• last year
In this candid interview, Lewis Howes breaks down the 5 rules of life that you need to live by for a memorable, passion-filled, purposeful existence.


00:00 - Yeah, growing up, I was always in the special needs
00:02 classes, so I had a second grade reading level
00:05 when I went to eighth grade, when I was tested there.
00:08 So in elementary school, I would have one to two hours a day
00:13 in the special needs classes with other kids
00:16 with learning disabilities, kids in wheelchairs,
00:19 and then it was me.
00:20 And this was, it built up a lack of belief in myself
00:24 in terms of schoolwork.
00:25 I just didn't believe I was capable of reading, writing,
00:29 remembering things, comprehending things, so I struggled.
00:33 I built this continuous belief that I wasn't capable,
00:36 and therefore I needed more support,
00:38 and those results showed up in my life.
00:41 There are going to be a multitude of challenges
00:45 throughout our lives.
00:48 I've faced so many challenges, and I continue to face them.
00:51 In order to be able to overcome these challenges
00:53 that constantly come up in relationships, career, health,
00:58 deaths in families, breakups, all these different challenges
01:01 that come to us, we must continue to look within
01:05 to realize and figure out who are we.
01:08 Who are we?
01:09 What is our philosophy?
01:11 What do we believe in?
01:12 If we don't have a foundation of a philosophy
01:15 about who we specifically are, it's going to be
01:18 that much harder to overcome the challenges
01:21 that come our way.
01:22 So first thing, get clear on who you are,
01:26 who you wanna be in the world.
01:27 The image, the personality you are,
01:31 the human being that you are, what is that?
01:34 Who is that?
01:35 Think about it, get clear on it, write it down.
01:38 Get a personal philosophy for your values.
01:41 The second thing, life could be over in any moment.
01:46 It could be done in a few minutes, in a year, 10 years.
01:52 Why do things that you don't love?
01:56 Unless you're doing those things to support you
01:59 to get closer to something you do love.
02:02 So focus on as much time as you can doing the things
02:05 that bring you joy, bring you positivity,
02:09 make you feel loved, and make you feel good about yourself.
02:13 Doing anything else is a waste of your time.
02:17 Continue to focus on those things you love.
02:21 Surround yourself with people that inspire you.
02:25 Don't stay connected to people that bring you down.
02:28 Life is so short, hang out with the people
02:30 that bring you joy, that are fun, that are positive,
02:33 that inspire you, that make you wanna be
02:35 a better human being.
02:36 Focus on those connections and those relationships.
02:41 And then make sure to follow your dreams
02:44 because if you're not following your dreams,
02:47 then why are you here?
02:48 What's the purpose, what's the point
02:50 if you're not in a pursuit of a dream?
02:52 That's the most important thing.
02:54 Find a dream and pursue it,
02:57 and continue finding those dreams.
02:59 And then lastly, find ways to impact
03:04 as many people as you can around you,
03:06 to lift others up, to be in service to humanity,
03:09 to give to other people.
03:11 Find ways to give back in any way you can.
03:14 The more we give back, the more we live in service,
03:17 the more it comes back to us.
03:19 So get clear on a personal philosophy and your vision.
03:23 Make sure you're surrounding yourself
03:24 with people that lift you up and inspire you.
03:27 Make sure you're in the pursuit of your dreams
03:29 and you're doing things that you love every single day.
03:32 And make sure to give back to the people around you
03:36 and to the world.
03:38 And that's the way to live a great life.
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