Paw Patrol Haunted House for Halloween

  • last year
Paw Patrol Haunted House for Halloween


00:00 Come on Rubble, we want to go trick or treating already!
00:02 In a minute!
00:04 I'm putting my costume on!
00:06 (Slurping)
00:08 Ta-da!
00:10 Meow meow meow meow! I'm Fuzzle!
00:12 So, what do you guys think?
00:14 Rubble, you're supposed to be dressed as a superhero!
00:16 Yeah, we all agreed that we dress up as superheroes this year!
00:20 Ah-choo!
00:22 Rubble, did you use real cat fur in that costume?
00:25 Yeah, I just wanted it to be authentic!
00:28 I'm allergic to cats!
00:30 Just put on a superhero costume so we can go trick or treating!
00:33 Alright, fine!
00:35 I told you guys, we should have left while he was in the bathroom!
00:41 I heard that! Now make way for...
00:44 Ta-ta-ta-ta! Super Rubble!
00:47 No wait, Boulder!
00:49 So, what do you think?
00:51 There! Now that's a better costume, Rubble!
00:53 Rubble? Who's Rubble?
00:55 I'm Boulder! Faster than a speeding mountain!
00:57 The greatest superhero that ever superheroed!
01:00 Uh, whatever you say, Rubble.
01:02 Let's just go trick or treating before all the good candy is handed out!
01:05 Have fun trick or treating, guys!
01:07 We'll stay here handing out candy for all the trick or treaters!
01:10 Be careful when you cross the street!
01:12 Don't worry, we'll always look both ways!
01:14 And look out for monsters!
01:16 Monsters? Ha ha ha ha!
01:18 Nobody said anything about monsters!
01:20 Some brave superhero you are!
01:22 Monsters aren't even real!
01:24 Hmm, sounds like something a monster would say!
01:27 Don't worry, Rubble, we'll keep you safe!
01:29 Now come on guys, let's go!
01:31 Paw Patrol? On a stroll?
01:33 That catchphrase needs work, Marshall!
01:35 Aw, I thought it was cool!
01:39 I liked it!
01:41 Thanks, Rubble! I mean, Boulder!
01:43 Look, George! Trick or treaters are coming!
01:47 Trick or treat, smell my feet!
01:51 Give me something good to eat!
01:53 Hooray, trick or treaters!
01:55 Here you go!
01:57 Happy Halloween!
01:59 No, no, George!
02:01 Royalty gives candy like this!
02:03 There, that's better!
02:10 Whoa, thanks guys!
02:12 Yeah, now that's what I call a Halloween handout!
02:15 You're welcome! Nice costumes, you guys!
02:18 Thanks, you too! See you around!
02:20 Marshall, what was that thing you said?
02:22 Oh, the trick or treat thing?
02:24 That's just something you say at Halloween!
02:26 Can I say it at the next house?
02:28 Sure!
02:30 Trick or treat, rub my feet!
02:32 Give me something in my sleep!
02:34 What are you going on about?
02:40 I think what he's trying to say is,
02:42 can we have some candy, please?
02:44 Aw, no, we can't!
02:46 We're not going to have candy!
02:48 Can we have some candy, please?
02:50 Aw, why didn't you say so?
02:52 Here you are, dearie!
02:54 Thanks! Say, what are you guys supposed to be?
02:57 What? I have to speak up, dearie!
03:00 I said, what are you supposed to be?
03:03 No need to shout! We're grannies!
03:06 Wow, cool costumes!
03:08 Happy Halloween!
03:10 Rita, I don't understand kids today!
03:14 You said it, Janet!
03:16 Uh, Boulder, I think your trick or treating needs work.
03:19 Well, can I keep practicing until I get it right?
03:22 Sure, go ahead!
03:23 Trick or treat, stinky feet!
03:25 Candy melts in the heat!
03:27 Nope, you're going to have to try again.
03:30 Give me something really neat!
03:32 Nope!
03:33 Give me something ring-a-ding!
03:36 Uh-uh.
03:37 Wow, guys, who knew that trick or treating was so hard?
03:40 Still, though, our basket's full.
03:42 I think we should go home and share our candy.
03:45 Yeah, that's a great idea, Zuma.
03:47 Aw, can we do one more house?
03:49 I think I can get it this time.
03:51 Sure, why not?
03:52 There's still one more house left on the street.
03:55 There it is, guys!
03:57 The old Legosi place!
03:59 People say it's haunted.
04:01 Um, on second thought, it is getting kind of late.
04:07 Maybe we should head back.
04:09 Relax, Rubble.
04:10 There's no such thing as ghosts.
04:12 And besides, we came this far.
04:14 We should have just put the extra candy.
04:16 Yeah, Boulder.
04:17 Go ring the doorbell.
04:18 You're not scared, are you?
04:20 Of course I'm not scared.
04:22 I'm just allergic to spookiness.
04:24 But I can do this.
04:25 Watch.
04:26 Trick or treat, smell my feet.
04:35 Give me something good to eat.
04:37 Hey, guys, did you hear that?
04:39 I got it right!
04:40 Um, Rubble, I hate to break this to you,
04:42 but there's no one there.
04:44 Oh, great.
04:45 The one time I get it right,
04:46 and there's no one at the door.
04:48 Whoa!
04:49 Uh, Zuma, did you say something?
04:52 He's gone.
04:53 Pups, we have to go in there and save him.
04:56 Um, I'm starting to get a little spookied out.
04:59 Can we call the Paw Patrol instead?
05:01 Rubble, we are the Paw Patrol.
05:03 Oh, yeah, I forgot.
05:04 Don't be scared.
05:05 I'm sure there's a perfectly logical explanation
05:08 for all of this.
05:09 Come on.
05:10 Boy, I hope you're right, Rocky.
05:12 Any sign of Zuma, guys?
05:15 Nope.
05:16 But this flashlight and magnifying glass might help.
05:19 And this hat.
05:20 Rubble, how's a hat supposed to help us?
05:23 Being cute never hurt anyone.
05:25 Whatever you say, Rubble.
05:27 Hey, Sky, shine the light over here.
05:29 I think I see something.
05:30 You got it, Chase.
05:32 Hmm, they look like footprints,
05:37 but recent ones.
05:38 Let's follow them.
05:40 It looks like the footprints lead here,
05:42 under this rug.
05:43 Mm-mm, tacky tacky.
05:46 Come on, Sky, let's move it out of the way.
05:48 Aw, man.
05:52 I was hoping Zuma would be under there,
05:54 but instead, it's nothing.
05:56 Rubble, you broke the floor.
05:58 If anyone asks, it was like that when we got here.
06:01 No, I think it's a secret compartment.
06:03 Open it up.
06:04 Oh, I knew that.
06:07 Nope, no Zuma.
06:09 Zuma's not in there, but a note is.
06:12 What's it say?
06:13 It says, "If it's a pup you seek,
06:16 with a cat, you must speak."
06:18 Oh, what a bust.
06:19 That doesn't help us at all.
06:20 No, that's totally a clue.
06:22 We just have to figure out what it's talking about.
06:24 Which means we need to find a cat.
06:27 Yeah, but I don't see one down here.
06:29 So we should probably take the search upstairs.
06:32 Come on, pups.
06:35 Good thinking, Chase.
06:37 Come on, Rubble.
06:38 What are you waiting for?
06:39 Hold on, I found a light switch.
06:41 Uh, never mind.
06:44 It doesn't do anything.
06:45 It definitely did more than you think.
06:49 Um, Rocky, your foot's in my ear.
06:52 Sorry, Chase.
06:53 Guys, what are you all doing taking a nap?
06:56 We have to go rescue Zuma.
06:58 We weren't taking a nap.
06:59 Now put the stairs back so we can go up there.
07:02 Fine, fine.
07:05 Thanks, Rubble.
07:06 Man, this house is so scary.
07:08 Come on, Rubble.
07:10 Help us look.
07:11 Just a minute.
07:12 I'm trying to find a light switch.
07:13 This place is really spooky.
07:15 Oh, what's this?
07:16 Rubble, you turned out the lights.
07:19 Um, guys, there's a g-g-g-g-g-g-g-g-ghost.
07:23 Rubble, there's no such thing as ghosts.
07:28 It's just glowing curtains.
07:30 Just turn the lights back on, Rubble.
07:32 Okay, I'll try.
07:34 Ah, there. It's gone.
07:38 Thanks, Rubble.
07:39 Now stop goofing around and come help us.
07:41 Just a minute.
07:42 I have to calm my nerves.
07:44 Um, why is everything getting lower?
07:48 Um, it's not getting lower.
07:51 You're getting higher.
07:52 This is definitely not calming my nerves.
07:55 Wow, what a workout.
08:00 Still think all this has a logical explanation, Rocky?
08:03 Uh, I'm starting to have my doubts.
08:06 Ew, this place is crawling with vermin.
08:10 Get out of here, you nasty things.
08:12 Hey, what are you doing?
08:16 Ow!
08:17 I am trying my absolute best not to freak out right now.
08:23 Good thinking, Rubble, because those spiders are highly venomous.
08:26 Ah, ah, ah!
08:29 Ugh, I'll be fine.
08:31 They only bit me a few times.
08:33 You know, there's something strange about this picture,
08:36 but I can't quite put my paw on it.
08:38 Well, it is crooked.
08:39 Whoa!
08:40 Whoops, my bad.
08:42 Are you alright, Marshall?
08:44 Ugh, I think so.
08:46 Hey, there's a ladder out here.
08:48 A ladder? Bring it up here, Marshall.
08:50 It might help us get up to the attic.
08:52 You got it, Chase.
08:54 The attic is the only place we haven't looked.
08:56 It might hold a clue.
08:58 Ugh, got the ladder, Chase.
09:01 Great, set it up there so I can get a look.
09:04 Ugh, there, one ladder going up.
09:08 Thanks, Marshall. Now I'll take a look.
09:10 Do you see anything up there, Chase?
09:15 Nope, not much. Just this metal grate.
09:18 Hmm, it looks loose.
09:20 Something happened downstairs. Let's go check it out.
09:24 (footsteps)
09:26 Bones!
09:28 And gold!
09:30 (footsteps)
09:32 Bones! And gold!
09:34 We just said that.
09:35 Well, I just got here.
09:37 Am I the only one that doesn't remember this casket?
09:40 Nope.
09:41 (sniffing)
09:42 There's something weird about this gold.
09:44 (chewing)
09:46 It's chocolate!
09:48 (chewing)
09:49 The bones are chocolate, too!
09:51 Um, Rubble, why did you taste the skull?
09:54 I'm a dog. I like bones.
09:56 Hmm, everything's chocolate.
09:58 (sniffing)
09:59 Except for these fish bones. I think they're real.
10:02 (meowing)
10:04 (meowing)
10:06 Hey, it's a cat.
10:07 Didn't that clue say we're supposed to speak with a cat?
10:10 Yeah, but we don't speak cat.
10:12 How are we supposed to understand her?
10:14 We don't understand her, but Buzzle does.
10:17 (thud)
10:18 Ta-da!
10:19 You brought your cat costume?
10:22 Yeah, just in case everyone changed their mind about being cats.
10:26 Ugh, two cats in one place?
10:29 My nose is gonna be stopped up for days.
10:31 (meowing)
10:33 (meowing)
10:36 What did she say?
10:37 Oh, she was thanking us for the fish bones.
10:40 No, about Zuma. How do we rescue him?
10:43 Don't you worry. She told me what to do.
10:45 First, we gotta pull this down.
10:48 There we go. And flip it over.
10:51 Ow!
10:52 Sorry, Rocky.
10:54 Now, there's a light switch over here somewhere.
10:56 There it is.
10:57 Now we just shine the special light like this.
11:00 (beeping)
11:02 Zuma, you're okay.
11:04 But why were you hiding in there?
11:06 I wasn't hiding. A ghost trapped me in there.
11:09 But ghosts aren't real.
11:11 Ah, then you might not want to turn around.
11:14 Ah, the ghost!
11:16 (howling)
11:18 Everybody, look out!
11:20 It's not a real ghost, and I'll prove it. Watch.
11:24 See? It's just a vampire.
11:27 (evil laughter)
11:29 A vampire? That's slightly scarier than a ghost.
11:33 Paw Patrol, let's get out of here.
11:36 (screaming)
11:38 (panting)
11:40 Hey, where's our candy?
11:42 Forget it, Rubble. We gotta get out of here.
11:44 Not until I find my candy.
11:47 Mm-hmm. What is this?
11:50 Just what I thought. Our candy.
11:54 (evil laughter)
11:56 Rubble, forget it. Run away.
11:59 No. You can steal my friends,
12:02 but I draw the line at stealing my candy.
12:04 Bad vampire. Bad.
12:06 What? I'm a candy vampire.
12:08 Stealing candy is naughty.
12:13 Hey, if it's candy you want,
12:15 you could just go trick-or-treating on Halloween.
12:17 You already have a great costume.
12:19 Trick or treating?
12:21 Hmm, I'll have to give that a try.
12:24 Come on, guys. It's getting late. Let's go home.
12:27 Hey, guys, you're back.
12:30 Did you have a fun time trick-or-treating?
12:32 Uh, it's a long story.
12:34 Hey, Rubble, where did you get the cute hat?
12:36 Can't talk. Eating.
12:38 (chewing)
12:40 Man, save some for the rest of us, Rubble.
12:43 Trick or treat.
12:46 Wow, what a realistic costume you got there, pal.
12:49 Why, thank you. And happy Halloween.
12:52 (evil laughter)
