40 Biggest and Most Unique Pets People Actually Own

  • last year
00:00 Some people like to have pets that they can put in their bags.
00:03 However, some like pets that can easily overpower them.
00:06 Take the family that took in a giant hippo, for example.
00:10 Or even the family with a Dane as tall as three feet.
00:13 Here are the 40 biggest pets ever captured.
00:16 But before we show you, make sure to like and subscribe.
00:19 Giant Black Throat Monitor
00:26 Most people run and throw shoes just at the sight of an icky lizard.
00:30 However, a few find them adorable, enough to even keep them at their homes as pets.
00:35 However, these giant Godzilla-like creatures are actually quite expensive to keep as pets.
00:40 They need the whole lighting setup of their own, a lot of food, and a vast enclosure.
00:46 So if you're a beginner and want to keep a pet, stick with a goldfish.
00:49 Giant African Landsnail
00:54 If you were one of those kids that would always poke around snails, slugs, and other bugs,
01:02 then you're going to love these.
01:04 These snails are actually as big as your face and can reach a size of about eight inches.
01:08 However, don't get too excited.
01:10 These enormous creatures are illegal pets,
01:13 since they can feed on about 500 types of plants and destroy them.
01:17 In addition, the bigger they are, the hungrier they get.
01:22 Biggest Rodent Pet Capybara
01:23 Rats, mice, and other rodents are revolting to look at.
01:30 They always dwell in places with disgusting environments.
01:33 But capybaras are not like that.
01:36 These might be rodents, but they look like giant stuffed toys.
01:39 Because these creatures never had any natural predators, they are extremely friendly.
01:44 They can hang out with almost any animal, no matter what the species is.
01:48 This particular one loves to chill in the pool with its mother and loves to be smothered in love.
01:53 Monster-Sized Goldfish
01:57 When it comes to getting a pet,
02:02 parents always get their kids a goldfish or something of that sort.
02:06 They're easy to take care of, and it's not too much effort.
02:09 Well, that's what you thought.
02:11 These finned friends can grow up to about 7 to 16 inches long and up to 5 pounds in the wild.
02:18 That's not all.
02:18 These fish are really bad for the environment,
02:21 as well as they worsen the quality of water and destroy plants.
02:24 Man-Sized Pet Wolf
02:29 Big fluffy dogs are adorable and lovely pets to play with.
02:36 However, once you realize how big Canadian wolves can get, it's game over for those dogs.
02:42 And they occupy about 90% of Canada.
02:46 At least they're friends, even though we haven't been able to completely domesticate them.
02:49 This guy over here actually looks like he's the wolf's pet.
02:52 Medusa the Huge Pet Snake
03:02 Snakes are meant to be kept in the wild where they can crush and eat any prey they like.
03:10 But this pet owner decided that this beautiful reptile would become her companion for life.
03:16 But the truth is, no matter how much you try to domesticate snakes,
03:19 they will always be the king of the food chain.
03:22 So there is always a chance they would try and eat their owners.
03:25 Jabba the Giant Flemish Rabbit
03:29 Puppies are cute, but have you ever seen a rabbit hat come to their owner when they call them?
03:37 This is Jabba, the giant Flemish rabbit, and her owner managed to train her quite well.
03:43 These animals make very good pets.
03:45 Even if their size looks intimidating.
03:48 They're also very friendly and get along quite well with kids too.
03:51 Let's be honest, who wouldn't have a fluffball in their laps on a relaxing afternoon?
03:56 Giant Pet Centipede
03:59 Keeping myriapontus pets isn't always the first option for every pet owner.
04:07 But that won't stop this young man from getting all cuddly with his multiple-legged friend.
04:12 Usually, these pets aren't the type to be touched or stroked.
04:15 They're more for just enjoying visually or to be kept in your room with some funky lighting.
04:20 And in the unfortunate case that they bite you,
04:23 it can get pretty bad because giant centipedes are venomous after all.
04:28 In fact, one bite can use swelling, pain, and even fever.
04:32 So these pets are definitely for daredevils.
04:35 Huge Stick Insect
04:39 If you thought a chameleon was the one pet you could lose easily, you'd be wrong.
04:47 That's because it's definitely this giant stick bug.
04:51 These insects look so much like an actual stick that you might forget it's a real living thing.
04:56 They love to be handled and sit on their owner's hand.
04:59 Moreover, you only need to clean their enclosures about once a week.
05:03 Make sure to keep them away from any snakes, birds, or rats.
05:08 Because they would gobble this poor creature up in no time.
05:11 Huge Rhino Beetle
05:16 Is a bug really a bug if it can grow up to the size of a hamster?
05:23 Meet the largest beetle in the world, the rhinoceros beetle, that has a little horn on the front.
05:28 These bugs can grow up to about 6 inches (10 cm) and bite at you with their tiny little horns and
05:34 claws if you bother them too much.
05:36 Other than that, they're very calm and will happily sit on your hand.
05:40 Don't get too attached to them though.
05:42 They can only live for about 3 to 6 months.
05:44 6-Foot Pet Croc
05:48 You don't need a huge mansion or a customized pool to have a 6-foot croc as a pet.
05:57 And this family has shown us how.
05:59 In a small pool of water, this Indonesian family managed to keep their crocodile,
06:04 Kojak, alive and happy for about 20 years.
06:07 The family sometimes plays ball games beside his channel, where he spends most of his time.
06:13 In the whole time the crocodile has been with them,
06:15 he hasn't tried to attack or injure the humans at all.
06:19 What a loyal reptile!
06:20 Giant Hermit Crab
06:23 Sometimes you can't really tell how big something is on a screen.
06:31 It could easily be edited.
06:33 So here's a normal-sized hermit crab on top of a huge one.
06:36 It's not even a quarter of its size.
06:38 These pinching creatures aren't really aggressive.
06:41 They're mostly passive and don't care about much as long as they're being fed.
06:46 However, if you hold them wrong, they will grab onto your skin and pinch a little.
06:49 Giant Toad
06:52 Giant cane toads are marine toads that look like grumpy old witches.
07:00 But they're not all that bad.
07:01 That is if you're immune to the toxins they produce.
07:04 Admittedly, they're not the best pets,
07:06 but some people do go out of their way to keep them as one.
07:09 Not only are they hideous to look at,
07:11 but they can also grow up to 9 inches, making them all the scarier.
07:15 Huge Grizzly
07:18 We've always been taught to stay away from bears or play dead if they're around.
07:27 But did you know that they make incredibly good pets?
07:30 They're practically huge dogs who love rubs.
07:32 This one right here is named Jim, and all he wants is his human to keep rubbing him all day.
07:38 Most bears who live in captivity are very friendly to humans and probably can't survive in the wild.
07:44 So this home is actually perfect for him.
07:47 Giant Leaf Bug
08:00 A moving leaf in the air isn't surprising.
08:02 But when that leaf starts to move on a particularly dry day,
08:06 just know that it's probably someone's pet leaf bug.
08:08 Their appearance is so similar to that of a leaf that even us humans can confuse it with a real leaf.
08:14 If you take good care of them, they can live up to 3 years.
08:18 This doesn't mean you can just put them in a jar with some soil and branches and color the day.
08:22 All pets need proper homes.
08:24 Giant Moth
08:27 We all know how mesmerizing butterflies are.
08:34 But when there's a moth as big as this flying about, the butterflies seem like nothing in comparison.
08:40 The Atlas Moth here is among the biggest insects on the planet.
08:43 But they make very poor pets.
08:46 Not because they're aggressive or anything,
08:47 but they only live for 7 days after breaking out of their cocoon.
08:51 They use almost all their energy as a caterpillar,
08:54 and once they grow wings, they don't even eat once.
08:58 Talk about a strict diet.
08:59 Giant Tortoise
09:02 The tortoise might have lost the race, but it's definitely won the game of life.
09:11 This is a giant Galapagos tortoise and can live up to 117 years.
09:17 You might want to get an animal as friendly as this one,
09:19 but the truth is these poor creatures are highly endangered.
09:23 Moreover, they're very expensive to take care of,
09:26 and if you have enough funds to take care of an animal for two centuries, then go ahead.
09:30 Giant Pet Hippo
09:34 Some families don't even let their dogs in the house,
09:41 but this South African family is happy to let in this giant hippo.
09:45 Many people told the family to be aware of his wild animal tendencies, but they never listened.
09:50 Finally, the mother explained that they have a special relationship.
09:53 But soon, tragedy struck.
09:55 More like the hippo struck, because the pair were found dead
09:59 after their pet had bitten them to death.
10:01 Some animals are best kept away from your house.
10:04 Super Fat Raccoon Pet
10:08 Raccoons are a menace to society with their skilled theft skills.
10:15 But what happens to one that lives with a human?
10:18 That means unlimited food.
10:20 Unfortunately, this little trash panda doesn't know when to stop,
10:24 and that's why it blew up to this size.
10:26 It can't even get out of this little house.
10:29 How hilarious is that?
10:31 Huge Scorpion Pet
10:35 Scorpions aren't the cuddly type of pets,
10:41 but they won't chew off your ear with their annoying meows.
10:44 Granted, they might actually bite them.
10:46 They look super hardcore and are also quite low-maintenance.
10:49 You might think they're dangerous, but most species aren't really harmful.
10:53 All they need are freshly fed cricket, mealworms, and waxworms to be happy.
10:57 And one more rule, never, ever hold them.
11:01 Even if you must, use a long pair of foam-tipped forceps.
11:05 Giant Skunk Pets
11:08 If you think about it, skunks are pretty cute
11:15 when you ignore their awfully pungent smell.
11:16 That's actually what Jim and Kim Puckrant did here.
11:20 They got their skunk's spraying glands removed so they could keep them as pets.
11:24 To them, they're basically cats, and they even eat a special kind of cat food.
11:29 Looks like they eat way too much of it, judging by their huge size.
11:32 Gigantic Pig
11:35 If you've seen Spirited Away, then you know how big pigs can get.
11:43 But just look at the size of this one.
11:45 Lulu here was a gift to his dad, who was thought to be a micro pig at first.
11:50 But then, the pig kept growing and growing and reached up to 600 pounds.
11:56 Most teacup pigs only grow up to 65 pounds, but even those can cost you thousands of dollars.
12:01 Giant Hedgehog
12:09 There's nothing cuter than a tiny little spiky hedgehog all rolled up into one ball.
12:14 But the European hedgehogs can grow up to the size of a football.
12:17 But of course, their size doesn't stop them from being super cute, too.
12:21 Weirdly enough, they love belly rubs and cuddles.
12:25 However, when they're young, they will definitely bite you, so be gentle.
12:28 Honey Bear Pet
12:36 Pooh isn't the only one that had a sweet tooth for honey.
12:40 Meet the honey bear, Chloe.
12:42 They're also called Kinkajou, and you might even think they're real at first sight.
12:46 They look like a dog in a bear costume, even though they're related to raccoons.
12:50 These small pets might look cute, but they're absolutely the worst pets.
12:55 They will scratch, bite, and kick their owners for no reason.
12:58 Giant Polar Bear
13:02 A pet polar bear only seems possible in cartoons,
13:10 but this man is living his dream with his giant fluffy pet.
13:13 Both of them love to take swims together in his huge swimming pool.
13:17 The polar bear is also unusually friendly with his owner,
13:20 accepting belly rubs and physically affectionate.
13:23 Even though buying a polar bear costs about $15,000, this guy has managed to do it.
13:31 Super Buff Kangaroo
13:32 Australia has enough kangaroos, yet this man wanted one of his own.
13:41 Not just anyone, too. He wanted one that was built like a superhero.
13:45 Most kangaroos are pretty buff because almost 50% of their weight is purely muscles.
13:50 In addition, they need to hop around a lot,
13:53 so it makes sense that they look like they've been overdosing on protein powder.
13:57 Giant Cow
14:00 You might have seen Knickers all over the news.
14:07 After all, he is a very special cow.
14:10 This monstrous steer went viral when a picture of him standing near
14:13 regular old cows was posted online. It weighs almost one and a half tons.
14:18 You might think his meat wouldn't be quite expensive,
14:21 but thanks to his fame, Knickers managed to get away from the slaughterhouse.
14:25 Pet Penguin
14:28 Penguins might be the most exotic animals known to man,
14:36 but that doesn't mean they're exactly illegal to own.
14:38 Back in the 90s, a penguin named Lala got attached to a family so much that it refused to leave them.
14:44 This penguin would even go around town to buy his own fish with a little pingu backpack on.
14:50 How adorable!
14:51 Jumbo Koi Fish
14:54 Koi fish are some of the most elegant centerpieces a house can have.
15:01 Unfortunately, keeping them as pets can be quite difficult
15:04 if you don't have the right equipment and materials.
15:07 Jumbo with perfect patches can cost up to $3,000.
15:10 So you can imagine how valuable these are.
15:13 Giant Feathery Chicken
15:22 At first glance, these feathery chickens don't look too different.
15:26 But once it gets out of its coop, that's when you realize how big it actually is.
15:30 This 3-foot-high cockerel has shaken the internet with just one video.
15:35 And still, no one had any idea what this breed was.
15:39 The 17-pound monster is a Brahma chicken that was imported from China.
15:43 Now this would make a good zinger sandwich.
15:45 Giant Andean Condor Bird
15:50 With a wingspan of 10 feet, anyone would be intimidated by this bird.
15:54 However, James has been friends with the giant Andean condor bird, Rosie, for three years.
16:00 This species is the largest of its kind among the birds of prey in the whole world.
16:05 And he's generous enough to show everyone his winged friend too.
16:08 Great Dane
16:11 Golden Retriever
16:17 Golden retrievers and pit bulls can get pretty big.
16:22 But you should know that Great Danes are called "great" for a reason.
16:26 These start out as small, adorable pups.
16:28 But they can grow up to a whopping 3 feet tall in a few years.
16:32 You could even potentially ride them at this size.
16:35 However, it's not recommended.
16:37 They're dogs, not stallions.
16:38 Giant Cockroaches
16:45 Kids have all sorts of weird interests.
16:48 But this 9-year-old Shelby takes the cake here.
16:50 She has a special interest in cockroaches.
16:53 And she has so many that she needs to keep some of them in her bedroom,
16:57 her brother's bedroom, and the laundry room too.
16:59 The worst part is, they're huge and super gross.
17:03 Alright, comment below if you've ever seen an unusually humongous animal.
17:08 Don't forget to like the video, subscribe to Evergreen, and we'll see you in the next one.
17:12 [Music]
