not in its marine life or predators lurking around, neither
06:22 in strong currents.
06:24 Its main danger is petty crime, theft to be precise.
06:28 If you know what's good for you, you will leave your valuables at home if you intend
06:32 to visit Copacabana Beach.
06:34 Too bad you won't have any photos for the 'gram.
06:37 Due to the tons of tourists that flock this beach, it is also said to have high bacteria
06:42 in the water and sandy shore.
06:46 Before we move on, here's a quick challenge for you.
06:49 If you can leave a like on this video, smash that subscribe button, and turn on the notifications
06:53 in less than 5 seconds, you will have 10 years of amazing luck.
06:57 Hurry up and try it.
06:59 It actually works.
07:02 Number 8.
07:03 Gansbae Beach.
07:04 Gansbae Beach is well known for its laid-back beauty, sugary sand, and sparkling, crystal-clear
07:10 waters.
07:11 So, where does the danger lie, you may ask?
07:15 Those who have been here refer to Gansbae Beach as an aquatic playground.
07:19 Sadly, not yours, but for the Great White Sharks.
07:23 A few miles away from the coast lies a narrow channel between two offshore islands, commonly
07:28 known as Shark Alley.
07:30 And this is why the beach has been nicknamed as "The Great White Shark Capital of the
07:34 World."
07:35 Gansbae Beach calls for no messing around.
07:38 The Great White Sharks are in large numbers between the months of April and September,
07:43 just in time to make a meal off 60,000 Cape Fur Sea Lions.
07:47 If you are a thrill-seeker, or if you enjoy tempting fate, then I have some good news
07:51 for you.
07:52 While at Gansbae Beach, you can get the opportunity to go for a shark cage diving experience.
07:57 You will get to interact and see eye-to-eye with the Great White Shark at the safety of
08:00 iron shark-proof cages.
08:02 But going to the water by yourself is tempting the gods.
08:05 You might end up walking into your death.
08:08 If you manage, do tell us about your shark cage diving experience in the comments section.
08:14 7.
08:15 Mindanao Islands
08:18 The Mindanao Islands is a breathtaking beach found in the Philippines.
08:22 You'd probably want to enjoy its sandy beaches and clear, pleasant waters that are best for
08:27 snorkeling.
08:28 But this beach is one that you should avoid at all costs.
08:31 You do not want to get caught up in the war between the armed militants and government
08:35 troops.
08:36 Even worse is that you would want to add to the number of tourists that have been kidnapped
08:39 by terrorist groups at the beach.
08:42 6.
08:44 Amazon River Beaches
08:47 The Amazon River beaches are found in Brazil.
08:49 It is the perfect ecotourism destination as it is enriched with 2,500 fish species, which
08:55 according to Discover Peru, some of these are yet to be discovered.
08:59 It has also been found to be the perfect breeding spot for anacondas, electric eels, red-bellied
09:04 piranhas and kandaroo.
09:07 You cannot dare cool off from the intense heat of the Amazon in this river.
09:11 Unless of course you would like to be under the mercy of the sharp teeth of piranhas or
09:14 kandaroo which enter the human body using any opening.
09:18 Yes, any opening.
09:21 Still want to visit?
09:22 Let us know in the comments section below.
09:26 5.
09:27 Reunion Island
09:29 Reunion Island is a French territory found off the coast of Madagascar.
09:34 This tropical getaway was once a favorite to many surfers.
09:38 It later on turned to a ghost town.
09:41 This is because of the sharp rise in the number of sudden shark attacks that have been reported.
09:45 In 2011, there were 20 shark attacks that were recorded.
09:48 The death toll of those suffering from shark bites increased significantly.
09:53 It didn't get any better as in February 2017.
09:56 Yet another surfer succumbed to the shark attacks.
10:00 This has extensively crippled the local tourism and shrunk the local economy at large.
10:04 On the upside, its natural beauty has been restored and preserved.
10:09 4.
10:11 Kalau Beaches
10:13 These mind-blowing Kalau beaches are found in Hawaii and rest close to the deadly, still
10:19 active Kalau volcano.
10:21 It boasts of stunning pure black sands and a crystal clear sea.
10:24 Since 1983, the Kalau volcano has erupted almost continuously and even explosively erupted
10:30 in May 2018 leaving homes destroyed, many families displaced, and even closure of part
10:36 of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park.
10:38 The Kalau volcano spews hot lava up to 6.5 miles into the ocean.
10:44 This causes the water to boil and steam to more than 100 degrees Celsius as it cools
10:48 the hot lava into a rock.
10:50 It is important to keep a safe distance of the Kalau beaches as well as be on the lookout
10:56 for you don't want to be burnt to ash by the magma.
11:00 3.
11:02 Stathes Beach
11:04 Most beaches are beautiful but dangerous, but not Stathes Beach.
11:09 This North Sea beach found in Yorkshire, UK is both filthy and dangerous.
11:14 It is also not only filthy because of natural causes but unfortunately also because of poor
11:19 decisions made by man.
11:21 It is known to have a considerable amount of unsafe pollution level which is due to
11:24 garbage and farm sewage that is deposited along the shore, in the harbors and sea.
11:30 It is so filthy that swimming is prohibited lest you risk suffering from E. coli, hepatitis
11:36 A, meningitis or typhoid.
11:38 I bet you wouldn't want to experience such beach misery.
11:42 It is hands down one of the most inhospitable beaches.
11:45 The good news is that the government had put measures to make it more welcoming.
11:49 If you happen to have visited this beach recently, please let us know if things have changed
11:54 for the better.
11:56 2.
11:58 Cape of Tribulation
12:00 The Cape of Tribulation is found at the coast of Queensland.
12:04 The name itself should serve as a warning as this beach comes with a lot of trouble
12:09 and is definitely not ideal for those seeking to relax.
12:13 The Cape of Tribulation is bordered by a dense rainforest and is home to exotic fauna and
12:17 flora, magnificent sandy belt, palm trees as well as appealing aquamarine waters.
12:24 It is however filled with numerous booby traps from saltwater crocodiles to stinging box
12:29 jellyfish.
12:30 It is not the beach for your summer holidays as this beach is filled with stinging jellyfish
12:34 during that time of the year.
12:36 You better be on your best stinger suit.
12:38 The last thing you want is to be stung by a jellyfish.
12:41 It is so bad that the beach is fitted with vinegar spots that help soothe your sting
12:46 before you get further medical assistance.
12:49 Venomous snakes have also been spotted in the area.
12:52 As if that is not bad enough, the scariest birds on the planet are found here.
12:56 They are better known as cassowaries and are giant flightless birds as big as ostriches
13:01 and can weigh up to 160 pounds.
13:04 They have sharp talons that can easily rip your whole body apart and are very aggressive
13:08 when provoked.
13:10 To add insult to injury, this beach is famous for the infamous stinging trees.
13:14 Yes, you heard that right, trees.
13:18 These trees have jagged leaves whose sting can cause pain that lasts for 30 awful minutes
13:22 or more and can stain your skin for up to 6 months.
13:26 If any of these happens to you, you will never forget this beach for sure.
13:32 It's now time for today's subscriber pick.
13:35 Today's photo was sent to us by a subscriber wondering about the location of this beach
13:38 where as captured, the surfers are unaware of the looming danger posed by the great white
13:42 shark.
13:43 If you come across a mysterious photo online and want us to look into it, just send it
13:48 over and we may even feature it on a future video.
13:51 Now, we looked into this picture and are excited to reveal to you that there indeed exists
13:56 such a beach where daredevil surfers become the next meal for the perfectly hidden sharks
14:01 in the tides.
14:02 And this takes us to our number one, Playa Zipalit.
14:07 Playa Zipalit Beach is found along the west coast off Mexico and is endowed with ravishing
14:13 rocky hillsides and sandy rugged coast.
14:17 This secluded, calm beach with a deadly reputation, literally, was once a popular spot among backpackers.
14:25 Due to its fierce riptides, it was nicknamed Playa de los Muertos to mean "Beach of Death."
14:32 And if this does not raise alarm, I don't know what else will.
14:35 The deaths due to drowning were so rampant that a lifeguard team had to be established
14:39 by volunteers in 1995.
14:41 Even worse, more than 56 deaths have been reported here following significant rise in
14:46 shark attacks.
14:47 Even the lifeguards have to train in the pools and never in the sea.
14:50 The high number of sharks is due to the migration that occurs half a mile off the coast.
14:55 It is glorified as Mexico's only nude beach, so enjoy the sunbathing, but resist the temptation
15:00 to go to Skinny Dip lest you be a meal to those hungry sharks.
15:05 And that's it for the 15 most dangerous beaches in the world.
15:09 Which of these places would you risk to visit?
15:11 Let us know in the comments below.
15:13 And if you liked this video, you should definitely check out our video on 10 weirdest places
15:17 on planet Earth.
15:18 Thanks for watching guys!
