10 Times Mother Animals Saved Their Young Ones

  • last year
00:00 Normally, when faced with an imminent threat or danger, people and animals tend to flee
00:11 in an attempt to find safety and steer clear of the looming danger. However, this is not
00:16 the case with mothers as they stay put to protect their babies.
00:19 Hello guys, welcome to another episode of Forever Green. In this video, we will reveal
00:24 to you 10 times mother animals saved their young ones from fighting with the fangs of
00:29 a cobra to escaping the claws of a hungry and angry lion. These mothers prove that nothing
00:35 can dispute a mother's love for her babies.
00:39 10 - Rabbit
00:44 We all agree that bunnies are the only wild animals that can turn into a total badass
00:49 while looking adorable at the same time. In this video, a rat snake has unceremoniously
00:55 found its way into a bunny's nest where three kittens are having a nap. Unfortunately, the
01:02 mother doe is not around at the time of the snake's arrival. The rat snake then goes ahead
01:07 and tries to constrict the fragile kittens for lunch. Luckily, the doe arrives just in
01:12 time to save her little ones. She immediately goes into full attack mode on the rat snake.
01:18 What ensues is a fierce fight with the doe biting the rat snake continuously. The snake
01:23 tries to slither away, but the mother doe isn't having any of it. At some point, the
01:29 rat snake tries to bite the bunny, but he does a backflip. I mean, how cool is that?
01:35 I guess it's safe to say that she is a ninja rabbit. She seems to be perfect at displaying
01:41 those Jackie Chan moves. She lets the snake know that her small babies are off limits
01:47 and continuously attacks the fleeing snake. Eventually, the snake slithers away to probably
01:53 nurse some deep cuts from those bites on an empty stomach.
01:58 Rat snakes only kill by constricting their prey since they are non-venomous. The bites
02:02 on mother doe are therefore non-poisonous. Both live to fight another day. What a bold,
02:10 fearless mother. I've never seen such a badass bunny. I mean, there's no greater warrior
02:15 than a mother protecting her baby.
02:20 Number 9 - Lionesses To be a king, one needs a good queen. The
02:27 queens of the jungle, if we can call them that, are tasked with hunting for the pride
02:33 as well as rearing the cubs while the king only protects the pride. I mean, the lionesses
02:38 literally do almost everything. In the jungle, it's a dog-eat-dog society and fighting is
02:45 the order of the day. For male lions, fighting is mostly for territory. If a male lion coalition
02:53 takes over a pride of lionesses, they kill the cubs that are not theirs. This is because
02:59 the male lions fear having to wait until the cubs are grown and overthrow them from their
03:03 throne. In the Maasai Mara Game Reserve, Kenya, tourists
03:08 on a safari drive witness a sight that only a few have the chance to. This lion is already
03:15 killed the previous leader of the pride and now wants to kill the cubs since they are
03:18 not of his lineage. The four lionesses are however ready to fight tooth and nail to defend
03:24 their litter of nine cubs at all costs. The lionesses launch well-coordinated attacks
03:31 while chasing the lion further away from the litter. The little cubs can only watch and
03:41 appear to be cheering on their mothers. Lionesses have a tendency of bringing up their kids
03:47 as a group. It's no wonder that they teamed up to protect them. If you ask me, the lion
03:52 stood no chance since the lionesses are the experienced hunters and they outnumbered the
03:57 lion. Eventually, the lion is chased away and the
04:07 cubs live to see another day. The odds were truly in their favor. Truly, there's only
04:13 one thing more dangerous than the king of the jungle, a lioness protecting her cubs.
04:18 Don't you agree?
04:27 Number 8. Cat. We are all quite aware of the rivalry between
04:35 cats and dogs and how it is unlikely to grow old. Well, not in this world at least. While
04:45 at times they may appear to be playing, it can as well get ugly pretty fast, especially
04:50 with some of the aggressive dog breeds or cats who are just bullies in nature. In an
04:56 Asian town, this lad is taking his bull mastiff out on a walk. The bull mastiff then notices
05:01 a lone kitten on the sidewalk and charges at the poor defenseless kitten ready to kill
05:06 it. The dog owner tries to pull away the dog and the kitten drops on the ground while crying
05:12 for its mother. Fortunately, the mother cat appears and charges at the dog on full speed
05:19 with her sharp claws and teeth out. The bull mastiff is yet again on the receiving end
05:24 of another quick snap of a few good claws on the face. Away he strolls hopefully having
05:30 learned a lesson the hard way. He will probably never attack or even play with a kitten when
05:37 the mother is around. Despite its gigantic size, the mother cat is not intimidated but
05:45 instead attacks to save her baby kitten. It's just amazing how the mother cat appears, saves
05:52 the kitten, disciplines the dog and then disappears all in a flash. Fast and effective mother
05:57 cat. What would you have done if you were the dog owner? Let us know in the comment
06:05 section below.
06:09 Number 7. Rat
06:14 These rodents are known to be opportunistic survivors having a commensalism type of relationship
06:19 with humans. In the commensalism relationship, only one party gains benefits and in this
06:25 case the rats benefit from being the most invasive and destructive rodents. In India,
06:31 rat flood happens every 50 years as one of the deadliest invasions by rats where they
06:35 devour everything in their path, especially in the rural areas. Just imagine the losses
06:41 they leave behind. It goes without saying that rats can be quite a nuisance. Those who
06:46 have had a rat problem know that rats are no picky eaters. They will steal your food,
06:50 chew your clothes, money and books. With their ever growing teeth, rats face one major predator,
06:58 snakes. In this video, a rat snake seems to have snatched a baby rat and is ready to have
07:03 a protein rich lunch. The rat's mother is not ready to watch her baby turn into lunch.
07:11 The mother rat ferociously bites the rat snake which has clamped the baby rat on its mouth.
07:16 The teeth of a rat are able to chew through bricks and some metals so you can imagine
07:21 what kind of hell the snake was going through. After a few bites from the mother rat, the
07:25 snake eventually lets go of the baby and slithers away. But no, even after dropping her baby,
07:31 the mother rat is not satisfied and chases after the rat snake for a final bite. Like
07:37 a hot knife cuts through butter, the sharp teeth of the rat truly left deep wounds on
07:42 the snake. Since the rat snake is non-venomous, the baby rat survives and the mother carries
07:47 her to safety. What a devoted and resilient mother. Truly, a mother's love knows no pity
07:54 and can crush down remorselessly all that stands in its path.
08:00 Before we move on, here's a quick challenge for you. If you can leave a like on this video,
08:04 smash that subscribe button and turn on the notifications in less than 5 seconds, you
08:09 will have 10 years of amazing luck. Hurry up and try it, it actually works.
08:17 Number 6. Myna
08:22 If you want an intelligent and a chatty bird for company, then the Myna bird is the best
08:26 pet for you. Myna birds are the second best mimics of the human speech after the grey
08:31 parrot. They are lively and social birds, but when it comes to noise, they are the queens
08:37 of vocals. Myna birds are known to be aggressive and anywhere they land, they will certainly
08:49 drive away other birds. Young Myna are not short of predators, with crows topping the
08:54 list. Crows are known to be omnivorous and thus a young bird every once in a while is
09:01 enough proteins for them. In this video, a crow has pinned down a young Myna using its
09:07 talons. The crow then begins picking on the young Myna ready to have a protein-rich lunch.
09:12 The mother however is ready to save her baby no matter the cost. She attacks the crow in
09:18 a bid to save her young one. The two birds fight using their beaks as the mother Myna
09:24 is determined to save her baby, despite the crow outsizing her by almost three times.
09:29 Eventually, the crow gives up the young Myna, but the mother still gives her a chase as
09:34 she flies away. And now let us juggle our minds a little
09:38 bit for its riddle time. I'm covered in feathers, I cluck, and you might be called
09:43 my name if you're scared. Who am I? Do you think you have the answer to our riddle of
09:47 the day? Be the first to leave your answer in the comment section below.
09:54 Number 5. Cow. Since time immemorial, these farm animals
10:01 have been used for their milk, meat, hides, and skin, as well as horns. To produce milk
10:08 and maintain lactation, cows need to be bred as well as produce calves. However, just like
10:14 human babies, calves need more care and vaccination in their first few weeks after birth for their
10:19 survival. The farmer is thus tasked with providing for the calves, but some of their defensive
10:24 mothers are ones to watch out for. They become paranoid and can barely differentiate help
10:30 from threat. This farmer is trying to help a baby calf
10:34 take her first steps, but what follows is nothing but a pure act of mother's love.
10:39 That's the only way to put it. The mother ferociously attacks the farmer, hitting him
10:44 with her head. This prompts the farmer to drop the calf, who is luckily not trampled
10:49 on by the furious mother as she chases the farmer. The farmer, after being on the receiving
10:54 end of a few hits, loses balance and falls. The other cows join the angry mother, but
11:00 the farmer luckily escapes, but not without a bruised back. He is lucky that the cow has
11:05 no horns, otherwise it would have been a fatal encounter. I bet he's a lot more cautious
11:09 around his lactating animals. Have you ever been chased or hit by a cow?
11:14 How did it feel? Let us know in the comment section below.
11:19 Number 4. Dog. Dogs are referred to as man's best friend
11:26 because of their faithfulness, loyalty, and most importantly, their steadfast bravery
11:31 when faced with danger. By barking, dogs alert their owners of intruders whether humans,
11:37 animals, or even things. These four-legged friends are known to risk their lives to save
11:48 that of their owners. They do the same for their partners and offspring. In India, people
11:54 are attracted to a barking dog and rush to see who the intruder is. To their shock, a
11:59 cobra has invaded the dog's den under a staircase. This puts the little puppies in a dangerous
12:04 position and what ensues is a fierce fight between a mother dog trying to save her puppies
12:10 and a king cobra looking for a meal. The dog is at the same time careful not to be on the
12:14 receiving end of the venomous fangs of the cobra. Unfortunately, two of the puppies are
12:20 bitten and die. Onlookers try as much as they can to get a hold of the cobra before it causes
12:25 more deaths. Eventually, the mother dog manages to ward away the cobra and in the process
12:30 saves five out of a possible seven litter of puppies. How brave of the dog to face the
12:35 venomous snake in a bid to protect her children. Truly, a mother's love knows no laws and
12:41 dares all things no matter how dangerous they may be. This dog is a living example of that
12:47 statement.
12:56 Number 3. Hen. Hen are mostly kept for their meat, eggs, or even as pets. On hatching their
13:05 eggs, the chicks are normally fragile and defensiveless, and therefore the hen steps
13:10 up and protects them from predators. Their feathers are the best and quickest form of
13:14 protection to feed from predators or a cold night. Eagles are chicks' worst nightmare.
13:26 These birds of prey are equipped with hooked beaks for ripping flesh from their victims
13:30 as well as sharp and powerful talons. In this video, a hen is out ranging in the sand under
13:37 the scorching sun when an eagle seizes the opportunity to grasp a chick for lunch. The
13:42 eagle swoops down but misses the chicks, and the hen immediately pounces on it, sticking
13:46 its beak on the eagle's head. The two birds engage in a heated tussle, with the chicken
13:51 emerging victorious. The eagle can be heard screaming having been cornered by the hen.
14:00 One of the world's most powerful bird defeated by a mere hen. I mean, just see how terrified
14:05 the eagle looks. The hen then retreats to her chicks, having taught the eagle a valuable
14:09 lesson on how not to mess with her chicks. A lesson the eagle will surely never forget.
14:19 Number 2. Cheetah. Out in the jungle, mother nature plays by no rules, and only the strongest
14:28 and fittest survive. A female cheetah normally sires 4-7 cubs at a time. Being an apex predator,
14:34 a grown cheetah has few to no predators, but her cubs are prone and vulnerable to attacks
14:39 from eagles, leopards, lions, wild dogs, as well as hyenas. The mom is therefore tasked
14:46 with the duty of teaching her cubs survival tactics, lest they be among the over 90% cheetah
14:51 cubs that face their death before reaching independence. But before the lessons, mom
14:56 has to protect the cubs when they are young and tender. One of their biggest enemies,
15:00 the hyena, is seen in this video on the hunt. The hyena spots a litter of cheetah cubs and
15:05 immediately proceeds to attack them. The mother is fortunately nearby and chases after the
15:09 hyena. The mother draws her line and frantically fights the hyena, in a bid to keep the hyena
15:14 away from the cubs. With their powerful jaws, hyenas are capable of taking down an adult
15:19 cheetah, but the mother is ready to protect her cubs, even if it means death. After a
15:24 lengthy tussle, the hyena finally leaps away and the mother manages to protect her cubs,
15:28 at least for today.
15:31 It's now time for today's subscriber pick. Today's photo was sent to us by a subscriber
15:35 wondering about what appears as an elephant taking down a rhino. Two baby elephants and
15:40 one baby rhino seem to be walking away from the scene together while their mothers handle
15:45 their issues. Talk of minding your own business. If you come across a mysterious photo online
15:50 and want us to look into it, just send it over and we may even feature it on a future
15:54 video. Now, we have looked into this picture and are excited to reveal to you that there
15:59 exists such an encounter between these two magnificent gentle giants. And this takes
16:04 us to our number one.
16:07 Elephant
16:12 In this video, a herd of elephants is heading to the waterhole for a much needed drink.
16:17 But for mother elephant and her baby, they need more than just a drink. They dip themselves
16:21 in the water to cool down their bodies. They seem to have entered into a waterhole that
16:25 already has hippos in it. As you might have guessed, the hippo didn't like. Its space
16:30 and territory has been invaded. The small hippo keeps following the mother elephant
16:34 in the water in an attempt of harming the baby elephant. The baby elephant, however,
16:39 seems to enjoy the cool water and is having a good time, unaware of the danger that lies
16:44 ahead. After a few drinks, the baby hippo is joined by a larger hippo. This hippo too
16:49 doesn't look happy, so they team up. The mother elephant keeps guiding her baby away
16:54 from the two hippos that are now at her back. But the baby elephant keeps wandering away
16:58 towards the hippos. Noticing the danger ahead, the elephant doesn't hesitate to use her
17:03 long tusks on the hippos. She lets out a loud trumpet while she attacks the hippos.
17:15 Seconds later, the two hippos are seen running far away from the waterhole. Once the baby
17:19 elephant has had enough, the two leave the water peacefully.
17:29 And that's it for the 10 times mother animals save their young ones. Which of these mothers
17:34 do you think deserve an Oscar award? Let us know in the comment section below. And if
17:39 you liked this video, you should definitely leave a like and check out our video on 10
17:43 biggest animal clashes recorded on camera.
