• 2 years ago
The Eras Tour- South Bay businesses cash in on Swift surge


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00:00 Okay, Swifties, how was it?
00:01 These Swifties from Sacramento were
00:06 enjoying a post concert hangover.
00:08 They say mere words can't
00:09 describe the Taylor experience.
00:11 It's just unreal.
00:12 Our voices are a little sore today.
00:15 Taylor does such a great job with her fans
00:20 and including us in the bracelet trading.
00:22 We all have our bracelets.
00:24 Oh, those tradable bracelets and
00:26 the decorated Swifty mobiles.
00:28 Just part of what made this weekend
00:29 unforgettable.
00:30 For local businesses, the Taylor
00:36 effect means a crescendo of cash
00:39 Thursday, Friday, Saturday.
00:40 We've been completely, you know,
00:41 lines out the door.
00:43 Just people going crazy.
00:44 Iguana burrito manager Jaden
00:46 Rolova says he's been slammed
00:47 with hungry Swifties.
00:48 He's ordered extra food and
00:50 drink and called in more staff.
00:52 It's been wonderful for the business.
00:54 It's been. It's been great.
00:55 It's just nice to see everybody just,
00:58 you know, tables full.
00:59 Even Taylor Swift's very own
01:01 production crew ordered like 50
01:03 pizzas from Pizza My Heart here in
01:05 Santa Clara last time she was here.
01:08 They ordered like I think like 200.
01:10 So we had to split it between,
01:12 I think, like two other stores
01:14 and us to like fulfill it.
01:16 CJ says his pizza business has doubled
01:18 compared to a typical summer weekend.
01:20 It was pretty incredible.
01:22 There's Swifties apparently everywhere.
01:23 Santa Clara Mayor Lisa Gilmore says
01:25 she has no regrets changing the
01:27 name of her city to Swiftie Clara
01:29 for the weekend and declaring
01:31 Swift honorary mayor something
01:32 she was proud of.
01:34 No, I never doing that.
01:36 Gilmore says economic benefits from the
01:43 so called Swift surge are undeniable.
01:46 Our hotels, which are traditionally
01:48 slower during the summertime,
01:49 were either close to capacity or at capacity.
01:52 This by far has had the most impact on us.
01:56 Culturally, probably financially.
01:57 Beyonce could also bring a bum for
02:00 business when she plays Levi's next month.
02:02 As for Swifties, would you do it again?
02:06 In the former Swifty Clara,
02:13 Cornell Bernard, ABC 7 News.
02:15 Subs by www.zeoranger.co.uk
