30 Unbelievable Moments When a Lion Hunt Failed, What Happened Next Animal Fight

  • last year
00:00 Python attacks Tiger
00:07 Python attacks Lion
00:12 In the wildlife kingdom, the lion is famous as the king of the savannah and one of the most ruthless predators.
00:23 However, even they face challenges and risks in the hunt for prey.
00:32 Join us today to see the lion's failed hunting moments.
00:37 Tiger vs. Python
00:45 Tiger is the king of the jungle.
00:51 So what happens when the tiger monkey confronts the python?
00:59 Locking the giant python's neck, then consecutive attacks.
01:08 The python tries to squeeze his attacker.
01:15 Being squeezed causes pain to the tiger.
01:22 Will the lord of the jungle get rid of the giant python?
01:30 The trophy this time of the tiger family is a giant python.
01:39 They do not eat python meat but only eat undigested food in the python's stomach.
01:49 This three-month-old cub is still an easy meal for any predator around it.
01:58 The mother tiger discovered a giant python.
02:05 It is afraid that its children will become food for giant pythons.
02:12 Wild boar is one of the animals that tigers love to hunt.
02:20 It seems like this hunting trip is a terrible risk for the tiger.
02:28 It is a master hunter that I know of in Ranthambore.
02:35 The tiger carefully moves its steps to ensure no noise is made.
02:42 Observing.
02:46 Suddenly it pounces on the prey.
02:52 It only takes three minutes to take down a wild boar successfully.
02:59 Afterward, it leaves the carcass behind and returns to its territory.
03:08 A group of wild boars is foraging in the snow while a hungry tiger nearby starts to hunt.
03:16 Targeting its prey.
03:20 Then it charges toward a wild boar that is busy eating.
03:27 A struggle ensues.
03:31 The wild boar goes on a crazed counterattack, continuously delivering powerful blows to the predator.
03:41 Will the hungry tiger escape from the wild boar?
03:48 At the height of the dry season, deer start feeding and they have monkey allies.
03:57 With their keen eyesight and perched high in the trees, they can observe the surroundings of the forest.
04:07 These monkeys are always on high alert for any sign of predators.
04:15 But in a forest ripe with distractions, it's nearly impossible to tell the extent of the danger.
04:25 The deer are still grazing.
04:32 The hungry tiger skillfully approaches its prey.
04:38 The monkeys detect danger and alarm all animals.
04:44 The deer ran frantically, and this time they managed to escape the hungry hunter.
04:53 Lion vs Python
05:00 With a curious nature despite inexperience, the lion cubs still deliberately rush to attack the rock python.
05:10 Threatened to open their mouths to threaten, but the cubs still refused to give up their intentions.
05:19 Before this challenge, the rock python immediately launched a counterattack, biting the opponent's face.
05:28 At this time, the lion cub realized the fearsome power of the enemy.
05:35 But all was in vain, it paid the price for this wrong decision.
05:41 Fortunately, its mother arrived in time and successfully saved the cubs.
05:51 Young lions pay the price for their curiosity, being attacked by pythons.
06:02 The black mamba is the most common and feared species in Africa.
06:09 Even their bites are likened to kiss of death.
06:15 Due to being too hungry, the black mamba boldly attacked the motionless lion.
06:24 Mountain lion confronts giant snake
06:31 It took several approaches, then repeatedly opened the mouth to threaten the opponent.
06:43 Finally, the mountain lion left.
06:49 Climbing may not be this lion cub's forte, but it has learned that perseverance pays off.
06:59 Cobras, one of the deadliest threats a lion cub can face.
07:06 Fortunately, the cub's curiosity was curbed by instinct.
07:14 In the face of the threat of the lion family, they teamed up to attack the cobra.
07:22 The predator carries a secret weapon, the venom spray.
07:29 Poison sprayed into eyes can make lions blind for life.
07:37 The mother lion takes her cubs to a safe area.
07:44 Next, two alligators attack a small python.
07:53 The giant crocodile madly attacked the python, making the victim unable to react.
08:05 Alligator eats a giant python.
08:13 An interesting scene happened when a family of lions was eating a crocodile.
08:19 It is unclear whether they killed the crocodile or it died for some other reason.
08:25 It is rare for lions to kill crocodiles, but it does happen occasionally.
08:31 Perhaps due to the harshness of nature, their increasingly scarce food sources force them to behave like this.
08:43 You know, food disputes are the main causes of battles.
08:50 This crocodile showed no fear when confronting three lionesses. It even wanted to share food with them.
09:01 Is this ancient dinosaur trying to make the big cat mad?
09:09 On the shore is the territory of this proud lion. No one can trespass on his own.
09:18 The crocodile lying in the sun does not know that he has been targeted by big cats.
09:27 Waking up from a nap, besieging it are the apex predators of the savanna.
09:34 Maybe this crocodile should get out of here before the lions get angry.
09:42 Lynx vs Python
09:49 The lynx uses reflexes to evade the rattlesnake's attacks before showing how scary it is.
09:59 A rare life and death battle between these two animals.
10:06 When the lynx's claws pierce the snake's head, it launches a finishing blow with a powerful bite to the neck, paralyzing the animal.
10:18 The lynx roams in search of prey.
10:25 It discovered a snake in the grass.
10:31 Continuous attacks on the prey.
10:37 After five minutes, it successfully overpowered its prey.
10:44 A good meal.
10:50 The lynx is among the most successful prairie cats in Africa, having the skill to catch 4,000 rodents a year or jump 12 feet to see a bird.
11:04 With his super sensitive hearing and lightning-fast reflexes to trick his prey.
11:13 An angry mole snake and an inexperienced young lynx.
11:21 The prairie lynx is a skilled reptile hunter.
11:28 These young lynx have rarely encountered such a ferocious snake.
11:36 Although it has no poisonous filter, this snake can leave a painful bite.
11:45 The lynx's instincts were aroused.
11:51 A fatal blow.
11:56 Constantly exhausting the opponent.
12:04 Early in the morning, the lynx begins its hunting trip.
12:10 After searching, it discovered a poisonous snake.
12:16 The lynx continuously uses its long legs to attack its prey and dodge the powerful blows of venomous snakes.
12:27 In the end, the lynx defeated the prey and brought back food to its cubs.
12:37 The sand cat spotted a mole snake.
12:42 It quickly approached.
12:47 The victim has no choice but to attack the opponent.
12:54 If it bites the sand cat, it will have a chance to survive.
13:01 Continuity of attacks.
13:07 Its claws slashed the opponent.
13:13 The fight lasted until the fatal blow.
13:20 The mole snake writhed in pain.
13:27 The sand cat eventually attacked it to death.
13:34 A 200-pound jaguar attacked a 300-pound snake.
13:41 Despite the reptile's ability to escape into the water, the jaguar does not give up and chases its prey.
13:51 With his superior strength, the spotted cat prevented the snake from slithering away.
14:00 However, in one terrifying moment, jaguar was caught in the snake's mouth.
14:08 It struggled to get out of its grip.
14:14 Then, jaguar was able to bring the reptile to land.
14:21 In the end, the giant snake became food for the jaguar family.
14:31 Migrating shamwa cubs in the Chitral Valley, Pakistan.
14:39 The children and their mother were grazing on young grass at the foot of the valley.
14:47 The lone lynx begins the hunt for food.
14:53 The lynx quickly grabs its prey in just a few minutes.
15:00 A nutritious breakfast.
15:05 After eating, it leaves, but when it gets dark, the lynx returns to continue enjoying its prey.
15:15 This hunt, the lynx has to confront a small but extremely cunning squirrel.
15:24 The prey quickly pretended to be dead to distract.
15:31 The squirrel was attacked by the lynx many times, but it remained still waiting for the opportunity to escape.
15:42 The prey was cunning, but it was still carried away by the lynx in the end.
15:51 Giraffe
15:58 An adult mother and baby giraffe and her cubs are an easy and nutritious meal for a pack of hungry lions.
16:10 And they will never give up.
16:16 The stalkers wait for the opportunity to attack their potential prey.
16:25 Mother giraffes are no match for these predators.
16:33 Lioness targets baby giraffe.
16:40 It was dragged down near a river, while the mother giraffe repeatedly tried to chase the lioness away, but failed.
16:52 It seems the child has been defeated and will become food for the hungry lions.
17:02 But with a strong survival instinct, the baby giraffe won.
17:11 As if by miracle, the child miraculously stood up.
17:20 Slowly walked towards the water.
17:27 It successfully escaped from the hungry lion, but danger still lurks around.
17:37 A family of lions stalks a giraffe.
17:44 Instead of preying on easier targets like gazelles or zebras,
17:51 the lion family ambitiously aims to take down a fully grown giraffe that stands at 5 meters tall and weighs up to 1270 kilograms.
18:05 However, to their dismay, the adult giraffe successfully escapes the hungry lion's attack.
18:15 Despite spotting lions, adult giraffes are not afraid and do not run away.
18:25 The big cat attacked the prey, and then the giraffe started to run away.
18:35 In the end, no battle took place.
18:42 The most notable feature of the giraffe is its extremely long neck, which can reach over 2 meters.
18:53 Giraffes may look foolish, but they are not easy prey.
19:01 Despite their large, bulky bodies, they can run at a fairly high speed when being chased.
19:10 It was attacked by a lioness leaping up to bite its neck.
19:18 However, the adult giraffe immediately gave the lioness a powerful kick in the face, and she fell to the ground.
19:30 To feed a large pride, proud lions target large prey such as adult giraffes.
19:41 However, it is challenging to defeat such giants.
19:49 Their plan is to attack the prey's legs. Once the giraffe is injured in the leg, it belongs to the lion family.
20:01 The most effective way to take down an adult giraffe is to attack from close range.
20:11 The strategy of the lion family is based on numbers and cooperation.
20:20 After a wrestling match, a giraffe lost and decided to walk away.
20:29 But now it is being tailed by a whole family of lions.
20:37 The never-ending chase.
20:44 Then the giraffe led the lions into a maze of dry trees, where it was almost impossible to attack.
20:55 In the end, the strategy of the hungry predators did not pay off.
21:04 Renowned for their supreme hunting skills and penchant for outnumbering their prey, lions rarely allow their enemies to escape.
21:16 However, it seems that adult giraffes always pose a challenge when faced with these carnivores.
21:27 Some lions even attempt to approach from behind, but have to give up because of the risk of getting hit by the giraffe's powerful hind kick.
21:40 Indeed, mature giraffes are not an easy target for the hunters.
21:49 Nature is brutal and unforgiving.
21:56 Dangerous predators lurk in the grass, awaiting the opportune moment to snatch defenseless young ones.
22:07 Two of the small giraffe's legs were broken.
22:14 The mother giraffe tried to keep her baby in her embrace.
22:22 Lions are cunning cats, hard to predict their intentions.
22:31 Buffalo
22:38 A lion cannot stop hunting. It is a way to search for food and survive in the wild.
22:48 The sharp horns of a buffalo are one of the most fearsome and formidable weapons that lions need to be aware of when hunting.
23:01 They are an essential component that helps buffaloes defend themselves and resist predator attacks.
23:13 The massive buffalo herd converges towards the last remaining waterhole here.
23:23 Water is life for the herd, which has traveled thousands of miles to get here.
23:32 Their relief will only be short-lived.
23:39 They are being stopped by a pride of lions.
23:47 These predators are skilled buffalo hunters, working as a team with well-planned strategies.
23:57 The lion family works together to chase down the buffalo herd.
24:06 But the buffalo will do anything to protect that last waterhole.
24:14 Now they fight against these deadly hunters.
24:22 A lone lioness in the herd tries to work alone.
24:30 Is this a desperate act or lack of experience?
24:40 Three male lions attempted to bring down a lone male prey.
24:48 The victim's desperate cries drew the attention of a nearby herd of buffalo.
24:57 The three male lions were terrified and fled from the sharp horns of the buffalo.
25:06 It seemed like the lone lion had escaped certain death.
25:10 But things took a turn for the worse when the herd of buffalo also charged and attacked it.
25:21 A silent assassin close to the buffalo herd.
25:29 The game has started.
25:36 Although one of the top predators in the animal kingdom,
25:39 today the lion is threatened by the sharp horns of thousands of wild buffalo.
25:49 The herd forms a solid defensive wall.
25:57 Will they succeed in defending their flock?
26:06 These lions are always looking for weak prey and are ready to attack when the opportunity arises.
26:16 But these buffaloes are veterans who have fought lions in previous battles.
26:25 They are a formidable force.
26:32 Vulnerable calves will always be enclosed among their escorts.
26:40 Despite the fearsome strength of the buffalo army, the reckless lion came to try.
26:49 The intentions of the cunning lions have been discovered.
26:56 The strength and agility of the buffalo army easily repelled the big cat's attack.
27:05 One of the lion's cubs was seriously injured.
27:10 After observing, the adult buffalo approached a sleeping lion.
27:17 The predator becomes scared and runs away.
27:22 But it was not successful.
27:27 It was thrown into the air by a wild buffalo.
27:32 The lioness died with a thin body and an injured leg after being attacked by a wild buffalo.
27:43 The lion is considered the king of all animals, but the reality seems far from the truth.
27:53 Their hunting success rate is the lowest of the five big cats, with only 1 in 10 successful hunts.
28:05 These adult buffalo are genuinely beyond the reach of the proud lion.
28:13 If you like the video, give us a like, comment and share.
28:21 The lion family is fighting over a lizard.
28:28 Suddenly, an adult wild buffalo rushed over.
28:35 Using its sharp horns, toss the lion cub into the air.
28:43 Make the lion family run away in fear.
28:51 This buffalo is a young and proud friend who even taunted the ferocious lion pride.
29:01 But his pride was quickly extinguished when he realized his mistake.
29:10 Not wanting to cause any more pain to its kind,
29:18 a herd of thousands of buffaloes quickly arrived.
29:27 There was no other choice.
29:34 The hungry lions had to give up their prey.
29:43 Buffaloes are among the most hot-headed and easily provoked giants in nature.
29:53 This unfortunate lion is trapped between two aggressive buffalo herds.
30:02 He can only climb a tree for self-defense.
30:10 One minute you could be a mighty king, but the next you're just a cowardly creature running away.
30:21 Is this a wise move?
30:28 Wildebeests
30:35 Not only buffalo, but wildebeests are also difficult prey for lions.
30:44 Two big cats trying to take down an adult wildebeest.
30:51 The prey is not weak either.
30:57 It used its sharp horns to continuously protest,
31:05 causing the lion to get stuck on its horns.
31:12 With too much pain and fear, the big cat ran away in shame.
31:21 The lioness is taking down her prey.
31:28 Wildebeest tries to escape from the clutches of the big cat after being dragged into a bush,
31:38 constantly locking.
31:43 Lions cause pain to their prey.
31:49 It seemed to have successfully defeated the prey, but the wildebeest was lucky to escape.
31:57 On this hunt, the lion caught a wildebeest.
32:02 It tried to hold on to its prey tightly.
32:07 However, the wildebeest fiercely fought back by using all its strength to try and escape.
32:16 Although it eventually emerged victorious, the big cat seemed to have been quite seriously injured in this intense battle.
32:28 The battles for territory among male lions are a part of the harsh natural life.
32:38 When victorious, the male lion will have the right to control that territory and become the leader of the lion pride.
32:49 But if they fail, they may face death.
33:01 Foxes are cunning and opportunistic predators.
33:04 What other animal would you like to learn about?
33:07 Let us know what you think.
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33:17 Wish you a good day. See you again.
33:20 (upbeat music)
