মহরমের দিন বেড়া লাগিয়ে মন্দিরগুলোকে অস্থায়ী কারাগারে পরিণত করেছেন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী! তোপ শুভেন্দুর

  • last year
মহরমের দিন বেড়া লাগিয়ে মন্দিরগুলোকে অস্থায়ী কারাগারে পরিণত করেছেন মুখ্যমন্ত্রী! তোপ শুভেন্দুর
00:00 The police minister is a great example. He has come from Punjab and Manipur to our village. He is not believing the police. He is not a good example.
00:16 Those who have a minimum political sense and have the necessary body parts of Meru Danda, will raise their voice against this company or family.
00:30 And those who have left the body of Meru Danda in the cupboard, like the Bhata Jeevis, will make this company go bankrupt.
00:41 Who gave the right to the police of Mamata Banerjee to build a bamboo hut in front of the temple on the day of Maharam?
00:52 I tweeted in the morning and the police opened the hut.
00:55 And here in Sarisha Diamond Harbour, there are three places where they build bamboo huts and perform rituals.
01:01 There is Sanatan culture and no Maharam committee has said anything. Mamata Banerjee has done it. Mamata Banerjee's police has done it.
01:11 Only the vote bank and I, the Muslim organization, are poor.
01:15 And I have 20 pictures of the kind of weapons that have come out on the streets today.
01:21 In Murshidabad and Malda districts, you said a lot of things on Ram Navami. We do not want the situation of discrimination among us here to develop.
01:33 We do not want to see the destruction of our culture. Because we are the disciples of Modi Ji.
01:37 Modi Ji has taught us that everyone has to help, everyone has to develop, everyone has to believe, everyone has to try.
01:41 We do not want to bring all this.
01:43 You do not have any right to the police. You have to perform rituals, you have to give food, there is a time for the prayer, there is a time for the morning prayer, there is a time for the evening prayer.
01:55 You cannot tie the temples like this, tie them with nylon ropes and put them in the prison for a long time.
02:04 This is a day of mourning. Here, in some areas, we have to follow the second way. That is a community subject.
02:10 We have nothing to do with it. The Maharam Committee has never told us to put temporary barricades in front of the temples.
02:23 Mamata Banerjee does impeachment politics and vote bank politics.
02:28 That is why a few years ago, the Maharam and the second Dashami, our Dashara, was one day.
02:38 They stopped the inauguration of the second Dashami.
02:43 After that, many years passed.
02:47 Once again, today, in Malda and in the South 24 program, especially in the Diamond Harbour area, in Kalia Chowk, what has happened is very dangerous.
02:58 It is a very bad incident for our country, for the constitution, for our state.
03:07 The wrong message is going, the police forcibly put a barricade in front of the temple.
03:14 In the morning, when I tweeted, I asked the Chief Secretary for an intervention.
03:19 I went to the IC of Kalia Chowk and immediately removed the barricade in front of both the temples.
03:25 After that, in the afternoon, I left the Diamond Harbour model.
03:29 In Diamond Harbour and Swarisha, there is still a strong barricade in three temples.
03:38 In our Hindu culture, there is prayer, there is aarti, there is hapon.
03:46 There, to request God to give you food,
03:53 in the whole day, from 3-4 in the morning to 7-7.30 in the evening, there is a daily schedule in the temple for God.
04:06 For this, there are priests in every temple.
04:09 The arrangement in every temple, according to our culture, is also an arrangement.
04:16 But Kaal and Raj did not let us do this work in some temples.
04:20 This is not a committee of Maharam, nor did they tell us about the minorities, Muslims.
04:26 This is the politics of the Tusti current, the politics of the vote bank.
04:30 The police of the corrupt Mamata Banerjee have done this.
04:33 This is very bad. It is shameful for Bengal.
04:36 This appeasement politics should end in Bengal.
