30 Ruthless Hunting Moments Performed by Crows Animal Fight

  • last year
00:00 [music]
00:02 Such an intelligent and mischievous bird,
00:04 crows can brilliantly use tools to solve difficult problems.
00:08 They can kill the hawks, but sometimes they make a mistake and get killed by the hens.
00:15 Watch 50 times the angry crow fight and kill his enemies mercilessly.
00:20 [crow cawing]
00:27 Faced with the appearance of the fox, the crow was annoyed and very alert.
00:32 They continuously fly above the enemy's head and then aimlessly free fall.
00:37 In the end, the fox had to go on the run to avoid the noise.
00:41 This mother of two spotted the enemy and immediately sent out a threat signal,
00:48 but she did not know that she was trapped by the crows.
00:52 Another black crow took the opportunity to dive into the falcon's nest and kill two children.
00:58 Still hunting for small prey, but this time the crow chose the wrong object.
01:05 The angry mother hen rushed to attack, causing the crow to panic and fall to the ground.
01:10 Facing the terrible power of the hen, the crow might die.
01:14 [crow cawing]
01:16 Parrots are very social bird.
01:19 They are loud enough, but they never attack.
01:22 But in this incident, parrot attacked the crow to get the food.
01:26 He, maybe the male one, attacked crows for some boiled rice.
01:30 Hey little crows, are you going to kill that giant stork?
01:37 It is true that you do not know your own strength.
01:41 An unlucky pigeon got into the claws of two crocs.
01:46 They proceeded to pluck their feathers and eat their meal.
01:49 In front of a stubborn enemy, crows can only scare it away and then leave.
01:56 Kookaburra finally won.
01:58 Dogs and crows.
02:02 The crows are planning to attack the dog, but there seems to be a misunderstanding.
02:08 Dog thinks the crow wants to play tag with it.
02:13 It can be said that crows are free and always find ways to cause trouble with the world around them.
02:18 They develop surprisingly clever hunting strategies,
02:21 but they are wrong in choosing prey that is too large to take down.
02:26 Ducks.
02:29 The mother duck is desperately trying to help her baby stand upright.
02:34 Amazing how fast a crow is when hunting.
02:37 Truly remarkable nature, even if it is a hard lesson for the duck parents.
02:43 Not as strong as a hen, but the mother duck is very intelligent.
02:48 She distracts the hunters and leads her children to hide in the bushes.
02:52 Owls.
02:55 An owl has strayed into the city.
02:58 It is hiding in the dark corner to wait until dark to return to the forest.
03:03 Unfortunately, the crow had discovered and threatened it with anger,
03:07 but the owl still maintained a calm stance.
03:11 In front of the appearance of so many crows,
03:14 the owl could not keep its composure and responded with attacks.
03:18 Since it couldn't fly in the light of day,
03:21 it just stood in one place in front of the troublemakers.
03:24 In front of the snowy owl, the crow just wanted to show off its strength.
03:31 It kept jumping around provocatively and menacingly,
03:35 but the owl remained very calm, and the crow had to leave in a panic.
03:40 Mouse.
03:41 Can you guess who is the hunter in this case?
03:45 The crow hunted the mouse, but was bitten in the beak by it and could not take it off.
03:50 What a brave mouse!
03:52 This mouse is attacked from the tail, but still very aggressive.
03:59 Then it attacks against the predator.
04:05 Two fierce hunters are teaming up to take down a rat.
04:09 This time the crow won and they have a great meal.
04:12 The mouse was lucky to escape from the crow's claws.
04:18 Apparently, the hunter was extremely disappointed when it lost its prey.
04:23 A raven hunting arrangement was planned.
04:27 Maybe the rat was drugged and it was running around dizzyingly.
04:31 Is this a tactic to hypnotize crows?
04:34 Time goes by, crows stand still, and without any movement,
04:39 can you guess what the outcome will be?
04:42 What are these two ridiculous guys doing here?
04:48 They were pretending to fight and then retreated.
04:51 Both the cows and the rats looking puzzled.
04:54 The rat jumped up to bite the crow, but the fur was great armor to protect it.
05:01 This clever crow then uses its beak to grip the mouse's tail.
05:06 But the mouse is not to be outdone.
05:08 In the end, running down to the drain is the best way to save the rat.
05:13 From a distance, only the glossy black plumage of the crow can be seen
05:23 and everyone thought that it had caught a large prey.
05:26 But, let's come closer.
05:28 The crow is just struggling with a painful death.
05:31 While struggling to fight an opportunity to attack the cat, another cat appeared.
05:39 The two cats got angry and rushed to each other to fight,
05:43 inadvertently creating an opportunity for the crows to play a prank on them.
05:56 Even if the opponent is another predator, the crows are not timid.
06:00 They blatantly threaten and want to take their prey.
06:03 A hawk was attacking a crow in the presence of other birds.
06:11 And then a larger crow appeared that changed the situation.
06:15 With only five birds, the whole neighborhood is chaotic.
06:19 This crow definitely wants to live.
06:25 It has an ingenious strategy of attacking with beaks followed by right flanks,
06:30 and then repeating.
06:31 That's a reasonable tactic to be applied right then.
06:35 This crow literally getting his skull slowly crushed by a hawk.
06:44 And vegans consider us cruel for eating them by giving them a swift death.
06:49 But whatever, and idiots always have no excuses.
06:54 A crow takes several flyby attacks on a hawk.
06:58 The hawk is eating something and isn't very concerned with the frantically squawking crow.
07:04 A goshawk chases and catches a dun crow.
07:10 After he finishes his meal, a marsh harrier takes over the prey.
07:15 A soccer falcon discovers an injured or sick dun crow and tries to kill it.
07:22 The crow desperately fights, but finally is killed by a bite in the neck.
07:27 A rabbit placed her nest in my front yard, so I put a trail camera over it to watch it.
07:38 Crows discovered the nest and tried to take one of the babies.
07:42 And the mother tried to defend her babies from them.
07:50 A bunny is enjoying its delicious oatmeal.
07:53 Even when the crows appear, it is not afraid.
07:56 Next, the crow attacks the bunny, and please try to guess who will be the winner.
08:01 The evil crow caught the baby rabbit and killed it mercilessly.
08:10 Even when the baby screams, it won't change the outcome.
08:18 Maybe you will have to laugh in this case.
08:20 The two rabbits are engrossed in playing when suddenly the crow approaches and pecks at the rabbit's tail.
08:26 Although standing in front of the dense bushes, the rabbit had no intention of running away.
08:33 It seemed that it was trying to distract the crows because there were bunnies nearby.
08:38 Crows attack the rabbit nesting site and attempt to take the young.
08:45 The adult rabbits defend the kits and drive off the crows.
08:49 This rabbit was really angry. It seemed to turn into a wolf and attack a crow violently.
08:57 The mother rabbit will use her own feathers to make a nest for her baby.
09:04 This crow tried to attack the rabbit but failed.
09:11 The rabbit just wanted to lie under the tree to relax but was not safe then.
09:17 The trouble-loving crow came to disturb its nap.
09:20 Crows may not be labeled as birds of prey, but they opportunistically feed on small birds, small rodents, and other small creatures.
09:33 In some cases, crows actively hunt their prey.
09:37 This is where rabbits come into their diet.
09:41 Squirrels and crows
09:44 A baby squirrel has been infected with rabies. The crow is ready to kill it now.
09:49 But the mother made a brave effort to fight the crows and bring the baby to safety.
09:55 The baby squirrel has lost its mother and is alone here.
10:02 The crow sees it but it seems that he just wants to tease the baby but not to eat it.
10:09 One reason crows and squirrels don't get along is squirrels pose a threat to the crow's eggs and young.
10:15 Neither is more evil than the other. They are just trying to survive.
10:20 In the UK, grey squirrels are an invader and a pest.
10:24 So if a few get killed by crows, it helps redress the balance slightly.
10:33 The crow
10:36 This time the crow really became a cold-blooded creature.
10:39 It used its hard beak to repeatedly attack the body of the baby squirrel.
10:44 In this case, it was very difficult for the squirrel to survive.
10:49 A funny crow took advantage of the moment the squirrel wasn't paying attention and pecked at the tail, then jumped back in a funny way.
11:01 This crow was trying to attack a squirrel, but the squirrel was doing a good job avoiding it.
11:06 This squirrel had babies somewhere. You can tell by hear, pronounce and nipples.
11:12 A childish crow was attacking the squirrel's anus. It was strange that the squirrel didn't resist.
11:20 Carrion crow taking a strange interest in a grey squirrel. Perhaps because wants the squirrel's nuts.
11:30 The squirrel was very small but surprisingly agile. It took the initiative to threaten the crow.
11:38 Faced with the guys who were about to steal their peanuts, two small but smart squirrels bravely chased the crows out of their meal.
11:47 A beautiful jump towards the crow, but incorrect. The squirrel had to leave to give its food to the crow.
11:57 Behind the fence, the black blocks are still planning to attack the squirrel. There seems to be food there.
12:04 In front of the aggression of the opponent, the squirrel quickly attacks first to threaten them.
12:11 There is a dead prey hanging from the tree. Today the crow changed his appetite to squirrel meat.
12:20 Taking a closer look, I saw a red squirrel and a crow fighting. There was no nest, nuts or anything else in the tree, so I don't know why they were fighting.
12:30 Maybe they just didn't like each other.
12:33 While enjoying delicious boiled rice, suddenly the crow appeared. The squirrel panicked and ran away, leaving food for those ferocious crows.
12:43 When the crow left, the squirrel returned to its meal with friends. Its child or mate is dead. The killer is no one but the crow.
12:52 Not giving up, by all of its strength, the squirrel bravely drove the carnivores out of the carcasses.
12:59 It's interesting to see a squirrel whose fur looks exactly like a crow. It seems that the crows are also interested in this black squirrel.
13:11 It's a pity that this child was brutally eaten by a crow, but it was impossible to intervene because that was the law of nature.
13:20 The lazy crow is clinging to a hardworking squirrel, waiting for it to find food and the crow will rush in to attack and rob afterwards.
13:31 Can you guess what is going on? Are you two playing or fighting over something on the ground?
13:40 This squirrel, Bastille, is my oldest window snacker. She's been coming around much longer than Lod and Biggie or any other crow.
13:49 I try and tell them that the window is for everybody, but you know crows, they love to mess around.
13:56 Some food has been placed daily under a palm tree for the birds, and I do the same on 20 other trees on a regular basis.
14:06 One day I heard a crow, and discovered that a small squirrel wouldn't let other birds get or eat that food.
14:14 The distinctive peanuts attracted pigeons, squirrels and crows, but the greedy squirrel took it back from the crow, and then the crow kept playing pranks on the squirrels.
14:29 You will feel happy watching this moment, inside the food box that has been shared by crows with squirrels and seagulls. No conflicts occurred here.
14:39 Both are timid in the face of each other, but the squirrel is braver in part because he chased the crows out of the party.
14:49 Finally, we would like to thank all of you who have followed the Hawk from the first videos until now, and we always welcome new viewers to the channel.
14:58 Follow the work that we do every day to send you the best videos. These are two of our video editors, and here are two of our research and content writers.
15:09 We all work up to 12 hours a day to be able to upload two videos a day. Don't hesitate to share the video with your friends.
15:17 Thanks again and see you in the next video.
15:20 [Music]
15:32 [Music]
