Is Our Earth A Spaceship And How Does It Move In Space

  • last year
Is Our Earth a Spaceship and How Does It Move in Space?
00:00 The Earth isn't actually just spinning around like a merry-go-round,
00:04 it's also wobbling up and down in a groovy wave-like motion called the galactic tide.
00:10 This cosmic dance can mess with the stuff in our solar system
00:13 and even pull comets and asteroids towards us.
00:17 The Milky Way isn't just chilling in one spot either.
00:21 It's actually cruising through space and heading straight for a collision with the Andromeda Galaxy in a few billion years.
00:28 Our view of the night sky is always changing too, thanks to Earth's constant movement through space.
00:35 Stars and constellations shift over time, and some stars that used to be visible are now nowhere to be found.
00:43 So buckle up folks and enjoy the ride as we explore how our planet moves through space
00:48 and fits into the grand scheme of the Milky Way Galaxy.
00:52 It's a trip you won't forget.
