• last year
Carla Sands, the former ambassador to Denmark, is conveying a powerful message to all Americans regarding crucial matters such as election integrity, escalating crime rates, and her stance on the Ukraine War: Don't spend another penny for Ukraine.". Let Europe foot the bill for its wars.

Despite the rosy picture painted by the Biden administration for the so-called "successful" Bidenomics - strong labor market recovery and record-low unemployment rates, the cost of living has remained unacceptably high as many middle and low-income Americans are still grappling with high living costs, the national debt has in fact increased significantly under his leadership, and several businesses have been hurt by his Build Back Better Affordability program. As Biden endeavors to transform the economy through substantial investments in green technology using taxpayers' money, he envisions a future where union workers, whose livelihoods are at risk due to the shift towards sustainable energy, can secure a place in Pennsylvania's green economy. However, we assert that his plan would ultimately encounter significant hurdles or major setbacks. The expenses associated with transitioning to renewable energy could disproportionately affect businesses, particularly smaller enterprises, placing immense strain on their financial resources. This predicament could hinder their ability to afford essential upgrades or adaptations. Alarmingly, it may even pave the way for the demise of American auto production. As to his claims of creating millions of good-paying clean energy jobs, we remain highly skeptical about this as we wouldn't know if the number of jobs created is enough to offset the potential job losses in the traditional fossil fuel-powered refineries and power plants.

If re-elected as president, which we once again firmly believe he would be, President Trump is poised to deliver the fastest sustainable-growing economy with increased job creation and better trade agreements, ensure strong border security and the general safety of the communities by successfully promoting stricter law and order to punish law breakers, put an end to unnecessary wars, and deal with other significant issues.

#Trump2024 #Trump2024TheOnlyChoice #Trump2024NowMorethanEver #MAGA #ErieRally #MAGARallyinPA


