30 Moments When Lions Fight Fiercely To Save Their Fellows From Giant Pythons Animal Fight

  • last year
00:00 Crocodiles attack python.
00:07 Lion attacks python.
00:13 What happens when a lion confronts a python?
00:18 Today we come to 30 moments when lions fight fiercely to save their fellows from giant pythons.
00:25 What happens next?
00:30 The python is a gentle, slow-moving reptile.
00:36 Due to the color adapting to the surrounding environment, pythons can camouflage skillfully in front of their prey.
00:46 Its food is mainly warm-blooded animals.
00:56 Powerful attack.
01:01 Squeeze your prey with merciless force.
01:06 A good meal, but at the moment it's just a snack.
01:11 Pythons hunt by ambush.
01:16 They are also one of opportunistic foragers and do not hesitate to devour the prey it encounters.
01:31 The animals inhabit the plains of Africa.
01:36 Lions are opportunistic predators. They won't give up without a fight.
01:45 Waiting for the right time.
01:50 The battle between two gazelles.
01:55 They are creating opportunities for lions and predators to approach quickly.
02:05 Perhaps its hunt was unsuccessful.
02:10 Continue hunting antelope.
02:15 Fortunately, this time it successfully captured the prey.
02:28 Not only do lions hunt antelope, but this prey is also a favorite animal for giant pythons.
02:38 Constantly squeezing prey to death.
02:48 With a curious nature despite inexperience, the lion cubs still deliberately rush to attack the rock python.
02:58 Threaten to open their mouths to threaten, but the cubs still refuse to give up their intentions.
03:08 Before this challenge, the rock python immediately launched a counterattack, biting the opponent's face.
03:18 At this time, the lion cub realized the fearsome power of the enemy.
03:28 But all was in vain. It paid the price for this wrong decision.
03:33 Fortunately, its mother arrived in time and successfully saved the cubs.
03:46 Young lions pay the price for their curiosity, being attacked by pythons.
04:00 Climbing may not be this lion cub's forte, but it has learned that perseverance pays off.
04:07 Cobras, one of the deadliest threats a lion cub can face.
04:15 Fortunately, the cubs' curiosity was curbed by instinct.
04:22 In the face of the threat of the lion family, they teamed up to attack the cobra.
04:30 The predator carries a secret weapon, the venom spray.
04:38 Poison sprayed into the eyes can make lions blind for life.
04:43 The mother lion takes her cubs to a safe area.
04:56 What happens when a mongoose confronts a python?
05:01 When faced with a great threat like pythons, the mongoose will coordinate defenses to protect vulnerable members of her herd.
05:16 But what if the mongoose confronts the lion?
05:21 The animal is small, but likes to quarrel with it, despite opponents many times larger than it.
05:31 Be ready to fight.
05:36 The mongoose bared its sharp teeth close to the enemy.
05:41 Although the lions were dominant in number, they still did not dare to attack the small civet.
05:51 The mongoose is a small carnivore that mainly inhabits Africa.
05:56 They are known for daring attacks on larger animals, often hunting lizards, insects, and venomous snakes.
06:11 Snakes are the number one nemesis of the mongoose, the notorious hunter with the baby face.
06:21 In the wild, not all cute animals reflect their true nature.
06:34 So what if the lion confronts the snake?
06:39 The most feared snake in Africa is Black Mamba.
06:53 Clash of reptilian opponents fighting each other.
06:59 Now who will win this battle?
07:03 Crocodile or python?
07:08 It all depends on which one is stronger.
07:13 Crocodiles with bite force greater than 2,000 pounds successfully knock down the opponent.
07:28 Unlucky, the giant python died tragically when it swallowed the crocodile.
07:41 These large predators compete with the American alligator as the top predator.
07:50 For the first time in history, the Burmese python and crocodile are the two top predators fighting for a resource.
08:00 A fierce battle.
08:05 The larger American alligator with strong jaws has a distinct advantage over pythons.
08:15 It is almost impossible for the python to escape this encirclement.
08:20 After a grueling battle that lasted for hours in the end, none of them won.
08:34 We have never seen such a scene.
08:39 Lion and crocodile sitting at the same table.
08:49 A nest of ferocious predators is working to integrate with the world.
08:54 They are the longest venomous snakes in the world of king cobras.
09:02 Despite their small size, they are equipped with all the necessary skills to survive in the new environment.
09:12 Start looking for water to quench your thirst.
09:17 Another predator weighing more than 20 feet.
09:27 Crocodiles are no match for lions on land.
09:32 The underwater killer is constantly attacked by the lion family.
09:41 But with thick skin that makes them impossible to knock down and have to let the crocodile leave.
09:51 If it was underwater, the crocodile would have defeated the lion.
09:56 Because the lion's weakness is in the water.
10:09 Buffalos are also prey that lions often hunt.
10:14 The buffalos began to move through the mud in search of food.
10:19 Unlucky, this adult buffalo has been stuck here for two days now.
10:28 It was powerless to do anything but stand still.
10:33 In the evening, he had to face bloodthirsty jackals.
10:38 On the morning of the third day, the buffalo faced a predator even more sinister than the jackal, the lion.
10:48 The predator quickly approached.
10:53 It rushed in and started to finish the poor buffalo.
10:58 Three lionesses get a free meal without much effort.
11:10 This bloodthirsty male lion is holding back a young wild buffalo.
11:15 The mother buffalo tries to save her child.
11:20 Impossible, because the child was killed by a lion.
11:25 It is painful to watch your child die at the hands of bloodthirsty predators.
11:40 These two wild buffalo are the target of the hungry lion family.
11:49 It weighs up to 1500 pounds and has horns.
11:54 Buffalo rams more lions than any other predator.
11:59 So these predators require a game plan.
12:04 This time they will use an age-old strategy.
12:09 Before the buffalo found out it was surrounded.
12:14 Taking down this adult prey is no easy feat.
12:19 In the end, they succeeded with their strategy.
12:29 Lions usually avoid hunting in such heat.
12:34 But they are also opportunists.
12:39 In sight was a stray wild buffalo.
12:44 The lioness needs to kill this prey quickly before it overheats.
12:52 Buffalo is also a formidable opponent of the lions.
12:57 It can also gouge a predator.
13:02 After many efforts.
13:07 They finally defeated the buffalo.
13:12 Victims don't give up. It struggled to escape the sharp claws of the hungry lion.
13:19 Turn the situation upside down.
13:25 Buffalo successfully escaped from the herd of bloodthirsty lions.
13:32 One sunny day, the lioness was sleeping beside a well in a wild land.
13:46 While she was fast asleep, a sizable gray-white elephant appeared from afar and approached.
13:54 The elephant stood there and watched the lioness, looking like she was thinking about something.
14:02 The lion felt something strange, opened his eyes, and saw the elephant standing before him.
14:10 The elephant is one of the most powerful animals, and the lioness can't beat it.
14:17 The lion tries to run faster to avoid the elephant.
14:23 The elephant defeated the lion, and he was satisfied with his achievement.
14:28 It turned and walked away, leaving the lioness panting and worried.
14:36 Although strong in front of lions, when entering the water, the large body cannot crush the strength of the crocodile king.
14:46 All this big elephant can do is find a way to escape.
14:53 And good luck too.
14:59 In today's story, an adult lion is hunting in the savannah.
15:06 He felt confident with his strength and decided to attack the buffalo grazing in the pasture.
15:14 However, the lion did not expect the buffalo to yield and decided to fight back.
15:24 They rushed to attack. The lion had to retreat and try to cope.
15:32 But the buffalo herd was too strong, and the lion could not cope and eventually had to run away.
15:40 He ran to a nearby tree and climbed to the top to avoid the buffalo herd's attack.
15:49 The lion's life is fragile because the tree he climbs on is not large enough to withstand the attack of the buffalo herd.
16:05 Of course, the lion is still the most fearsome giant cat predator in the African grasslands.
16:14 They need to compete with each other for food, mates, and territory.
16:24 The cub's survival rate to adulthood is only 20%, so adult male lions will often face fiercer competition than ever before.
16:43 Like this male lion, it was lucky to escape death when caught in the trap of wildlife traffickers.
16:53 But the result is that it has lost a hind leg permanently.
16:59 If only it had a healthy body, it would become the king of this steppe.
17:13 The lionesses are the most amazing mothers in the wild.
17:18 They often have to share in caring for their children and brothers' children in the herd.
17:26 But the other one will do a difficult and risky hunting mission.
17:32 When young, lion cubs look cute and warm, but when they grow up, they will live according to their instincts, solid and brutal.
17:48 Adult male lions must fight for territories and mates to maintain the breed.
17:58 Apart from their aggressive moments, they seem relaxed, even somewhat sad on their faces.
18:04 Sometimes, after hunting, the male lion will rest next to his achievements.
18:10 After the health is restored, it is time to start the meal.
18:15 Hunting can be challenging and successful.
18:20 Look what this guy is doing in the wet grass.
18:24 A sound came from a bottomless pit. The sound of warthog.
18:30 Warthog wisely chose a wormhole to hide from predators.
18:35 But more than its intelligence is needed to surpass the experienced male lion.
18:42 Another excellent example of a lion hunt.
18:50 These lionesses have teamed up to destroy one of the three giant male buffaloes.
19:01 This was the wrong choice, possibly due to the young lion's lack of combat experience.
19:09 Of course, the result will fail.
19:18 Can the lion defeat and eat the elephant?
19:23 Now, the hawk will give you another look at the predator's experience.
19:32 Experience has been accumulated from many hunts, and now is the time for these lions to apply it to a baby elephant that has lost its mother.
19:45 Finally, the lions will have a full meal.
19:50 But if it was an adult elephant, it would certainly be fiercely aggressive like this.
20:01 And indeed, the lion cub will panic after being attacked by an elephant like this.
20:15 Next will be the fierce battle between the giants and the apex predators in the heart of the steppe.
20:25 The baby elephant has caught the lion's eye, and let's see what happens next.
20:40 Lions have failed, and one of them has been injured.
20:46 The wound is not light.
20:55 The male lion has had difficulty moving since his fight with the elephant.
21:06 He had an injured hind leg, could not walk, plus numerous lacerations all over his body.
21:33 Finally, we would like to thank all of you who have followed the hawk from the first videos until now, and we always welcome new viewers to the channel.
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22:01 Thanks again and see you in the next video.
