30 Moments Buffalo Injures A Sick Lion, What Happens Next Animal Fight

  • last year


00:00 Buffalo Attack Lion
00:04 A herd of wild buffalo attacking a lion.
00:10 The lion is one of the most notorious predators in the world.
00:16 However, they are not always successful in all hunting efforts.
00:26 Don't take your eyes off the screen. Join us in the terrifying battles of wild buffalo attacking lions.
00:32 Three male lions attempted to bring down a lone male prey.
00:41 The victims' desperate cries drew the attention of a nearby herd of buffalo.
00:51 The three male lions were terrified and fled from the sharp horns of the buffalo.
00:56 It seemed like the lone lion had escaped certain death, but things took a turn for the worse when the herd of buffalo also charged and attacked it.
01:11 The male lion charged toward a herd of buffalo.
01:18 The male lion charged toward a herd of buffaloes, targeting a small calf within the group.
01:24 The predator swiftly took down its prey.
01:32 Despite attempting to intimidate the male lion, the herd was unable to save the young buffalo.
01:43 The lion was killed by the buffalo.
01:46 Silent assassins close to the buffalo herd.
01:53 The game has started.
02:05 Although one of the top predators in the animal kingdom, today the lion is threatened by the sharp horns of thousands of wild buffalo.
02:13 The herd forms a solid defensive wall.
02:21 Will they succeed in defending their flock?
02:34 The massive buffalo herd converges towards the last remaining waterhole here.
02:39 Water is life for the herd, which has traveled thousands of miles to get here.
02:49 Their relief will only be short-lived.
03:02 They are being stalked by a pride of lions.
03:05 These predators are skilled buffalo hunters, working as a team with well-planned strategies.
03:16 The lion family works together to chase down the buffalo herd.
03:30 But the buffalo will do anything to protect that last waterhole.
03:34 Now they fight against these deadly hunters.
03:42 A lone lioness in the herd tries to work alone.
03:51 Is this a desperate act or lack of experience?
04:00 The lion is not afraid of the lioness.
04:03 The predator is surrounded by a herd of wild buffalo.
04:09 It seems to be very scared now.
04:16 A mighty buffalo shows the lions who is the boss here.
04:28 The buffalo is one of the lions' favorite food,
04:31 and this time five large male lions join forces to attack a wild buffalo.
04:36 However, the buffalo did not falter in trying to hold out to protect his herd.
04:47 As the fighting became more intense,
04:55 the buffalo decided to retreat toward the lake.
04:58 This is a wise choice, because the deep and muddy environment
05:06 will make hunting extremely difficult for lions.
05:09 The wild buffalo began to violently counter-attack.
05:23 The stubborn lion was caught by the buffalo horns
05:26 and faced the choice between life and holding on to the prey.
05:30 If you are a smart hunter, surely the lion will know what to do in this situation.
05:40 Look at this.
05:48 The mighty king has been defeated after a battle with the wild buffalo.
05:53 The lion is still trying to find food and water.
06:01 However, the injury made movement difficult and painful.
06:11 A quiet and eerie morning.
06:13 The male lion lay exhausted with small infected wounds on his body.
06:24 Under its chin, small wounds have festered.
06:35 These injuries may have occurred a few days earlier when it was attacked by a wild buffalo.
06:40 After the migration, the herd of buffaloes was grazing peacefully.
07:00 Unfortunately, the mother and her calf were separated from the herd by a group of hungry lions.
07:06 The mother buffalo continuously chased away the predators to protect her young.
07:17 Fortunately, the rest of the herd of buffaloes was not harmed.
07:28 Fortunately, the rest of the herd eventually came to their rescue
07:32 and successfully saved both mother and calf from the hunters.
07:36 The lion is considered the king of all animals, but the reality seems far from the truth.
07:55 Their hunting success rate is the lowest of the five big cats, with only 1 in 10 successful hunts.
08:02 These adult buffalo are genuinely beyond the reach of the proud lion.
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08:20 This buffalo is a young and proud friend who even taunted the ferocious lion pride.
08:24 But his pride was quickly extinguished when he realized his mistake.
08:32 Not wanting to cause any more pain to its kind,
08:41 he decided to leave the lion's nest and go to the wild.
08:46 Not wanting to cause any more pain to its kind,
08:50 a herd of thousands of buffaloes quickly arrived.
08:58 There was no other choice.
09:05 The hungry lions had to give up their prey.
09:13 The hungry lions had to give up their prey.
09:15 Buffalos are among the most hot-headed and easily provoked giants in nature.
09:25 This unfortunate lion is trapped between two aggressive buffalo herds.
09:40 He can only climb a tree for self-defense.
09:43 One minute you could be a mighty king, but the next you're just a cowardly creature running away.
09:53 Is this a wise move?
10:08 The strong fighting spirit has been passed down through the generations.
10:12 The young buffalo showed no fear in the face of the most fearsome predator in the wild.
10:22 This makes the big cat feel uncomfortable.
10:35 It was ironic to see a mighty king fearing such a small prey.
10:39 After observing, the addled buffalo approached a sleeping lion.
10:48 The predator becomes scared and runs away.
10:57 But it was not successful.
11:05 It was thrown into the air by a wild buffalo.
11:08 The lioness died with a thin body and an injured leg after being attacked by a wild buffalo.
11:19 Buffalos are a favorite prey of many carnivorous species,
11:29 but hunting these large mammals is not an easy feat.
11:32 The buffalo herd takes a break after a journey of thousands of miles.
11:42 Lions begin to approach the battlefield.
11:56 One buffalo is attacked.
11:59 The victim fights back fearlessly.
12:05 And the rest of the herd comes to its aid.
12:13 Two lions are intimidated and scared away.
12:21 This hunt has failed for them.
12:23 The lion family is fighting over a lizard.
12:37 Suddenly, an adult wild buffalo rushed over.
12:49 Using its sharp horns, toss the lion cub into the air.
12:52 Make the lion family run away in fear.
13:01 A family of lions is hunting their most feared prey.
13:16 They have to risk their lives to take down a mature buffalo.
13:19 The lioness leads the way.
13:27 The buffalo decides not to run anymore and begins to resist.
13:36 It turns around and attacks the hunter.
13:45 The lioness becomes frightened and runs away.
13:47 From being a hunter, she is now being chased.
13:56 Their plan was initially successful.
14:06 But the buffalo family is now being chased by a wild animal.
14:12 The lion family is now being chased by a wild animal.
14:15 Three attack one.
14:19 Even with a larger number, these lions still difficult to knock down tough prey like wild buffalo.
14:30 One of them had to receive dire consequences, being caught by the horns of a wild buffalo.
14:41 The buffalo family is now being chased by a wild animal.
14:44 Lions detect prey from a distance. They are choosing the right prey from many options.
14:55 Patiently waiting for prey to approach.
15:02 Start accelerating.
15:11 A calf had fallen into view.
15:13 The calf was kept.
15:21 Immediately, the big buffaloes rush to rescue the child.
15:35 Male lions run away, while female lions fight for the food they can catch.
15:41 But unable to hold out for long, she gave up.
15:49 A large and united collective is like a rocket straight at the predator.
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16:07 These lions are always looking for weak prey, and are ready to attack when the opportunity arises.
16:22 But these buffaloes are veterans who have fought lions in previous battles.
16:31 They are a formidable force.
16:34 Vulnerable calves will always be enclosed among their escorts.
16:45 Despite the fearsome strength of the buffalo army, the reckless lion came to try.
16:55 The intentions of the cunning lions have been discovered.
16:58 The strength and agility of the buffalo army easily repelled the big cat's attack.
17:08 One of the lion's cubs was seriously injured.
17:20 At the Nesemene Dam on H7 in Kruger Park, buffalo herds are approaching the waterhole for refreshment.
17:26 A remarkable interaction between two arch rivals.
17:34 The lion's cub is still in the water.
17:40 But the buffalo army is not yet ready to attack.
17:45 A great interaction between two arch rivals.
17:48 When stabbed into the body, these sharp horns can cause serious injuries.
17:57 Even death to lions.
18:04 Climb the tree.
18:12 It's funny how the king of all things is shy.
18:15 The appearance of the mad buffalo scared the lions.
18:23 Who is really the king?
18:31 Who is really the king?
18:33 Not only buffalo, but wildebeest are also difficult prey for lions.
18:45 Two big cats trying to take down an adult wildebeest.
18:59 The prey is not weak either.
19:01 It used its sharp horns to continuously protest.
19:09 Causing the lion to get stuck on its horns.
19:17 With too much pain and fear, the big cat ran away in shame.
19:26 The lioness is taking down her prey.
19:28 Wildebeest tries to escape from the clutches of a big cat after being dragged into a bush.
19:44 Constantly locking.
19:54 Lions cause pain to their prey.
19:56 It seemed to have successfully defeated the prey, but the wildebeest was lucky to escape.
20:06 Mother nature has endowed these predators with countless advantages to being a fearsome killing machine.
20:12 However, not all prey is easily bullied.
20:22 Buffalo is a prime example of animals with a high spirit of solidarity.
20:26 They have the ability to combine and counterattack predators, causing the perpetrator to suffer the pain their prey has ever experienced.
20:48 When deciding to attack dangerous prey like this, the lions must have a lot of backup plans to avoid possible bad cases.
20:55 A calf has been knocked down and the lion is still in pain.
21:14 A calf has been knocked down and the lion is trying to hold on to its prey.
21:19 But with the number of hundreds of big and strong buffaloes, what will happen?
21:29 Buffalo is not afraid to look directly at the opponent.
21:41 What happens when these big cats make the buffalo herd angry?
21:44 Body size requires lions to eat 22 to 33 pounds of meat per day.
22:02 So these aspiring predators will try to keep up with the lion.
22:06 15 lions had planned to attack the African buffalo, but the separation made the strength of the herd more fragile than ever.
22:29 Those were young and inexperienced hunters.
22:36 Buffalo is the strongest hunter today.
22:53 Lions attack in herds. Buffalo will counterattack with its horns.
22:57 An attack that can literally wipe out all enemies.
23:17 An army of buffalo swarms into the lion's territory, forcing these predators to give way.
23:22 A battle that scares lions.
23:45 Move into the bush.
23:48 Can't imagine what happens when these buffaloes are intent on killing people.
23:55 Power will fade with time. The brutal empire will not be able to hold.
24:13 The mature buffalo is chasing the lion king.
24:16 Indeed, when cornered, it can do things that no one would have thought of.
24:27 Most of the other prey runs around when attacked by the killer.
24:36 However, buffalo is different.
24:43 They will protect their fellow humans to the end.
24:47 The wild buffalo turned to attack the bloodthirsty.
24:55 Only one small calf was saved.
25:08 It's sad to see these little animals suffer, but the nature of nature is unchangeable.
25:14 The migration journey was very difficult. The buffalo herd became tired.
25:33 The stream of water is where they can wash away dirt and satisfy their thirst.
25:38 The big cat quickly took advantage of the opportunity, taking a long time to find the weak point in the buffalo herd.
25:52 Judging from the buffalo's wound, it probably survived many attacks like this.
26:01 He has a lot of experience to fight this brutal force.
26:05 Crash the car to distract the lion's attention.
26:11 This buffalo is really smart.
26:22 Surely he will live well.
26:25 Surely he will live well.
26:27 As mighty warriors, but now the lions prove to be weak against these large prey.
26:38 Behind the silence of the dense forests, there are always fierce struggles for survival.
26:53 The lion is not afraid of the buffalo.
26:56 It's not always the prey. There are times when the buffalo rises up to frighten the lions.
27:11 Escape
27:16 Refuge
27:18 Who is the hunter?
27:21 The young kings were always confident in their power when on land. Certainly no one dared to touch a hair of theirs.
27:34 But they were wrong. Once in the water, their position had completely changed.
27:49 Hippo, the most ferocious and fearsome giant of nature.
27:53 Perhaps these intelligent predators will know where their territorial boundaries are.
28:12 Foxes are cunning and opportunistic predators. What other animal would you like to learn about? Let us know what you think.
28:20 If you like this video, give us a like. Don't forget to press the notification bell to follow the Hawks videos as soon as possible.
28:28 Wish you a good day. See you again.
