Action Movie 2023 Full movies English Action Movie 2023

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Action movie_full movie English _2023_ English Action movie Hollywood action movie
00:00:00 (engine roaring)
00:00:02 (dramatic music)
00:00:05 (water splashing)
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00:00:14 (water splashing)
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00:01:02 (water splashing)
00:01:18 (dramatic music)
00:01:21 (dramatic music)
00:01:24 (dramatic music)
00:01:41 (dramatic music)
00:01:44 (water splashing)
00:02:00 (dramatic music)
00:02:05 (dramatic music)
00:02:08 - We're not ready.
00:02:18 - And?
00:02:19 - It's gonna be more dangerous out there
00:02:20 because you fired Greg.
00:02:22 - Because we don't have any money to pay him, Bert.
00:02:23 You're doing this, not me.
00:02:25 - Hell I am.
00:02:26 - Do you not understand what I had to do
00:02:27 to get these kids out here?
00:02:29 The bond that I had to put up for the insurance company,
00:02:30 you wanna lose all that?
00:02:31 - Rather than risk hurting one of the kids, yeah.
00:02:34 - Why? Never bothered you before?
00:02:35 Okay, Bert, stop, I'm sorry, that was low.
00:02:39 But look, you're the reason that we're in this mess.
00:02:41 I need you to remember that.
00:02:43 - How long are you gonna hold that over my head?
00:02:45 - 'Til I can buy you out?
00:02:46 Look, just, we'll take Roth as a guide, it's fine.
00:02:52 - What?
00:02:53 - No, no, bad idea.
00:02:55 He's the same age as these kids.
00:02:57 That is a bad idea.
00:02:57 - Stop it, it's the only idea.
00:03:00 Listen to me, you know we've helped a ton of kids out here.
00:03:03 They need us, so we'll just bring Roth on this one trip
00:03:06 and then I can work all this other stuff out, all right?
00:03:07 Please.
00:03:09 Could use a little growing up anyway, hello?
00:03:11 - Is it safe to come out?
00:03:17 - Hey, yeah, can you double check these bags for me?
00:03:21 - Everything okay?
00:03:21 - Great. - Yeah, okay, yep.
00:03:23 Yeah, we'll be ready.
00:03:24 Thanks, bye.
00:03:25 Where the hell is he?
00:03:29 It's only 45 minutes to the cave and back.
00:03:31 - Relax, he's a kid.
00:03:33 He'll be here.
00:03:34 You sure it's a good idea to take him?
00:03:36 - Summer, he'll be fine.
00:03:37 - There's no other option.
00:03:38 - Finally.
00:03:42 - Sorry, Claire, sorry.
00:03:58 I know I was gone longer than you said,
00:03:59 but tell me you saw that. - Yeah, shit, it's fine,
00:04:00 it's fine, listen to me.
00:04:01 We need you to be a guide on this trip with us, okay?
00:04:04 - What?
00:04:06 I'm the same age as these idiots.
00:04:09 You know how they are.
00:04:11 They don't listen to me.
00:04:12 - We're short-staffed, you're coming.
00:04:14 - Uncle Bert, come on. - We're in a pinch here, Roth.
00:04:17 It's only seven days.
00:04:18 Now gear up.
00:04:19 - Yes, sir.
00:04:23 I really don't believe this.
00:04:28 (dramatic music)
00:04:30 (dramatic music)
00:04:33 (door creaking)
00:04:36 (dramatic music)
00:05:01 (door creaking)
00:05:04 - So I know you don't mind helping your uncle,
00:05:08 and the hike's a piece of cake for you, so what's up?
00:05:11 - I don't know, Anne, Summer, I...
00:05:14 I'm not trying to be difficult for you or for Bert.
00:05:17 It's just the kids who come here,
00:05:18 they treat me like I'm some kind of outcast
00:05:20 and I don't belong with them.
00:05:21 - That's why they need somebody like you,
00:05:22 to show 'em how normal kids behave.
00:05:26 Besides, you don't want Bert out there alone with Claire.
00:05:29 He might just kill her.
00:05:31 (laughing)
00:05:33 Look, it's just a week.
00:05:34 You can do this, I know you can.
00:05:36 I love you.
00:05:37 - I love you too.
00:05:40 - All right, I'm gonna head back to the house.
00:05:42 - Be safe.
00:05:45 - You too.
00:05:47 Showtime.
00:05:50 - Great.
00:05:55 (dramatic music)
00:05:59 (tires screeching)
00:06:27 - Step out, ladies and gentlemen.
00:06:28 Say goodbye to civilization, and hello to Second Chance.
00:06:38 - Where the hell are we?
00:06:40 - Well, can we go inside at Bernesely?
00:06:43 - No, aren't you lucky we have a hat and sunblock for you.
00:06:45 Follow me, please.
00:06:46 - Let's go, let's move.
00:06:48 - Welcome, everybody.
00:06:51 Dr. Claire Taylor, owner and director of Second Chance.
00:06:54 Behind you is Mr. Goodman, our wilderness expert trail guide.
00:06:58 Behind him is Mr. Young, assistant trail guide.
00:07:02 Come on, keep up.
00:07:03 All right, first things first.
00:07:05 We'll be changing into the standard issue.
00:07:07 - Oh, hell no.
00:07:07 - I can't wear probably-- - Come on, Doc.
00:07:09 - Make sure you have a pair of pants, boots, socks.
00:07:11 - Trapper Andrews.
00:07:20 - It's dirty.
00:07:23 No, no, it's better.
00:07:23 - What the hell kind of a name is Trapper?
00:07:26 I suggest you pick up your stuff,
00:07:28 or you're not gonna have any stuff.
00:07:30 - It's your thing, pops.
00:07:33 - I also suggest that you don't call me pops.
00:07:38 - Sure, pops.
00:07:42 - Murk, Murk, Murk, Murk, let him up, Murk.
00:07:47 - A little respect, Mr. Andrews.
00:07:49 She will always be around to stop me.
00:07:51 - Hey, hey, I know you.
00:07:54 Yeah, you're the Crusher.
00:07:56 You're the Mad Dog Crusher.
00:07:57 - Who's the Mad Dog Crusher?
00:07:59 - Just one of the greatest cage fighters ever.
00:08:01 I heard he killed some guy in the ring.
00:08:05 No one ever knew where he went.
00:08:06 - Get them ready, Claire.
00:08:07 - Now you know.
00:08:09 - Everybody take your stuff and meet over there.
00:08:14 Move.
00:08:21 - Hey, Tom.
00:08:22 How you doing?
00:08:23 - Hey, Claire.
00:08:24 The office has informed me
00:08:25 that I can't make your supply drop on Wednesday
00:08:27 unless you bring your account up to date.
00:08:29 - You can't give me till Monday?
00:08:33 - How do you know?
00:08:34 That's not my decision.
00:08:35 - Yeah, I know.
00:08:35 We're just, we're having some cash flow issues,
00:08:38 but we'll be back in the black after this group.
00:08:41 You know, we're doing a lot of good
00:08:42 with these kids out here, Tom.
00:08:43 - Yeah, I know.
00:08:44 - Please, listen, come next Monday, I promise you,
00:08:46 I will hand you everything I owe you in cash, all right?
00:08:48 You have my word.
00:08:49 - All right, all right.
00:08:50 Thank you.
00:08:51 - Here's your mail.
00:08:52 - Great.
00:08:53 - And Claire, this.
00:08:55 - Thanks.
00:08:56 Safe flight.
00:08:57 (dramatic music)
00:09:19 (helicopter whirring)
00:09:22 (dramatic music)
00:09:25 (helicopter whirring)
00:09:28 (dramatic music)
00:09:37 (dramatic music)
00:09:40 - Excuse me.
00:10:00 - Oh, I'm so sorry.
00:10:03 I didn't-
00:10:04 - Can you go?
00:10:05 - Know that you were-
00:10:06 - Can you just please leave?
00:10:07 - Yes.
00:10:10 - Yeah, just-
00:10:10 - Yeah, yes.
00:10:11 - Just get out.
00:10:12 - Good start.
00:10:18 - Perv.
00:10:22 - This is bullshit.
00:10:26 Two goons came into the club and dragged me out.
00:10:28 They didn't even give me a chance to pack.
00:10:29 - I was asleep.
00:10:31 They barely let me get dressed.
00:10:32 There's no way this is legal.
00:10:34 - Okay, tell it to your parents.
00:10:35 - Where's Ramirez?
00:10:36 Ramirez!
00:10:40 - Coming!
00:10:41 - God, what is it, a crowd to take a crap around here?
00:10:44 - Come on, come on, come on.
00:10:46 All right, everybody, listen up.
00:10:47 Okay, I'm sure you want an explanation
00:10:49 of what you're doing here.
00:10:50 Yes, this place is called Second Chance for a reason.
00:10:52 It's ain't Disneyland.
00:10:54 This place is harsh.
00:10:55 Nobody's here to save you.
00:10:57 Any of that.
00:10:58 We're here to break you down and try to change you.
00:11:00 All right?
00:11:01 The rules are very simple.
00:11:02 You eat what we give you,
00:11:03 sleep where we put you.
00:11:05 Do what we tell you.
00:11:06 This will be your toilet.
00:11:08 - Oh, hell no.
00:11:09 - Oh, hell yes.
00:11:10 - Well, then I'm definitely dragging that outhouse with me
00:11:12 'cause I'm not doing my business in the dirt.
00:11:15 - Interesting.
00:11:16 I heard you do it anywhere.
00:11:17 - Oh my God, are you kidding me?
00:11:19 I'm not gonna take that from her.
00:11:20 (all shouting)
00:11:23 - Sit down!
00:11:23 - Don't touch me.
00:11:24 You have no right to touch me.
00:11:26 - If you touch her, she can sue you.
00:11:28 - Enough!
00:11:30 Now let me make one thing very clear.
00:11:32 I'm not gonna tolerate an ounce of disrespect.
00:11:35 I'm here to try to make you people productive human beings.
00:11:38 And if I have to make your life
00:11:39 fricking miserable to do it, I will.
00:11:41 And you're not gonna sue anybody, Mr. Richards.
00:11:44 - Richards?
00:11:45 Just call you Dick.
00:11:46 - That's enough, Mr. Andrews.
00:11:48 That's enough.
00:11:49 - We are gonna deal with your issues with school,
00:11:52 with your parents,
00:11:56 with drugs,
00:12:01 and with the law.
00:12:03 One way or another,
00:12:07 this place is gonna change your life forever.
00:12:11 - This sucks.
00:12:13 - Get used to it, pal, 'cause it's just the beginning.
00:12:15 - All right.
00:12:16 So, if any of you have anything on you,
00:12:20 please place it in here now, because we will find it.
00:12:23 Trust me, Burton has a nose like a bloodhound.
00:12:25 As a reminder, this is a wilderness camp,
00:12:26 so no phones, no cell phones.
00:12:30 Phones, iPads, drugs, anything that we don't give you,
00:12:34 you should not have on you.
00:12:35 All right?
00:12:36 - Go right ahead.
00:12:37 I got a lot of things in a lot of places.
00:12:40 - Okay, hey, hey, hey, hey.
00:12:42 Jeez, handsy much?
00:12:43 - What else you got, huh?
00:12:44 - Oh, oregano.
00:12:46 - Really?
00:12:47 - It's oregano.
00:12:48 I am a chef.
00:12:49 You got it all, you got it all.
00:12:50 You don't, no, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:12:52 Come on, come on.
00:12:54 - All?
00:12:54 - Whoa, whoa, you cannot.
00:12:55 - This is no use.
00:12:57 Not out here.
00:12:58 (gentle music)
00:13:01 - Off to a very good start.
00:13:04 - No more contact with anybody, get it?
00:13:06 - Yep.
00:13:08 - Really, nothing in your pockets?
00:13:10 - What else you got, kid, huh?
00:13:14 Tough guy?
00:13:15 It's gonna be a real great adventure here with you.
00:13:18 - Next.
00:13:19 - All right, everybody, make sure you have all your gear.
00:13:26 - Come on, gear up.
00:13:28 - What's the shotgun for?
00:13:29 - In case something needs to be shot.
00:13:33 - Oh, hey, here.
00:13:34 Let me help with that.
00:13:37 Here you go.
00:13:39 See?
00:13:40 - Shut down.
00:13:43 - Look at the camp, bitch.
00:13:46 - Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey.
00:13:49 Let's go.
00:13:50 Move.
00:13:51 - Come on, searchers.
00:13:56 Off you go.
00:13:57 You all right?
00:13:57 All right.
00:13:58 - Keep your eye on that one.
00:14:00 Let's go.
00:14:01 (gentle music)
00:14:04 - Hey, Trapper, move it.
00:14:06 Come on.
00:14:06 - All right, so the first camp's 15 miles out.
00:14:20 - 15?
00:14:21 You expect me to walk 15 miles?
00:14:23 - If you crawl.
00:14:23 (gentle music)
00:14:26 You'll be out here for seven days.
00:14:36 Cook your own food, pitch your own tent,
00:14:38 and keep a journal.
00:14:39 (gentle music)
00:14:41 (upbeat music)
00:14:44 - If you're thinking of running,
00:15:04 there's 100 miles of nothing in every direction.
00:15:08 So if you plan on running,
00:15:09 you plan on dying.
00:15:11 - What would plan B?
00:15:14 - Stop looking at me.
00:15:23 - What?
00:15:24 - I said, stop looking at me.
00:15:26 - Look, you're in front of me.
00:15:27 - Well, pass me.
00:15:30 - Huh?
00:15:31 - What are you, some kind of weirdo?
00:15:32 You're like giving me the creeps.
00:15:34 Just please, walk in front of me.
00:15:36 - Whatever.
00:15:38 Oh, hey.
00:15:39 Stop looking at me.
00:15:41 - Hey, look.
00:15:51 That's something you don't see in Beverly Hills.
00:15:54 - There's a lot of them out here.
00:15:56 (screaming)
00:15:58 - Asshole.
00:16:04 (gentle music)
00:16:07 (screaming)
00:16:17 (crickets chirping)
00:16:24 (gentle music)
00:16:52 - I don't even wanna know what you're doing in there.
00:16:56 - You feel that?
00:16:58 - No, I don't wanna feel that.
00:17:00 - No.
00:17:00 - You feel that shaking?
00:17:02 (screaming)
00:17:03 What is that?
00:17:04 (dramatic music)
00:17:06 - I heard a stampede.
00:17:08 - Stampede!
00:17:09 (screaming)
00:17:11 - This is a stampede, you idiot.
00:17:17 (screaming)
00:17:21 - Wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:17:23 Go, go, go.
00:17:24 - Come on, come on, come on.
00:17:28 - Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:17:32 - Courtney, come on, come on.
00:17:39 - No, Courtney, wait, wait, wait.
00:17:41 (screaming)
00:17:50 - Go, go, go, go.
00:17:52 Go that way, go that way.
00:17:54 Stay, stay, stay.
00:17:56 Stay back.
00:17:56 - You okay?
00:18:10 I think it's over.
00:18:11 Hey, Claire, Claire.
00:18:12 - You okay?
00:18:13 - Yeah, yeah.
00:18:14 - Okay, come on, step down.
00:18:17 Take her off.
00:18:20 Come on, be careful, careful, careful, careful.
00:18:22 Hey, Bert, everybody okay?
00:18:24 - Yeah, I think we're okay.
00:18:25 - We're not okay.
00:18:27 We were nearly killed.
00:18:29 - Okay, it's--
00:18:30 - What kind of shit was that?
00:18:31 Is this your idea of breaking us down?
00:18:33 - It was a freak thing, okay?
00:18:34 Everybody's fine.
00:18:35 - We're not fine.
00:18:37 Look at this place.
00:18:38 - Look, I know you're scared.
00:18:42 - I'm not scared.
00:18:44 I'm pissed.
00:18:44 - All right, listen, okay?
00:18:46 We're out in the wild and unpredictable stuff happens.
00:18:49 Somebody is gonna get sued.
00:18:52 - Change your pants, Mr. Richards.
00:18:54 - All right, everybody gather their stuff.
00:18:57 You okay?
00:18:59 - Yeah.
00:19:01 - Let's salvage that tent there.
00:19:04 - Thanks.
00:19:12 (heavy breathing)
00:19:15 - Sat phone's fried.
00:19:28 - What was that?
00:19:37 (eerie music)
00:19:40 - Jeez, it's hot.
00:19:57 - Why is it so hot?
00:19:59 Where are we, three miles south of hell?
00:20:00 - The desert, moron.
00:20:02 - Thank you, Trapper.
00:20:03 Your insight is amazing.
00:20:05 - Foosh.
00:20:06 - Okay, no more talking.
00:20:07 Trapper, slow it down.
00:20:08 I want you to try to be aware
00:20:11 of everything around you, okay?
00:20:12 Just be in this moment.
00:20:13 - Hot, that's what I'm aware of right now.
00:20:17 - Okay, what else?
00:20:19 Be aware of your surroundings, everybody.
00:20:21 - Hey, so why'd you leave?
00:20:23 Fighting, why'd you leave?
00:20:24 I mean, I know you hurt the guy, but--
00:20:26 - I didn't hurt someone, I killed them.
00:20:28 - But you're the best, man.
00:20:30 - I'm more famous for killing somebody
00:20:31 than being the best fighter.
00:20:34 Now I just wanna be a good person.
00:20:36 (eerie music)
00:20:43 - Hey, Claire.
00:20:54 - Yeah?
00:20:55 - Whoa, check this out.
00:20:56 - Hey, hey, Lewis.
00:20:57 Lewis, all right, stay with the group.
00:20:59 - It's like a giant geode.
00:21:02 - This is not a geode.
00:21:04 - Yeah, then what would you call it?
00:21:06 - It's probably like a top secret government experiment,
00:21:09 a satellite, a bomb casing, something sketchy like that.
00:21:13 - Really, a bomb casing?
00:21:15 This does not look like a bomb casing.
00:21:17 - How would you know?
00:21:18 - No, 'cause it looks like a giant geode,
00:21:21 that's how I know.
00:21:22 - Maybe it's from outer space, like aliens.
00:21:26 - Oh, who cares, just keep walking.
00:21:29 - Hey, Claire.
00:21:32 - Yeah?
00:21:34 - You gotta see this.
00:21:36 - What?
00:21:38 - I think that's Lenny's truck.
00:21:41 - What?
00:21:43 - It's a cell phone.
00:21:49 - Oh, look, the aliens left their cell phone.
00:21:53 - Yeah?
00:21:54 (eerie music)
00:22:00 (alien growling)
00:22:03 - Holy shit.
00:22:08 - Hey, Uncle Bert.
00:22:30 - Oh man, hey, he was just at our place the other night.
00:22:32 - What the hell happened?
00:22:37 - Looks like he skidded off or something.
00:22:41 (alien growling)
00:22:50 - Yeah, grab the sat phone, we gotta call this in.
00:22:58 - It's trampled.
00:23:00 - Oh my God.
00:23:02 - It's dead, we're gonna have to go back.
00:23:12 - What?
00:23:13 Bro, we can't go back, we're two days away from base camp
00:23:18 and we've got five scared, really messed up kids up there.
00:23:21 Oh my God.
00:23:22 - Something's off here.
00:23:27 - Uncle Bert!
00:23:28 Claire!
00:23:31 - We can't afford to go back, look, he got drunk
00:23:33 and he drove off the ravine, let's go.
00:23:35 - Uncle Bert!
00:23:35 - I don't think that's the way it happened.
00:23:38 - We don't know what happened.
00:23:39 Could have been a coyote or a mountain lion or something.
00:23:40 - Yeah, and it could have been a vampire too,
00:23:42 but that's not reality.
00:23:43 Look, we have no communication, we're understaffed.
00:23:46 - I understand.
00:23:47 - We got a dead guy out in the middle of nowhere,
00:23:48 we're going back.
00:23:49 - You do and you go to jail, Bert.
00:23:54 (dramatic music)
00:23:56 - What are you talking about?
00:24:01 - There's a lawsuit, Bert.
00:24:07 You hurt that boy.
00:24:10 You lost control and you hurt him.
00:24:12 - He lost control, he freaked out,
00:24:15 I just tried to restrain him.
00:24:16 - Are you sure?
00:24:17 - Come on, Claire, you saw it, everybody saw it.
00:24:20 Everybody saw a big man teach a boy a lesson.
00:24:24 We go back now, we lose everything.
00:24:27 - What's going on in your head?
00:24:33 - You know, I'm doing this for us.
00:24:36 For Summer and for Roth, okay?
00:24:37 Look, Lenny's gone, there's nothing we can do about that now.
00:24:40 We'll call it in when we get back to base.
00:24:42 - Uncle Bert!
00:24:43 Claire!
00:24:44 - The kids can't know about this.
00:24:49 - I'm coming!
00:24:50 - Hey, wait up.
00:24:59 - Hey, Claire.
00:25:00 - You gotta see this.
00:25:03 - Yeah, we gotta keep moving.
00:25:04 - Yeah, you need to look at the--
00:25:05 - Come on.
00:25:06 - Okay.
00:25:06 - Gee.
00:25:07 (dramatic music)
00:25:16 (crickets chirping)
00:25:19 - Here, Lewis, put these rocks around the perimeter, okay?
00:25:29 No, Wes, not like that, it has to go in the fork.
00:25:31 - I wanna go home.
00:25:31 - Yeah, that makes two of us, come on.
00:25:33 - Wes, Wes, right, yeah, just like that, lift it up, good.
00:25:36 - Yeah. - Here you go.
00:25:37 Wes, it has to go in the middle of the fork there, right?
00:25:41 - Uncle Bert?
00:25:45 Hey, Uncle Bert?
00:25:46 I wanna go home now.
00:25:49 - Wes.
00:25:50 - I can't stand this place.
00:25:51 - Wes, calm down. - Nobody wants to hurt us.
00:25:52 - Wes, come here, stop, calm down, breathe, breathe.
00:25:56 Huh?
00:25:56 You wanna go home to what?
00:26:00 Sitting on the couch smoking weed?
00:26:01 - At least I get to do what I want.
00:26:05 - How's that working out for you?
00:26:09 You seem miserable.
00:26:10 - He just seems like an idiot to me.
00:26:12 What the hell is that? - Hey, hey, hey, hey!
00:26:14 What, you wanna go home because you and your stepmom
00:26:16 get along so well?
00:26:17 If everybody's lives at home are so great,
00:26:20 what do you think you're doing here?
00:26:22 Everybody's angry because what?
00:26:23 Their parents don't understand 'em?
00:26:24 I got news for you, a lot of parents
00:26:25 don't understand their kids.
00:26:27 They don't try to burn down their house, trapper.
00:26:29 Or get arrested for attention, Mika.
00:26:33 Or blow things up and hack into the NSA, hmm?
00:26:35 - It's easier.
00:26:37 - What's easier?
00:26:39 - It's easier for them to just ship us out here
00:26:41 than to admit that they're bad parents.
00:26:44 (sighs)
00:26:46 - Okay, girls, help me get the bags into the tent
00:26:48 before it rains.
00:26:48 - Hey.
00:26:51 Hey!
00:26:54 I found Lenny's phone by that thing in the trench.
00:26:56 - Hey, Bert, can you go help the boys
00:26:58 with the lean-to, please?
00:26:59 - Did you hear what he said?
00:27:00 - Can you help the-- - Well,
00:27:02 I gotta take a dump, gross.
00:27:04 - Thanks, Mr. TMI.
00:27:05 - Wait, hold on.
00:27:07 Don't go alone.
00:27:09 Go with him. - Come on.
00:27:10 - Go with him.
00:27:11 - Like hell.
00:27:13 - Trapper, stop.
00:27:15 Trapper, slow down.
00:27:16 - I don't need help from the camp bitch.
00:27:20 - Come on, dude.
00:27:20 (grunts)
00:27:23 - Ruff, ruff, ruff, ruff!
00:27:24 Stop, stop.
00:27:25 Just leave him, stop.
00:27:26 - I'm taking a whole damn minute.
00:27:36 This is all shit.
00:27:37 - He's falling down 'cause you don't have a rope.
00:27:39 Wes, grab the rope.
00:27:40 - The rope.
00:27:42 - Hey, where's Trapper?
00:27:43 - He went to the bathroom.
00:27:45 - What, alone?
00:27:46 What are you doing?
00:27:47 I told you to go with him.
00:27:47 - That asshole didn't want my company.
00:27:50 - Bert, it's fine. - Just let him go.
00:27:51 - Trapper's acting like an old woman.
00:27:52 He's around the corner.
00:27:53 You okay?
00:27:55 - Oh, shit.
00:28:04 (thunder rumbling)
00:28:09 (gun clicking)
00:28:11 - Trapper.
00:28:29 - Hey, look, I don't want you out here alone.
00:28:32 - Oh, jeez, what are you gonna do, watch?
00:28:34 Perv.
00:28:35 - Stop, Trapper, stop.
00:28:38 - Get away from me.
00:28:38 - Look, just dig right there, stop.
00:28:41 - You look at my junk, I'm calling the cops.
00:28:43 - Not interested in seeing your junk.
00:28:45 Well, he can't see it anyway.
00:28:47 - Dick.
00:28:48 - Wish you had one.
00:28:49 (gun clicking)
00:29:06 (dramatic music)
00:29:08 (tires screeching)
00:29:14 - Run, Trapper, run.
00:29:16 (tires screeching)
00:29:20 - Bert.
00:29:21 - Claire, give me a light.
00:29:22 - You're not gonna scare us.
00:29:23 - Claire, give me a light.
00:29:24 - Run.
00:29:25 (Trapper screaming)
00:29:34 - Trapper, run.
00:29:36 (dramatic music)
00:29:38 - Uncle Bert.
00:29:50 - Uncle Bert.
00:29:51 - Trapper, Trapper, where is he?
00:29:57 - What the hell, I'm bleeding.
00:30:01 I'm bleeding.
00:30:05 (Trapper groaning)
00:30:08 - What the hell?
00:30:15 - Move, move, move, move, move.
00:30:18 Oh my God.
00:30:19 - Where is he, Trapper?
00:30:21 - What happened?
00:30:22 - Where's Bert?
00:30:23 - I don't know, I don't know.
00:30:25 (dramatic music)
00:30:34 - Uncle Bert.
00:30:35 Bert, Bert, Bert.
00:30:37 Breathe, breathe, come on, come on, come on.
00:30:38 Look at me, look at me.
00:30:40 Look at me.
00:30:41 I shouldn't have let him go alone.
00:30:44 I'm so sorry.
00:30:45 (Trapper screaming)
00:30:48 - Bring a med kit.
00:30:52 - Come on, Bert, stay with me, please.
00:30:54 - Stay with me, stay with me, Bert, come on.
00:30:57 - Bert, come on, come on.
00:30:59 No, no, no, no, no.
00:31:00 You can't leave me.
00:31:02 - Take off your shirt, take off your shirt.
00:31:06 - No, we have to get out of here.
00:31:23 We have to leave.
00:31:24 - What was it?
00:31:24 - What was it?
00:31:25 - Please, can we go?
00:31:26 We should get out of here.
00:31:27 - What are we gonna do?
00:31:28 - Stop.
00:31:29 - Stop.
00:31:30 Stop.
00:31:32 - There's a cave a couple of miles from here.
00:31:34 We stock it with supplies in case of emergencies.
00:31:36 We'll go there tonight to regroup.
00:31:39 Tomorrow we'll go back to base camp.
00:31:42 Go, now.
00:31:44 Go!
00:31:46 - Claire, Claire, Claire, Claire, Claire, Claire.
00:31:56 Bert's gone.
00:31:58 The kids need you now and I need you now,
00:32:00 so I need you to get up.
00:32:02 I need you to get up.
00:32:03 Get up.
00:32:04 Go, go, go with them.
00:32:07 (thunder rumbling)
00:32:16 - Man, man.
00:32:19 Oh, man.
00:32:22 (dramatic music)
00:32:29 (coyote howling)
00:32:32 - Trapper, what happened back there?
00:32:52 Trapper.
00:32:53 - We're all gonna die.
00:32:56 - We're not gonna die.
00:32:59 (dramatic music)
00:33:01 - Sorry about your uncle.
00:33:07 - We should keep moving.
00:33:12 (dramatic music)
00:33:22 (coyote howling)
00:33:25 (dramatic music)
00:33:28 (dramatic music)
00:33:31 (dramatic music)
00:33:33 (dramatic music)
00:33:36 (dramatic music)
00:33:39 (dramatic music)
00:33:42 (dramatic music)
00:33:44 (dramatic music)
00:33:47 (dramatic music)
00:34:16 - Okay, everybody, there's food and water in these packs.
00:34:20 - Pass those around.
00:34:28 - Hello, anybody out there, copy?
00:34:38 Lenny, do you copy?
00:34:42 - It's the middle of the night, Roth,
00:34:43 nobody's gonna answer.
00:34:45 - I'm still bleeding.
00:34:46 - You're gonna be fine.
00:34:48 - I will not be fine, I am bleeding.
00:34:51 - Hey, it's three in the morning.
00:34:53 - And we're in a cave.
00:34:55 - In the middle of nowhere.
00:34:56 - Well, something outside is trying to kill us.
00:35:00 - Here.
00:35:01 (footsteps)
00:35:03 - Anybody on this radio, copy?
00:35:22 Lenny, it's Roth, do you copy?
00:35:25 Is there anybody out there?
00:35:28 - I don't think it's the experience my dad
00:35:30 thought I was gonna have at this camp.
00:35:32 Oh, God.
00:35:33 - Ew, what is that?
00:35:36 - It's sticky.
00:35:37 Oh, gross.
00:35:39 (static)
00:35:41 - Slimy.
00:35:44 - Look, it's everywhere.
00:35:47 - Hey, Roth, I got a lot of static here.
00:35:48 - Static.
00:35:49 - A lot of static.
00:35:51 - I swear I turned this radio off.
00:35:53 - Oh, God, it's here.
00:35:55 - It's here, Claire, we gotta get him out.
00:35:56 - Get up, get up, get up.
00:35:57 - We just got him.
00:35:57 - Come on, come on, quick.
00:35:59 (static)
00:36:01 - All right, no sudden moves.
00:36:07 - What the hell?
00:36:08 - Very slowly, back up slowly.
00:36:10 Back up slowly.
00:36:12 - Screw this.
00:36:13 (static)
00:36:15 - No!
00:36:19 (static)
00:36:21 - Come on.
00:36:22 (static)
00:36:24 - Trevor, Trevor, we gotta go, hurry up.
00:36:33 - Come on, come on.
00:36:35 (static)
00:36:37 - Oh, my God.
00:36:41 (static)
00:36:43 - Come on, come on, take it.
00:36:45 Take it.
00:36:46 (static)
00:36:49 (screaming)
00:36:52 - We have to go.
00:36:53 - No, no.
00:36:53 - We have to get out.
00:36:54 (screaming)
00:36:57 (dramatic music)
00:37:00 - Okay, okay, hold on, hold on, just a second.
00:37:18 - Did he kill him?
00:37:19 - Who are they?
00:37:20 - Did they kill him?
00:37:21 - Shut up, you're such a coward.
00:37:22 - Shut up, bitch, shut up.
00:37:23 (screaming)
00:37:25 - Come on, come on, come on.
00:37:26 - You're crazy, you know that?
00:37:28 (panting)
00:37:29 Did you kill it?
00:37:31 - I don't think we can kill it.
00:37:33 - Where's, where's Dick?
00:37:38 - Where's Wes?
00:37:40 - Oh, shit.
00:37:42 You left him?
00:37:44 - We don't have time for this, everybody up.
00:37:45 We have to move.
00:37:46 We gotta get out of here.
00:37:47 We gotta move fast, let's go.
00:37:49 Let's go, everybody up.
00:37:51 - Come on.
00:37:52 Go, go, go, go.
00:37:55 - You know you did everything you could.
00:38:03 This is not your fault.
00:38:06 Let's go.
00:38:07 - Come on, come on.
00:38:09 (dramatic music)
00:38:16 - Hello?
00:38:17 Hello, is anybody out there, please?
00:38:21 - You give it up already.
00:38:22 There's nothing and no one out here in this hellhole but us.
00:38:25 - It's gotta be some type of energy,
00:38:27 like core magnetism.
00:38:28 Maybe it's got a magnetic field around it.
00:38:30 - No, no, no, no.
00:38:31 If it was magnet, the metal would be pulled towards it.
00:38:33 - Okay, so what's your best explanation?
00:38:36 - Static electricity.
00:38:40 - Static electricity, I mean,
00:38:42 with all that metal, it must be sending up a charge
00:38:44 and stimulating the receivers.
00:38:46 - And it gives off a radio frequency
00:38:47 that interferes with the reception.
00:38:49 - Well, combine those two things
00:38:51 and it's kind of like this perfect storm
00:38:52 of radio interference.
00:38:54 - I'll buy that theory.
00:38:56 (sighs)
00:39:01 This has to be where that creature came from.
00:39:07 Wes was right, it was an alien ship.
00:39:10 - Why would an alien come here?
00:39:12 Why would anyone come?
00:39:14 - Maybe it's not supposed to be here, okay?
00:39:15 Maybe it's just weird off course.
00:39:17 - No, it seems to me like it's here on purpose.
00:39:19 - No, maybe it came here as a seed,
00:39:20 you know, like the one who made first contact.
00:39:21 - No, this is an egg.
00:39:23 - That's what Wes stepped on in the cave,
00:39:27 the egg sac.
00:39:28 - It looks like our alien could be a she.
00:39:33 - You guys are all crazy.
00:39:35 - Who cares, I just want to get the hell out of here.
00:39:38 - We need to keep going, the trail's this way.
00:39:41 - Really?
00:39:42 - Yes.
00:39:43 - Yeah.
00:39:44 - You're trying to figure anything out.
00:39:45 - Because I don't want to be figured.
00:39:47 - What the hell?
00:39:50 - Ross, wait.
00:39:52 Ross, hold on.
00:39:54 Ross.
00:39:58 - Oh no.
00:40:03 No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
00:40:06 You found him.
00:40:10 You and Uncle Bert found Lenny like this
00:40:12 and you didn't say anything?
00:40:13 - We didn't know anything.
00:40:14 - You knew he was dead, didn't you?
00:40:15 - Yeah, but I, we didn't--
00:40:16 - Which is why you knew he wouldn't be on the radio, right?
00:40:19 You and Bert, you led us right to that thing.
00:40:23 - No, Ross.
00:40:24 We had no idea what was out there.
00:40:27 We thought it was an animal.
00:40:28 - It doesn't matter what you thought.
00:40:29 It doesn't matter what you thought.
00:40:31 What matters is that you saw this.
00:40:34 You and Bert saw this
00:40:35 and you and Bert decided to push forward, yeah?
00:40:40 - Yeah.
00:40:41 And you know,
00:40:43 you know we should've turned back.
00:40:46 I can't believe Bert didn't go back.
00:40:53 - Bert wanted to turn back.
00:40:57 Ross and I kept going.
00:40:59 I was thinking about the kids.
00:41:01 I was-- - The kids.
00:41:02 Oh yeah.
00:41:05 (suspenseful music)
00:41:08 We gotta move.
00:41:12 (suspenseful music)
00:41:16 (suspenseful music)
00:41:19 (suspenseful music)
00:41:30 (suspenseful music)
00:41:33 (suspenseful music)
00:41:39 (suspenseful music)
00:41:45 (suspenseful music)
00:41:51 (suspenseful music)
00:41:58 (suspenseful music)
00:42:01 (suspenseful music)
00:42:07 (suspenseful music)
00:42:13 (suspenseful music)
00:42:27 (suspenseful music)
00:42:30 (gun cocks)
00:42:40 (gun fires)
00:42:42 (suspenseful music)
00:42:45 - It's clear!
00:42:56 - Do you have enough parts to make it work?
00:42:58 - No.
00:42:59 - Better get some water.
00:43:02 - Okay.
00:43:03 (gun cocks)
00:43:05 (suspenseful music)
00:43:08 - Oh, yeah.
00:43:11 - I'm so thirsty.
00:43:18 (suspenseful music)
00:43:21 (suspenseful music)
00:43:24 - There's no service.
00:43:27 - Oh, you gotta be kidding.
00:43:29 (gun cocks)
00:43:33 That'll help.
00:43:34 - Oh, shit, man!
00:43:35 (suspenseful music)
00:43:40 - Hey, Ross.
00:43:43 Come with me.
00:43:44 (suspenseful music)
00:43:51 (suspenseful music)
00:43:54 I'm really sorry, Ross.
00:44:14 (suspenseful music)
00:44:17 (suspenseful music)
00:44:20 - Hey, so what time does he come tomorrow?
00:44:42 - Chopper comes at 8 a.m.
00:44:43 - All right, everybody get some water.
00:44:45 Go to the bathroom, then go to the cabin.
00:44:47 We'll be safe until morning.
00:44:49 - Oh, this law of civilization.
00:44:51 Too bad this ain't it.
00:44:53 - You think you're high shit, don't you?
00:44:57 Without that gun,
00:45:00 you're nothing.
00:45:04 - It's a good thing I got the gun, then.
00:45:08 - I can't stand him.
00:45:12 - Yeah.
00:45:14 - You okay?
00:45:15 - Okay?
00:45:17 Not really.
00:45:19 But I feel safer around you.
00:45:22 - Hey!
00:45:25 Doesn't this mean something?
00:45:27 - It's here. - What?
00:45:29 - Everybody up!
00:45:30 Everybody in the cabin, now, it's here!
00:45:32 - Holy moly, holy moly.
00:45:35 - What is it?
00:45:37 Oh, my God.
00:45:43 - Courtney, run. Go.
00:45:45 - Louis!
00:45:50 - Shoot him!
00:46:01 Shoot him!
00:46:02 - Get him!
00:46:04 Go!
00:46:05 - Go!
00:46:06 - Hold it! Hold it!
00:46:15 Get the lock! Get the lock!
00:46:16 - Get the lock!
00:46:17 - Trapper, get away from the window.
00:46:22 Get away from the window!
00:46:23 - Where'd he go?
00:46:24 - Where is he?
00:46:25 Where's Claire?
00:46:31 Where the hell is Claire?
00:46:33 - Go, Mika, go!
00:46:35 - Come here. Come here.
00:46:36 - Shh.
00:46:38 - Damn it.
00:46:40 Claire!
00:46:41 - Where are they?
00:46:43 - We don't know if they can hear you.
00:46:44 You and Mika need to be as quiet as possible.
00:46:46 - Shh.
00:46:53 - Shh.
00:46:55 - Shh.
00:46:56 - It's okay. It's okay. It's okay.
00:47:07 - Okay.
00:47:14 Courtney, unlock the door and be ready.
00:47:16 Unlock the door.
00:47:17 - No way.
00:47:18 - No way.
00:47:19 - Trapper, let me...
00:47:20 - Trapper!
00:47:21 - You stupid!
00:47:22 - You cannot leave them out there!
00:47:23 - Why not?
00:47:24 - No, no, no, no, no.
00:47:26 Claire!
00:47:28 - Open the door.
00:47:40 Open the door!
00:47:41 You're gonna open the lock and you're gonna run, okay?
00:47:44 Run as fast as you can.
00:47:45 Okay? Okay?
00:47:47 Are you ready?
00:47:48 Run, Mika, run, run, run, run, run!
00:47:49 - Let them in!
00:47:52 - Go!
00:47:53 - Open the door!
00:47:56 - Trapper, open that door!
00:47:58 - Let me in!
00:48:01 - Open it!
00:48:02 - Let her in!
00:48:03 - Open the door!
00:48:05 - Open the door!
00:48:08 - Get out of the way!
00:48:15 - Come on, get out, get out, get out!
00:48:16 - Don't push!
00:48:20 - Claire! Claire!
00:48:22 - Claire!
00:48:23 - Pull her in! Pull her in!
00:48:31 - Get something through her hair!
00:48:33 Get something through her hair!
00:48:34 - Okay, okay, you're gonna be fine.
00:48:36 - It's okay.
00:48:38 - You're okay. Just breathe.
00:48:39 Just keep breathing.
00:48:40 - It's okay.
00:48:41 - Just breathe.
00:48:42 - It's okay.
00:48:43 - Rob.
00:48:46 - Yeah?
00:48:47 - Please get them out.
00:48:49 - I will.
00:48:50 - I will.
00:48:51 - I will.
00:48:52 - It's okay.
00:48:54 - It's okay.
00:48:56 - Cover her.
00:49:04 Get something to cover her up.
00:49:07 - I mean...
00:49:08 - She'd still be alive if it wasn't for you.
00:49:23 - She's the reason why we're all gonna die.
00:49:28 - This whole thing about you isn't a trip.
00:49:35 - Everything is always about you.
00:49:37 - Yeah.
00:49:38 It's about me.
00:49:39 It's always about me.
00:49:42 Survival of the fittest, baby.
00:49:45 Go ahead.
00:49:47 Pull the trigger, I'd show.
00:49:50 I would rather have my head blown off than sucked raw by a thing.
00:49:56 Do it!
00:49:59 Shoot me.
00:50:01 I know you want to.
00:50:04 I know you want to.
00:50:05 It's what you all want, isn't it?
00:50:08 Isn't it?
00:50:11 So just do it.
00:50:18 Just shoot me.
00:50:21 - What happens now?
00:50:30 - We wait for the chopper.
00:50:32 - But the thing is still out there.
00:50:34 - Yeah, well you're free to go, okay?
00:50:35 Nothing's stopping you.
00:50:36 - Louis.
00:50:39 - Yeah?
00:50:40 - Is that thing still out there?
00:50:42 - Coast is clear.
00:50:46 - Okay.
00:50:47 Everybody get some rest.
00:50:50 We'll stay in here tonight.
00:50:52 In the morning, we'll get on the chopper.
00:50:54 Take the first guard.
00:50:59 - Okay.
00:51:01 (door slams)
00:51:02 (somber music)
00:51:15 (somber music)
00:51:17 - How old were you?
00:51:35 When your parents died, how old were you?
00:51:38 - I was 12.
00:51:45 It was a car accident.
00:51:46 Seems like a lifetime ago.
00:51:51 - And then Bert--
00:51:55 - Bert.
00:51:56 Bert was my uncle.
00:51:59 He and Summer took me in, practically raised me.
00:52:03 - I'm so sorry.
00:52:08 - Yeah.
00:52:12 (somber music)
00:52:14 You know, it's ironic.
00:52:17 Before, before I came here, I wanted to kill myself.
00:52:23 And now,
00:52:27 I really don't want to die.
00:52:31 We're running for our lives.
00:52:41 - Hey,
00:52:42 I should show you this.
00:52:46 It's an old shotgun.
00:52:48 It's pretty easy to use.
00:52:51 - No.
00:52:53 I don't want to learn how to use that thing, okay?
00:52:55 I don't think I could kill anything.
00:52:59 - You need to learn in case,
00:53:02 in case something happens to me.
00:53:06 (somber music)
00:53:08 - Rob, I don't.
00:53:14 (somber music)
00:53:23 (somber music)
00:53:25 I should get some sleep.
00:53:40 - Yeah.
00:53:41 (somber music)
00:53:44 (somber music)
00:53:46 (children chattering)
00:54:01 - Will you change the music, please?
00:54:12 - No.
00:54:13 - Damn, you're good at this.
00:54:15 - I know I can.
00:54:17 Hey.
00:54:18 Whoa.
00:54:19 Don't shoot me.
00:54:23 - Maybe not.
00:54:26 But I think I'm making a pretty good point.
00:54:30 (helicopter whirring)
00:54:34 - That's the chopper.
00:54:36 That thing is still out there.
00:54:38 - Not right now.
00:54:40 Static free.
00:54:41 Unlike my parents.
00:54:42 - Don't worry, chopper.
00:54:44 We'll go out there and make sure the coast is clear
00:54:45 while you stay in here and pee your pants.
00:54:46 - Shut up.
00:54:47 - All right, everybody.
00:54:48 Ready up.
00:54:49 (helicopter whirring)
00:54:52 - Hey, whoa, whoa.
00:54:54 You sure there's no static?
00:54:56 - We're good.
00:54:57 We're all clear.
00:54:58 - Let's go.
00:54:59 (somber music)
00:55:02 (chainsaw buzzing)
00:55:09 (door creaking)
00:55:11 - Tom.
00:55:18 Tom.
00:55:20 - Where's Claire?
00:55:21 Where's Bert?
00:55:23 - I'll tell you on the way.
00:55:24 We don't have any time.
00:55:25 We gotta get out of here.
00:55:26 - Wait, wait.
00:55:27 - We gotta get out of here.
00:55:28 - Just answer my question.
00:55:29 Where's Claire and Bert?
00:55:30 - They're dead.
00:55:32 - What?
00:55:34 - We were attacked.
00:55:35 - Attacked by what?
00:55:37 - I'll tell you on the way, Tom.
00:55:38 - Not until I know what the hell's going on.
00:55:41 - I told you.
00:55:42 We were attacked.
00:55:43 We have to get out of here.
00:55:44 - Tom, stop.
00:55:46 You gotta listen to me, man.
00:55:47 Hey.
00:55:48 - We need to go.
00:55:49 - We don't have time for this.
00:55:50 We gotta get off the ground right now.
00:55:51 Tom.
00:55:53 Please.
00:55:54 You gotta listen.
00:55:57 Tom, no, no, no, no.
00:56:00 Stop.
00:56:01 - Claire?
00:56:04 What happened?
00:56:06 - Look.
00:56:07 We didn't kill her, okay?
00:56:09 We didn't kill her.
00:56:11 I'll explain everything on the way,
00:56:12 but right now, we gotta go, Tom.
00:56:15 Now.
00:56:17 - All right.
00:56:25 Everybody in.
00:56:27 - We gotta unload first.
00:56:29 - What?
00:56:30 - It won't fly with all of you and the supplies.
00:56:33 - All right.
00:56:34 Everybody grab some boxes.
00:56:35 (suspenseful music)
00:56:38 - I got a shotgun.
00:56:40 (suspenseful music)
00:56:43 - We can get in.
00:56:47 - Come on, come on, come on.
00:56:49 (suspenseful music)
00:56:52 (engine revving)
00:56:58 (tires screeching)
00:57:04 (suspenseful music)
00:57:07 - I'm so excited to go home.
00:57:09 - We need to address the shoving problem without her.
00:57:12 - Shut up.
00:57:13 - Take us home, Mr. Pilot.
00:57:14 - Let's go home.
00:57:15 (suspenseful music)
00:57:18 - What's going on?
00:57:21 - We're heavy.
00:57:22 (suspenseful music)
00:57:25 - Tom, what the hell was that?
00:57:28 - What is happening?
00:57:29 - What's going on?
00:57:30 - Guys, it's here.
00:57:32 - It's here again.
00:57:33 - Take us down, Tom.
00:57:34 - Take us down now!
00:57:35 (tires screeching)
00:57:39 (suspenseful music)
00:57:42 - Shoot it, shoot it.
00:57:45 (guns firing)
00:57:47 (suspenseful music)
00:57:50 - Tom, get out of here.
00:57:58 (suspenseful music)
00:58:02 (tires screeching)
00:58:04 - Lika, shoot it!
00:58:05 - Lika!
00:58:06 (tires screeching)
00:58:09 (Lika screaming)
00:58:13 (suspenseful music)
00:58:16 - All right, you son of a bitch.
00:58:23 (tires screeching)
00:58:30 (suspenseful music)
00:58:33 (gun firing)
00:58:46 (suspenseful music)
00:58:58 - Do you think it's dead?
00:59:00 - I wouldn't count on it.
00:59:03 - Andrew.
00:59:05 - Where the hell's Lewis?
00:59:06 - Lewis!
00:59:07 - I'm good, I'm right here.
00:59:09 - Oh God.
00:59:10 - Come on, come on.
00:59:12 Okay?
00:59:13 - Yeah.
00:59:14 - We can't stay here.
00:59:16 We can't stay here, can you walk?
00:59:19 Trapper, can you walk?
00:59:21 - Yeah.
00:59:22 - Okay, I'm gonna go to Summer's house.
00:59:24 Are you okay?
00:59:25 - Yeah.
00:59:26 - Let's go.
00:59:27 Follow me, come on.
00:59:29 (suspenseful music)
00:59:32 Come on, let's go.
00:59:35 (suspenseful music)
00:59:38 Oh God, come on.
00:59:47 I gotta rest, man.
00:59:52 My leg's killing me.
00:59:54 (grunts)
00:59:57 I think I broke my ankle.
00:59:59 - Okay, you know what?
01:00:01 - Trapper, we're all hurt, okay?
01:00:03 Just keep moving.
01:00:05 - Hey.
01:00:07 You know the thing about broken ankles, right?
01:00:11 You can't walk on 'em.
01:00:12 - And it's sprained and swollen, man.
01:00:14 We gotta stop.
01:00:15 - Stop complaining, Trapper, let's go.
01:00:17 - Shut up, bitch.
01:00:18 - Hey.
01:00:19 Keep up.
01:00:23 (suspenseful music)
01:00:26 - Who died and left you guy?
01:00:28 (suspenseful music)
01:00:31 - I said, keep up.
01:00:37 Or don't.
01:00:39 (suspenseful music)
01:00:42 (grunts)
01:00:50 (grunts)
01:00:53 (grunts)
01:00:55 (grunts)
01:00:58 - How does that feel, bitch?
01:01:06 (grunts)
01:01:08 (suspenseful music)
01:01:20 - You wanna know who died and made me God?
01:01:23 Everyone died and made me God.
01:01:27 And you wanna stay here and die?
01:01:30 I don't care.
01:01:32 Nobody cares.
01:01:34 - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:01:39 (grunts)
01:01:40 Not worth it.
01:01:42 (coughs)
01:01:45 (suspenseful music)
01:01:48 (coughs)
01:01:50 (suspenseful music)
01:01:53 (growls)
01:01:55 (suspenseful music)
01:01:58 (growls)
01:02:02 (suspenseful music)
01:02:17 (grunts)
01:02:19 (suspenseful music)
01:02:22 - And Summer.
01:02:31 - What happened to you?
01:02:34 To all of you?
01:02:36 Where's Bert and Claire?
01:02:38 - Bert's dead.
01:02:46 - We need your help.
01:02:48 Please.
01:02:50 - Here you go, I baked some cookies.
01:02:53 Have a cookie.
01:02:54 - No, not cookies.
01:02:55 - You need to eat.
01:02:56 I'll scramble up some eggs really quick.
01:02:57 - No, no eggs, you're not listening, you're not listening.
01:02:58 Please, and Summer, listen to me.
01:03:00 There is some, some thing out there, okay?
01:03:04 I'm trying to tell you it attacked us, okay?
01:03:06 Some kind of creature.
01:03:07 - It's an alien.
01:03:08 - It's real.
01:03:09 Okay, we're not lying, we all saw it.
01:03:11 - Now this thing, it killed two kids.
01:03:14 It killed Claire, and it killed Uncle Bert.
01:03:17 Now what I'm saying is we can't stay here.
01:03:20 We have to get whatever supplies we can.
01:03:22 We have to get someplace safe.
01:03:24 - How did he die?
01:03:26 - Fighting.
01:03:29 - That sounds about right.
01:03:31 I need to call the sheriff.
01:03:33 - Okay, call the sheriff.
01:03:34 The truck, where are the keys to your truck?
01:03:36 - They're in it.
01:03:37 - They're in it?
01:03:38 - They're in the truck.
01:03:39 - Okay, water, food, whatever we can collect.
01:03:40 - Matt, Matt.
01:03:41 - Yeah, whatever we can.
01:03:42 - Okay, come on.
01:03:43 - Only this, we gotta take it with us.
01:03:44 - I said attacks.
01:03:46 - I don't know if it's an attack.
01:03:47 - Claire Taylor's, at Claire Taylor's place.
01:03:49 I can't hear you.
01:03:50 I'm gonna have to call back.
01:03:51 I must have a bad line.
01:03:52 There's so much static, I can't even hear.
01:03:54 - No, what?
01:03:55 No.
01:03:56 It's here.
01:03:57 No.
01:03:58 - Where's Trapper?
01:03:59 Where's Trapper?
01:04:00 - In the truck, in the truck, in the truck!
01:04:03 (dramatic music)
01:04:06 - No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:04:08 (dramatic music)
01:04:11 (dramatic music)
01:04:14 - Now it doesn't count, bitch!
01:04:16 - Trapper, stay!
01:04:17 (dramatic music)
01:04:20 (dramatic music)
01:04:23 - Trapper, Trapper, it's here!
01:04:24 - Get outta here!
01:04:25 - I can hear you, idiot!
01:04:26 (dramatic music)
01:04:29 (dramatic music)
01:04:32 (dramatic music)
01:04:35 (dramatic music)
01:04:38 - Make it, make it, make it, make it.
01:04:40 (dramatic music)
01:04:43 (dramatic music)
01:04:46 (dramatic music)
01:04:48 - God in heaven, we've gotta help them.
01:04:51 - Oh my God.
01:04:52 (dramatic music)
01:04:55 (dramatic music)
01:04:58 (dramatic music)
01:05:01 (dramatic music)
01:05:04 - Come on, you have to wake up.
01:05:05 - Stop crying and get outta there!
01:05:07 (dramatic music)
01:05:08 Help me! Help me!
01:05:12 - Got guns? - Yeah, inside. Come on.
01:05:15 (Growling)
01:05:17 (Screaming)
01:05:26 (Growling)
01:05:28 (Screaming)
01:05:30 (Growling)
01:05:32 (Growling)
01:05:34 (Growling)
01:05:42 (Whistling)
01:05:44 (Growling)
01:05:46 (Growling)
01:05:48 (Gunshots)
01:05:50 (Growling)
01:05:52 Courtney. Come on!
01:05:58 (Gun cocks)
01:06:00 (Suspenseful music)
01:06:02 (Suspenseful music)
01:06:04 (Suspenseful music)
01:06:06 (Suspenseful music)
01:06:34 You all right? Where... Where are the others?
01:06:37 Trapper's den.
01:06:39 What? Where... Where's Courtney? Where's Courtney?
01:06:44 She's gone. It took her.
01:06:47 It took her.
01:06:49 - We should wait for the sheriff. - I know, I know, but we can't wait for the sheriff, okay?
01:06:58 I mean, she could be dead before they get here.
01:07:03 She could be dead already.
01:07:05 - All right, here you go. - Wait, wait. I made you some armor.
01:07:10 - Armor? - Yeah, to go underneath the vest. Found it in the barn.
01:07:14 - Like that? - Just like that.
01:07:17 - Hopefully you don't need it. - That's brilliant.
01:07:20 (Suspenseful music)
01:07:31 (Whistles)
01:07:33 Now, Roth, I made you some pipe bombs here.
01:07:45 Just in case you need to buy or sell some time, or you need to blow somebody.
01:07:49 Now, they got about a 20-second fuse. Give or take a few seconds.
01:07:53 Just make sure that you're far away when these things go off, okay?
01:07:56 - Give or take. - Give or take.
01:07:58 I knew I liked you, Lewis.
01:08:01 You guys got to be ready for a fight.
01:08:05 Whether I make it back with Courtney or not, that thing is going to be back.
01:08:09 We'll be ready.
01:08:11 (Tires screech)
01:08:13 Now what?
01:08:20 (Engine rumbles)
01:08:22 (Engine rumbles)
01:08:24 Courtney.
01:08:51 (Tires screech)
01:08:53 (Grunts)
01:09:12 (Grunts)
01:09:14 (Panting)
01:09:17 No.
01:09:19 (Grunts)
01:09:21 Oh, my God.
01:09:38 Courtney.
01:09:41 (Panting)
01:09:43 Oh, my God. Okay, Courtney.
01:09:56 I'm gonna get you out of here. I'm gonna get you out of here.
01:10:00 If I get this thing off you, can you run?
01:10:05 (Panting)
01:10:07 Damn it, we gotta go.
01:10:15 This is tough.
01:10:19 You gotta trust me, okay? You gotta trust me.
01:10:31 Three, two, one.
01:10:34 (Gunshot)
01:10:36 (Grunts)
01:10:38 Come here. Come here. Come here. Let's go.
01:10:42 Huh?
01:10:46 Courtney, come on.
01:10:48 (Growling)
01:10:50 (Growling)
01:10:59 (Growling)
01:11:01 I'm almost pissed.
01:11:03 Let's go. Let's go.
01:11:06 (Growling)
01:11:08 (Screams)
01:11:11 Come on, Courtney.
01:11:13 Come on. Come on, Courtney. Come on.
01:11:20 Come on.
01:11:26 (Growling)
01:11:28 (Grunting)
01:11:55 (Growling)
01:11:57 (Grunting)
01:12:12 (Panting)
01:12:14 Once we fill all these tanks, all you have to do is throw that lever and they will run like hell.
01:12:35 Got it.
01:12:37 There they are.
01:12:40 Oh, he did it.
01:12:42 Thank God.
01:12:44 Is this gonna work?
01:12:46 About to find out.
01:12:48 Summer, come here. Help me out with her.
01:12:53 I got her. Easy, easy. Okay, I got her.
01:12:56 Take her inside. Get her cleaned up, okay? You're okay now. You're okay.
01:12:59 Sure.
01:13:00 Okay, ready? We're close.
01:13:02 Okay.
01:13:04 So what I figured is that if this thing has all this static electricity in it,
01:13:07 then why not send a positive current to its negative polymer magnetic field and--
01:13:10 Whoa, whoa, whoa, English. Please, Lewis. Come on.
01:13:13 We're gonna roast it.
01:13:15 Okay, so this contraption, what does this do?
01:13:20 Hey, these wires are charged at 20,000 volts.
01:13:23 So when it hits--
01:13:24 It fries.
01:13:25 Exactly.
01:13:26 Wow.
01:13:27 But you gotta throw the switch first.
01:13:29 Okay, so then what's all the gas for?
01:13:33 That is our backup plan.
01:13:35 If the shock doesn't work, then hopefully these drones or these gasoline cannons will.
01:13:39 Okay.
01:13:40 There is a drawback, though.
01:13:41 What?
01:13:42 You gotta be the bait.
01:13:44 All you gotta do is lure it into the wires.
01:13:46 Oh, that's all.
01:13:47 Well--
01:13:48 Easy.
01:13:49 And try not to get yourself blown up or electrocuted.
01:13:52 Then you're golden.
01:13:54 Oh, and when you get a moment, can you fill the rest of the gas tanks for me?
01:13:57 Thanks, man.
01:14:00 [sighs]
01:14:02 What in God's name could even do this?
01:14:08 I am so sorry, honey.
01:14:10 You should have never, ever had to go through this.
01:14:13 She's feeding on us.
01:14:17 She's feeding on us, and she's not gonna stop until we are all dead.
01:14:24 [suspenseful music]
01:14:27 You're here early.
01:14:47 Run, the show's on!
01:14:50 [growling]
01:14:52 Stay still. Stay still.
01:14:58 Hey, you!
01:15:00 Hey, you!
01:15:02 Shira!
01:15:04 I'm the one that killed your alien ass baby!
01:15:07 Hey, over here!
01:15:13 Look at me, you ugly bastard!
01:15:16 Go, Aiden.
01:15:19 You might need that.
01:15:21 And Summer, be ready to throw the switch.
01:15:26 [suspenseful music]
01:15:30 [growling]
01:15:32 [growling]
01:15:46 [growling]
01:15:59 [growling]
01:16:01 [growling]
01:16:11 [growling]
01:16:23 [growling]
01:16:25 [growling]
01:16:40 Hey, Summer, no!
01:16:47 No, no, no, no! What are you doing? No!
01:16:50 This is for Bert, you bitch.
01:16:52 No!
01:16:55 [growling]
01:16:58 [growling]
01:17:01 [growling]
01:17:05 [suspenseful music]
01:17:08 [panting]
01:17:10 [growling]
01:17:21 Run!
01:17:28 [growling]
01:17:31 [growling]
01:17:33 [growling]
01:17:43 Suck on this!
01:17:57 [growling]
01:17:59 [growling]
01:18:01 [panting]
01:18:07 [panting]
01:18:16 [panting]
01:18:27 [panting]
01:18:29 You okay? Yeah.
01:18:32 Lewis. Lewis!
01:18:37 Lewis! [laughing]
01:18:39 Oh, hey, guys. Let's not do that again, okay?
01:18:42 We did it. We did it.
01:18:44 [panting]
01:18:46 [suspenseful music]
01:18:55 [panting]
