The Largest Animals Ever Caught On Camera - Part 3

  • last year
00:00 Mother Nature can bring us animals of all shapes, sizes and types.
00:04 In today's video, you'll see the absolute monsters of our world that people randomly
00:09 captured on camera.
00:11 Some of them have broken world records so big you could only dream about seeing them
00:16 in real life.
00:18 Like the whale.
00:21 But there are some animals that aren't supposed to be gigantic, like this crocodile that's
00:26 the size of a yacht, or this elephant, the size of two double-decker buses.
00:32 What about this huge snake or this gigantic bull?
00:36 Mother Nature is full of jaw-dropping surprises.
00:39 Make sure to watch till the end for the biggest of them all and remember to subscribe for
00:44 more amazing videos just like this.
00:47 Now let's dive in.
00:49 Meet the largest crocodile in the world.
00:51 How big is it?
00:52 Well, you see these tiny creatures swimming around it?
00:55 It's actually human beings.
00:58 Alright alright, that's not real.
01:00 It's a full-size animatronic puppet with a moving head, tail and snapping jaws that fully
01:05 function underwater.
01:07 Explicitly created for the movie Lake Placid.
01:11 Respect to the creators.
01:13 For a moment, I thought the girl would ride that uber-giraffe.
01:17 Just look how big it is.
01:19 Their legs alone are taller than many humans, about 6 feet.
01:23 Plus they can run as fast as 35 miles an hour over short distances, so you'll always get
01:29 on time with that spontaneous Tinder date.
01:31 I believe giraffes are underrated creatures.
01:34 A huge beast with long hair colored like a leopard, this guy astonishes me much more
01:40 than aliens or chupacabras.
01:43 Check out this pussycat.
01:45 It needs a huge pool full of water just to cool off.
01:49 Unlike domestic cats, tigers enjoy spending time in the water and they love to swim for
01:54 hours.
01:55 Tigers can swim for several miles and have even been reported as swimming for 30 miles
02:00 in just a day.
02:04 Tigers can also fight for the title if you think no one can beat lions as the greatest
02:08 predators.
02:09 In fact, tigers are the largest among other wild cats.
02:13 Sorry Simba, we got a new king here.
02:21 No that's not some mystical monster like the Baskerville dog.
02:24 It's an actual dog.
02:26 Cane Corso if you need specifics.
02:29 It's so big and potentially dangerous that it's banned in most countries.
02:34 So if you're looking for a pup, I have bad news for you.
02:37 However, if you manage to get one, you'll never regret it.
02:42 This is not a dog that becomes the best friend of everyone they meet, but they are intensely
02:47 loyal and protective of their own family.
02:51 Good news, this snake is not venomous.
02:54 Bad news, it's so large that you need an excavator to hold it.
02:58 This god's creature is called Boa Constrictor and it's so huge it can probably devour the
03:04 whole excavator too.
03:07 Interesting fact about boas.
03:08 They're believed to be some of the longest-lived of all snakes.
03:12 In general, boa constrictors can live 35 or more years.
03:17 Now check out these abs.
03:19 My typical gym session ends up with a shower booth and a bunch of these dudes waiting for
03:23 me to drop the soap.
03:24 Luckily, I always use shower gel.
03:28 By the way, if you want to identify a gorilla, pay close attention to the shape of its nose.
03:33 Unique scars or marks on their faces help too.
03:37 Here's one large, absolutely real, humongous animal.
03:41 The blue whale, king of the animal world.
03:45 Did you know that blue whales can grow as long as 75 feet?
03:48 And that's in cold water, if you know what I mean.
03:51 Oh, and they can weigh as much as 30 elephants.
03:54 Imagine the happy meal size for whales.
03:58 Talking about elephants, how about this fella?
04:00 The bull elephant, one of the largest of its kind.
04:04 Imagine what he's seen, where he's been.
04:07 Absolutely total admiration and respect.
04:10 This guy is so badass that he has his own smoke effects.
04:15 He's prehistorically large.
04:16 Not as large as a whale, of course, but still.
04:19 Actually elephants are so huge, they have to eat a lot.
04:23 They can spend up to three quarters of their day just eating.
04:28 Just a regular apartment in Dubai.
04:30 Yes, it comes with an enormous lion.
04:33 Well, there's always a price you must pay if you want to be a sheik.
04:37 How about that?
04:38 African people used to believe that white lions were messengers of God and they represented
04:43 purity.
04:44 Don't worry, this is just a huge moose, but he won't hurt you.
04:50 He'll just stare at you intimately until you piss in your pants.
04:54 Don't play with these guys.
04:56 Oh wait, he ran away.
04:58 So who's the puss now, eh?
05:00 Comparison is what matters.
05:03 A grizzly bear is huge, but it looks like a baby near a Kodiak bear.
05:07 Man, I'd wish to look at them in the flesh, but hopefully not in the wild.
05:12 Kodiak bears are something different.
05:14 They live exclusively on the islands in the Kodiak archipelago and have been isolated
05:20 from other bears for about 12,000 years.
05:24 If you thought polar bears could beat these two in size, you're wrong.
05:28 Kodiak bears are the largest bears in the world.
05:32 A large male can stand over 10 feet tall on his hind legs and 5 feet on all four legs.
05:38 They weigh up to 1,500 pounds.
05:43 Talking about love, check out these fellas.
05:46 They even look like cousins.
05:47 My favorite part is when the bear playfully bites the guy's hand.
05:51 A bit harder in this hand could be long gone.
05:55 Bears have a biting force of over 1,200 psi, enough to crush a bowling ball or an iron
06:00 skillet.
06:08 Meet the biggest rhino in the world.
06:10 Okay, I know it's a triceratops, the dinosaur, but you can't deny he's flexing better
06:15 than some living creatures.
06:17 Wonder where he's at now.
06:18 I mean, how could such big creatures as dinosaurs disappear out of the blue?
06:24 Hippos might look a bit clumsy.
06:27 Some might even consider them cute, but in fact, not only do these guys boast colossal
06:32 size but they're also extremely dangerous.
06:36 Some lists consider hippos the most dangerous animals in Africa.
06:40 No wonder why.
06:49 They are incredibly fast, powerful and invincible.
06:57 What could be better than a large snake?
06:59 Three large snakes.
07:00 These babies can swallow the guy easily, but it'll take hours, maybe days to digest him.
07:07 Snakes are time-consuming eaters.
07:09 By the way, these babies are nocturnal hunters.
07:12 This means that they rely on heat-sensing abilities to hunt in the dark.
07:17 So long-living, huge and hunt in the dark, perfect villain?
07:22 Oh man, you could believe I'm trolling you again, but that's a real animal here.
07:27 It's called Jafarabadi buffalo.
07:29 It comes from India and there are only 25,000 of these creatures worldwide.
07:35 Jafarabadi is the heaviest of all the Indian breeds of buffaloes.
07:40 These bullies have heavy heads with enormous thick flat horns which drop on the neck's
07:46 sides and go upwards to the ears.
07:49 Zang, somebody got ripped.
07:51 This dude never missed Delta Day.
07:54 Don't bring him to the party because he'll surely steal your girl.
07:58 Kangaroos are heavy punchers and they can beat you with a tail too because it's incredibly
08:03 muscular, almost like a fifth limb.
08:13 Classic only in Russia moment.
08:16 If sheiks live in penthouses with lions, Russians live in wooden houses with bears.
08:21 And I can't come up with anything more badass than this.
08:25 Did you know that giraffe spots are much like human fingerprints?
08:30 No two individual giraffes have exactly the same pattern.
08:34 They're huge and odd-looking, but they're cute as hell too.
08:38 They're some of the cutest aliens I've ever seen, and I've seen a lot, trust me.
08:44 No that's not a regular me, casually watching Netflix on a couch after a long working day
08:49 of watching memes.
08:51 This is a regular sunfish, a 6,000-pound giant beast that is also the heaviest bony fish
08:59 ever recorded.
09:00 By the way, did you know why they're called sunfish?
09:03 They love to sunbathe.
09:05 This particular fellow was found a few months ago near the Azores and has set a world record.
09:10 Moonfish, your move!
09:14 Ostriches look extremely intimidating already.
09:17 Ostrich is the world's largest bird, after all, but that particular birdie is also one
09:22 of the biggest of its kind.
09:25 Don't know why they need to hide their heads in the sand, who would dare attack them?
09:29 Ostrich is a good fighter though.
09:31 When threatened, ostriches run, although their powerful long legs can be formidable weapons,
09:37 capable of killing a human or a potential predator like a lion with a forward kick.
09:50 This is Tommy, the towering purebred brown Swiss Ox.
09:54 He lives out his days at his human's Massachusetts farm and became famous for his sheer size but
10:00 gentle demeanor.
10:02 But he's not in it for the fame, he's clearly in it for the belly scratches and apples.
10:07 Man, sometimes I want to be Tommy too!
10:11 Haters will say this tiger is extremely fat.
10:15 Rationalists would state he has big bones.
10:18 But I say he's just abnormally puffy but still amazingly handsome.
10:23 I would love to take a nap on his bloated belly, who wouldn't?
10:26 Ligers only exist in captivity today because the parental species' habitats don't overlap
10:32 in the wild.
10:33 They typically grow much larger than either parent species and we can see why.
10:39 For some reason, people on the video had freaked out because of a fish drinking water like
10:43 it drank all their cola zero supplies.
10:46 Who cares if it's huge or not?
10:48 Looks pretty innocent and cute to me.
10:51 These guys take a huge risk playing with the lion when he's eating.
10:55 Look at that girl, how dare she give butt slaps to the jungle king?
10:59 Here's an interesting fact, lions grow impressive manes the older they get.
11:05 These manes are a sign of dominance.
11:07 The older they get, the darker their manes get.
11:10 As well as attracting females, their manes may protect their necks and head from injuries
11:14 during fights.
11:20 Take a closer look at these species.
11:22 Who knows, maybe they're the last of their kind.
11:25 There are only two northern white rhinos left on the planet.
11:29 Hopefully science will find a way to save these precious animals so we can keep getting
11:34 amazed by their beauty and size.
11:37 Another Indian bully, but this guy weighs around 4,400 pounds.
11:42 This happens when an animal is treated like a god in your homeland.
11:46 It eats quite a lot.
11:48 Ouch, this snake almost bit the poor fella.
11:51 No wonder why it defends its eggs.
11:54 Better throw it some McNuggets and leave the darn cage, dude.
11:59 Sheik with his badass lion is back and wants to brag about his puppy some more.
12:04 Whatever mate, you can show it as long as you want.
12:06 We love him and he's stealing your show as always.
12:11 Look at the size of this elephant.
12:13 That's a real living mammoth, nothing less.
12:15 You can tell he's one of the oldest in the world too, just by looking at how his tusk
12:20 is crossing.
12:22 This magnificent animal has aged gracefully.
12:25 By the way, did you know that elephant tusks are enlarged incisor teeth?
12:30 They first appear when elephants are around 2 years old and continue growing throughout
12:35 their lives.
12:37 Talking about mammoths, here's another calm looking king with amazingly crossed tusks.
12:42 They might use them for fights too.
12:44 Hopefully not with humans.
12:47 Did you know that elephants consider humans cute puppies?
12:50 Well my subscribers indeed are.
12:52 Does that make me an elephant?
12:54 I got myself a new fetish.
12:56 Magnificently looking tusks in antlers.
12:59 This guy looks astonishing.
13:01 Just came from the bottle of Jägermeister.
13:05 Now we bring you the world's biggest bulls of the Chianina breed.
13:09 The Chianina is an Italian breed of cattle formerly used as a draft breed.
13:14 It is now raised mainly for beef.
13:16 The Chianina breed has an unsurpassed capacity for lean meat production.
13:22 The meat is red and is free from waste but still retains a marbling of fat among the
13:27 muscling.
13:28 It's the largest and one of the oldest cattle breeds.
13:32 A full grown baby can weigh up to 4,000 pounds and stand up to 6 feet tall.
13:37 Oh yeah, Chianina looks amazing but who can beat these guys?
13:41 I found my totem animal.
13:43 I mean his horns are mental.
13:46 Oh no, sorry Puffy, I completely forgot about you.
13:50 By the way, if you're wondering, this guy is called Liger and it's a hybrid offspring
13:55 of a male lion and a female tiger.
13:58 Yes, they do exist.
14:00 It was like a dream coming true when I found out about it.
14:03 Never blame them for being fatties.
14:05 Ligers often suffer from obesity because they don't get enough exercise in their small
14:11 habitats and cages, just like us office planktons.
14:16 Oh no, snake out of the cage.
14:18 Probably looking for that Harry Potter fella.
14:20 Where did these glasses go?
14:23 That's actually the snake with eggs from the earlier video.
14:27 Guess mama got tired of her babies already.
14:29 Or maybe her kids have grown up already.
14:32 Most species of python will brood over their eggs while waiting for them to hatch.
14:37 However, once the eggs hatch and the baby pythons emerge, the mother leaves the eggs.
14:43 The snakes are on their own in the world, living or dying by their instincts.
14:49 The title of best mom goes to this guy.
14:53 Look how he feeds those babies.
14:54 I mean those tigers are huge but act so childishly.
14:59 Still eating milk when they can devour 3 KFC buckets in a single bite.
15:04 Whoa, look at this girl, so gorgeous and elegant.
15:08 And why would any girl get shamed when getting called a cow?
15:11 Women, if you're getting called a cow, remember this cutie and take it as a compliment.
15:18 Another advantage of being a cow, cows are very social animals.
15:22 They live in small herds of 20-30 animals and form close friendships with other animals
15:27 in their herd, constantly licking each other.
15:30 Uh, who needs girls now?
15:32 Cows, you are my new friends!
15:35 When you see the beware of dogs sign, you probably imagine this guy for a good reason.
15:41 This is Caucasian Mountain Dog or Caucasian Shepherd.
15:45 Although they look scary, these huge dogs are known to be confident, watchful, loving,
15:51 affectionate and loyal family pets.
15:54 Ready to buy a pup?
15:55 If you are, this breed takes a whole lot of time, dedication and training to achieve supreme
16:01 obedience and manageable behavior.
16:04 So if you don't have much time or space, don't do it because it'll become dangerous.
16:09 Turn your headphones on.
16:11 This is the music of nature and I thought only extraterrestrial species could sound
16:16 like this.
16:23 You know what's good about huge animals?
16:25 They also give a huge amount of love.
16:28 Look at this wildfella, I can only wonder how these two met up with each other.
16:33 Another King Corso for you to admire.
16:36 The city needs a hero and this guy is here to help.
16:39 With such a guy in the neighborhood, criminals would be long gone.
16:43 Although these guys look intimidating, King Corso will be very attuned to your moods and
16:48 feelings and may even think they cause your happiness, grief, anger or pride.
16:53 So make sure to spread positive vibes only around them.
16:57 If hippos come to the pool and say it's their turn, you better get out quickly.
17:02 Even a horde of pelicans can't stop them.
17:04 I mean, who would have a chance against these fellas?
17:07 Hippos are the third largest land mammals, losing to elephants and white rhinos.
17:12 Lucky for us, hippos are herbivores, meaning they fuel their bodies with plants.
17:17 On average, they eat 80 pounds of grass each night.
17:20 Sounds like my regular night trip to the fridge.
17:24 Little day in Africa, a massive silverback gorilla with its baby moves through the jungle
17:29 past tourists.
17:31 Yeah, you better sit tight when this thing moves around.
17:34 Gorillas spend a lot of time moving around their habitat in family groups known as troops.
17:39 And troops can contain up to 30 gorillas, so you're lucky to meet only two of them.
17:46 Apparently, the guy filming this video is a bow hunter.
17:49 And he thought twice before shooting at this moose and passed that idea.
17:53 Good decision, mate.
17:55 This beast would not go down after a silly bow shot.
17:58 I suppose a shotgun shot won't take it down either.
18:01 By the way, a moose can dive 20 feet underwater and stay underwater for up to 30 seconds.
18:08 They can also swim fairly fast considering their size, up to 6 miles an hour.
18:14 Moose's hair is hollow, which helps them stay afloat while swimming.
18:17 So this guy would definitely regret hitting a moose with a bow.
18:22 Don't know whether to run away from it or run towards it and hug it.
18:26 Just look at his eyes.
18:27 He almost looks concerned, like, "Oh my God, are you okay?
18:31 You've seemed to have fallen, ma'am.
18:32 He ain't missing no meals either."
18:35 Forget about riding horses or camels.
18:37 Here's a better challenge for you.
18:39 How about riding a giraffe?
18:41 Not only is it the tallest living terrestrial animal in the world, but it's also insanely
18:46 badass.
18:47 A girl would love that in your Instagram feed.
18:50 Or better yet, invite her to some romantic evening on a giraffe ride.
18:54 You'll never miss.
18:56 A regular snake moment.
18:58 A fella grazing around looking for mice to catch.
19:01 I suppose that's the best way to finish this video.
19:04 And that's your lot for the world's biggest animals.
19:07 Did the size of any of these animals surprise you?
19:10 Or have you met any of these giant animals in the wild?
19:13 Please do share your experiences in the comment section below.
19:17 Thanks!
19:18 [Music]
