30 Painful Moments! Mother Leopard Takes Revenge When The Eagle Hunts Cubs Animal fight

  • last year
00:00 Leopard attacks the Eagle
00:07 Leopard attacked the Honey Badger
00:13 In the world of wild animals, the battle is between arch enemies, just for survival and survival.
00:24 Today we come to 30 Moments Leopard Punishes the Eagle with No Way Out. What happens next?
00:31 Although the Eagle is known to be a predator on the savannah, it is not the apex predator here.
00:41 Big Cats May Dominate It
00:50 After the leopard had watched it swoop down to take down an eagle.
00:54 A dessert for the hungry leopard's breakfast.
00:58 Leopards ventured into a bird's nest on a treetop.
01:09 After gripping the prey, then it carefully climbed down.
01:15 The leopard's prey includes antelope, deer, wild boar, rabbits, birds, and a number of other creatures.
01:23 Leopard is famous for his ability to climb and swim well.
01:29 This big cat is one of the most formidable predators in the wild.
01:43 Leopard is attracted to wildebeest sunbathing.
01:46 It rushed forward and attacked a wildebeest.
01:51 Victims constantly protest to take their lives.
01:57 Will this unfortunate animal escape the attack of leopards?
02:08 Leopard Spotted Another Leopard In The Tree With Its Food
02:12 Leopard spotted another leopard in the tree with its food.
02:20 The big cat quickly climbed the tree.
02:24 Face to Face
02:28 After a while of ideological struggle,
02:35 there was a conflict between them that did not give way to anyone.
02:39 Due to a territorial dispute, a leopard was pushed down from above.
02:45 In the end, it was afraid to leave.
02:52 Leopard darted from the tree to the ground where the wildebeest were resting.
03:04 It causes an angry victim to repeatedly use its sharp blade to chase away a sly predator like a leopard.
03:13 Perhaps its hunt had failed.
03:18 In this extremely dramatic scene, the honey badger is trying to escape the clutches of the leopard.
03:31 Finally, the victim was taken away by the leopard.
03:35 Two wild buffalo mother and daughter lost their herd. They stopped to rest.
03:46 Unaware that the mother and daughter's every move is being watched by predators.
03:55 Very quickly, leopard rushed out and grabbed the child by the neck.
04:00 But it was immediately stopped by the mother buffalo.
04:04 The child successfully escaped the clutches of death.
04:10 Leopard stalks the family of baboons.
04:22 The army seemed completely oblivious to the impending threat.
04:26 The leopard's coat color is similar to that of the earth and is rarely detected.
04:32 Slow footsteps.
04:37 Then frantically rushed towards the prey.
04:43 Very quickly, a baboon was knocked down.
04:50 Leopards are cunning and opportunistic animals.
04:53 They will take every opportunity to catch their prey easily.
04:57 Seeing some antelopes below feeding, he took this opportunity to jump from the tree to the surprise of the antelopes.
05:07 Will a miracle happen to the poor baby leopard?
05:12 The answer is not yet known.
05:16 Will a miracle happen to the poor animal?
05:20 Hungry leopard observes a migrating herd of wildebeest and zebra.
05:32 It targets small, easy to catch prey in the herd.
05:40 A young zebra was locked by its neck.
05:44 The mother horse tries to save her baby, but fails.
05:48 Before leaving, it does not forget to give its predators fatal kicks.
05:54 The poor child was taken down by a leopard.
06:02 A horrifying scene is taking place.
06:13 Leopard attacking a calf.
06:15 Predators claws dug deep into the body.
06:21 The calf cried out in pain.
06:26 The mother wildebeest tries to raise her baby to escape.
06:32 The poor mother seems to have been very desperate.
06:36 All her efforts have not paid off.
06:39 The poor child was seriously injured.
06:42 Now it cannot move.
06:46 Perhaps it will become food for the hungry leopard.
06:52 Watch the heart-stopping moment when a leopard spots potential prey, a newborn leopard.
07:06 Watch when a leopard spots potential prey, a newborn wildebeest.
07:10 The predator quickly approached, but was stopped by the wildebeest mother.
07:18 The wildebeest is back.
07:21 It seems they can't help her and her daughter.
07:27 Predators are always looking to catch small and weak prey.
07:33 Hope they will be safe.
07:35 Young male leopard stalks wild boar at Thorny Bush Game Reserve, South Africa.
07:51 Monitor.
07:58 Monitor.
08:00 Constantly close to the prey.
08:04 A poor wild boar was caught.
08:08 The leopard's sharp teeth stuck into the body, causing the wild boar in pain.
08:13 Will Warthog have a chance to escape this hunter?
08:26 This astonishing moment occurs in Greater Kruger, with three leopards trying to kill a honey badger.
08:32 They continuously attack lone prey.
08:39 But not easy to bully.
08:43 Turning the situation around, the badger counterattacked vigorously, threatening the opponent.
08:53 From prey to hunter.
08:55 Finally, it swaggered away in front of the big cats.
09:01 A new day begins with new hunting opportunities for the old leopard.
09:12 She has been starving for nine days.
09:18 The fresh mates of the Zambia Valley. Now she has to quickly catch one of them.
09:23 Hide in the gutter and find potential prey.
09:29 Monitor.
09:33 Determine the target.
09:36 In the end, Porampala became the big cat's hearty meal.
09:46 [music]
09:48 Leopards continuously monitor.
09:56 It started searching.
10:01 In the distance, baboons are walking around the territory.
10:06 They kept watching, as if the baboons knew ahead of time that danger was imminent.
10:14 [music]
10:16 They are constantly paying attention.
10:19 Leopard sat under a tree, watching from afar.
10:25 Will there be a battle between the baboon and the leopard after that?
10:31 [music]
10:40 Leopards are observing the Impala herd.
10:43 Sneaky steps.
10:46 Quickly capture a young Impala.
10:51 Walking the victim's neck makes the prey unable to resist.
10:58 Then, leopard carried the prey away.
11:06 [music]
11:08 Leopards are apex and agile predators.
11:16 Continuously observe the victim.
11:20 Waiting for the opportunity.
11:25 Quickly approach the prey.
11:33 Then, rush out to attack the victim by surprise.
11:36 The tight lock makes the warthog painful.
11:41 The victim tries not to give up many times, trying to escape from the sharp claws of the predator.
11:49 It seems that escape is difficult for the warthog.
11:56 The victim writhed in pain.
12:02 Leopard knocks down his prey quickly.
12:04 Leopard repeatedly approached a hedgehog.
12:15 The victim struggled to find a way to escape, but seemed to have difficulty when constantly approached by leopards.
12:24 The killer has repeatedly approached his prey.
12:31 Don't stop waiting for an opportunity to attack.
12:35 In the end, the leopard had to let the hedgehog go.
12:40 Leopard vs. Eagle
12:47 In a moment of peace, the cute cubs follow their mother to find a new place to live.
12:57 However, peaceful moments like these don't last long.
13:01 Another fearsome predator is lurking overhead and watching their every move.
13:15 The cubs were in the sights of the fearsome hunter.
13:27 The lion is the king of the savannah.
13:29 If the lion is the king of the savannah, the eagle is the king of the sky.
13:37 The eagle's claw is one of nature's most dangerous and fearsome weapons.
13:55 It is impossible not to feel fear and fear at the brutality of this bird of prey.
14:01 Those claws were like a big knife, ready to cut and stab anything in front of it.
14:24 Can the little cheetahs escape the mighty eagle's onslaught?
14:28 A tragic end happened. A murderer killed an unlucky boy.
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14:51 The Ruthless Killer continues to defy the mother leopard.
14:54 War broke out.
15:10 The original eagles paid the price for their brutal actions.
15:15 The mother leopard's sharp claws dig into the enemy's body.
15:21 A fatal bite cuts the life of the cold-blooded killer.
15:25 Nothing is impossible in this world.
15:34 The moment of complete stagnation of the mighty eagle.
15:40 A very venomous black mamba snake is holding its body.
15:47 What happens when the eagle, one of the most notorious predators,
15:50 cannot escape the onslaught of the black mamba and is eventually killed by an elite leopard?
15:56 This leopard raided the eagle's nest more than 25 meters high.
16:10 The mother eagle could not stop the hungry leopard's behavior.
16:16 She could not taste the horrible feeling of leopards when watching her cubs being killed.
16:20 The leopard's incredible strength and toughness are shown when it carries large prey up trees
16:33 to avoid the threat of other predators.
16:36 Leopard vs Baboon
16:45 Let's continue with other leopard battles.
16:47 Baboons and leopards are arch enemies.
16:51 A leopard will attack a lone baboon when given the opportunity.
16:56 However, a large male baboon can also kill an adult leopard.
17:04 This is the natural world, and no one's fate is inevitable.
17:08 Baboons are known to be very aggressive and defensive when they spot leopards.
17:12 Fierce counterattack
17:27 The predator becomes the hunted, forced to accept defeat.
17:34 The predator was resting on top of a tall tree, but no one could let down his guard.
17:38 An innocent little monkey is climbing a tree.
17:52 It does not know that it is approaching danger.
17:56 The baboons are worried and scared.
18:03 Their cries shook the forest, but fortunately, they did not upset the big cats.
18:09 These monkeys are too young to consider leopards a threat.
18:21 The hunter took advantage of all his benefits.
18:25 It's sad to see a small animal deprived of its right to live.
18:32 A group of baby monkeys was so busy playing that they didn't notice the leopard.
18:36 Hiding in the bushes, the hunter tracks the movements of potential prey.
18:44 The predator begins the carnage.
18:49 And bad things happen too.
18:57 Although agile, the baby monkey could not escape the leopard's clutches.
19:01 The cunning predator allows its prey to enjoy its last moments before going to the dead.
19:11 Recall the strange and fearsome predators of leopards.
19:24 On the surface, it looks like the leopard doesn't care about its opponent,
19:28 but it is just waiting for the animal to let its guard down.
19:32 Leopard vs. Hyena
19:44 What happens when a leopard encounters a brutal hyena?
19:48 Hyena is nature's most dangerous predator.
19:53 Hyena is nature's most ruthless killing machine.
19:56 Leopards always avoid encounters with hyenas because they know how scary and cunning these animals are.
20:04 In Africa, the position of hyenas is second only to lions.
20:17 They always chase leopards to get leftovers or kill opponents depending on the opportunity and advantage.
20:23 Therefore, leopards must always be on the lookout for these killers.
20:31 The contradictions between the two species are irreconcilable.
20:45 Alone against four sly hyenas, the leopard is completely outclassed in this situation.
20:50 Although less agile, hyenas have a bite force of up to 773,000 kg/m2,
21:01 the strongest among terrestrial predators.
21:04 Their bite force is more vital than a lion or a grizzly bear.
21:13 These ruthless people will attack essential parts such as the neck, abdomen, or face, causing severe injury to their prey.
21:21 When you see a hyena, it means there are many others around.
21:31 Climbing a tree to hide is an intelligent choice.
21:37 The hungry hyena will try to snatch the big cat's reward.
21:40 However, their bodies cannot adapt to climbing trees.
21:45 More and more greedy people come trying to steal the big cat's meals.
21:55 The big cat's meal is a very expensive meal.
22:03 The lion and leopard are the most expensive.
22:06 What will happen next?
22:09 Lion and Leopard
22:19 One of the leading causes of increasing conflict is disputes over food.
22:25 Or maybe it's for this reason.
22:27 A leopard is roaming the forest, looking for prey to eat.
22:38 It takes three seconds for the leopard to recognize the presence of a lion.
22:44 The lion is not able to recognize the presence of a lion.
22:51 It is a dangerous animal.
22:54 Leopards feel scared and quickly run away to avoid the lion.
22:59 It knows well that the lion is a dangerous enemy and cannot confront it head on.
23:04 The leopard evaded the lion's pursuit thanks to its agility and flexibility.
23:19 It looks like this leopard wasn't so lucky.
23:22 Adult lions from Kambulapride are known to be highly skilled and agile predators.
23:30 They possess outstanding physical strength and can fight intelligently and mischievously.
23:35 The lions take turns attacking the lone leopard.
23:44 The leopard resisted in despair, completely trapped in a pack of 12 lions.
23:49 Any luck for the poor leopard?
23:56 Foxes are cunning and opportunistic predators.
24:13 What other animal would you like to learn about?
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24:25 Wish you a good day. See you again.
