People Saving Animals Lives - Part 7

  • last year
00:00 From a new lease on life to orphan babies
00:02 that wouldn't have survived otherwise,
00:04 sometimes sad stories have very happy endings.
00:07 These people went above and beyond
00:08 to help their fellow creatures,
00:10 sometimes saving their lives in the process.
00:13 Animals can bring so much enrichment to our lives,
00:15 if only we'd let them.
00:17 Today we have 15 stories of people
00:19 who adopted some stranded, abandoned animals
00:22 and gave them a new lease on life.
00:24 Many are wild animals that might not have ever asked
00:26 for the help, but managed to find the right person
00:29 at the right time.
00:30 Make sure you keep your tissues handy,
00:32 because we have some on today's list
00:34 that can bring a tear to just about anyone's eye.
00:36 You'll just have to watch through to the end
00:38 to see what I mean.
00:39 Make sure you leave a like down below
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00:46 Now, let's get into it.
00:48 Abandoned baby foals saved from a mountainside.
00:53 Rescuing a horse on the side of a mountain
00:55 isn't always a safe task,
00:57 but these brave souls trespassed
00:59 to save an abandoned baby horse.
01:02 The massive mountainside area is home to many horses
01:05 that were abandoned without care.
01:06 After some searching, the woman could locate
01:09 the young, struggling baby horse.
01:11 He couldn't have been all that old, just a few hours.
01:14 He was there clearly struggling from dehydration,
01:16 needing nutrition in a bad way.
01:18 These kind people were taking their time,
01:20 helping him after being abandoned by his mother and son.
01:24 It was a hot summer day,
01:25 and he might not have made it much longer
01:27 without their quick decisions and movement's help.
01:29 The two took him to a tractor supply
01:31 and bought him the food he desperately needed
01:34 before getting in professional care.
01:36 It's a happy ending all around.
01:38 Koala rescued via canoe from floodwaters.
01:44 In what is likely the cutest rescue,
01:46 a stranded koala was lucky enough
01:48 to run into some college students.
01:50 He managed to get himself stuck in a tree
01:52 as the water levels rose a little too high.
01:55 Suddenly, there was no safe way
01:56 for the little guy to get down.
01:58 He wouldn't have been able to make it.
02:00 However, lucky for him, a few college students in a canoe
02:03 were able to retrieve him
02:04 and bring him back where he belonged.
02:07 Generally speaking, koalas aren't very comfortable
02:09 with people in the wild, but given the dire circumstances,
02:13 he may not have known this would be
02:14 his only way out to shore.
02:16 The students had acted quickly, doing what they could,
02:19 despite not knowing if it would work,
02:21 and they may have saved the little guy's life.
02:24 (air whooshing)
02:25 Monkey spent eight years in a box, finally freed.
02:29 This little monkey was trapped
02:31 nearly his whole life in a box.
02:33 While we're not clear how he got in the box
02:35 in the first place, it's clear he'd been stolen
02:37 as a baby from his parents
02:39 and sold young in a wildlife market.
02:41 This is the real fate of animals across Thailand
02:44 and other Southeastern Asian countries.
02:47 George's owner allowed him to run free for a time,
02:49 but he quickly became too difficult as he is a wild animal.
02:53 The owner built a wooden cage and locked him inside,
02:56 feeding George corn, bananas, and leftover food
02:59 through the bars with an occasional sip of water.
03:01 However, he no longer had the key to the padlock,
03:04 meaning that when it came time to rescue George,
03:07 they had to break open the top and pull him through.
03:10 The team then destroyed the cage
03:11 to ensure no other animal would be kept inside it.
03:14 In his new surroundings,
03:16 George was bright and excited to take in the sights,
03:19 and he was even given water for free access
03:21 for the first time in his life,
03:23 something he had seemed more than happy
03:25 to take advantage of.
03:26 He's mostly healthy, but it will only get better with time.
03:30 With proper nutrition and exercise,
03:32 George was given a brand new lease on life.
03:35 Strays and abandoned pets rescued in Ukraine.
03:41 Many pets were left behind in Ukraine
03:43 amid the current crisis.
03:44 However, there's a German organization
03:46 setting up a shelter for pets stranded in the chaos.
03:49 Volunteers attempt to comfort the terrified,
03:52 abandoned dogs in a makeshift shelter
03:54 in the small Polish village of Medaka.
03:57 The pets were not abandoned willingly,
03:59 only left behind by refugees with no other choice.
04:02 Some of the volunteers had been leaving letters behind
04:05 hoping to reunite pets with their owners after some time.
04:08 It's not just abandoned pets though,
04:10 because they look after street animals in the war zone.
04:13 The organization is gathering aid
04:15 to take on some of the larger cities,
04:17 organizing groups to drive into the areas
04:19 and deliver food for the animals.
04:21 Directly in these war zones,
04:23 there's nowhere to simply pick up food.
04:25 Luckily, they've been able to stop
04:27 and pick up food on their way,
04:28 driving it to the line of fire to help care for them.
04:32 The situation is hard for everyone involved,
04:34 especially the animals who can't understand what's happened.
04:37 We can only hope that those who have been
04:39 tearfully left behind can someday find their way home.
04:42 Stray cat finally has a safe home.
04:47 Help comes from unexpected places.
04:50 This curious kitty probably didn't see the help coming
04:52 from when he was caught by this human.
04:54 Found on the streets,
04:55 he suddenly had a home with other animals,
04:57 a safe place to live and food.
05:00 While he's clearly freaked out,
05:01 the trust this cat displays
05:03 shows just how willing he was to be helped.
05:06 The man was able to bring him in and wash the street cat,
05:09 all without freaking him out too much.
05:11 Eventually, you can see how grateful
05:13 and comfortable he looks,
05:14 finally content in his new home with a loving family.
05:18 Orphaned Joey nursed back to health.
05:22 Being orphaned in the outback can be a death sentence
05:25 for a little baby kangaroo.
05:27 Amid the brush fires,
05:28 little Gigi managed to be a heartwarming success story.
05:31 Before the event,
05:32 the area would have been filled with hundreds of kangaroos,
05:35 but he had been left behind.
05:37 Gigi was terrified and lucky to be alive.
05:40 They found that Joey covered in burns,
05:42 bringing him to a rescue and doing everything they could
05:45 to help the little guy survive.
05:47 Despite all the odds,
05:48 the little guy managed to not only pull through,
05:50 but become a sweet, friendly animal with a gentle nature
05:53 that made the team really wanna fight for his survival.
05:56 It worked, and after all their sleepless nights,
05:59 re-bandaging and giving him plenty of antibiotics
06:02 helped pull him through.
06:03 Eventually, they could return him
06:04 to the company of other animals.
06:06 He loved being around other kangaroos.
06:08 As soon as they could get his feet healed,
06:10 he joined a special enclosure.
06:12 It took them some time to get Gigi to come out of his shell,
06:15 but he's happy in a larger enclosure
06:17 with plenty of patience and kindness.
06:20 He won't rejoin the wild,
06:21 but they have a massive 80 acres of bushland
06:24 and wet grassland that feels just like the wild.
06:27 He put up a big fight to survive
06:29 and came out on the other side a kind, gentle kangaroo,
06:33 the best thing that could have come out of this.
06:35 Since you've made it this far in the video,
06:37 make sure you leave a like down below.
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06:48 Street dogs rescued and brought to safety from Ukraine.
06:53 This nonprofit called Transform A Street Dog
06:56 has been helping disabled and abandoned animals
06:58 out of Ukraine since 2018.
07:00 But since the recent invasion,
07:02 they recently were turned upside down,
07:04 left with 35 dogs and just 15 staff members
07:07 in the middle of a war zone.
07:09 They evacuated to Austria,
07:11 housing the animals in safety
07:12 and partnering with neighboring European countries
07:15 as they were able to not just get their initial batch
07:17 of animals to safety, but hundreds of others too.
07:20 Despite all the good work, there's still a long way to go.
07:24 War is decimating the country and animals are left behind,
07:27 finding themselves stranded without any other way out.
07:30 Lucky for them, there are guardian angels out there
07:33 in the form of people willing to go out of their way
07:35 to help them to safety.
07:37 Joey Rescue, nurses undersized roo back to health.
07:42 Enid Latham has been hand-raising joeys for years,
07:45 but none need help like this pint-sized jack.
07:48 It answered a call for help when a kangaroo was killed
07:50 by a car which orphaned the little baby.
07:53 Her specialized care helps the undersized jack
07:55 get to full weight and make it through
07:57 to the next crucial 48 hours away from his mother.
08:00 She's committed to care, acting as a kind,
08:03 gentle guardian angel to these kangaroos
08:05 and doing everything in her power
08:07 to help these kangaroos make it.
08:09 Their goat milk seems to be key for them,
08:11 as the goats have managed to create an immunity
08:13 to local disease and it becomes her secret weapon.
08:17 She's so well-suited for the care,
08:19 she has perfectly recreated the warmth and comfort
08:21 of a mama kangaroo's pouch, surrounded by smaller joeys
08:25 who all live in comfort and happiness,
08:27 able to grow and socialize among other joeys,
08:30 which is important in their development.
08:32 The ultimate goal here is to help them grow just enough
08:35 to free them back to the bush,
08:37 but they wouldn't have been able to do it
08:39 without the kind, committed kangaroo foster mom
08:41 they were lucky enough to be saved by.
08:44 Jack is just one of the hundreds of others,
08:46 but his success story is always worth celebrating.
08:49 Cockatoo lives out the rest of her life loved.
08:55 Not all rescues are success stories,
08:57 but Ramona lived out the rest of her days
08:59 fully loved by her new family.
09:01 The parrot crisis killed many parrots and cockatoos
09:04 as they were thrown away.
09:05 She'd been neglected and abused,
09:07 her feathers plucked out by other animals.
09:10 Due to the intensive care she needed,
09:12 families couldn't handle her
09:13 and she had been returned repeatedly.
09:15 Madeline took her in and gave the cockatoo
09:18 a second lease on life.
09:19 It was unfortunate that the animal passed suddenly,
09:22 as Madeline hadn't seen it coming,
09:24 but the fungus in her lungs suddenly took her overnight.
09:27 Many birds are abandoned and die without ever being loved.
09:31 While this story may not have the happiest endings,
09:33 it's important to remember
09:35 that she was at least happier than some.
09:37 Madeline clearly loved the animal
09:39 and would have taken her in regardless of the illness,
09:42 but was sad as she'd been ready to provide the bird
09:45 a happy, loving forever home.
09:47 This little bit of kindness
09:48 would have made all the difference in the bird's life,
09:51 no matter how short it might've been.
09:53 If you had the resources,
09:55 would you be willing to take in an animal in need,
09:57 just like we've seen today?
09:59 It's not possible for everyone,
10:01 but sometimes just an in-between home
10:03 is what creatures need.
10:04 Most wild animals don't rely on people, but some really do.
10:08 Do you have a rescue at home?
10:10 Let us know your stories below in the comments.
10:12 We'd love to hear them.
10:14 Wolfdog rescued his family pet and returned to a sanctuary.
10:20 Sometimes you don't realize the full story of an animal
10:22 you take into your care.
10:24 When this Arizona native took on a free puppy,
10:26 he only expected to provide a loving home
10:29 to an abandoned animal in need.
10:31 This dog named Neo was a little needier and skittish,
10:35 but otherwise a normal puppy.
10:37 Eventually, these became warning signs
10:39 as the dog began to outsmart the fences
10:41 surrounding his property.
10:42 One of these encounters led to a neighbor
10:45 bringing the dog to a local humane society,
10:47 revealing its real nature.
10:49 Instead of a normal shepherd,
10:51 this dog was a high-content wolfdog,
10:53 meaning a hybrid between a dog and a wolf.
10:56 Many of its behavioral and physical attributes
10:58 were more closely aligned with a wolf,
11:01 which also means they're illegal to own in most states,
11:03 unfortunately, Arizona being that.
11:06 Neo was brought to a sanctuary for similar animals.
11:09 It took him a while,
11:10 but eventually he could escape his isolation kennel
11:14 and join the pack seamlessly for their nightly howl.
11:17 His behavior became more normal.
11:19 As it was quickly understood, he wasn't just an odd dog,
11:23 but a normally behaving wolfdog.
11:25 Owning a wolf might not be a good idea,
11:27 but at least this guy got his happy ending.
11:31 (air whooshing)
11:31 Baby Monkey Finds Goat Best Friend
11:33 When He Loses His Mother.
11:36 When animals lose their mothers,
11:37 it can be an extremely traumatic experience.
11:40 Luckily, sometimes they're lucky enough
11:41 to be adopted and cared for,
11:43 which can instantly change their whole lives.
11:46 This baby monkey might not have made it in the wild,
11:49 but he was quickly bonded to a baby goat,
11:51 to who he hangs off and clings.
11:54 This is a success story,
11:56 even though it would have been better
11:57 if he could have stayed home.
11:59 He's well-fed, cared for, and happy with his new goat.
12:03 They're inseparable, being fed fruit
12:05 in their wide open enclosure together.
12:07 Sometimes help can come from the most unexpected places,
12:10 and a little bit of love can go a long way.
12:13 (air whooshing)
12:15 Rescue Baby Elephant Joins Orphan Pack and Quickly Bonds.
12:19 This orphan baby elephant was given a new lease on life
12:22 by the David Sheldrick Elephant Orphanage
12:25 outside of Nairobi.
12:26 They've been rearing orphaned elephants
12:28 in herds to be released into the wild.
12:30 The concern was whether they could bring home
12:32 a much younger special baby elephant
12:34 into a more established group,
12:36 and whether the creatures could show the needed empathy
12:39 to help them along the way.
12:40 Elephants have incredible emotional intelligence,
12:43 and it helped the small orphan baby elephant
12:45 transition from life with human handlers to one in the pack.
12:49 Baby Undodo is small and special needs,
12:53 but took very quickly to the new pack.
12:55 Much like a small baby who wants to touch
12:57 and be connected to her mother,
12:59 the rescuers believe that the older elephants
13:01 understand what happened to the baby Undodo
13:04 and how he lost her mother.
13:05 So they're willing to help and understand
13:08 what happened to the baby
13:09 and help him become more well-suited for life
13:11 without human help.
13:13 He quickly can bond with the other orphaned elephants,
13:16 but there's still a tearful goodbye
13:17 between him and the humans who saved him.
13:20 Elephants don't forget anything,
13:22 so this little one will likely remember
13:24 how the people saved him for the rest of his life.
13:27 He's much better off with the other elephants,
13:29 but this was the guiding hand he needed to grow
13:32 and become more well-adjusted after tragedy struck him down.
13:35 We have just one more, and rest assured,
13:38 this one is one of the kindest, most amazing stories we have.
13:42 Have you heard of a similar story
13:43 that you think we missed out on?
13:45 Let us know and maybe you'll see your choice
13:47 in a future video.
13:49 If you want more amazing, engaging,
13:51 and sometimes downright wild content,
13:54 go ahead and subscribe to the channel for us.
13:56 And while you're at it,
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14:01 Workhorse Saved and Cared For by Ranch
14:06 inspires a rescue operation.
14:08 Unfortunately, when a horse is made for work,
14:11 they require much care and maintenance.
14:13 This abandoned horse's hooves had overgrown
14:15 to the point that it was painful
14:17 and difficult for him to move,
14:19 and he was underweight and malnourished.
14:21 He was rescued from a kill pen,
14:22 and quickly the ranch began to help him
14:24 by trimming his feet.
14:25 He seemed so happy and grateful,
14:28 fully understanding the gravity of the situation,
14:30 as Colby took to the humans easily.
14:33 Unfortunately, this often means death for these animals,
14:35 so the rescuers had come at the perfect time.
14:39 Colby may have been their first rescue,
14:41 but it was hardly their last.
14:43 After him came 80 other horses,
14:45 almost all of which have been ex-workhorses just the same.
14:48 Usually this means death,
14:50 as these animals can no longer work and are left behind.
14:53 But luckily, there's someone out there fighting for them
14:56 and making sure they get a second chance
14:58 at a happy and fulfilling life.
15:00 Dog rescued after being stranded in a storm.
15:05 While sitting across from their vacation home,
15:07 this couple saw a dog sitting across from their house.
15:10 Three weeks ago, a massive storm, Hurricane Laura,
15:13 had torn through and abandoned her there.
15:16 After posting for some help trapping this dog,
15:18 the couple went out to go help.
15:20 The initial plan was just to get there,
15:22 but when they realized it was an uninhabitable marsh area,
15:25 they were concerned for the dog and its well-being.
15:28 It took a while.
15:29 The dog was terrified of them
15:30 and wouldn't even come to the pile of food
15:32 that they had set out for.
15:34 Then they were worried she was just too smart for the trap
15:37 and wouldn't come.
15:38 So they decided to drop down to just one person,
15:41 and she spent some time telling the dog
15:43 everyone was going to be okay
15:45 and trying to coax her out with kindness.
15:47 After hours, the dog finally broke,
15:49 confident enough to eat some of the kibbles from her hand.
15:52 While it was still slow,
15:54 and she pulled back every few bites,
15:56 she was able to pet the dog and pull her in the last time.
15:59 It seemed like that was what it took.
16:01 They were able to hold onto her the entire boat ride
16:03 and bring her home,
16:04 saving her from starving on that island
16:06 and earning her trust in the meantime.
16:09 When no one came forward to claim her,
16:11 they found her a loving foster home,
16:13 and it's like she's a brand new dog.
16:15 After such a traumatic experience in the storm,
16:18 it's hard to imagine a happier ending.
16:20 Puppies Saved From The Middle Of The Road.
16:24 If not for their guardian angel,
16:26 these puppies lying in the middle of the road
16:29 probably would have been in danger.
16:31 This man helped rescue a puppy from the middle of the road
16:34 when he saw the little guy on his back.
16:36 The puppy's mother was quick to ask for help,
16:38 knowing she needed someone there to help her.
16:40 When the man brought the dog to a nearby vet,
16:42 you can just tell how grateful and happy she was,
16:45 like she fully understands how lucky they were
16:48 to have come across this person.
16:49 She watched as the little guy got help,
16:51 wagging her tail and watching on.
16:54 This man definitely saved a puppy's life
16:56 and gave the dog a new chance.
16:58 Next time you're driving down a road,
17:00 maybe keep an eye out.
17:01 As it turns out, when animals need help,
17:03 they'll sometimes be more than willing to stop
17:05 and ask a friendly person.
17:07 All right, that's it for today.
17:09 Don't forget to like the video,
17:10 subscribe to Forever Green,
17:12 and hit that bell icon for more.
17:14 We'll see you on the next one.
17:15 (upbeat music)
