People Saving Animals Lives - Part 8

  • last year
00:00 People living in colder regions enjoy summers,
00:02 but most parts of the world,
00:04 animals don't feel the same as they're mostly affected
00:06 by the harshness of climate change.
00:08 Although we humans can simply turn on the air conditioning
00:11 in our homes and cars, animals don't enjoy such comfort.
00:14 It's not like these animals could get sunglasses
00:16 or ice packs in the jungle.
00:18 They often need the intervention of people
00:20 during these trying times.
00:22 Welcome to another episode of Forever Green.
00:24 Today, we'll be looking at heart-melting times
00:26 humans have helped animals in the scorching heat
00:28 and showed how much we care for our co-inhabitants.
00:31 Make sure you stay tuned to the end.
00:33 You won't believe the extent this man
00:35 went to look out for this helpless animal.
00:37 Man helps stranded bird.
00:41 This bird was lying on the road
00:45 when a kind man read the situation and decided to help.
00:48 He could see the bird was gasping for water
00:50 and offered it some water on a bottle cap.
00:52 Of course, the bird wasn't just going to accept the water
00:54 from the stranger,
00:55 so the man had to pour some of it in its mouth
00:57 so it could understand that he meant well.
00:59 Then, with just a few gulps,
01:01 the bird was obviously feeling better
01:03 and could even get to its feet again,
01:04 if only humans could be more like this guy.
01:07 Thirsty armadillo gets help.
01:13 Here in the midst of hot scorchiness,
01:17 we see a man helping an armadillo to a drink.
01:19 After the man must've observed
01:21 that the armadillo would like to have a drink,
01:23 he carefully holds it down
01:24 and pours it a drink with the other.
01:26 Of course, the poor chap wouldn't mind a little bath as well.
01:28 From how the little guy anticipated every pour,
01:31 you could tell he badly needed it.
01:32 Poor little thing.
01:33 Pigeon flocks gather for a cold, hot afternoon bath.
01:41 On an afternoon hotter than most at recent times,
01:45 this flock of pigeons gather for a quick, cold bath.
01:47 It was reported that the temperatures
01:49 were at an unprecedented high that afternoon,
01:51 so this nice man decided to make it rain
01:53 to cool off the pigeons.
01:54 Those pigeons just couldn't thank the man enough
01:56 for being such a lifesaver.
01:58 So on behalf of every pigeon out there,
02:00 we say a big thank you for extending love
02:02 to these poor critters.
02:04 Dehydrated bird gets a drink.
02:08 We must understand that animals suffer from the heat
02:13 as much as humans, and in some cases,
02:14 they're either too dehydrated to get to drinking holes
02:17 or don't even have one to start with.
02:19 So when this helpless bird clung to this window,
02:21 it was good to see a man go out of his way
02:23 to pour some water into the mouth
02:25 of this seemingly hopeless bird.
02:27 I bet the bird will be forever grateful.
02:29 Police officer offers monkey a drink.
02:35 Giving you a ticket may not be the only thing
02:38 that a police officer could pull you over for.
02:41 Sometimes on very good days,
02:42 it might be because he wants to offer you a drink.
02:44 Take a look at this guy.
02:46 He got offered a bottle of water by a police officer.
02:48 He greatly held onto the bottle as he savored
02:51 the cold, satisfying nature of it.
02:53 I really envy that guy.
02:54 The nicest thing a police officer gave me
02:56 was penalty points.
02:57 Forest officer offers leopard cub a drink.
03:02 Amid the scorching heat where animals are trying
03:05 to live through severe weather,
03:07 this heartwarming video was taken of a man
03:09 who didn't allow the reputation of the critter
03:11 to stop him from helping its child.
03:12 You see, while going around the forest
03:14 digging water holes for animals,
03:16 this forest worker and his colleagues
03:17 heard some leopard cubs calling for their mommy.
03:19 So they decided to stop by and share some of the water
03:22 that they were carrying with the young chaps.
03:24 What if the mother leopard walked in on them?
03:26 That's the length they were willing to go
03:27 to help out the cute cubs.
03:29 Good thing that didn't happen though.
03:31 Thirsty eagle stops for a drink.
03:34 Even with their keen eyesight,
03:38 eagles sometimes find it hard to locate water.
03:40 So what do they do when they don't find water?
03:42 They simply stop by the roadside
03:44 and ask anyone with water for some.
03:46 This bird of prey may be the king of the skies,
03:48 but it didn't mind literally stooping low for a drink.
03:51 Kudos to the guys for looking out for the bird.
03:53 Tourist offers squirrel a drink.
03:59 When I said the heat waves hits everyone
04:03 in the animal kingdom, I meant it.
04:05 Again, it's natural instinct.
04:07 This squirrel asked if it could share a tourist drink.
04:09 Of course, our guy is super friendly,
04:11 so he allows the squirrel to drink straight from the bottle.
04:14 Look at its cute little paws.
04:15 It clearly didn't want to go off the bottle.
04:18 I'm pretty sure the squirrel would like to be
04:19 the tourist guide for the rest of his visit
04:21 after such a satisfying drink.
04:23 Crow blatantly asked for a drink.
04:30 While humans are quick to feed animals,
04:33 it turns out they don't always look forward
04:35 to being fed chips and nuts.
04:36 They could have walked up to you for a cold,
04:38 refreshing drink in the heat of summer.
04:40 Here we see a crow trying the hardest
04:42 to let people around know how badly it needs a drink
04:44 to wash down the french fries
04:46 it probably had stuck in its throat.
04:47 But they seemed too carried away by the fact
04:49 that a crow was hanging out with them
04:51 and ignoring all its glaring gestures.
04:54 It wasn't till a boy finally got the message
04:56 and opened up the bottle that the crow could have a drink
04:58 to quench its thirst and avoid being choked to death.
05:01 I'm sure we've all been in the same situation as this bird,
05:04 where you have something stuck in your throat
05:06 but can't seem to find water around.
05:08 The relief that comes after finally getting that drink
05:10 is heavenly, right?
05:11 Genius Magpie drinks from bottle.
05:18 We've seen animals get hand-fed by humans,
05:20 but it's time to watch an animal show us
05:22 they don't always need humans
05:23 to get water on a summer afternoon.
05:25 All you have to do is leave the bottle unopened
05:27 and it can help itself.
05:29 The magpie shows its way ahead of its kind
05:31 by performing a trick only a physics student
05:33 could have pulled off,
05:34 unless maybe it's been attending some science classes.
05:37 Back to the clip.
05:38 This smart beak decided to drop some stones in the bottle
05:41 to raise the water level.
05:43 How on earth did it come up with that?
05:44 Strange, but laudable.
05:46 (upbeat music)
05:49 Man rescues dog.
05:50 In some parts,
05:53 climate change brings about more than heat waves.
05:55 It could be a massive flood
05:56 and who suffers more when floods come?
05:58 Animals.
06:00 However, this hero worker wasn't gonna let this dog
06:02 get washed up into a canal,
06:03 so he decided to pull it out with his excavator stick.
06:06 Talk about risking it all to save a life.
06:09 Such kindness is highly commendable.
06:10 Way to go, buddy.
06:16 Vulture gets a lift.
06:17 You know how exhausting it is to run on a hot afternoon?
06:22 That's probably how birds feel
06:23 when they fly at high altitudes.
06:25 So when this vulture saw that a man was going its way,
06:28 it decided to hitch a ride on his hang glider
06:30 and save himself from needless stress.
06:32 Why fly in the scorching heat
06:33 when you could hitch a ride instead, right?
06:36 The vulture clearly didn't put its thumb up,
06:38 but I'm sure the good man didn't mind.
06:45 Man rescues drowning cat.
06:46 Not all heroes, they say, wear capes.
06:50 Although this man didn't have an excavator
06:52 to save the cat like the other guy.
06:54 He was ready to risk it all to save a poor kitty
06:56 from a flooded creek in California.
06:58 Even when his wife told him he wouldn't be able to save it.
07:01 - I don't think you're gonna catch it, honey.
07:03 - He forged through with his plan to save a life
07:05 that was just a consequence of our undoing.
07:07 The little kitten could have easily drowned
07:09 in such a large flood,
07:10 but I guess cats are really as tough as people say.
07:13 I'm not so sure his dog would be keen
07:15 on having a baby brother though.
07:16 Man helps magpies in his backyard.
07:21 Sometimes when animals get together
07:24 to enjoy the summer sun,
07:25 they might get a little carried away
07:27 and find themselves in some precarious situations.
07:30 These magpies were chilling in this guy's backyard
07:32 when some of them somehow got their heads
07:34 stuck between the fence.
07:36 Luckily for them, the house owner was at hand
07:38 to literally save their necks.
07:39 I didn't expect them to be trying that again anytime soon.
07:42 I just suspect this might've been some kind
07:44 of TikTok challenge for the birds.
07:46 Who knows, many things for sure these days, right?
07:49 Kitten gets rescued.
07:53 You'd agree that cats just know how to get themselves
07:57 into unbelievable situations.
07:59 It might be because they take this nine lives thing
08:02 too seriously.
08:03 Here we see a cat rescued by a man
08:05 who didn't mind his clothes getting wet.
08:07 Way to go, Michael Phelps.
08:08 I wonder how the cat got in the pond initially.
08:11 (speaking in foreign language)
08:13 Before we move on to our next awe-inspiring clip,
08:16 we have a quick challenge
08:17 that'll just take five seconds to complete.
08:19 So here's the deal.
08:21 Leave us a like, smash that subscribe button,
08:23 and turn on notifications,
08:24 and maybe you'll win 10 years of incredible luck.
08:28 Try it, it actually works.
08:29 Don't quote me on that, though.
08:31 Koala continuously drinks from bucket.
08:35 This koala had to get down from the treetop
08:39 to accept a peace offering made by some humans
08:41 during a scorching heat wave.
08:43 You know how koalas like being left alone,
08:46 acting all cute and cuddly by themselves?
08:48 Well, they sometimes break character
08:50 as this koala made its way to a bucket of water
08:52 and drank for close to 20 minutes.
08:54 I guess all that fur makes the heat unbearable.
08:56 If only they came with a zipper.
08:58 Joey gets saved from wildfire.
09:03 Another unfortunate occurrence associated with summer
09:07 and climate change is the insane number
09:09 of brush fires in the forest.
09:11 Here we see a hero save a Joey
09:12 from the inferno surrounding it.
09:14 The Joey was taken to a rescue van
09:16 and given some water to drink and a warm blanket.
09:18 Don't worry, lad, they'll find mommy soon.
09:20 Koala sneaks into car to cool off.
09:25 While a man left his car unlocked for whatever reason,
09:30 a koala snuck into his car while the air conditioning was on
09:32 and refused to leave.
09:34 On returning to his car,
09:35 the man met an uninvited guest cooling off from the heat.
09:38 After getting his dog out in order to not scare the koala,
09:41 he pleaded with it, but it all fell on deaf ears.
09:44 I don't really blame the koala
09:46 because no one would wanna step back into that heat.
09:48 The man even tried to bribe it,
09:50 but the koala wasn't keen on leaving the car anytime soon.
09:53 Finally, after exploring the front seat
09:55 and literally leaving its mark on the car,
09:57 the koala accepts the exit.
09:59 - Oh, thank goodness.
10:01 - It must be heading back into the wild,
10:02 thinking of how it could get one of those cooling vehicles.
10:05 Zoo helps keep animals cool.
10:09 It's not just the animals in the wild
10:12 that receive help from humans during scorching heat.
10:15 Animals in the zoo are in on the warm gestures as well.
10:18 This zoo repeatedly gives amazing treats
10:21 to the animals in the sanctuary
10:22 to help ease the summer heat.
10:24 Treats like popsicles and fishsicles
10:26 were shared with the animals.
10:27 The zoo also provided cool ponds, fresh water,
10:30 and air-conditioned bedrooms,
10:32 giving that top-notch cool accommodation.
10:35 Believe it or not,
10:36 Gatorade was also served to the apes and chimps
10:38 to replenish their enzymes.
10:39 They are really thoughtful people.
10:41 Koala gets rescued from a brush fire.
10:45 Another animal saved from an Aussie brush fire was a koala.
10:50 The rescuers pulled the little guy out of the fire
10:52 and set him by the road for a quick drink.
10:54 He really didn't want the water to finish.
10:57 Did you also notice the lad
10:58 had another empty bottle in his hand?
11:00 Hmm, the koala must've been through hell.
11:02 Possum gets a drink.
11:06 Look at how this little guy
11:09 is graciously drinking from the bottle.
11:11 The possum was picked up from the scorching heat
11:13 of a brush fire and given a cold drink.
11:15 The guy was so shaken up by the experience
11:17 that he didn't mind being held in both hands
11:19 while drinking from the bottle.
11:21 I bet he could go on like this for hours.
11:23 Otter gets cooling aids.
11:30 Being an animal that requires great care and attention,
11:34 the zookeepers at this sanctuary provided these otters
11:36 with ice cubes, ice packs, ice treats,
11:39 and a special room with air conditioning
11:41 to help them cool off,
11:42 even though the critters have their regular pools
11:44 for quick dips.
11:45 So it's safe to say these guys are spoiled for choice
11:48 in this scorching sun.
11:49 Thirsty king cobra gets help.
11:53 Certain animals have earned some undeserved bad reputation,
11:58 which has made victims of some cruelty
12:00 that they actually don't deserve.
12:01 Luckily, a few of us see things differently.
12:03 Here we see a man rescuing a king cobra
12:05 that got stuck in a fish net.
12:07 The king cobra must've spent so long in that fish net
12:10 that it didn't even try attacking the man.
12:12 The snake complied all the way.
12:13 It even opened its mouth
12:14 when the man was about to give it some water.
12:16 I never knew cobras loved drinking water this much.
12:19 After quenching its thirst,
12:20 the man went to the main agenda of the day
12:22 by getting rid of the pesky fish net
12:24 that had the cobra trapped for, goodness,
12:26 I don't know how long.
12:28 (air whooshing)
12:30 Lizard drinks from water bottle.
12:32 This random act of kindness was recorded
12:36 by someone who saw a lizard in the sun
12:37 and offered it some water.
12:39 It's surprising to see a lizard accept such a gesture
12:41 because these guys run at the slightest sight of humans.
12:45 But I guess it was so thirsty
12:46 that it didn't mind where the water came from
12:48 or who offered it.
12:49 It looks so filled and cute all at the same time.
12:52 - I need to get the ticks off him.
12:53 Look, he's got ticks stuck.
12:55 (air whooshing)
12:56 - Thirsty koala joins runners for a drink.
12:58 Just like the eagle we saw earlier in the video,
13:02 this koala stopped to join a couple of joggers
13:04 for some water.
13:05 The husband, who was a few steps away,
13:08 stopped to record the incident
13:09 when he saw that his wife was interacting
13:11 with a creature by the roadside.
13:13 When he got there, he saw his wife sharing some water
13:15 with the koala in the heat of the afternoon.
13:18 Although the couple wanted to savor the moment
13:19 for as long as they could,
13:21 the koala was keen to return to its everyday business
13:23 after it must've said thank you the best way it could.
13:26 Forest ranger gives bulls water.
13:30 I bet these bulls couldn't believe their eyes
13:33 when this forest ranger, dressed in yellow,
13:35 came with a yellow hose to give them water
13:37 on a hot summer afternoon.
13:39 The bulls just drank all they could
13:41 before heading back into the forest.
13:43 Little lizard drinks from bottle.
13:47 This little guy was given some water
13:50 by a really sweet person.
13:51 You can see it drinking with its little forked tongue.
13:54 Kudos to whoever offered the lizard water
13:56 for staying still for as long as this guy to drink.
13:58 Roo gets a glass of water.
14:03 Next, we see a kangaroo drinking from a glass cup
14:07 offered by a forest ranger.
14:09 Watching this guy drink from the glass
14:10 makes me crave a cold glass myself.
14:13 The kangaroo was rescued from another tragic brush fire.
14:15 Man converts car to koala rescue pod.
14:21 In the height of yet another brush fire,
14:23 this hero converts his car into a koala rescue pod.
14:26 After seeing the koalas had fled the fire to safety,
14:29 he ushered them into his vehicle,
14:31 which is cooler and safer, thanks to the air conditioning.
14:34 We all remember how koalas get
14:35 with their air conditioning, right?
14:37 What's with koalas and asking humans for help
14:39 during hot weather anyway?
14:40 Before we move on to our number one pick,
14:42 we have something for you.
14:43 We've seen a lot of people lend a helping hand
14:45 to animals during the summer.
14:47 Beyond the warmth and joy you get from watching this video,
14:49 let's take the lessons that come with it
14:51 and learn to love each other and the animals we come across.
14:54 Let us know your favorite moment of kindness down below.
14:57 You could also share some of your experiences
14:59 with the community.
15:00 We'd love to hear from you.
15:01 And oh, don't forget to leave a like
15:03 if these clips melted your heart.
15:04 And you can also subscribe to our channel
15:06 for more amazing content.
15:08 Man provides water to thirsty wild animals in Kenya.
15:12 Our number one pick was a man who took it upon himself
15:16 to cater to the wild animals in the dry lands
15:19 of Kenya's Savo West National Park.
15:21 Most of the clips we've seen so far in the video
15:23 are kind of one-off,
15:24 but this man would daily take water to the animals
15:27 and he didn't even work as a forest ranger.
15:29 His name is Patrick Kalonzo Mwalu,
15:32 a pea farmer in a local village
15:33 not too far from the national park
15:35 who's now being referred to as the water man
15:37 by those who've seen his kindness.
15:39 I bet the animals call him that too.
15:41 Mwalu would drive a truck for hours daily
15:43 to fill the watering holes of all the animals
15:45 with some life-saving water, which is about 30,000 gallons.
15:49 After a while, the animals became familiar and fond of him.
15:52 He narrated that he once met about 500 buffaloes
15:54 waiting at the watering hole for him to arrive.
15:57 And when he opened the water,
15:58 the buffaloes smelt it just as though they were savoring it
16:01 before eventually drinking.
16:03 Then the buffaloes didn't wait for him to leave
16:04 before drinking,
16:05 and the man said he could sense how happy they were.
16:08 When asked why he's making such a commitment,
16:10 he simply felt that since they weren't getting enough rain
16:12 at that time due to the effects of global warming,
16:15 the animals wouldn't get enough water and would die.
16:17 His good deeds didn't go unnoticed
16:19 as people have contributed to his cause,
16:21 ensuring the animals continue to get the care they need for
16:24 in such a difficult time.
16:25 Well, that's it for now.
16:27 Thanks so much for watching,
16:28 and we'll see you in the next video.
