40 Mysterious Animals That Have Rarely Been Seen Part 3

  • last year
00:00 The natural world contains about 8.7 million species and we only know about 2 million of them.
00:05 That means Mother Nature has created some things that are definitely going to be a question to look at.
00:10 Whether it's regular common species in funky colors
00:14 or completely new animals like the sarcastic fringehead, there is a lot you have not seen yet.
00:21 So without further ado, here are 40 animals you might not have seen before.
00:27 Spanish Dancer Nudibranch
00:31 Anyone who's aware of seal slug knows that they come in a wonderful variety.
00:36 Still, the Spanish Dancer Nudibranch is actually the biggest sea slug as of yet.
00:42 It's as long as a human arm and it literally looks like a mutilated floating tongue
00:49 or a giant flower petal, whatever seems fit.
00:55 Sea Slug
00:58 Who needs space travel when you can find aliens right in the depths of our oceans?
01:04 There are countless types of sea slugs but this one is special.
01:08 It's a predatory sea slug and the most unique thing about them apart from their appearance
01:14 is how they eat. They just move around with their oral veil open like a vacuum
01:19 and close it up when they sense a prey, just like a fishnet.
01:24 Ghost Shark
01:27 Scientists need to have a better system of naming animals.
01:34 For example, even air-breathing, though this fish is called a ghost shark, it's not a shark.
01:40 However, they are related to them except they only have one gill on either side of their bodies.
01:45 To add to their ghost-like appearance, they have a misty glow in their dark eyes too.
01:52 Sea Pig
01:55 Once again, these animal names are here to confuse you.
02:00 The sea pig isn't actually a pig, obviously. It's a sea cucumber.
02:04 The "pig" part in their name comes from the fact that they have
02:07 pinkish plump bodies like land pigs and we love to devour.
02:11 Sea pigs are found in every ocean but you might never get to see them
02:16 since they live in the coldest and deepest parts of the ocean.
02:22 Ardwolf
02:25 A striped hyena is nothing special except striped hyenas don't exist.
02:31 This is, in fact, an ardwolf and their name means "earth wolf".
02:36 To make them even weirder, they're insectivorous animals and only enjoy tiny critters.
02:43 And for that specific reason, they have cheek teeth that look like flattened pegs.
02:49 Hagfish
02:52 Who knew that one of the most boring looking fish could have the weirdest features?
03:01 Some animals use their teeth to get out of danger and some use their speed.
03:05 However, these marine fish use slime.
03:07 Yeah, you heard that right. We're not talking about the squishy,
03:11 colorful slime every kid loves to play with.
03:13 It's gelatinous, mucus-like material that can expand up to 100 times when it's released.
03:19 Gross.
03:19 Robber fly
03:22 If there were criminals in the animal world, it would be the robber fly.
03:29 No pun intended.
03:30 These flies will eat any insect that flies.
03:33 That too, in a very cruel way.
03:35 First, they inject a fluid into their victim that literally breaks down their muscle tissue
03:40 and then chomps them down like free dinner.
03:42 And since they're about 3 inches in size, they're practically the Hulk of the fly world.
03:47 White serval
03:51 The pharaoh white serval looks like something right out of a winter wonderland.
03:59 And yet they don't even live in the snow.
04:01 There are only a handful of these creatures known to us and we've only ever witnessed two of them.
04:06 They're not regular albinos either.
04:08 Their natural fur is all white.
04:10 What royalty.
04:12 Gulper eel
04:13 Sometimes nature surprises us with things that even make scientists raise their eyebrows.
04:23 The gulper eel is literally like a large net with a balloon mouth.
04:26 It swims into large groups of shrimp with its mouth open and scooping up prey as it goes.
04:32 They use their huge mouths to store food for later too, like nature's fridge.
04:39 Exquisite crown jellyfish
04:43 What has no heart, no brain, blood, gills, but has the secret to immortality.
04:51 The wonderful crown jellyfish.
04:54 Thanks to their extremely simple biological makeup,
04:56 they can live for thousands of years, if not forever.
05:00 The crown jellyfish is also especially venomous, just not to us.
05:04 Sarcastic fringehead
05:08 We're taught not to judge people by appearances.
05:13 Thankfully, this doesn't apply to fish.
05:15 If you see this fish, do not question anything and just quietly swim away.
05:19 The sarcastic fringehead is not only possessive about its territory,
05:24 but it also has a mouth full of needle-like teeth that can open and close like a bear trap.
05:29 They're just that witch that lives in the woods and hates everyone.
05:34 Let them and their silly burrows be.
05:37 Male ribbon eel
05:40 With so much trash down in the ocean, you can easily confuse this creature
05:47 for a piece of ribbon or colorful cloth.
05:49 The ribbon eels start their life as bright yellow eels,
05:53 and then comes the phase where they turn blue and yellow.
05:56 At this point in life, they're actually male.
05:59 When they turn back to yellow, they become female.
06:02 The color of their skin is correspondent to their sex.
06:05 How cool is that?
06:06 Harlequin toad
06:08 The harlequin toad has beautifully striped bodies
06:15 that you might think is good enough to attract a female frog.
06:18 But it's not.
06:19 In fact, these frogs completely forgo food during mating season for a special love diet
06:24 that makes them lose up to 30% of their body weight.
06:26 Even after that, they have to wave in the water to get their attention.
06:30 Conehead mantis
06:34 The majestic conehead mantis has enough charm to captivate anyone's eye.
06:38 That is, if you can find them.
06:40 Their bodies already blend so well with the plant,
06:43 yet they even move like leaves to blend in even more.
06:47 African giant millipede
06:50 Millipedes and other insects with more legs than we can imagine are creepy enough.
06:58 And then there's the African giant millipede that looks like it just ate a plant.
07:02 And then there's the millipede that looks like it's more a snake than a millipede.
07:06 No one in their right minds would go near them.
07:09 And even if you do, they'll secrete a liquid that can make your skin itchy like crazy.
07:14 Hammerhead worm
07:17 The hammerhead worm is the most hardcore worm you can possibly imagine.
07:25 Most worms just wriggle around and don't cause much harm,
07:29 but they're not the most dangerous.
07:31 They're a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
07:34 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
07:37 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
07:38 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
07:39 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
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07:42 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
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07:48 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
07:49 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
07:50 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
07:51 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
08:11 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
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08:25 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
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08:32 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
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08:43 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
08:45 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
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08:51 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
08:52 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
08:53 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
08:54 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
08:55 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
08:57 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
08:58 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
08:59 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
09:00 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
09:01 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
09:02 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
09:04 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
09:05 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
09:06 They're also a little bit more aggressive than other worms.
09:30 ZAURUS A Zaurus looks like an animal that was being
09:37 printed, but the printer ran out of ink.
09:39 The Zaurus is a very strange creature, only because humans love to make weird little animal
09:44 mixtures.
09:45 Apparently, a mule wasn't enough, so they went ahead and created the Zaurus.
09:49 Moreover, Zaurus are usually prone to dwarfism, which makes them even smaller in size and
09:55 perhaps even cuter.
09:59 WHITE AUKA It's a good thing many fish aren't white,
10:06 because we might easily confuse them with icebergs, and we all remember how the Titanic
10:11 story went down.
10:12 Full pun intended.
10:13 This obviously doesn't stop nature from running its course and coming up with a very
10:18 rare white auka whale.
10:20 In fact, one of them is quite well known in the marine community, and its name?
10:25 Iceberg.
10:26 Everything truly comes in full circle.
10:28 IRRAWADDY DOLPHIN If you like beluga whales, you are going
10:38 to love the Irrawaddy dolphin.
10:40 Their charismatic round faces make them look like baby belugas, but with only one dorsal
10:47 fin.
10:47 Moreover, their unusually expressive faves make them look like they're happy and smiling.
10:53 Unfortunately, these are currently endangered creatures, so if you like them, make sure
10:58 to do your part in saving them too.
11:03 What's fancier than a regular lizard?
11:08 A collared lizard, of course!
11:10 These distinguished gentlemen have two black collars around their necks and love to munch
11:15 on grasshoppers and crickets.
11:17 That's not all they like to eat, though.
11:19 Sometimes they'll go for other lizards, even their own kind.
11:22 That took a dark turn pretty fast.
11:23 CICADA
11:26 Cicadas are weird enough as they are.
11:32 They live incredibly long lives, reaching up to 13 to 17 years, but they barely ever
11:37 come out of the ground, just to stick to your windshield and make an insufferable buzzing
11:42 sound.
11:50 But forget about the regular plain ones.
11:52 Take a look at this incredibly large cicada with brightly colored bodies.
11:57 They're the only ones in their genus, too.
12:02 Other than being completely beautiful and bright, the cleaner shrimp make the life of
12:09 every marine creature a lot easier.
12:12 They live with their client fish and clean off any parasites the fish might have.
12:16 This gives the shrimp free food and the fish a free cleaning round.
12:20 LINKS
12:23 We've seen enough famous big cats, but what we don't get to see are stunning creatures
12:32 like the lynx.
12:33 These animals have very iconic tufts of black hair on the tip of their ears and black bars
12:38 on their necks that resemble a bow tie.
12:41 You could say these are the fancier cousins of regular big cats.
12:47 For some reason, humans will eat anything, even if it's something as ugly as the monkfish.
12:56 What's weird is that they're called the poor man's lobster because of the firm sweet
13:01 taste similar to a lobster tail, but they're mostly about 80% mouth.
13:06 Would you like to try one?
13:15 This huge pyrosome looks like plastic, but it's actually a free-floating collection of
13:20 completely identical clones that make up a colony.
13:23 In fact, this is a colony you're looking at.
13:26 These simple creatures don't do much except filter feed on microscopic plankton and sometimes
13:31 even glow thanks to their bioluminescent qualities.
13:40 As if there weren't enough violent and disturbing predators in the water, we also have the bobbit
13:46 worm that basically works like a chainsaw.
13:48 These worms are great at detecting prey thanks to their five antennas.
13:53 They use their strong muscles to snap a fish in half and gobble it up.
13:58 Sometimes they even bite humans.
14:00 One more reason not to go into the ocean.
14:11 If there's one thing marine animals can do, it's camouflage.
14:17 Usually this is a good thing, but it's a big problem for us humans who are revolted by
14:21 things like the hairy frogfish.
14:24 The hairy frogfish is covered in spines that look like strands of hair.
14:28 They can even change colors to fit in, and even weirder, they don't really swim.
14:32 Instead, they walk along the sea floor.
14:35 Either these fish have a bad color of lipstick on, or they're just the Mediterranean parrotfish.
14:51 They use their beak-like mouths to feed on algae that grows on seagrass.
14:56 They're constantly chewing off the algae off the rocks the whole day, which is actually
15:01 a good thing, especially for the coral reefs.
15:03 If you happen to catch one, put it back into the water because they're endangered.
15:11 It's a good thing why deep sea fish don't come up to the surface.
15:17 Considering how horrifying and massive they are, it's better they stay down in the water.
15:22 Just take a look at this football fish.
15:32 Where the sun doesn't reach, there grows life that will amaze you.
15:36 One of the rarest creatures an underwater robot captured was this beautiful transparent octopus.
15:43 With all luminescent tentacles, it looks like an alien fish from the abyss.
15:47 SUN BEAR
15:50 You've heard of care bears, now take a look at the sun bear.
15:57 This is the world's smallest bear species with an unusually long tongue.
16:02 They're called sun bears not because of their cute nature,
16:04 but because of the bright patch on their chest.
16:11 Humans aren't the only species that put on makeup and bright red lipstick to get a date.
16:18 Some fish like the red-lipped batfish do it too.
16:22 And to lure in prey, they have a whole other system.
16:26 Their fleshy modified dorsal fin can be extended to attract small fish.
16:34 Fish have a very weird way of surviving.
16:39 Sometimes evolution skips the step of even giving them hemoglobin,
16:43 the stuff that makes our blood red.
16:45 So the icefish here has blood that actually just looks like plain water.
16:52 Other than looking like a million peacock feathers,
16:58 the mantis shrimp also has a punch compared to a bullet leaving a garner.
17:02 The force they produce equals to about 2,500 times more than their weight.
17:15 These catfish are a very critically endangered species of air-breathing catfish.
17:23 Moreover, they only live in the cave in Namibia and literally nowhere else.
17:32 The yeti might not be real but the yeti crab sure is.
17:39 This ghostly creature has super furry fins that they use to harvest huge clusters of bacteria
17:45 that grow on the surface of hydrothermal vents.
17:48 Yum, hot vent bacteria soup.
17:54 As the name suggests, the Venezuela poodle moth was first discovered back in 2009 in Venezuela.
18:03 It is endowed with big black eyes and its body is covered in white fur.
18:08 This fur makes it look fluffy and kind of like a poodle.
18:11 But since it is a moth, it also has a whitish wing
18:15 and if you are lucky it will be attracted to your porch light.
18:18 And if that happens, I'm pretty sure you won't be able to resist the temptation
18:22 to run your fingers through it.
18:24 I mean, if this isn't the cutest moth then I don't know what is.
18:30 Still on moths, the hummingbird hawk moth is definitely not your usual kind of moth.
18:39 If you ever come across it, you might never in a million years first classify it as a moth.
18:44 Its size alone is as large as that of a hummingbird.
18:48 Like hummingbirds, they too have a long proboscis which they use to feed on nectar.
18:53 The hummingbird hawk moth is also endowed with orange-reddish wings.
18:58 These unique moths can be found in Scotland, Wales, Ireland, and England.
19:07 Streaked tenrecks are commonly found in Madagascar.
19:12 If they are in the mountainous rainforests, they're classified as highland tenrecks
19:18 and if they are in the eastern forest, then they're classified as lowland streaked tenrecks.
19:23 The lowland streaked tenrecks are the most social as you'll probably find them gathering in groups.
19:29 At first glance, they look like electrocuted rats due to their erect yellow and black quills.
19:34 They use these quills to communicate with other group members
19:38 and also in defense when they feel threatened.
19:40 Lowland streaked tenrecks also have long little snouts that play a vital role in foraging for
19:47 plants and insects.
19:52 The male long-wattled umbrella bird is like no bird you have ever seen.
19:58 They have long wattles with flabby chunks of skin, kinda like the ones you'd find on a turkey.
20:05 The wattle also looks like the umbrella bird has a thick scarf wrapped around its neck.
20:11 What's even more interesting is the fact that these birds are able to control their wattles
20:15 accordingly. They can retract and extend the wattles during flight or even when they just
20:20 need to perch on a branch of a tree. Besides earning themselves mates, these wattles play
20:25 no other role. If you are ever in Ecuador or southwest Colombia, you might get lucky to see one.
20:31 OKAPI
20:34 You've probably seen a giraffe and a zebra, but have you ever seen an animal that looks like both?
20:43 Say hello to okapi. Okapi are the closest relatives of giraffes. Okapis look like they
20:49 borrow their head from the giraffes and the black and white stripes on their hind areas and front
20:54 legs, well those were borrowed from a zebra. If a giraffe and a zebra had a baby, this is probably
21:00 how it would look. You agree? Sadly, okapis are not only hard to come by but also endangered.
21:08 There are a few deep in Uturi forest in the Democratic Republic of Congo,
21:13 but no travelers are allowed there, which I think is for the best.
21:17 Alright, comment below which of these animals you've actually seen before. Don't forget to
21:22 like the video, subscribe to Forever Green, and we'll see you in the next one!
21:26 [Music]
