The Greatest Animal Clashes Captured on Camera

  • last year
00:00 (Sounds of a dinosaur)
00:04 Mother nature is known to play by no rules.
00:07 The struggle for survival only belongs to the fittest and strongest.
00:11 Out in the wild, animals are known to go to extreme measures for their survival and even
00:16 that of their offsprings.
00:18 Hello guys, welcome to another episode of Forever Green.
00:21 From collisions for mating rights to fighting for survival, we showcase to you 10 of the
00:27 biggest animal clashes recorded on camera.
00:30 And you should stick around for number 1, as you can be rest assured that out there,
00:35 it's a dog eat dog society and fighting is the order of the day.
00:41 Number 10, Lions vs Hyenas.
00:46 The king of the jungle has few predators who are bold enough to challenge him.
00:50 One of those daring enough does not rely on strength nor size, but rather uses brains
00:55 to take on the king.
00:57 Renowned for being the most ruthless and cunning savages, hyenas are probably the most underestimated
01:02 carnivores out in the wild.
01:04 From stealing other predators' kills to eating prey while still alive, we can agree
01:09 that they are opportunistic.
01:12 However, hyenas can as well hunt and kill on their own when need be.
01:17 Their strong teeth and powerful jaws, which deliver a bite force of up to 1,100 pounds
01:22 per square inch (psi) are enough to crush bones, with the skull included.
01:29 Commonly known as the scavengers of Africa, hyenas work in packs to mob lions of their
01:35 kill.
01:36 By creating chaos and confusion, they swiftly steal chunks and if overpowered, the lion
01:40 is chased away from its kill.
01:42 However, this only works when the hyenas outnumber the lion.
01:47 Unfortunately, the lion in this video didn't receive the memo that numbers are of importance.
01:53 Finding herself all alone amid a clan of hyenas, this lioness faces her nightmare, being the
01:59 prey.
02:00 The hyenas attack the lioness, biting her on and tossing her up in the air.
02:05 Just imagine, 10+ hyenas against 1 lioness, the odds are surely not on her side.
02:11 Luckily for the lioness, her pride hears the commotion and rushes just in time to her aid.
02:18 What would you do if you saw such a grotesque sight?
02:21 Yell?
02:22 Cry?
02:23 Try to help?
02:24 Let us know in the comment section below.
02:31 Elephants vs Lion Elephants are without a doubt the world's
02:36 largest land animals.
02:38 Adult elephants boast of no predators because their size is intimidating enough to any predator.
02:44 However, they are sometimes scared when it comes to packs of wild cats, as some adult
02:48 elephants have suffered under the paws of these wild cats.
02:52 The most they can do is charge at the wild cats and make good use of their powerful tusks.
02:59 Lions on the other hand are the kings of the jungle, which makes them relatively fearless
03:03 of any creatures.
03:05 Despite them holding this title, other animals still dare to attack them.
03:10 Lions clash with other animals when territories are crossed, when there is fresh carcass involved,
03:15 and when they just feel the need to show dominance.
03:19 This herd of elephants were moving towards the watering hole when they suddenly come
03:22 across a pride of lions in their way.
03:26 The elephants immediately become agitated by the presence of the lions.
03:30 An angry elephant is a dangerous elephant, and the nearby lions seem to know this as
03:34 they quickly get out of the elephant's way.
03:38 Little do these elephants know that a larger pride of lions is right next to the watering
03:42 hole feasting on a buffalo.
03:44 The elephants become even more agitated at the sight of the lions.
03:48 They reluctantly charge at the lions with one of them taking the lead.
03:51 At first, the lions are unmoved and the lead elephant retreats but is immediately joined
03:56 by the herd's lead female.
03:58 She bravely charges at the lions while letting out the loudest trumpets.
04:03 The lions are forced to flee for safety as they do not want to be under the mercy of
04:07 an angry, six tons elephant or her enormous trunk and tusks that are capable of tossing
04:13 them miles away.
04:16 What is even more astonishing is that the matriarch elephant attacks the carcass that
04:20 the lions were feeding on.
04:22 She slowly retreats having passed a message to the shocked lions.
04:28 Number 8 Hyenas vs Vultures Hyenas and vultures have one thing in common.
04:36 Yes, you guessed it right, they are both scavengers.
04:40 In simple terms, they are the clean up crew in the jungle.
04:44 While most carnivorous wild animals are equipped to hunt for their own food, these two groups
04:48 prefer to eat after other animals.
04:51 And if they get lucky, they might land on an untouched carcass.
04:55 They are both cooperative when it comes to looking for food.
04:59 Hyenas and vultures may not be great hunters, but they are good at stealing fresh carcass.
05:04 Not once have these animals forced wild cats to walk away from their well-deserved meals.
05:10 In this video, two antelopes are busy fighting and have unfortunately let their fight distract
05:14 them from the looming danger surrounding them, a hungry lioness.
05:20 And since the lioness knows the perfect time to pounce on her prey, she grabs this opportunity
05:24 by its horns.
05:26 The fighting antelopes have no chance to escape and the lioness succeeds at making a kill.
05:32 She is however aware that she is not the only one interested in eating the antelope that
05:36 she had just killed.
05:39 She pulls the carcass away in hope of eating it peacefully.
05:43 Before she can even have a bite, a pack of hyenas approach and vultures hover over the
05:47 scene.
05:48 The vultures land on the ground and wait for their chance to eat the fresh carcass.
05:53 The lioness knows that she cannot enjoy her meal with hyenas nearby, so she quickly chases
05:58 them away.
05:59 She however notices that the hyenas have outnumbered her and they could easily overpower her.
06:04 She is left with no choice but to ditch her hard-earned meal.
06:08 The vultures do not hesitate to dig in and the hyenas watch as the vultures feast.
06:13 Being the carcass strippers that they are, the vultures clean up the carcass really good
06:17 that nothing is left for the hyenas and jackal.
06:21 The vultures are so full that they can hardly initiate flight.
06:27 7.
06:30 Monkeys vs Lions
06:31 It is said that monkeys are the only animals that closely resemble human beings.
06:38 That could not be further from the truth as monkeys have constantly exhibited human-like
06:42 behaviors.
06:43 They are very vocal when it comes to expressing themselves, each sound they produce has a
06:48 meaning.
06:49 They are also compassionate creatures as they often look out for each other.
06:52 They can also be cheeky and sneaky, but overall they are friendly.
06:57 While they are equipped with sharp claws, monkeys prefer to just flee from trouble.
07:02 Every animal in the jungle craves for some peaceful time to bask in the sun, dip their
07:06 bodies in water, eat, relax and play.
07:10 In this case, the lions were doing exactly that, relaxing and playing with their cubs,
07:15 but so were the monkeys.
07:17 Things take a quick turn as one of the lions unleashes its hunting mode.
07:22 A monkey watching from the top of a tree senses the danger and warns the rest of the troop
07:26 by producing sounds.
07:27 The pride of lions approaches the troop of monkeys and begin to chase them.
07:32 The monkeys on the ground are wise enough not to fight back, but instead, they flee
07:37 and jump off into the river.
07:40 Since the water is not the lion's favorite spot, they are left watching as the monkeys
07:44 swim to safety.
07:47 Unfortunately, one little monkey was left behind, and the lion manages to catch just
07:52 before it jumps into the river.
07:55 The lion is helped out of the steep riverbed by another lion.
07:58 The watching monkeys mourn as the lions mercilessly tear apart the captured monkey.
08:03 Just look at these sad faces.
08:05 Before we move on to our next animal clash, be sure to leave us a like, smash that subscribe
08:10 button and turn on notifications for more phenomenal content.
08:13 Look at this baboon defending itself against a lioness.
08:17 Number 6.
08:18 Hamadiras, Baboon Troops
08:23 Baboons boast of being the largest monkeys in the world, weighing up to 36 kilograms.
08:28 They are social beings and often look out for each other.
08:31 They are usually friendly, but they could quickly become dangerous when provoked.
08:36 Trust me, no animal wants to willingly experience the wrath of their long canines.
08:44 Hamadira baboons can live in troops of as large as 400 members with no dominant leader.
08:50 They prefer to spend their nights high up in cliffs, where it is difficult for their
08:53 predators to reach them.
08:55 The large group may be further divided into small troops governed by a male.
09:00 While the cliff may be safe, it does not meet their food and water needs.
09:05 So every day they are forced to get down their safe place to go look for food.
09:10 The male baboons lead the way down the cliffs.
09:12 If a female takes a step ahead of the male, it is thoroughly disciplined.
09:18 The baboons proceed as troops with young ones riding on their mother's back.
09:23 On this particular morning, this troop of baboons is treated to a rude shock as they
09:27 note that another troop of baboons has been using the same cliff as their home.
09:33 This rival troop is far much bigger and is heading their way.
09:38 The rival troop doesn't seem to be coming in peace.
09:41 The first troop flees and the war begins immediately.
09:44 The male baboons attack each other to settle score and they steal females in the process.
09:50 When the storm is calmed, the troops gather and any females that had strayed during the
09:54 war are thoroughly punished.
09:57 For these Hamadeera baboons, discipline is the order of the day.
10:04 Before we move on, here's a quick challenge for you.
10:07 If you can leave a like on this video, smash that subscribe button and turn on the notifications
10:12 in less than 5 seconds, you will have 10 years of amazing luck.
10:16 Hurry up and try it, it actually works.
10:22 Number 5 Crocodiles vs Hippos Crocodiles boast of having the strongest bite
10:30 force in the world.
10:34 They are fearless enough to take on large animals and when it comes to sneak attacks,
10:38 no animal can outdo a crocodile.
10:41 Coupled with a powerful tail, crocodiles are among the deadliest animals in the planet.
10:47 It is no wonder that majority of wild animals are frightened by the sight of a crocodile.
10:53 More often than not, crocodiles and hippos occupy the same habitat.
10:57 It is common to find a group of hippos and crocodiles harmoniously living in a pool of
11:01 water.
11:02 Because they encounter each other quite often, disagreements are bound to happen.
11:08 While many animals shiver at the sight of a crocodile, hippos are not bothered.
11:13 When provoked, hippos have been known to attack crocodiles and successfully put them in their
11:17 place.
11:18 They may not be carnivorous, but the slightest commotion in its environment could quickly
11:23 turn a hippo into an animal's worst nightmare.
11:27 In Kruger National Park, South Africa, tourists were treated to a jaw-dropping scene as they
11:32 watched two young hippos approach a group of about three crocodiles at the sandy shore.
11:39 At such a young age, these little hippos seem to know their place and are not intimidated
11:43 by the sight of the crocodiles.
11:48 They sniff the crocodiles, and one of them even pushed a crocodile out of its way.
11:54 The crocodiles make no effort in attacking the hippos.
11:58 One of the hippos drink water while the others make itself comfortable to bask and nap.
12:04 And now it is riddle time.
12:06 What is as big as an elephant but weighs nothing?
12:09 Can you solve it?
12:10 Be sure to let us know in the comment section below.
12:14 4.
12:17 Spotted Hyena vs Wild Dogs With its rounded ears and less prominent mane,
12:23 the spotted hyena, also known as the laughing hyena, is the most social of all the carnivorous
12:28 mammals.
12:30 Being the master of opportunity by taking advantage of other animals' kill, they are
12:34 the true scavengers of Africa.
12:38 The laughing hyena has the capability of eating and digesting both skin and bone, as well
12:43 as other animal waste, a capacity that other carnivores lack.
12:47 Traditionally, the spotted hyena was depicted as a grave robber, able to uncover the grave
12:53 and feast on the carcass.
12:56 The African wild dogs are skilled hunters, and thus, hyenas tend to hang out around them
13:01 using every little chance they get to steal a bite, if not chunks of the wild dog's kill.
13:09 The relationship between these two is however one-sided, as it only benefits the kleptoparasitic
13:14 hyenas.
13:16 Unfortunately, besides mobbing them of their prey, hyenas also tend to kill these African
13:21 wild dogs.
13:23 As seen in this video, this spotted hyena has killed one of the wild dog pack members,
13:28 and the others want to avenge his death.
13:32 Working cooperatively, the wild dogs take turns biting the legs and belly of the hyena
13:37 repeatedly.
13:44 The hyena tries as much as it can to hide its legs, whilst crying out loud for backup.
13:50 Luckily for him, backup arrives and manages to chase the wild dogs away.
13:56 The hyenas are able to secure a meal, but one of them has paid the cost.
14:03 Number 3 - African Buffalo vs Lion
14:09 It is documented that on average, the African buffalo tramples, gores and kills over 200
14:14 people every year.
14:17 From wannabe daredevils to hunters and poachers, this death toll is enough to tell just how
14:21 aggressive these big bulls are.
14:25 From its temperament, it shows that the African buffalo has never been domesticated, and therefore,
14:30 for a piece of advice, you better not leave that tour van while out there on your safari
14:34 drive.
14:36 A water buffalo on the other hand is domesticated and unlike their Asian counterparts, the African
14:41 buffalo is a member of the African Big Five game.
14:46 Lions remain the number one predators who prey on the African buffalo.
14:50 In a typical lion pride, the lioness is tasked with hunting prey while the lion protects
14:55 the pride.
14:57 However, when the prey at hand involves a huge animal like the African buffalo, then
15:02 the king of the jungle is summoned.
15:06 In this video, two lions have successfully managed to take down a buffalo for their pride's
15:11 next meal.
15:12 Well almost.
15:15 Until a herd of buffaloes comes charging at them to try and save their friend from the
15:19 jaws of death.
15:22 Using its huge horns, one of the buffaloes tries to toss one of the lions into the air,
15:26 but the lions flee before any harm falls on them.
15:31 If well projected, the buffalo horns are lethal enough to pierce vital organs, which results
15:36 in fatalities.
15:38 Luckily for these lions, they manage to flee and live to tell their tale.
15:46 Number 2.
15:52 It was unheard of to find domestic dogs having an encounter with monkeys.
15:57 However, in recent years, more monkeys have moved to urban and semi-urban areas in search
16:02 of food.
16:04 You could find them just about anywhere.
16:05 Because of this reason, domestic dogs and monkeys have had more interactions than ever
16:10 before.
16:12 While dogs are undeniably man's best friend, some of them are not privileged to be in a
16:16 loving home.
16:17 They are forced to look for food in trash cans or hunt birds and other small animals.
16:23 In this video, what seems to be straight domestic dogs are busy relaxing when they suddenly
16:27 spot a group of monkeys.
16:30 The dogs decide to chase the monkey, but their effort go unrewarded as the monkeys swiftly
16:35 climb the nearby trees.
16:37 The monkeys have an advantage over the dogs and they know it.
16:40 They slide down the tree trunks and quickly climb them when the dogs are just about to
16:44 catch them.
16:47 They do this fast enough so that their tails are also out of reach of the dogs.
16:53 The dogs are not skilled enough to go up the trees, let alone balance on those feeble branches.
16:59 The puppies, however, are very keen on the monkeys.
17:03 They have several good chances to catch the monkey, but they are not experienced hunters.
17:08 Their loud barks manage to scare away the monkeys.
17:12 It takes only a few minutes before the monkeys note how scared the puppies are.
17:17 The monkeys begin to chase and scare away the puppies.
17:20 The puppies are here to play, but the adult dogs just want to hunt.
17:25 So the adult dogs take their initial position and start chasing the monkeys.
17:31 Their efforts are yet again futile as the monkeys take refuge in the trees.
17:37 It's now time for today's subscriber pick.
17:40 Today's photo was sent to us by a subscriber wondering about what appears to be a standoff
17:44 between a pool of crocodiles and a streak of tigers just before they engage in a fight.
17:49 If you come across a mysterious photo online and want us to look into it, just send it
17:53 over and we may even feature it on a future video.
17:56 Now we looked into this picture and are excited to reveal to you that it is indeed big cats
18:01 do prey on crocodiles when easier prey becomes scarce.
18:06 This hence takes us to our number one.
18:09 Big Cats vs Crocodile
18:15 Jaguars are known to be solitary, adept predators who are opportunistic and are masters in the
18:19 stalk and ambush technique of catching prey rather than chasing.
18:25 Being obligate carnivores, jaguars solely depend on animal flesh for their bodily nutrients
18:30 and energy requirements.
18:33 The king of the rivers, just like jaguars, is an ambush predator.
18:38 His technique is however only helpful when prey is in the water or drinking the water.
18:44 In this video, a jaguar is seen slowly strolling down the rainforest towards the river with
18:49 its eyes set on one thing, a crocodile.
18:54 The jaguar slowly approaches and crouches on the riverbank with the mangrove trees providing
18:59 cover as he stalks the crocodile.
19:03 Up the riverbank, the crocodile cannot see and thus the jaguar has an upper hand from
19:08 this blind spot.
19:11 When the right opportunity arrives, the jaguar jumps into the river and for a second or two,
19:16 a tussle between the two ensues.
19:19 The jaguar armed with a powerful bite enough to pierce through hard shells of most of the
19:24 armored reptiles bites directly through the skull of the crocodile, between the ears and
19:29 delivers a fatal blow to the brain.
19:34 It then drags the crocodile out of the water and heads to enjoy its meal.
19:40 Just how powerful is the jaguar that it can drag the crocodile out of the water?
19:44 Truly the jaguar is the king of the rainforests.
19:47 Or what do you think?
19:48 Leave a comment below.
19:54 In this other video, a streak of tigers probably in the need of a drink faces a float of crocodiles
19:59 in the watering hole.
20:00 The tigers are wary of the crocodiles and the amount of lethality that they possess
20:04 and therefore decide to hang on the safe shore.
20:09 And that's it for the 10 biggest animal clashes recorded on camera.
20:13 While these clashes can be bloody and brutal, they are definitely gripping to watch as well.
20:18 Which of these clashes got you petrified?
20:20 Let us know in the comments below and be sure to smash that like button as well.
20:25 If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to hit the like button and check out more videos
20:28 on nature and animals on the Forever Green channel.
20:32 We'll be back soon with another video, but until then, thanks for watching and we'll
20:37 see you next time.
20:38 [Music]
