30 Crazy Moments When Hunting Poetry Is Hunted, What Happens Next Animal Fight

  • last year
00:00 Antelope attacks cheetah.
00:06 Tiger kills leopard.
00:11 Big cats are powerful predators, but they are not always hunters.
00:18 Sometimes they become prey for other predators.
00:24 Don't take your eyes off the screen, join us in today's video.
00:28 Tiger vs Leopard.
00:41 After defeating the leopard, the tiger locks the prey by the neck and carries it away.
00:50 As night fell, the mother's attention was diverted.
00:56 It's time for the hunters to find food.
01:02 The alarm sounds of the swamp deer are not caused by the tiger that worries them, but
01:07 by a lurking leopard.
01:11 The tiger begins to chase.
01:17 Its cubs may be in danger from this intruder.
01:22 The next day, the mother tiger successfully killed a leopard, an event rarely seen in
01:27 the wild due to increasingly scarce food sources causing them to eat each other.
01:37 The tiger rushed to attack a leopard.
01:44 But to my surprise, there was no battle, they just played around with each other.
01:55 One fine afternoon, the tiger began to forage and discovered many prey grazing nearby.
02:06 They are the perfect meal of the day.
02:13 The tiger's fur provides perfect camouflage, and it approaches its target downwind to avoid
02:19 detection.
02:26 Move slowly and quietly, hide behind a tree.
02:34 Today is not her day to lose her prey.
02:42 Now it continues its next hunting journey.
02:50 Something else caught the tiger's attention.
02:58 Menacing growls.
03:05 This tiger does not want to share its habitat with other predators.
03:14 It forces the leopard to leave its environment.
03:19 The leopard found a simple trick to escape the tiger's sight by climbing a tree.
03:29 But this addled tiger did not back down.
03:34 It climbs with powerful legs and sharp claws.
03:39 However, it cannot climb as well as the opponent.
03:51 The tiger gave up and left a mark on a nearby tree, asserting that everything in the forest
03:56 belongs to the tiger, and this is its territory.
04:05 Lions vs Leopards Early in the morning, a leopard is looking
04:14 for food from its vantage point.
04:22 Weighing just 130 pounds, this small but mighty leopard is an adept stalker, and its most
04:28 powerful weapon is stealth.
04:36 It moved quietly through the bushes.
04:44 These antelopes can make up to 85% of a leopard's diet.
04:54 After taking down the prey, the leopard carries the food up the tree, out of the reach of
04:59 lions and other predators.
05:07 The leopard is by far the most skilled tree-climbing big cat of any carnivore in Africa.
05:16 However, there are other threats surrounding it.
05:26 Lions also see leopards as competitors and will attack or even kill if given the opportunity.
05:38 Three lionesses surround a leopard.
05:44 The best defense for the leopard is to lie on its back with its claws extended and its
05:49 teeth bared.
05:51 However, a male lion suddenly appeared and attacked the leopard.
06:01 This unexpected action received an inexplicable response from the entire herd.
06:10 Instead of attacking the leopard, they attack each other.
06:17 Constantly bitten by a male lion, the leopard was severely injured and unable to move.
06:27 Now it can only lie still.
06:35 After successfully killing an adult deer, the leopard has enough food for a week.
06:43 However, there are stronger predators around.
06:52 A male lion has learned of her success and is following the trail of blood.
07:00 Fearful of the larger predator, the leopard skips its meal and quickly flees.
07:10 From a distance, she watched her prey being stolen.
07:17 Then in search of safety, she climbed a tree where the lion could not reach her.
07:25 The leopard escaped from the male lion and survived.
07:34 This male lion believes he can beat his opponents in the open plains, where cheetahs are the
07:39 fastest animals.
07:47 Leopards are trying to take down a wild boar.
07:51 The cry of prey attracts other hunters to the scene.
08:03 Suddenly two male lions attacked the leopard and took the bait.
08:12 Frightened the leopard fled the scene.
08:19 Leopards accidentally entered the lion's territory.
08:26 It remained oblivious to its danger until it suddenly faced a predator.
08:34 The frightened leopard quickly ran away and climbed a tree.
08:43 Leopards continue to be surrounded by the lion family.
08:52 It lay still and opened its mouth menacingly.
09:00 After a while, it waited for the lion's interest to dwindle and their attention to dissipate.
09:10 Leopards do a great job in this regard and now is the perfect time to run away.
09:20 It has successfully escaped from the captivity of the lions.
09:30 Because both predators in the African region, lions and leopards often counter each other.
09:41 The male lion noticed the leopard caught off guard and quickly approached the predator.
09:52 Leopards are unaware of the impending danger until the lion gets close enough to attack.
10:02 Realizing being attacked, the leopard unleashes a threat and quickly flees.
10:12 With a speed of up to 60 km/h, the old lion can hardly keep up.
10:21 Due to the scarcity of food, the lion was attracted to a leopard in the treetops.
10:28 It climbs trees to attack opponents.
10:34 However, one branch could not support the weight of both of them and broke.
10:45 The leopard took the opportunity and quickly ran away from the enemy.
10:55 Twelve lions surrounded and attacked a small leopard.
11:03 They took turns attacking, leaving the victim lying motionless and dead.
11:11 Finally, the hunters left.
11:21 Leopard was taking a walk in the territory.
11:28 It watched for a long time and spotted a lion approaching it.
11:36 Being chased, leopard quickly runs away from danger.
11:45 A leopard fought a lion in a tree to keep its prey.
11:53 The fight caused the tree trunks to shake, the antelope carcasses falling to the ground.
12:03 And a lioness took the body away.
12:11 Suddenly a herd of elephants came and scared the lions to run away.
12:19 Wild Dog vs Leopard
12:26 After the leopard killed a stray dog, the big cat paid dearly.
12:35 From a skilled hunter, now it is being attacked by a pack of wild dogs.
12:44 They frantically attack the big cat to avenge their fellow humans.
12:54 Wild dogs are the worst enemy of lone hunters like leopards.
13:03 If caught, the hunters would be annihilated.
13:10 Forced into a tree, leopards can only stand still in the tree to preserve their lives.
13:21 Hedgehog vs Leopard
13:28 Catching hedgehogs is risky, but these predators accept the challenge.
13:38 Find a way to attack.
13:44 You will see the hedgehog fearless when attacked by predators like leopards.
13:53 In the end, these big cats won only a few feathers from the hedgehog.
14:03 It's a struggle between hunger and the will to survive.
14:11 The leopard cat attempts to attack the hedgehog's belly, but the experienced prey knows how
14:16 to deal with this bold predator.
14:22 Despite its modest size, the leopard cat has been gifted by God with agility and excellent
14:27 climbing abilities.
14:32 With a growling belly this time, it was driven to attack a hedgehog.
14:36 A bold move.
14:42 It was then struck by a sharp quill from the prey, piercing through its bone and causing
14:46 immense pain.
14:52 The hedgehog took advantage of the moment the leopard cat was licking its wound to escape
14:57 and hide.
15:03 Most animals feel helpless against multiple predators.
15:08 However, I have witnessed a porcupine defend itself against five hungry lions.
15:21 Porcupines are the only animals that do not flee when facing a leopard.
15:30 And they are also one of the animals that can pose a danger to those with ill intentions
15:35 towards them.
15:41 A leopard attacks a family of hedgehogs.
15:47 However, instead of running away, the parent hedgehog shielded their two young children.
15:59 They teamed up, using their sharp feathers to fend off the leopard.
16:09 When a predator rushes forward, the hedgehog will turn its back and raise its feathers.
16:19 During the battle, they kept the two young men between and out of reach of the leopard.
16:28 After a few minutes, the leopard gave up and retreated into the bushes.
16:38 Hyenas vs. Leopards
16:45 Evenings on the African savanna can be quite dangerous for all herbivores.
16:55 Hyenas are one of the most voracious scavengers, with strong jaws and antibacterial abilities
17:01 that allow them to eat just about anything.
17:09 Hyenas are really adept pack hunters.
17:17 Leopards are frequent victims of hyena attacks as they scramble for food.
17:26 Two predators are attacking each other for food.
17:34 A man has caught a deer and is trying to carry it up a tree.
17:39 However, the leopard was robbed by the hyena.
17:47 A pack of hyenas attacked an old leopard.
17:58 They repeatedly attacked the big cats, but then the hyenas gave up and left.
18:08 One of the leopard's legs is paralyzed, making it unable to move from its position.
18:18 Pitiful
18:19 The leopard stalks herds of zebras and migrating wildebeest.
18:33 It patiently waits for the right moment to attack its prey and focuses on the smaller
18:38 ones in the herd.
18:45 When given the opportunity, it rushes to grab its prey by the neck, causing the mother zebra
18:50 to respond fiercely with fatal kicks.
18:58 Despite the counterattack, the leopard still won its meal.
19:06 Hippos are one of the most ferocious creatures in the world and are often considered one
19:10 of the most dangerous animals in Africa.
19:18 Their ferocity is stronger than any large animal.
19:25 Even lions are afraid of these ferocious people.
19:36 Imagine what happens when angry hippos attack the lion.
19:48 Hippos are half aquatic, half terrestrial, living in rivers, lakes and mangrove swamps
19:55 of West Africa.
20:00 Males dominate a stretch of river and lead a herd of 5 to 30 females and their young.
20:12 Waterholes can be a dangerous trap for thirsty animals, as this roula will soon find out.
20:24 Only those with permission can stay.
20:33 Hippos are especially aggressive when their territory is violated.
20:40 On the shore, the lion is king, but when in the water, that rule belongs to someone else.
20:55 Angry hippo rushes to warn three big cats.
21:07 The bite force of this killer is up to 800 kilograms per square centimeter.
21:15 It shudders to imagine the terrible things that will happen to the lion when that bite
21:20 is exactly...
21:28 In the dry season, nature becomes harsh.
21:36 To satisfy 12 hungry stomachs, the lion alliance needs to target large prey.
21:46 They are very hungry and thirsty.
21:51 Then, lifeless bodies are approaching the water source.
22:01 The waterline marks the boundary where this is the kingdom of the giant hippo.
22:12 A lion is no match for hippos ten times heavier than it is.
22:20 He had absolutely no other choice.
22:33 So don't do stupid things.
22:45 These giants are always ready to fight.
22:53 The hippo is chewing its jaws as a warning.
23:01 His single bite can crush the skulls of big cats.
23:10 The roar asserts sovereignty.
23:16 Victory is clear.
23:24 This hippo seems to have been too careless to go too far out of its waters.
23:32 Now it is being stalked by a cold-blooded killer.
23:40 A serious mistake.
23:42 The little hippo turns and runs away.
23:49 The predator quickly seizes the opportunity.
23:55 Sad to see the poor child fall into the arms of death.
24:08 During times of drought, there is a lot of pressure from nature on hippos.
24:16 The mother and daughter are forced to move when the water source they call home runs
24:20 dry.
24:24 A long journey has made the hippo very tired.
24:33 And this is the time when the lions easily defeat the hippo.
24:46 Nature is cruel, but this is its law.
24:54 But when hippos are near water, lions don't really have a chance to attack them.
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25:15 Let's continue to the thrilling confrontations between lions and baboons.
25:27 Baboons are rarely on the lion's attack list because they are very aggressive and scary.
25:34 With their sharp fangs, they can make those who intend to regret their actions.
25:43 The hunger of the past few days prompted the will to hunt.
25:47 The lion did not think much.
25:50 The big cat's only feeding opportunity is a lone monkey caught off guard.
25:58 A successful hunt.
25:59 A baboon life will give many predators a chance to survive.
26:10 Two baboon mother and daughter are cornered.
26:17 The predators have no intention of sparing their mother and child.
26:26 Continue to attack.
26:34 No miracle happens.
26:36 Both mother and baby become the big cat's meal.
26:45 In this wild nature, no one is sure of his life.
26:54 A future king fell into the hands of a ferocious baboon.
27:03 It seems that this is the first warning of these ferocious men to the lions.
27:11 What will happen next?
27:19 It takes years to become a king of the wild.
27:28 Wild lion cubs will always try to eat anything they see.
27:35 They still have a lot to learn.
27:41 Lions have sharp claws, but they are not great climbers.
27:51 In a one versus one fight, the lion is very timid when confronting the adult baboons.
28:01 But when working as a team, they will not easily let go of each other.
28:14 Not only hippos, rhinos are also one of the ferocious creatures of Africa.
28:24 Rhinos don't like lions.
28:32 This giant is ready to attack the lion to prove his position here.
28:46 Two white rhinos wake up a pack of sleeping lions in the wild.
28:55 Sharp horns and a large body like an armored tank made the lions run away in fear.
29:04 Is this a mighty king of the jungle, or are they just scared cats?
29:14 A healthy adult rhinoceros is almost impossible to take down, even for proud lions, as it
29:20 is very dangerous to lions.
29:27 Confronting this giant was a mistake.
29:37 Rhinos are definitely one of those guys that lions shouldn't touch.
29:49 Confrontations between rhinos and lions are always going on.
29:57 One versus three.
30:01 Can Lion Pride take down rhinos?
30:13 Foxes are cunning and opportunistic predators.
30:16 What other animal would you like to learn about?
30:19 Let us know what you think.
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30:23 Don't forget to press the notification bell to follow the Hawks videos as soon as possible.
30:29 Wish you a good day.
30:30 See you again.
30:31 [music]
