10 Times Animals Really Messed With The Wrong Opponent

  • last year


00:00 Have you ever heard of the phrase, "There are no rules in the jungle?"
00:03 From a jaguar taking on a caiman, to a chimp versus a raccoon, we take you through animals
00:10 that broke their opponents defense through tactics and persistence despite some being the underdogs.
00:15 Welcome to another episode of Forever Green. In this video we reveal 10 times animals messed with
00:24 wrong opponent and you should stick around for number 1 as some of the animals brought nuclear
00:29 weapons to a pistol fight. Number 10, Tigress versus Crocodile.
00:36 Ever heard of the phrase, "A mother's love for her children knows no law,
00:42 no pity, dares all things, and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path?"
00:48 Well, in Ranthambore National Park in India, this was one of the most epic proofs caught on camera.
00:57 A Bengal tigress by the name of Mashli made headlines across the internet when she was
01:02 filmed killing a 14-foot crocodile in an attempt to protect her cubs.
01:05 She in the process broke her two canines.
01:10 Following this incident, Mashli became the most popular filmed tiger. Mashli was also known to
01:20 have killed two more crocodiles while protecting her cubs as well as scaring away invasive males.
01:26 Unfortunately, Mashli passed away in 2016 due to old age, thus crowned the Queen of Ranthambore.
01:35 At her demise, she was 20 years old, having surpassed the normal lifespan of a tiger,
01:41 which estimated at 12 to 14 years.
01:44 These extra years were attributed to the care that she received from the foster workers long
01:52 after she lost her hunting strength. She received a great send-off and more than half of the tigers
01:58 in the park are of Mashli's lineage and honorary post issued by the Indian government.
02:04 Number 9. Chimpanzee vs Raccoon
02:11 Zoos showcase the beauty of the animal kingdom as well as the harshness.
02:19 In most zoos worldwide, animals of the same kind are usually kept together.
02:23 If the animals are of a different kind, then they must be the ones that get along quite well.
02:30 In October 2012, a raccoon at the St. Louis Zoo could not escape from the aggressive chimpanzees
02:38 after it got into their enclosure. Visitors recorded the chimps as they harassed the stranger,
02:44 knocking the raccoon around and sending it flying.
02:46 The chimps initially gathered around the helpless raccoon and pursued it closely as it tried to
02:51 sneak away. The raccoon made a run for it across a large rock and almost evaded the grasp of the
02:58 primates. But one chimpanzee grabbed its tail and flung it clear across the exhibit.
03:05 Then, the raccoon tried to escape through a drainpipe, but another chimp caught it by the
03:12 tail. Eventually, the raccoon managed to get away from the traumatic encounter, but having learned
03:19 a hard lesson to never dare cross to the chimp's side again. And if you think this encounter was
03:26 not shocking, then number 1 will have you scared.
03:29 Number 8. Tarantula Hawk Wasp vs Tarantula Spider
03:40 With their relatively large, hairy bodies, tarantula spiders aren't exactly pretty to look at.
03:45 Their fear factor goes up when you consider that they are able to eat larger animals like lizards,
03:52 mice, and some small birds. If you think these spiders are scary, just imagine the kind of
03:59 creature that preys on them, the tarantula hawk wasp. In 2017, a 9-year-old boy named Cash Perry
04:07 captured video footage of a tarantula hawk wasp attacking a tarantula spider in Arizona, Perry.
04:12 His family encountered the gruesome sight while on their way to go hiking,
04:18 and the little boy seized the opportunity to film it for the world to see.
04:21 Tarantula hawks are incredibly large parasitic wasps who prey on tarantula spiders,
04:28 hence the epic battle that ensues after the Perrys hit the record button.
04:35 Tarantula hawk wasps can paralyze its opponent. In fact, that's exactly what the wasp was
04:41 attempting to do to the large spider in the footage.
04:49 Once a tarantula hawk paralyzes a tarantula spider, it will lay an egg inside the spider's belly,
04:56 which Cash's father points out the insect is trying to do.
05:02 Once the wasp larva hatches inside the tarantula, it eats the spider from the inside out,
05:07 keeping it alive as long as possible, but avoiding vital organs at first.
05:13 Eventually, the wasp successfully stings and paralyzes the spider,
05:19 which Cash's mom points out is so sad.
05:22 She's certainly not wrong, but I suppose that now is a good time to point out that while nature can
05:28 be beautiful, it can also be brutal and the tarantula was simply facing both a losing battle
05:33 and a very unfortunate reality.
05:35 In 2019, tourists captured a rare footage of a confrontation between a hippopotamus
05:52 and a group of rhinoceros near the remote Malamala airstrip.
05:56 Rhinos may look fearsome, but are harmless.
05:59 However, don't think of poking around one like this hippo who kept trying to flirt
06:07 and make aggressive advances at this female rhino until the hippo got so annoying that
06:14 the entire rhino herd chased him.
06:15 Despite the chase, the hippo won't relent and runs back behind his new lady love
06:23 who finally decides she's had enough.
06:25 The hippo lover gets a rhino horn up his rear end.
06:30 Hopefully, the encounter was a lesson learned about not messing with the wrong opponent.
06:48 6. Jaguar vs. Caiman
06:53 In the Amazon rainforest of Brazil, you might just find a prey biting the predator instead.
07:02 Because that sometimes happens like this caiman for example.
07:09 In 2017, a jaguar named Scarface attacked a caiman crocodile in Brazil's Pantanal National Park.
07:18 Caimans are large crocodiles that stalk the Pantanal wetlands of Brazil,
07:24 waiting for unsuspecting prey.
07:26 Unfortunately, it was the other way around when this caiman
07:31 may have tried biting off more than it could chew.
07:34 It's the jaguar that ambushed the caiman instead in a dramatic kill,
07:40 dragging the 8-foot reptile out of the water.
07:44 The jaguar administers an impressive chokehold, but to destroy prey of this size,
07:52 it will need to resort to its trademark killing bite delivered to the back of the head or skull.
07:57 Well, it's obvious this is going to be one long-lasting meal.
08:03 Before we move on, here's a quick challenge for you.
08:09 If you can leave a like on this video, smash that subscribe button,
08:12 and turn on the notifications in less than 5 seconds, you will have 10 years of amazing luck.
08:18 Hurry up and try it, it actually works.
08:20 Number 5 - Hippo vs Elephant
08:25 In August 2013, tourists documented a face-off between an angry hippopotamus
08:33 and an African elephant who invaded its turf in Botswana.
08:40 There is an island in the middle of the Kobi River to which this elephant had crossed.
08:44 The hippo was not happy about it and was apparently defending its territory.
08:49 The tourists watched and recorded as the partially submerged hippo
08:55 approached the African elephant who stood calmly near the river.
08:58 The fearless and angry hippo bared his jaws and teeth as he emerged onto the island
09:05 and attempted to intimidate his newfound adversary,
09:08 who also happens to be the world's largest land animal.
09:10 Meanwhile, the elephant bowed his head in preparation for a possible battle
09:16 and the hippo refused to back down until reinforcements appeared to provide backup for the elephant.
09:21 When more elephants crossed the river to the island,
09:27 the hippo backed off and went back into the river.
09:29 Sounds like he made the smart choice, especially because while hippos can pose a very real threat
09:36 to humans and many other animals, one is typically no match against a full-grown elephant.
09:42 Number 4. Zebra vs. Wildebeest
09:49 Imagine getting kicked in the face by a zebra, how would that feel?
09:55 Well, if only it could talk, this wildebeest would be in a position to tell us more.
10:03 Never make the mistake of standing behind a zebra or even a horse,
10:06 because a kick in the face from those hooves would make a rocky punch a flick in comparison.
10:12 Unfortunately, the wildebeest in this video was privy to no such information
10:19 and kept hovering around a zebra when suddenly out of the blue,
10:22 the zebra lands a solid kick in the wildebeest and knocks it out cold.
10:26 The rest of the wildebeest herd are so shocked, they run like crazy from the scene.
10:31 Have you ever been punched in the face and seen those stars like in the cartoons?
10:37 Leave a like and let us know in the comments below.
10:40 Number 3. Gorilla vs. Wildlife Photographer
10:48 Almost any wildlife photographer will probably tell you that their chosen
10:54 profession comes with inevitable hazards and risks.
11:00 After all, you can't predict how mother nature or a wild animal will behave
11:04 and both can turn on you at any given moment without warning.
11:07 If you didn't already know this one, wildlife photographer Christopher Cartou
11:13 learned this exact lesson in early 2015 while taking snapshots of mountain gorillas in Rwanda's
11:18 Volcanoes National Park. Seemingly out of nowhere, the group's 550-pound alpha male charged at Cartou,
11:29 who skillfully captured an image of the gorilla,
11:32 swinging his fist right before it made contact with the poor photographer.
11:35 The angry gorilla was reportedly drunk from eating bamboo stems,
11:41 which fermented in the animal's stomachs, causing intoxication.
11:44 "In less than a second, he was on me and strongly hit me like a rugby player," Cartou recalled.
11:52 "With the shock, I felt all his power and weight on my body."
11:58 The photographer explained that gorillas are usually timid, at least in his experience,
12:03 and that they typically avoid close contact with people.
12:06 But as we all know, a little too much alcohol can easily lead to aggression,
12:12 and this apparently applies to members of the animal kingdom as well.
12:14 In fact, Cartou believes that the drunk gorilla didn't necessarily even intentionally target him.
12:21 "He didn't care about me and pushed me out of the way with his left hand like I was not there,"
12:27 the man said. "Then he dashed to the vegetation to chase away a rival male behind us who looked
12:36 to be interested in one of the females." Warning, don't get too close to the action.
12:42 Number 2 - Three of the Big Five
12:48 The Big Five is a term that is used to refer to the five African animals that early big game
12:56 hunters considered most difficult and dangerous animals to hunt on foot in Africa.
13:00 In 2018, a safari live crew watched and filmed as a tense confrontation broke out between a
13:10 herd of African elephants, a pair of black rhinoceroses, and a group of lions on Kenya's
13:15 Maasai Mara National Reserve. It all started when some young curious lions began sniffing
13:22 around some adult rhinos who were protecting a calf. Aware of the looming threat, an adult bull
13:28 rhino charged at the lurking lions. A barricade of five elephants soon emerged onto the scene
13:35 as the filmers captured the sound of trumpeting from somewhere out of view.
13:38 Seemingly aware that they were outnumbered, the lions took the elephant's presence as a sign
13:45 that it was time to vacate the premises and ran off. The alpha male rhino who had charged the
13:51 lions was undeterred however and confidently faced off with the elephants, almost as if he
13:59 was ready to charge at the giants. Meanwhile, the lions watched from a distance. Surprisingly,
14:08 the rhinos won the confrontation and the elephants peacefully retreated back to wherever they came
14:12 from, despite vastly outsizing and outnumbering their adversaries. I don't think the young
14:21 lions were much of a threat but the addition of the elephants is what changed the entire situation.
14:26 Similar to the rhinos, the elephants also had a calf with them, which could explain
14:33 why things almost came to blows between the two herbivores who seemed like unlikely enemies.
14:38 It's now time for today's subscriber pick. Today's photo was sent to us by a subscriber
14:46 wondering about this cute innocent looking cat holding a knife to the throat of a dog.
14:51 If you come across a mysterious photo online and want us to look into it,
14:55 just send it over and we may even feature it on a future video.
14:58 Now we looked into this picture and are excited to reveal to you that it is indeed a dog that
15:04 seems to have messed with the wrong cat this time around and the cat has decided enough is enough.
15:10 Nonetheless, this brings us to our number one encounter.
15:18 Dog vs Cat.
15:21 The saying to fight like cats and dogs is not an exaggeration.
15:26 Watching this hilarious video clearly shows the historical rivalry between the two just won't grow
15:34 old. One can't also help wondering dogs as sweet as they are, their cute nature is their undoing.
15:43 The cat is always clever enough to come out on tops against an unsuspecting and more docile dog.
15:48 Dogs are adorably dopey and cats, well, they may be cute when kittens but when grown up,
15:56 it's a different story. Cats are like poised, sleek and crafty creatures whereas dogs can't
16:04 seem to make up their minds on whether they like or dislike cats and will end up even playing with
16:11 one until one day, boom, one good kitty claw across the snap is all it takes.
16:17 And that's it for the 10 times animals messed with the wrong opponent.
16:26 Which of these incidents got you excited the most? Let us know in the comments below.
16:31 And if you liked this video, you should definitely check
16:33 out our video on 10 most aggressive animals in the world.
16:36 (Outro)
16:46 (Music)
