• last year
00:00 Crocodile confronts lions.
00:03 Leopard steals food from crocodile mouth.
00:12 What happens when predators clash?
00:28 Join us in 30 big cat fights with crocodiles for food.
00:33 Crocodiles often have an advantage in the water.
00:45 The lion is king on the land.
00:52 What happens when they confront each other?
00:55 A fierce battle.
01:08 Crocodiles and lions are not rivals. They only confront each other for food.
01:19 Crocodiles and lions often compete for food.
01:22 And now, a brutal war broke out between three big cats and crocodiles.
01:38 Angry victims don't give up easily.
01:41 After an hour of fighting, the crocodile had no choice but to give up.
02:05 The lion has successfully retrieved the hippo carcass.
02:08 The lions left the remains of antelope around here.
02:23 The dead lion is now the only one left.
02:33 This alligator thinks it's an easy meal.
02:36 It went ashore to pick up pieces of meat but was stopped by the lions.
02:46 Overwhelmed by the number of crocodiles leaving.
02:54 A sumptuous feast, three lions were enjoying when the crocodile was disturbed.
02:59 Stopped and threatened by three big cats, but it has no intention of leaving.
03:12 The crocodile is now the only one left.
03:18 Stopped and threatened by three big cats, but it has no intention of leaving.
03:23 Because crocodiles are not easily intimidated by lions.
03:30 Half a month has passed and the lions have not hunted any prey.
03:43 After discovering the body of a hippo in the crocodiles.
03:46 These two big cats approached and chased away the crocodiles.
03:57 Successfully robbed them of food.
04:09 Crocodile is eating lunch.
04:12 Two long starved male lions were also interested in this stinking feast.
04:23 Four eyes looked at each other.
04:35 What will the crocodile do to keep the meal to himself?
04:39 The two male lions are getting bolder and bolder.
04:48 They even climbed on top of a dead hippo floating in the water.
05:02 Suddenly, the lion ran away in fear.
05:05 The zebra tries to get out of the hungry crocodiles as quickly as possible.
05:24 The zebra is not afraid of the lion.
05:29 The zebra tries to get out of the hungry crocodiles as quickly as possible.
05:33 After reaching the shore, it seemed that it had escaped death.
05:57 The zebra was caught by two hungry lions.
06:01 The fight for food between lions and crocodiles.
06:09 Four eyes looked at each other.
06:23 The zebra was caught by two hungry lions.
06:26 With the strength of a lion, it can pull both the carcass and the crocodile out of the water.
06:34 This is a unique sight.
06:40 Which one will win this battle?
06:49 The zebra is the winner.
06:52 After discovering a large carcass in the lions.
06:58 The crocodile approached recklessly.
07:16 It was threatened by the lion but had no intention of leaving.
07:20 Attempts to steal food from lions were unsuccessful.
07:28 Crocodiles confront lions for food.
07:42 There is no battle, but the lion just steps back to keep his distance from his opponent.
07:48 Although there is no video related to the image.
07:56 But this is a real incident unrelated to Photoshop.
08:03 The tiger attacked the crocodile because it stole its food.
08:11 Crocodile stole the sambar deer of this forest lore.
08:14 Dead bodies floating on the water.
08:27 Being robbed of food made the tiger very angry.
08:35 Have you ever heard of the law of the jungle?
08:38 Despite being warned, the crocodile still ignored and did not care.
08:50 The big cat reluctantly withdrew.
09:04 It had no intention of giving up.
09:07 After realizing the crocodile will not give up the food it has stolen.
09:17 The tiger waded across the water and swam towards the carcass of its prey.
09:30 The lord of the jungle tries to pull his food ashore.
09:34 Leopards are fierce terrestrial predators.
09:45 But they are very vulnerable when confronted with crocodiles.
09:48 In the dead of night, leopard decided to do the unthinkable.
09:57 Stealing food from the crocodile's mouth.
10:00 Quite a risky tactic.
10:06 But it succeeded in stealing food from the crocodile's mouth.
10:16 This leopard was unable to find food for several days.
10:23 It discovered a body near the shore.
10:26 The leopard tries to pull its prey to the shore, but is threatened by the crocodile.
10:39 Will it get the meal successfully?
10:51 The American jaguar is an aquatic species.
10:54 One of the large cats in central Brazil.
10:57 It is crossing the river in search of prey.
11:02 Stalking by the river.
11:10 The jaguar is not afraid of the crocodile.
11:17 Stalking by the river.
11:20 Vertebrates here are all potential prey.
11:29 With many years of hunting experience.
11:33 It saw two caimans in the middle of the river.
11:44 The jaguar quickly swims out to approach its prey.
11:48 Plunge out to lock the caiman crocodile neck.
11:56 Jaguar submerges a caiman in water.
12:09 The caiman is not afraid of the crocodile.
12:12 The victim was constantly struggling.
12:17 Make the jaguar exhausted.
12:25 And it devised a better plan.
12:37 Jaguar locked the caiman by the neck and dragged it ashore.
12:41 Jaguar hunting crocodile.
13:05 The victim lay sunbathing across the river.
13:08 Jaguar with stealthy moves.
13:15 Suddenly burst out.
13:19 Its hunt failed.
13:32 In the Amazon rainforest is the residence of giant creatures.
13:37 The crocodile caiman is the lord of this river.
13:48 They are ruthless predators.
13:54 And the jaguar is the ultimate predator of the jungle.
13:59 This riverbank is his hunting ground.
14:02 They've lived here for years.
14:05 Jaguar started hunting.
14:15 It quickly caught a young alligator.
14:25 It quickly caught a young alligator.
14:28 Jaguars know the weakness of their prey.
14:40 It locked the caiman's skull and carried it away.
14:49 Jaguar rushes out to attack a caiman.
14:52 The victim is in constant pain and struggling.
15:05 Jaguar quickly brought the prey to shore.
15:15 Jaguar quickly brought the prey to shore.
15:18 And this time it is still a familiar place in the Amazon jungle.
15:28 The jaguar begins to hunt.
15:34 Slow steps.
15:42 Slow steps.
15:45 It spotted a caiman crocodile.
15:51 Stalking.
15:54 Rush down to catch the prey and bring it to the shore.
15:59 Rush down to catch the prey and bring it to the shore.
16:04 The jaguar is very fast.
16:07 Being attacked by a jaguar causes pain to the crocodile.
16:16 The victim did not stop fighting.
16:23 The prey is then pulled ashore by the jaguar.
16:31 The prey is then pulled ashore by the jaguar.
16:34 The predator successfully knocks down the crocodile.
16:39 The hunt is successful.
16:42 In front of the jaguar is a caiman crocodile.
16:46 The predator waits and constantly stalks.
17:00 Slow footsteps approach the prey.
17:03 Suddenly, the victim did not have time to react.
17:12 Successfully locks the head of the prey and pulls the caiman to shore.
17:19 A delicious, nutritious meal.
17:29 A delicious, nutritious meal.
17:31 Leopard.
17:35 Hippos are common herbivores.
17:38 They are also one of the most dangerous in Africa with the number one aggression in the world.
17:43 This is the dry season in Zambia.
17:51 The animals that live in the swamp are trapped.
17:56 A male hippo living in a small lagoon, unable to stay any longer, began to leave.
18:01 The last place they could stay was this canal, where the water was still deep.
18:09 Two males compete for a female.
18:14 In the end, victory gives the lord dominion over this canal and it has the right to mate with all the offspring.
18:21 The loser is an outcast. He migrates to the shallows of the river.
18:25 Leopards are one of the top killers.
18:33 What happens when hippo confronts leopard?
18:41 The leopard came to the rescue.
18:50 The leopard came to the swamp, constantly observing a hippo in the mud.
18:54 Being threatened by prey makes leopard run away in fear.
19:03 Then, in the evening, it continued to return to the swamp.
19:11 And this time it caught a fish.
19:19 It struggled to bring its prey out of the swamp.
19:22 Today, in the early morning, leopard is quenching its thirst.
19:33 Looking around, it was suddenly frightened by the hippo.
19:46 Leopards run away.
19:49 The cold-blooded killer repeatedly dragged an impala into the lake.
19:59 The victim tries to escape the crocodile attack.
20:06 It seemed that the impala had escaped death.
20:14 But no! It became food for leopard.
20:17 Jaguar
20:21 Next, we come to the jaguars.
20:25 Jaguars are similar in appearance to leopards and they are closely related.
20:33 But it's patriotic.
20:41 The jaguar is also a small and muscular animal.
20:45 Jaguars can hunt almost any terrestrial or riparian vertebrate.
20:53 Nature is especially generous.
21:00 Because here, giant creatures have resided.
21:09 For example, as the lord of the river, the caimans, they are ruthless predators.
21:14 But an even more cunning hunter roams this forest.
21:22 The jaguar is the supreme predator of the jungle.
21:35 This riverbank is the exclusive hunting ground of this jaguar.
21:39 It started hunting.
21:47 The jaguar is not hunting the capybara, he is tracking another prey.
21:54 With its strong jaws, it can easily catch a prey.
22:03 With its strong jaws, the jaguar quickly locks the caiman's head and it knows it is the weak point of its prey.
22:10 The next morning, jaguar continued hunting.
22:22 It locks its prey by the neck and repeatedly submerges the victim in the water.
22:33 Jaguar finally pulled the meal it had spent the morning hunting ashore.
22:38 Three crocodiles are sunbathing.
22:48 In the distance, the jaguar began to hunt.
22:58 It constantly follows the riverbank in search of food.
23:02 This hunt of it did not catch any prey.
23:10 Still a familiar place where jaguars often hunt in the Amazon.
23:19 This time it continued to encounter crocodiles.
23:28 Continuously observe.
23:31 Suddenly plunging into the water, grabbing the prey by the neck and bringing it ashore.
23:42 Jaguar continues to hunt.
23:51 Its most favorite prey is the juvenile crocodile.
23:55 And this hunt also went very smoothly.
24:02 Quickly knock down the prey and pull it ashore.
24:16 The encounter between the jaguar and the giant crocodile.
24:20 And this time the hunter was the hunted.
24:26 It is constantly attacked by crocodiles.
24:34 Jaguar is constantly attacking crocodiles.
24:41 It is constantly attacked by crocodiles.
24:44 The price to pay is too great for the jaguar, but it is still brave to fight to the death.
24:56 In the end, poor jaguar became crocodile food.
25:02 Crocodile
25:09 When crazy blood emerges, hippos will attack everything, including predators like crocodiles, lions.
25:16 In this situation, the hippopotamus is constantly chasing the intruder into their territory.
25:24 Crocodiles are constantly attacked by hippos for entering their territory.
25:35 The hippopotamus is a species that does not like any animal that comes into its territory.
25:41 Not only hippos live in swamps, but crocodiles also live in such places.
25:49 Today a baby monkey was caught by a crocodile by an arm.
26:04 It resists to preserve its life.
26:07 After a while of struggling, its arm was broken.
26:16 Will it escape death?
26:24 Crocodiles attack baboons.
26:31 Baboons
26:33 But it seems that the baboon corporation is too large and strong.
26:41 The swamp killer lost his prey.
26:47 In a warm moment, the little baboon is enjoying being raised in his mother's arms.
26:57 The chaotic chase is going on.
27:00 Unfortunately, a baboon was attacked by a crocodile.
27:09 It struggled and kicked the crocodile's mouth to escape danger.
27:14 But its arm was broken.
27:17 Crocodile rushed to attack.
27:24 A poor child was pulled out of the water by a crocodile.
27:27 The mother baboon rushes out to protect her cubs.
27:31 But no success.
27:35 A grieving mother holds her baby's body to see if it's still alive.
27:40 Looks pitiful.
27:44 Baboons go to crocodile territory.
27:51 Baboons go to crocodile territory.
27:54 They went to the riverside to drink water and provoke a crocodile that was pretending to be asleep.
28:04 It seemed these adventurers were confronting the river's deadliest predator.
28:10 Unfortunately, one baboon fell into the water.
28:18 It fits into the jaws and becomes the delicious meal of the hungry crocodile.
28:23 As the ruler of this place, the lion is known as a ferocious king.
28:29 Buffalo has come into sight.
28:42 A killing plan begins to arise in the heads of the notorious predators.
28:46 The lion closes the gap with its prey.
28:58 Find the holes in the buffalo herd and start a bloody attack.
29:09 The retribution comes immediately.
29:12 The buffalo used all its weight and strength to throw the male lion into the air like a ragdoll.
29:18 The hunter becomes the hunted.
29:27 The lion is now the prey of the lion.
29:38 The end of the mighty king was pathetic.
29:42 Hunting an adult buffalo is really risky.
30:04 But in order to have enough food for the whole herd, lions have to take risks.
30:09 The wild world is full of dangers. Not everyone is lucky enough to overcome.
30:29 The buffalo is trapped by a hungry lion. It has absolutely no way out.
30:34 Even after initial efforts to save itself, the buffalo eventually suffocated in the water and became food for the lions.
30:45 Let us know what you think in the comment section below.
30:53 The weather is harsh. The vegetation becomes sparse.
30:57 Herbivores like wild buffalo have to find new lands.
31:02 In this arduous journey, they have to go through many dangers.
31:11 The wild buffalo is not afraid of the wild.
31:19 But the lion has to go through many dangers.
31:23 Weak little animals will become the first target of these predators.
31:35 Big cats always know how to take advantage of opportunities.
31:49 Two or more young calves were trapped in the clutches of a lion.
31:53 Buffalos are creatures of unity.
32:01 Under the command of their leader, they return to attack the killer to rescue their children.
32:07 Not everyone is lucky enough to return to the herd.
32:16 A poor calf is seriously injured and cannot continue its journey with its kind.
32:20 It is not easy to find a foothold in this muddy terrain.
32:41 The water flow is always changing to reveal new grasslands.
32:45 So animals need to keep moving.
32:48 To catch up with the prey, the lion will do everything necessary including swimming across the river.
33:00 Do you think they can get the prey they want?
33:04 Animals cannot live without water.
33:18 They need to be fed.
33:24 Animals cannot live without water.
33:27 The waterhole is where many animals are rescued, but also where the animals die.
33:37 Just a minute of carelessness can become the food of other predators.
33:50 To evade the lion's attack, the antelope hides in the water.
33:54 But that does not seem to make it difficult for the predator.
34:16 The lioness is nature's coldest killer.
34:20 On the shore is a notorious predator, but underwater, the lion is no match for the cold-blooded killer.
34:37 What happens when lions invade hippo territory?
34:41 Hippos are known to be one of the most aggressive species in nature.
35:00 These lions certainly received a lesson of their lives when they accidentally entered the territory of this giant.
35:07 Two of Brazil's top predators meet on the bank of the river.
35:18 The lioness is a predator that is known to be a threat to the population.
35:25 Two of Brazil's top predators meet on the banks of the Pantanal River.
35:31 Anaconda as a toy in the hand of a jaguar.
35:38 Trying to run away.
35:44 Despite anaconda's efforts, the winner is still the jaguar.
35:55 It seems that once caught in the sights of these predators, it is impossible to escape.
36:00 Leopard.
36:11 The leopard's ability to hide is amazing. The prey does not detect their presence.
36:21 Attack!
36:24 But today is not this big cat's lucky hunting day.
36:30 The water supply dried up to reveal the free meals.
36:48 This is indeed a privilege for leopards.
36:52 The party with catfish will definitely help the leopard maintain good energy to get through the dry season.
37:03 The leopard is a predator that is known to be a threat to the population.
37:13 The leopard is a predator that is known to be a threat to the population.
37:17 But it's not always easy. These waters full of fresh fish are being dominated by another fearsome giant, the hippopotamus.
37:29 Leopards can only fast until the night to sneak away fish.
37:38 Leopards can only fast until the night to sneak away fish.
