20 Most Powerful Horse Breeds in the World

  • last year
00:00 Horses are no doubt one of the most beautiful creatures present on planet Earth.
00:04 Along with this majestic beauty, they possess another feature that very few creatures have,
00:10 and that's incredible power which makes them one of the most powerful and fastest animals
00:14 in the world.
00:15 That's why vehicle manufacturers use horsepower as a standard to show their strength.
00:20 People have always wondered what the most powerful horse in the world is.
00:24 They pulled carts, plowed fields, and carried heavy loads for humans for centuries.
00:29 Having this power in mind today, we've made a list of the 20 most powerful horses in the
00:34 world, some of which you've probably never heard of.
00:37 From massive powerhouses you probably recognize to surprisingly strong ponies that can pack
00:42 a real punch.
00:44 Which horse makes number one?
00:46 You'll have to watch and find out for yourself.
00:48 Make sure you leave a like down below and subscribe with post notifications turned on
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00:55 Now let's get into it.
00:59 Australian Draft Horse These amazingly strong horses are known to
01:04 pull up to 8,000 pounds.
01:07 When you get a team of two horses together, that amount shoots up to 22,000 or 32,000
01:12 after proper training.
01:13 The Australian Draft is a hardy Australian breed of a draft horse, best known for its
01:18 good temperament and incredible strength.
01:20 Unlike a few on this list, these are not purebred horses, but they pack all the best features
01:26 of their lineage, making them a strong contender and fan favorite.
01:30 They were once used in just about any heavy industry until Australian industrialization.
01:35 This includes logging, agriculture, mining, and transportation alike.
01:40 Luckily, they continue to be bred despite the advent of industrialization.
01:44 Through these breeding efforts, they have continued to be improved over 100 years of
01:49 breeding.
01:50 These heavy horses are generally kept in dark colors.
01:52 This is because white fur with pink skin is ill-fitting with the Australian sun, which
01:57 explains their solid colors and long feathered coat down their legs.
02:01 Other than that, as long as they're up to regulation, these incredible animals are surprisingly
02:06 well-suited for the harsh outback sun, making them just a cut above the rest in that respect.
02:14 American Quarter Horse Sometimes known as the Quarter Horse, the
02:20 American Quarter Horse is a native breed to the U.S. that excels in sprinting short
02:24 distances and can outrun other breeds in quarter-mile races.
02:29 The AQH horse is well known for its strong performance in horse shows, rodeos, races,
02:34 and as a working ranch horse.
02:36 They have high speed and endurance, and a muscular body with a broad forehead and short
02:41 legs that make them well-suited for strength feats as much as racing competitions.
02:48 Marwari Most commonly used as riding or carriage
02:54 carrying but the Marwari horses are incredibly hardy with a naturally ambling gait.
03:00 The Rattor were the first to breed Marwari.
03:02 Still, they were bred specifically for their rugged demeanor and ability to carry out tasks
03:07 for long periods.
03:08 These horses are not just strong, but they're incredibly fast with a top speed of up to
03:13 40 km/h.
03:15 Their fascinating past includes extensive military service and a general graceful, fearless
03:20 look about them.
03:21 They're intelligent, resourceful, and have a great work ethic as a mix of Arabian horses.
03:26 As soldiers needed to know they would have a horse that didn't flinch in the line of
03:30 duties, this suits them well.
03:32 Technically, the Marwari is considered a pony despite its turbulent history, only 14 hands
03:38 high in height.
03:40 They might be on the small side, but that doesn't mean they're any less mighty.
03:44 Did you know there are legends surrounding this wonderful breed?
03:47 It's said that a ship was wrecked off the Indian coast and those ponies were bred with
03:51 Arabian horses to create the Marwari horses we have today.
03:55 While that's just a legend, we can't be sure if it's true, but if it is, it's
03:59 incredible to see how far they've come today.
04:01 Have you ever ridden a horse before?
04:03 Do you like horses?
04:04 Let us know about it down in the comments.
04:09 The Norikur The Norikurs are moderately heavy mountain
04:14 draft horses with a low center of gravity.
04:17 They're sure-footed, with a good sense of balance, making them a strong horse breed.
04:22 This old breed has roots back in Roman times when they conquered what is now modern-day
04:26 Austria.
04:27 They're indigenous to the high Austrian peaks.
04:30 Now the thing is, these horses were popular because they were actually extraordinarily
04:35 cold-resistant and rugged, accustomed to very little food and harsh weather patterns, meaning
04:40 they could go long periods traveling through extreme conditions without losing their steady
04:45 movement.
04:46 These moderately heavy draft horses have a low center of gravity and a great sense of
04:50 balance, making them top-rated horses for a rider and driver, not to mention their agile
04:55 movements and overall pleasant temperaments.
05:01 Galliniers Cobb Known under various names, this miniature,
05:06 solidly built horse of Cobb conformation is commonly associated with Irish and English
05:12 travelers.
05:13 They have solid hindquarters and necks with a muscular build.
05:16 Their body is refined and perfect for strength and power.
05:20 They're often used as pulling horses with a distinct gait, very well-tempered personalities,
05:25 and sensible disposition.
05:28 These days, you'll see them commonly pulling carts and carriages, as their muscular build
05:32 was well-suited to nomadic peoples.
05:35 If you think this horse is powerful, you'll want to stick around and see what we have
05:38 coming up.
05:39 Number one on today's list is an incredible mix of good breeding and excellent temperament.
05:45 If the perfect breed could exist, they might have cracked it with this one.
05:51 Fjord Horse These short horses can pack a powerful punch.
05:58 Fjords are well put together and weigh around 1,000 pounds, meaning they can carry a 200-pound
06:03 person with no issues.
06:04 Otherwise, despite their small size, they're strong enough for heavy work, like plowing
06:09 fields or pulling timber, despite being light and agile enough to be a good riding or driving
06:14 horse.
06:15 The Fjord Horse is a well-tempered horse, sufficient to work with disabled riders, and
06:19 has been extensively used in riding programs for the handicapped.
06:23 These horses are extremely common and often suggested for beginner riders, and are easy
06:28 to handle as they're less easily spooked.
06:31 You can rest assured that the Fjord has got you covered for those who are skittish around
06:34 strong creatures like horses.
06:39 Friesian Horse This breed was bred in the Netherlands and
06:44 has since gone from carrying riders and pulling heavy loads in recent years to show jumping
06:49 and dressage competition.
06:51 Interestingly enough, these horses are some of the most expensive breeds globally due
06:55 to their rarity and the fact they almost went extinct.
06:58 Due to specialized breeding, they were salvaged and now could cost $50,000 to even $100,000
07:04 on average.
07:05 These horses can be found across Europe and are documented as far back as 1321.
07:11 They're warm and can maintain their body temperature even in cold climates, without extra coverings
07:16 or concern of health issues.
07:18 Most Friesians are pure black, but they range from dark brown to actual black color.
07:22 There's some surprising variations in color from time to time that make these feathery,
07:27 well-groomed horses unique in their own ways.
07:32 Hanoverian The Hanoverian, also known as the Oldenburg,
07:38 was developed by crossing Hessen-Hanover horses with English Thoroughbreds.
07:43 Due to their incredible lineage, these horses top a few lists due to their impressive price
07:48 tag, which might not cause sticker shock the way a few others do.
07:52 In fact, a Hanoverian could run you as much as $100,000 for a good steed.
07:57 They've been frequently seen in Olympic Games and other competitive English riding styles.
08:02 They're agile and competitive, given their strong background, while being incredibly
08:06 athletic horses.
08:08 They're patient, fast, and strong, well-suited for their originally bred farm work.
08:13 As far as athletics go, Hanoverians are good at showjumping, dressage, eventing, show hunters,
08:18 and leisure riding alike.
08:23 Scelle-Francaise Also known as Cheval de Scelle-Francaise,
08:28 which means "French Saddle Horse," this breed mixes several different species, which
08:33 lends its hardiness and well-rounded athleticism, making it a valuable asset to any owner.
08:40 As one of the more expensive breeds of horses, they may cost anywhere from $2,000 to $40,000
08:45 each, with the most costly steed selling for roughly $15 million.
08:50 From France, these warm-blood sport horses are renowned for their successes in showjumping,
08:55 eventing, and dressage.
08:57 They were meant to serve as a unified sport horse around the time when horses were undergoing
09:02 replacement by mechanization.
09:04 Despite this, they're solid and muscular throughout their build, making them a horse
09:08 with a balanced, harmonious, and yet powerful gait.
09:14 Lusitano The Lusitano horse is known for its power,
09:19 intelligence, and willfulness.
09:21 They make for a comfortable ride, are rather enthusiastic about being ridden, and are perfect
09:26 for riders of any kind.
09:27 They're said to be the world's best-kept secret in the horse breed's division.
09:31 They're used repeatedly in movies, with over a hundred being reportedly used in different
09:35 films.
09:36 These are thought to be among some of the oldest horse breeds globally, with origins
09:40 dating back to Spain and Portugal from 1700 BC.
09:45 Similar to another horse on our list, but distinctly different with a more toned, slender
09:49 body.
09:50 Lusitano are some of the most intelligent horses out there, and despite being so popular,
09:55 are underrated by most people.
09:57 What do you think?
09:58 Would you go up to one of these?
09:59 Would you recognize it in person?
10:01 Let us know below in the comments, we'd love to hear your thoughts on them.
10:04 South German Cold-Blooded Horse
10:11 These cold-blooded horses have long since been used as workhorses.
10:14 Now, their best is recreational or sport horses, along with occasional agricultural and hypotherapy
10:20 horses.
10:21 They were developed from the Norica breed, but are slipper and much larger than the average
10:25 Norica, with a much more friendly and lively personality than their ancestors.
10:30 They're exclusively bred through special programs to help preserve the breed, mainly located
10:34 in Bavaria.
10:35 Their calm nature makes them ideal companions.
10:38 These horses tend to be easy to lead, with a quiet character that makes them uncomplicated
10:43 to work with and keep.
10:44 Unlike many on this list, the South German Cold-Blooded Horse is ideal for therapy work,
10:49 as they mix their working background in easy training.
10:55 Ardennais
10:58 Not popular in North America, this popular draft breed is one of the oldest and most
11:03 potent draft horses.
11:04 They're native to the French and Belgian Ardennes region.
11:07 This study breed has a history as a warhorse before being bred for agriculture, especially
11:12 in their rough native terrain.
11:14 They were bred back in ancient Rome, and Napoleon was a particular fan of the powerful breed.
11:19 He used Ardennais to invade Russia, exposing more cultures to the mighty horse.
11:27 Percheron
11:29 Originating in the Normandy region of France, Percherons were mighty warhorses that also
11:35 switched to agricultural work like many others on this list.
11:38 This is due to their strength and stamina.
11:40 They arrived in America in the mid-1800s and, thanks to agricultural work, became the most
11:46 popular breed among settlers.
11:48 They generally can weigh up to 2,600 pounds, and their size translates to strength comfortably.
11:53 The Percheron is also one of the fastest draft horses and can run around 50 miles per hour
11:59 at top speed with an average speed of 9-12 miles per hour.
12:06 Breton Horse
12:09 These horses are straightforward to keep.
12:11 They've gained popularity for being extraordinarily hardy and enduring.
12:15 They're heavier than many of the other horses on today's list, with a muscular build and
12:19 more bull all around.
12:21 They're about 15 hands high and make for fantastic carriage horses.
12:25 They can carry heavy loads for long periods without constant breaks or rest.
12:29 They were once ridden by Celts into war due to their steadfast gait and eager disposition.
12:35 This is an incredibly powerful horse, but they're also capable of a wide variety of
12:39 tasks and are keen to please and learn more with the correct handler.
12:46 Mustang
12:49 Known for being one of the most famous horses globally, Mustangs are particularly prized
12:54 for their speed and endurance.
12:57 Mustangs generally tend to weigh around 700-900 pounds and are always hotly debated.
13:02 There are about 50,000 wild Mustangs still out there, which is controversial only because
13:07 no one can agree whether they're genuinely wild or just feral.
13:11 They were reared in captivity for the first time in North America, but were initially
13:15 bred using Spanish and Arabian horses and are known to be one of the oldest horse breeds
13:19 today.
13:20 These horses are generally very quiet but have the strength to carry heavy weights at
13:24 incredible speeds of 35 mph.
13:30 North Swedish Horse
13:33 The North Swedish Horse is strong, durable with an energetic, extended trot.
13:38 They're agile and easy to train, known for being light but still robust for their build.
13:43 The mix of their ancestry is known for a fast trot for racing purposes and enduring long
13:48 periods of extended work.
13:50 They can endure the amount of work they can put in with meager amounts of rest and feed.
13:55 Though less common now, their bodies are well suited for agricultural and forestry work.
14:00 Now they're more famous for recreational and equestrian activities in large part due
14:05 to their agile movements and quick pace.
14:10 Clydesdale Horse
14:13 As one of the more recognizable horses, the Clydesdale Horse is an incredible powerhouse.
14:19 They're known to pull between 2,000 to 8,000 pounds and their strength is pretty average
14:23 for a draft breed.
14:25 They can easily carry a person up to 350 pounds without trouble.
14:29 Adult male Clydesdales can grow to around 17 to 19 hands tall and weigh between 771
14:35 to 998 kilograms or about 1,700 to 2,200 pounds.
14:40 You might recognize these iconic horses as they're used in beer commercials and branding
14:44 for Budweiser.
14:46 Clydesdale, though well known, is low in numbers due to a lack of breeding programs for many
14:50 years and the extensive care they need to be kept.
14:53 Currently, there are only about 5,000 worldwide.
14:57 250 of them are owned by the Budweiser Clydesdale Farmhouse in the U.S.
15:02 They maintain approximately 35 mares, stallions, and foals at that farm and the rest across
15:07 the country.
15:11 Shire Horse
15:14 Between 16 to 18 hands tall and weighing between 1,800 to 2,400 pounds, the Shire Horse is
15:21 a breed to be reckoned with.
15:23 This native to England breed is one of the oldest draft breeds.
15:26 The name Shire traces back to the 16th century from King Henry VIII and the breed became
15:31 official in the 18th century.
15:34 This was a common warhorse breed, but people commonly used Shires for farm work and pulling
15:38 carts.
15:39 They're generally black, gray, or brown with a muscular build, slight Roman nose,
15:44 elegant arching back, and feathering on their legs.
15:47 The record for most weight ever pulled by a horse is currently held by a Shire, who
15:51 in 1924 pulled an insane 58,000 pounds.
15:59 Suffolk Horse
16:02 Suffolks stand between 16 to 17 hands tall and weigh 1,600 to 2,200 pounds.
16:08 They're from England's Suffolk and Norfolk counties, first bred as heavy workhorses on
16:13 farms.
16:14 Their incredible strength and stamina allow these horses to plow quickly through the English
16:18 countryside's tough clay soil.
16:20 They're commonly known for their short, muscular legs that are ideal for agricultural work,
16:25 driving, and logging.
16:27 For many centuries, the Suffolk Punch was a staple in the fields of England.
16:31 Because of this history, they've been directly associated with their society and culture.
16:36 They're one of the lesser-known breeds in America, but one of the oldest breeds of their
16:39 homelands in Europe.
16:42 We have our number one on today's list next, but with the way horses have been carrying
16:46 us for millennia at this point, they've all got an incredible story to work with.
16:50 Do you think we missed an opportunity on any of these today?
16:53 Let us know, and maybe you'll see your favorite in a future video.
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17:11 Dutch Draft
17:13 This large, sturdy horse breed was bred for its work on the farm, but they also make great
17:18 companions for driving and riding.
17:20 They stand at 15 to 17 hands tall and have a muscular build, compact legs, and solid
17:26 and arched necks.
17:28 Their strength and stamina allow them to work long hours, plowing through harsh sand and
17:32 clay soils.
17:33 Dutch Drafts were crossed between heavy draft mares from Zeeland with breeds like the Ardenne
17:38 and Brebon.
17:39 They can carry up to 8,000 pounds on average, though they can be trained to be much more
17:44 powerful.
17:45 Alright, that's it for today.
17:47 Don't forget to like the video, subscribe to 4Evergreen, and hit the bell icon for more.
17:52 See you in the next one.
