Cindy Van Der Auwera (Familles nombreuses) : cette activité de ses enfants qui va lui attirer « les

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Cindy Van Der Auwera (Familles nombreuses) : cette activité de ses enfants qui va lui attirer « les foudres »

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00:00 Saturday, July 29, 2023, Cindy Van Der Oera posted a picture of her pretty family after
00:14 spending some time playing laser games.
00:16 If the mother was convinced that she was criticized for this choice, she rather received positive
00:24 feedback. Revealed in the show "Numerous Families, Life in XXL", Cindy Van Der Oera shares
00:31 her daily life with TF1 viewers.
00:34 A parent of an 11-child tribe and about 60 animals, Cindy and her husband Sebastian Van
00:42 Der Oera also regularly reveal the elements of their lives on social networks.
00:46 If the couple had decided to move away from the cameras a little, he finally chose
00:54 to reconnect with the small screen.
00:56 Last April, the Sister viewers could follow the adventures of the pretty family on a
01:04 very special occasion.
01:06 Indeed, the Van Der Oera couple shared their passion for a certain holiday mode through
01:14 the "Vive le Camping" program.
01:16 Even better, the couple got married on the theme of Polynesia, in a campground in the
01:24 Landes, in front of the cameras of the show.
01:26 The Sister teams were shooting a report on the camping and asked us to participate,
01:31 they will not be the only participants, n.
01:34 Another experience we will never forget.
01:51 If the structure offers activities to occupy the youngest as the oldest, the couple wants
01:59 to offer its pretty tribe of animated holidays.
02:02 Friday, July 28, 2023, Cindy Van Der Oera posted a photo showing her with her husband,
02:09 surrounded by eight of their children.
02:10 The family participated in a laser game session.
02:17 A game that will not be unanimous among the Internet users according to the latter, moments
02:22 in the family.
02:23 These are moments of complicity, sharing, laughter, joy that remain engraved in the
02:31 memories of each.
02:32 So, a little part of the laser game to have fun, they loved it.
02:39 Even if we necessarily attract the lightning of some.
02:42 Finally, it would seem that the Internet users were rather in a cheerful mood by looking
02:50 at this family photo, beautiful photo, superb, beautiful, beautiful holidays, can we read
02:57 in comment?
02:58 They were many to praise the beauty of this family not like the others.
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