Carlee Russell Arrested On 2 Charges For Kidnapping Hoax

  • last year
Carlee Russell Arrested On 2 Charges For Kidnapping Hoax
00:00 Good afternoon, everybody. Welcome to the frank and Pam Bearfield Training
00:03 Center. I'm Captain Keith sesquilibre with the Hoover Police Department and
00:07 we're here today to provide you with the latest update in the Carly Russell
00:11 investigation. Uh, joining me at the podium today will be police chief Nick
00:16 Dursus, followed by Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall. Chief Dursus
00:21 will make a prepared statement after Chief Dursus. The statement is over
00:24 with Attorney General Marshall will also offer a few comments. Uh, once
00:29 that is completed, both gentlemen will return to the podium and you guys have
00:33 an opportunity to ask questions. With that, I will turn it over to Chief
00:37 Dursus.
00:38 Thank you, Captain.
00:40 Good afternoon.
00:42 Earlier today, Hoover police detectives obtained warrants for the rest of
00:47 Carly Russell through the Hoover Municipal Court for her actions
00:51 related to fake and her kidnapping and subsequently making false statements
00:55 to detectives as investigated this case. Her decisions that night created panic
01:00 and alarm for the citizens of our city and even across the nation. As the
01:04 concern grew, but a kidnapper was on the loose using a small child as bait.
01:08 Numerous law enforcement agencies, both local and federal, again, work
01:12 entirely not only to bring Carly home to her family, but located kidnapper
01:17 that we know now never existed. Many private citizens volunteered their time
01:21 and energy into looking for potential kidnapping victim that we know now was
01:26 never in any danger. The story opened wounds for families who loved ones
01:31 really were victims of kidnappings, some of which even helped organize
01:36 searches in hopes they could find Carly's alive so her family would not
01:41 experience the pain and suffering that they felt when their loved ones never
01:45 returned home. As we know, actions can have consequences, and that's why we're
01:50 here today. This afternoon, Carly Russell, with the assistance of
01:54 attorney, turned herself into the Hoover City Jail, where she was arrested
01:57 for the following charges. False reporting to law enforcement authorities,
02:01 class A misdemeanor, $1,000 bond, falsely reporting an incident, a class
02:07 A misdemeanor with $1,000 bond. Each of these charges carry up to a year in
02:11 jail and potential fine of $6,000 upon conviction.
02:17 Miss Russell was released from jail after posting bond. We initially
02:21 presented this case to District Attorney Laniece Washington, who agreed
02:24 to handle prosecution through district court. After consulting with the
02:28 circuit court of Jefferson County Bessemer Division, the case was referred
02:32 back to municipal court for charging because the only actual charges were
02:35 misdemeanors. Judging from the amount of phone calls and emails that we've
02:39 received from people all over the country, I know many are shocked and
02:42 appalled that Miss Russell is only being charged with two misdemeanors.
02:47 Despite all the panic and disruption her actions caused. Let me assure you,
02:52 I, too, share the same frustration, but existing laws only allow the charges
02:57 that were filed to be filed. I could tell you that I will be contacting
03:01 our state legislatures on behalf of law enforcement in Montgomery and asking
03:05 them to look at this law applied to these facts and urge them to add an
03:10 enhancement to current legislation when somebody falsely reports kidnapping
03:15 or another violent crime. Because of the tension, this case is garnered.
03:19 We've requested Attorney General Steve Marshall's office adopt this case,
03:23 and they've agreed to do so. The Hoover Police Department wants to thank
03:26 everyone that assisted us from the beginning and continues to assist us
03:29 in this case as we work its way through the criminal justice system. Joining
03:34 me at the podium today is state of Alabama Attorney General Steve
03:37 Marshall.
03:37 Thank you, Chief. Let me begin by commending Hoover Police Department
03:45 Chief Dirges for his leadership in this investigation. Obviously, this
03:48 captured many's attention as a result of not only the allegations themselves,
03:53 but also the concern about a possible victim and being able to return her
03:58 home. The work that was done by the Hoover Police Department was
04:02 monumental in its lift, and the results of that work you're seeing come to
04:06 fruition today with the charges that have been levied. I also want to
04:09 commend the many other men and women of both state and federal law enforcement
04:13 for their work collaboratively with the Hoover Police Department in assisting
04:17 in this investigation. Chief, I appreciate the opportunity to be able
04:20 to partner with you in this prosecution. We will dedicate a team to be able to
04:24 help the city of Hoover in handling these two individual charges and look
04:29 forward to bringing this case to fruition. One thing I would add is that
04:33 we don't see this as a victimless crime. There are significant hours spent,
04:38 resources expended as a result of this investigation. And not only that, but
04:44 the many men and women who are civilians that wore those yellow vests
04:48 on a hot afternoon and evening looking for someone they thought was abducted,
04:53 trying to be of assistance. We intend to fully prosecute this case and look
04:58 forward to working with the Hoover Police Department moving forward. We
05:01 also would tell you that we will continue to monitor this investigation
05:05 to determine whether or not there are any additional charges that need to be
05:08 brought, and we'll evaluate those as the facts are presented.
05:11 All right, this time, welcome to Florida questions. If you'll please
05:15 raise your hand and identify yourself and your affiliation. Want to call
05:19 David Lamb, CBS 42. This question for Mr Attorney General. What is it about
05:25 this case that made it rise to the level to where it was a case that you
05:31 wanted to take on? We handle cases across the state. We have jurisdiction
05:35 throughout for both misdemeanors and felonies. And when Chief Dargis asked
05:40 for us, we were more than happy to be able to assist. Is it common for you
05:44 all to be involved in misdemeanors like a case like this? It's not uncommon.
05:47 Keith Mims, W. A. G. G. 6 10 100.1 FM. Some immediate chief. This question is
05:55 for you. Yes. What time was calling arrested today with her attorney and
06:01 has she made bail? She has. She was processed in our facility within the
06:07 past hour. Do you expect any charges to be forthcoming with her parents? Or is
06:13 this just all on Carly at this point at this point? And again, I think anything
06:18 is, you know, all as the attorney general said, their team will also be
06:23 searching through our files and we'll find out what they what they say. Carol
06:28 Carol Robinson with a l dot com. Have you since we spoke last in the press
06:33 conference been able to retrace where she was during the 49 hours she was
06:38 missing and have you determined if she was with anyone else during that time?
06:42 We have no uh not found anything out on either one of your two questions. Valerie
06:48 Bell, ABC 33 40 News. Has there been any decision about a possible civil
06:52 suit against Carly and or her family? Also, what impact would this have on
06:57 Hoover Police Department filing a suit have on the criminal case as well? Yeah,
07:01 we have not discussed that. Of course, we talked about the hours of overtime
07:07 and all the significant resources that we used. And we'll certainly be talking
07:12 to the attorney general's office about possibly getting some of those funds
07:17 returned to us. Please. Please. According to W. 13 and an earlier press
07:21 conference, you outlined some items she had taken from her employer. Any
07:25 potential charges for that? Those would have taken place in another
07:29 jurisdictions. We would not have charges ourselves.
07:32 Actually, Robinson W. B. R. C. Chief. Do you mind repeating those charges and
07:37 fines one more time for us? Sure.
07:38 False reporting to law enforcement authorities. Class. They misdemeanor
07:48 $1000 bond. Falsely reporting an incident. A class. A misdemeanor with
07:52 $1000 bond. Chief. I know you mentioned this the last time we were together.
07:57 Just wondering if you have any update on an idea of the cost that the Hoover
08:01 Police Department expended in those 48 49 hours. Carly Russell was missing.
08:06 And one final question. Do you at this point have any more information if
08:10 Carly Russell acted alone or anyone helped her? Yeah, we have not finished
08:16 obviously the 49 hours. We've been certainly busy since since her return.
08:20 So I still don't have a total on that. And we don't have any idea where Carly
08:24 Russell was 49 hours here. Keep men's W. A. G. G. 6 10. Uh, Chief, let me ask
08:30 you this going forward. There's been a lot of concern in the community as per
08:37 young black and brown females being reported missing with Hoover and other
08:44 agencies have the same fervor going forward as they did with the case with
08:49 calling. Absolutely. You know this as I said initially, uh, our focus was
08:55 bringing Carly home and she got home and then our focus has been to find out
08:59 if there was a kidnapping. We find out there's not. We work every case like
09:04 all all of the law enforcement does. So I don't have any concern anywhere that
09:07 that would be an issue. And can I echo what you said? I mean, law enforcement
09:11 27 years, no law enforcement throughout this state. I've never seen anybody
09:16 interested in the color of your skin and investigating a criminal case. And
09:19 I expect regardless of your gender, your race and when that report is filed,
09:25 that Alabama law enforcement is gonna do its job.
09:27 Valerie Valley, 33 40. What was promotional state when she arrived to
09:33 the jail today? And is she seeking any help at this point in time? I was not
09:37 there, so I really can't tell you exactly. Everybody don't know anything
09:40 else. Last question. Chief. What are next steps after this? What is gonna
09:45 happen next? Right now, the attorney general's office attorneys will start
09:50 dealing with our detectives and going through case files and preparing
09:54 the prosecution. I presume.
09:56 All right.
09:57 Mm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm. Mhm.
10:08 (upbeat music)
