30 Moments When Bison Lions Hurt Lions Animal Fight

  • last year
00:00 sharp horns
00:03 those ferocious eyes
00:11 lions, leopards, wolves or bears are all fearsome predators
00:20 top killers
00:23 but not all animals are their prey
00:29 today we will show you the most epic battles in which these bison will terrify the top predators
00:40 the lion and the buffalo are two sworn enemies
00:58 the battles are always going on
01:01 the lion will not pass up any opportunity to claim his meal
01:05 mature buffalo is a different opponent to play
01:22 smart predators always choose to attack from behind because they know the dangers of the horns
01:28 a fierce attack that will literally wipe out all enemies
01:39 fear was evident on the faces of predators
01:48 the lion has been dethroned, the head of Africa is now just shy cats
01:53 when deciding to hunt dangerous prey like wild buffalo, the proud lion must devise a clear strategy
02:05 otherwise they could be in trouble
02:15 lions attack in groups, they surround and try to tire their prey and leave openings
02:21 most prey panic in the fear of a predator's attack
02:28 but wild buffalo are not
02:38 if there is an outside threat, the buffalo will join forces to support their teammates
02:44 situation reversed
02:51 the lions were at a disadvantage
03:05 in this wild place, anything can happen, a mistake can be life threatening
03:10 let us know what you think in the comment section below
03:19 African bison, buffalo or gar are not easily bullied
03:32 all of them have solid bodies and great strength
03:36 they are true warriors
03:42 they are better able to defend themselves than antelope and zebra
03:57 bison are fierce and powerful beasts
04:01 with a terrifyingly large appearance and strong curved horns, the African buffalo can weigh up to 800 kg
04:14 this herbivore is quite dominant
04:25 this herbivore is quite docile unless disturbed
04:29 African buffalos are even called the black death because they kill around 200 people a year
04:38 the struggle for dominance is the cause of these fierce wars
04:51 a long and fierce battle is going on
04:54 3 vs 300
05:03 your prey or your life
05:11 the proud lion has only one choice
05:20 to attack or to defend
05:23 it can be said that the mature buffalo is one of the opponents that lions are most afraid to confront
05:31 but in order to have enough food for the whole flock, they have no other way
05:37 lions can't get close without being gored by buffalo
05:45 direct attack is a silly behavior
05:48 if not careful when confronting this opponent, the lion can receive a bitter end
05:54 the battle between these two forces is more epic than any scene in a Hollywood movie you've ever seen
06:07 because it actually happened
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06:18 it's not surprising that a large wild buffalo can stand up to a proud lion
06:28 they can even counterattack, causing the lion to be seriously injured
06:40 the lions paid the price for their reckless actions
06:44 and they learned a valuable lesson after the war just now
06:54 the grasslands of Africa are always dangerous
07:01 predators lurking everywhere and waiting for the right moment to pounce on their prey
07:08 lion, the ruler of Africa, begins his hunt
07:12 the chaotic scene
07:21 this is what the leopard wants
07:27 incredibly stealthy, the African lion is ready to attack
07:36 but being overly stealthy, the opportunistic predator managed to get a fresh meal without much effort
07:42 alone facing two huge wild buffaloes
07:48 does his confidence increase or does his intelligence decrease?
08:01 there is so much competition, the bison must show strength to prove their position
08:07 an all-out battle is underway, with creatures weighing almost a ton using their speed to repel opponents
08:17 this male luckily escaped death after the fatal stab
08:27 the winner will get a harem, a pretty good reward
08:31 when in danger, bison will form a strong defensive horn wall
08:39 that makes predators timid when deciding to hunt them down
08:48 one versus one
08:55 a battle for survival is going on
08:58 the predator is counterattacked continuously
09:09 but seemingly too hungry, it continued to risk its life to rush to its prey
09:21 all seem to be fighting for life
09:24 what happens when bison and black bear clash?
09:33 black bears are really no match for these big guys
09:37 give way or get trampled
09:46 smart predators will surely know which is the right choice
09:50 fresh prey was already in front of him, this hunter couldn't pass up this good opportunity
10:01 quickly approaching the target
10:13 the sharp horns and ferocious eyes of the bison make hunters afraid
10:18 nothing is easy
10:24 when you are drinking water, a giant appears from behind and suddenly attacks
10:38 maybe running away is the right thing to do now
10:42 nature has a lot to teach the overconfident
10:49 maybe these aggressive dogs should stop this stupid act
11:05 this experienced tiger is the only one who can take down a full grown gar
11:10 lock the prey's neck
11:16 the king of the jungle seemed to want to suffocate his prey's throat
11:22 the hunter is not afraid to attack
11:31 the jungle seemed to want to suffocate his prey's throat
11:35 making it difficult for the victim to breathe
11:41 the strength of the jaws made the bull unable to resist
11:46 a silent murder
11:54 but watch this unbelievable moment
11:58 a tiger was satisfying his thirst but was accidentally discovered by a giant bull
12:03 3, 2, 1
12:17 the predator had to run away before the prey
12:23 like their African cousins, the Indian wild dog is a reckless and opportunistic predator here
12:29 they are targeting Sambar, fawn mother and daughter
12:35 the two predators seize the opportunity to deliver fatal blows to the small group of predators
12:46 in quick succession
12:49 their combination makes the mother disoriented
12:54 she is unable to protect her child from brutal attacks
12:59 let's continue to the distant relatives of wild dogs
13:11 with the same strategy, the hungry dogs closely follow the cows
13:16 they follow the herd of cows looking for potential prey
13:24 nothing can stop the wild dogs from taking down the prey
13:34 nothing can stop their will to hunt
13:38 9 vs 2
13:48 the mother cow tries to scare away the fearsome predators
13:59 but cannot
14:02 consistency and close coordination helped predators get their rewards
14:24 what do you think happens to small dogs when the kick is accurate?
14:28 definitely shouldn't bother these big guys
14:33 not someone who is easily bullied
14:40 bison hurl enemies into the air
14:45 the sharp horns make this dog regret his reckless behavior
14:51 gaur is known as a mutant with a muscular body
14:55 his muscular strength makes him stand out
15:04 gaur is a giant animal
15:13 he is a very aggressive predator
15:18 he is a giant animal
15:22 an adult bull is about 1.9 meters tall, about 3 meters long on average and weighs about 1.3 tons
15:29 as one of nature's strongest
15:34 the young are not yet like their parents
15:45 do you feel sad when you see these pictures?
15:49 the mother gaur protects the young calf
15:57 try to resist the terrible power of the predator
16:10 the pack of hungry dogs doesn't let go of the potential prey
16:15 the poor child who was just born was deprived of the chance to survive
16:25 it's not always the winner, there are opponents that scare the wild dog
16:38 gaur is nature's most ferocious animal
16:42 huge in stature and fearsome strength, he hardly has an enemy in nature
16:52 this competitor taught the wild dogs a lesson that it's not always the quantity that makes the power
17:02 surely these aggressive wild dogs should find someone else to try
17:08 wild dogs are Africa's great hunters, masters of the art of coordinated savanna hunting
17:20 imagine the power of wild dogs
17:31 imagine what happens when wild dogs confront these muscular animals
17:37 during the breeding season, the dominant male will work hard to deter other males
17:57 this will try to ensure he is the only male to mate with the leading female
18:03 unlike other dogs, the mating process of African wild dogs is short-lived, lasting only about a minute
18:13 after about three months, the stray dogs will be born in an underground lair
18:26 when the cubs are three weeks old, they will be out to explore the world
18:32 the rest of the herd is responsible for hunting and bringing back food to the den for the leader female and her cubs
18:42 even alone, wild dogs are truly fearsome predators
18:51 he can catch his prey as they hide in the river
18:57 hope for life has been extinguished
19:05 the little child was taken away by death, it was sad to see this heartbreaking scene
19:14 finally, we would like to thank all of you who have followed the hawk from the first videos until now
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19:44 thanks again, and see you in the next video
