देश के कई इलाकों में आई फ्लू के मामले लगातार बढ़ रहे हैं. ये बीमारी पिछले कई सालों के रिकॉर्ड तोड़ चुकी है. हर दिन नए केस बढ़ रहे हैं. बढ़ते मामलों के बीच लोग आई फ्लू से बचने के तरीके भी खोज रहे हैं. कुछ लोग घरेलू उपचार का सहारा ले रहे हैं, वहीं अब मेडिकल स्टोर्स पर भी आई ड्रॉप की मांग बढ़ गई है. लेकिन क्या ऐसी कोई आई ड्रॉप है जो आपको आंखों की इस बीमारी से बचा सकती है? आइए एक्सपर्ट्स से इस बारे में डिटेल में जानते हैं. वीडियो में जानें आई फ्लू में आई ड्रॉप यूज करना सही या नहीं ?
The cases of eye flu are continuously increasing in many areas of the country. This disease has broken the records of the last several years. New cases are increasing every day. In the midst of increasing cases, people are also looking for ways to avoid eye flu. Some people are resorting to home remedies, while now the demand for eye drops has increased even at medical stores. But are there any eye drops that can save you from this eye disease? Let us know about this in detail from the experts. Watch Video and Know Eye Flu Me Eye Drop Use Karna Sahi Ya Nahi | Eye Flu Se Konsi Drop Dale..
The cases of eye flu are continuously increasing in many areas of the country. This disease has broken the records of the last several years. New cases are increasing every day. In the midst of increasing cases, people are also looking for ways to avoid eye flu. Some people are resorting to home remedies, while now the demand for eye drops has increased even at medical stores. But are there any eye drops that can save you from this eye disease? Let us know about this in detail from the experts. Watch Video and Know Eye Flu Me Eye Drop Use Karna Sahi Ya Nahi | Eye Flu Se Konsi Drop Dale..
Saif Ali Khan Hospital Discharge: Spinal Fluid Leak, Back Surgery Precautions & Recovery Time
Sakat Chauth Puja Vidhi 2025: सकट चौथ पूजा विधि 2025 | Tilkut Puja Kaise Kare | Ganesh Chauth