Emmerdale 31st July 2023-n

  • last year


00:03, Thank you.
00:33 How are the kiddies?
00:35 Dotty's half-dressed as usual.
00:37 I'll go and help.
00:38 Oh, thanks, love.
00:40 Archie's nearly ready, bless him,
00:41 but they still think we've got our date smuggled
00:44 and we're going away.
00:46 Maybe it's better to tell them about your dad
00:49 sooner than later, then.
00:51 Not now, OK?
00:53 I've got stuff to sort out.
00:56 Dad's things.
00:57 You don't have to do that straight away.
00:59 Oh, Sonny popped by earlier.
01:01 Why?
01:02 Well, just to see how you were.
01:05 Guilt, because he left my dad all alone to die.
01:07 You can't think like that, Jay.
01:10 It was an accident.
01:11 Yes, he knows that, Georgia.
01:14 Have you told him that you found out he's your brother?
01:17 That might not be the most important thing right now,
01:20 OK?
01:21 We need to tell the kids.
01:22 What time are we going?
01:27 Do you want to come and sit down here first, guys?
01:32 It's OK.
01:34 Let me.
01:35 It's about Grandad Rishi.
01:44 I'm so sorry.
01:46 He's had an accident.
01:49 And it's not good news, I'm afraid.
01:52 He's passed away.
01:53 It's Dad's anniversary tomorrow.
02:00 I should have remembered.
02:02 Four years he's been gone.
02:04 I'm sorry, Trish.
02:06 It's just it me, you know?
02:08 All this stuff with Rishi.
02:10 What, do you fancy doing something?
02:12 Take your mind off it?
02:13 Like what?
02:14 Don't I have something to cheer you up?
02:16 It's not like we can have some big day out, is it,
02:18 with how skint we are.
02:20 I've had an idea, though.
02:22 What?
02:23 Going to sell some of this lot.
02:25 I thought that was for the charity shop.
02:27 It were until I found this ad for this new app.
02:30 Put your stuff on there and just sell it.
02:31 It's proper easy.
02:34 Oh, I just love men.
02:36 I always think they discover things first.
02:38 Who cares?
02:40 People make a bomb.
02:41 And they call these vintage, you know?
02:45 More like old and knackered.
02:48 I could cheer you up.
02:49 College have phoned before asking me if I want to go back
02:55 before new term starts.
02:56 I hope you said yeah.
02:58 Yeah, I did, but I don't even know if I want to.
03:01 Thinking of maybe doing an apprenticeship instead
03:03 at the salon, maybe.
03:04 But you've already done a year.
03:06 Makes sense to finish what you started.
03:09 Do you not think you're being a bit rash?
03:11 There's a big world out there once you've
03:13 got your exams in the bag.
03:16 I just don't really think uni's for me.
03:18 That's all.
03:20 And you know, I just want to earn some decent money.
03:23 Students can get their hands on money, too, you know.
03:26 I need to do what's best for her, Vic.
03:28 Someone's going to have to feed her if Dad gets locked up.
03:31 It's natural that you're going to worry about that.
03:35 Maybe you should finish your A-levels
03:37 and then get an apprenticeship if you're still keen, or a job.
03:40 But at least that way, you've given yourself the choice.
03:46 [DOOR OPENS]
03:55 How you doing?
04:21 Keep thinking about Uncle Rish, how he died all on his own.
04:25 Well, you can't keep blaming yourself.
04:27 I mean, we don't even know when it happened.
04:31 All right, love?
04:33 Better if I had some space.
04:35 Stay here.
04:36 I'll go.
04:37 I could do with some air anyway.
04:39 I just want him to know that I'm here if he needs me.
04:50 Dad's got his funeral plans written down somewhere.
04:54 In here, I think.
04:55 Can I help?
04:56 No, it's fine.
04:57 Look, Sonny feels dreadful.
04:59 Will you stop making excuses for him?
05:00 Oh, hang on, Jay.
05:01 She wasn't--
05:02 Hey, Georgia.
05:03 I can handle this, OK?
05:04 Look, why don't we sit down and we'll
05:06 go through this together?
05:08 I'm only blaming Sonny so I don't blame myself.
05:10 If I hadn't argued with Dad, he would have been at the wedding.
05:17 None of this could have been good for his heart.
05:19 It's all right, Tom.
05:20 [SIGHS]
05:21 Here you go.
05:26 Fancy getting your glad rags on?
05:28 What?
05:29 Look what I found stashed in here.
05:33 No way.
05:33 Why don't we go out?
05:34 We've not been on a date in ages.
05:36 What about Frankie?
05:37 Well, can't you ask Erica for mine, da?
05:39 Oh, yeah, I suppose I could.
05:42 Where are you thinking?
05:43 What about the pub?
05:44 We've got a two for one thing on.
05:46 Beggars can't be choosers, can they?
05:48 Do you really think we should, though?
05:49 We can't exactly afford it.
05:50 After finding this, we're loaded.
05:53 Look, we shouldn't always feel like we're doomed.
05:55 I know it's been hard, but we'll get through this.
05:59 You know how to treat a girl, I'll give you that.
06:03 OK, well, I'll call Eric and go get changed then.
06:06 Come on.
06:07 Hey, I'm sorry about your uncle.
06:16 Thanks.
06:17 Would you like a drink?
06:20 That's not exactly what I'm after.
06:22 Sorry, I-- I shouldn't have come.
06:33 It's fine.
06:34 We can just talk if you want.
06:39 Do you want to sit down?
06:43 You know, when--
06:56 when I saw Jay just there with him, dead, it--
07:05 it was horrible, Nicky.
07:08 And I had to call the ambulance and the police,
07:10 and Jay's been so desperate.
07:13 It's just so bad for him.
07:16 I can't stop thinking about how I should have
07:24 been there with Uncle Rish.
07:28 Instead of with me.
07:30 Sounds stupid, I know, but I can't
07:35 stop thinking about what might have happened if we hadn't.
07:42 Hey, it's OK.
07:44 It was probably a mistake.
07:48 It wasn't, though.
07:49 It's just such a mess.
07:54 It's OK.
07:57 Everything will be all right.
07:59 Come here.
08:03 Says here my dad wants to be cremated in India.
08:12 I had no idea.
08:15 I need to ring his bank, and I need to cancel
08:18 his car insurance.
08:21 I have no idea if he's even written
08:24 down any of his passwords.
08:25 Why don't you take a break, OK?
08:27 And I'll look through this.
08:29 I know all his social media passwords,
08:31 but his banking stuff, I mean, well, he kept that separate.
08:34 And then-- then there's a leaky, and then gas,
08:38 and then he's blown the council taxes.
08:40 Why did I keep on punishing him?
08:47 Why didn't I just hear him out instead of pushing him away?
08:50 Stop crucifying yourself.
08:52 Your dad was just as much to blame for that argument.
08:55 How can you say that, knowing that I will never
08:58 have the chance to tell him that I forgive him or say sorry?
09:03 When my granddad died, was he poorly?
09:07 We don't know yet, mate.
09:08 Do you know when we will?
09:11 No idea.
09:12 It wasn't painful, was it?
09:14 I don't know, OK?
09:21 And I've got all of this to go through,
09:24 and I'd appreciate it if you'd just give me some space.
09:28 We can go for a walk if you want, Dad.
09:30 You might feel better.
09:31 Did you not hear me?
09:33 I've got a lot to do.
09:34 Or if you're hungry, we can make a toastie.
09:37 You know what?
09:38 I don't want a toastie.
09:39 I don't want to go for a walk.
09:40 I don't want any more brews.
09:41 I don't want anything, all right?
09:42 I just want to read through all this in peace.
09:44 [HORN HONKS]
09:45 [EXHALES]
09:47 [EXHALES]
10:06 I'm so sorry about Rishi.
10:21 Yeah, some god this is.
10:29 He lets you get married one day, and then
10:31 just rips your dad away the next.
10:34 Jane, stop, stop!
10:36 This isn't going to help anyone!
10:38 Why did I have to fall out with my dad before he died?
10:41 You wouldn't be human if you didn't have
10:43 conflicts with your parents.
10:48 I just snapped at Archie.
10:51 He was only trying to be kind.
10:54 It's not normal.
10:55 Kids aren't daft.
10:58 Archie will know you didn't mean it.
11:02 Just feel like I'm in limbo, knowing he's died,
11:12 knowing I still have to sort the funeral out.
11:16 I tell my parishioners that it's a good thing
11:18 that there's time between a death and a funeral.
11:22 Gives you time to process everything.
11:25 To prolong the agony.
11:28 Try and remember this is all part of the grieving process.
11:33 Just promise me you'll keep talking, especially
11:36 to your family and Archie.
11:38 Tell him about your dad and the person he was,
11:42 not the baggage he had.
11:46 Hey.
11:49 How's things?
11:50 How's Jay doing?
11:51 Up and down.
11:52 Mostly down, to be honest.
11:55 May I?
11:56 Of course.
11:58 And what about you?
12:00 Hmm?
12:01 Are you OK?
12:02 Sometimes you're just not sure where to put yourself, are you?
12:08 They're my family, and I don't know what
12:11 I should be saying to whom.
12:14 Tell me about it.
12:15 He was my ex, too.
12:17 Oh.
12:19 Look, I'm sure Jay will be more responsive once he's had time.
12:23 I think I'll be more used going to see Priya.
12:26 She's been on the phone, Amber's struggling, and--
12:28 Poor things.
12:32 They must be so shocked.
12:35 It felt so weird coming back and just hearing about it like that.
12:39 He was a good man.
12:41 Look, maybe we should just cancel Billy and Dawn.
12:43 I'm sure they'll understand.
12:44 No, it's OK.
12:45 I'd rather face people.
12:47 Wish you would want that, too.
12:50 So I'll get the seats, and you can be on bar duty.
12:55 Yes, Nate?
12:55 Two fish and chips on the buy one, get one free deal,
12:57 and a bottle of Prosecco, please.
13:00 Someone celebrating?
13:01 Not really.
13:01 Just living life in a moment.
13:02 Right, sorry about that.
13:07 Maybe we could sit outside.
13:09 You never know, the sun might come out.
13:11 It's always out when you're around.
13:13 That's like someone's hoping the food's on me today, hmm?
13:16 Yeah, what can I do you for?
13:18 I'm treating me and Mr. Smooth to a tuna panini each,
13:21 and two lattes, please.
13:22 She's way too kind.
13:24 All right, that's enough of you.
13:25 Go on, sit over there.
13:26 Oh, God.
13:34 Rodney, can we get some water, please?
13:37 Stop the fussing, will you?
13:40 We're all entitled to feel a bit rough every now and again.
13:42 You can't say that.
13:43 Look what's just happened to Rishi.
13:44 Oh, quit with the drama, woman.
13:46 Lightning ain't going to strike twice.
13:48 I'll call Mary Preeton.
13:51 Are you sure you're going to be OK traveling
13:53 back down on your own?
13:54 I'll be all right, love.
13:56 And it's for the best.
13:57 Priya needs me so does Amber, and you two need your own space.
14:02 I'm really sorry that I wasn't blunt before, was I?
14:05 It's been stressful for everyone.
14:07 Well, you're welcome any time.
14:12 And it's nice to know that he'll be well looked after, too.
14:16 Where's my little fella?
14:19 Oh!
14:19 Mwah!
14:22 Oh!
14:23 Aunt Georgia.
14:24 It's good of you to see me off, sonny.
14:26 And keep an eye on this lot for me.
14:35 Bye, Mum.
14:35 Bye, darling.
14:37 Oh!
14:39 Take care.
14:40 I'm sorry that I've been so angry.
14:58 You don't need to apologize.
15:00 I should never have made out that it was your fault.
15:03 I do know it was an accident.
15:06 I don't know how you've coped with any of this.
15:09 Never mind not knowing who your real dad is.
15:12 I do know now, though.
15:14 None of this biology stuff matters.
15:25 Rishi was my real dad.
15:28 He loved me, and I loved him.
15:33 I'm sorry about snapping at you earlier, too.
15:35 It's OK.
15:37 I'm just really sad about Grandad, OK?
15:39 I didn't mean it.
15:40 I know.
15:41 It's fine.
15:43 Do you want to make me that toasty, then?
15:45 Come on, then.
15:45 Hey!
15:53 I hope you're both hungry.
15:54 I've already had two bags of crisps.
15:56 Anyone would think we're not going out for dinner.
15:58 Oh, I know.
15:59 Nice.
15:59 Just that new posh place in town.
16:01 We're all going.
16:02 Sorry, we're not intruding, are we?
16:04 What, on a pub tea?
16:06 Doubt it.
16:07 Not exactly a proper date night, is it?
16:08 I mean, stuck in a local boozer.
16:11 Oh, well, it's just nice for us to be out minus Frankie
16:13 for once, innit?
16:15 Do you guys fancy another drink?
16:18 No, you don't need to do that.
16:20 Oh, I want to.
16:21 Same again.
16:22 Be rude not to.
16:24 Cheers.
16:25 How was Venice?
16:26 Oh, it was amazing.
16:28 Oh, I can't wait till we book our holiday.
16:31 You going anywhere nice?
16:32 Uh, Portugal or Mexico, hopefully.
16:35 Just anywhere as long as it's hot and snazzy.
16:38 Ah, Dan, I've been looking for you.
16:40 Sounds ominous.
16:41 Yeah, I've had me ear to the ground at the hospital
16:44 with the doctors.
16:45 Like, you know, Lloyd's doctors.
16:49 Oh, aye, go on.
16:50 Well, I shouldn't be telling you this,
16:52 but I overheard them chatting and--
16:53 What about?
16:55 They're going to bring him out of a coma.
16:57 I'll see you later.
17:01 All right.
17:03 Owen at school went to his nana's funeral last week.
17:06 He said it was a bit weird when Lloyd put
17:08 her coffin in the ground.
17:10 Granddad's not being buried, mate.
17:13 He's going to be cremated.
17:14 Why?
17:15 Because Hindus believe that's the quickest way
17:19 to release a person's soul.
17:22 Hindus believe that they go somewhere else when they die.
17:25 So Granddad's gone somewhere else?
17:28 Yeah, I like to think so.
17:31 But then it's like he's not dead.
17:34 Yeah, I know you probably don't remember much from when
17:39 it happened to your mum.
17:41 But I was about your age when I first experienced
17:44 someone passing away.
17:46 Who was it?
17:47 Mum's friend, Eileen.
17:50 She was really kind and funny and--
17:53 Did you cry?
17:56 Yeah, of course I did.
17:59 We all did.
18:01 But guess who made me feel better?
18:03 Who?
18:03 Granddad.
18:06 You know, he told me that Eileen had gone somewhere else,
18:11 somewhere nicer to do better things,
18:15 and that her spirit would carry on.
18:17 And just because her body had died,
18:19 well, it didn't mean she was gone.
18:23 So Granddad's still here, sort of?
18:28 His soul is, yeah.
18:30 But he's going somewhere nicer, like Eileen and Mum.
18:33 Exactly.
18:36 There's something else traditional
18:38 that we could do for him, something
18:41 that he'd really love.
18:42 Do you want to help me with it?
18:43 You did the right thing bringing him here.
18:48 Do you think he's going to be OK?
18:50 Yeah, as long as you rest.
18:55 I think we could do with a brew.
18:59 What if he collapses again later, at the B&B all alone?
19:02 Imagine it.
19:03 Listen, Naomi's room's free.
19:07 I suppose you can move him there.
19:09 Would that make you feel better?
19:10 I don't want to cause any trouble.
19:12 No trouble at all.
19:13 Sent from heaven you are, my boy.
19:15 Look, only if you're sure.
19:18 I wouldn't offer if I wasn't.
19:20 I'll go and help Mum preap with the tea.
19:22 OK.
19:23 Now that I'm stopping here, we can make
19:34 up for some of that lost time.
19:36 One step at a time, OK?
19:39 Look, I'm not expecting instant forgiveness.
19:45 Might be a good time to tell me what you are expecting.
19:49 Time and patience.
19:54 I promise I can make things better, son.
19:56 He was a lovely granddad.
20:13 Yeah, he was.
20:16 Still is.
20:19 [SCOFFS]
20:21 He's the best.
20:21 Hey.
20:33 Things are locking up a bit, love.
20:35 What do you mean?
20:36 Just seen Wendy in the pub.
20:37 And, uh, sounds like Lloyd's improving.
20:42 Seriously?
20:43 They're thinking of bringing him round.
20:45 Oh, my god.
20:46 This is amazing.
20:46 No, no.
20:47 Just hold your horses, though.
20:48 We're not home and dry just yet.
20:51 Don't be like that.
20:53 Look, if he's not going to die, it's a good thing.
20:55 Look, I'm going to stay positive, even if you're not.
20:58 Yeah, but I'm still in trouble, and he's still injured.
21:01 So I just need to call my solicitor
21:03 and find out what's what.
21:04 Well, I'll take anything they throw at us now
21:06 we know he's not going to die.
21:08 This is a good thing, Dad.
21:11 Yeah.
21:13 Here it is.
21:14 [SIGHS]
21:21 [KNOCKING]
21:30 You OK?
21:32 Yes, thanks.
21:33 Oh, sorry.
21:34 He looked a bit lost.
21:43 Oh, no.
21:46 I know exactly where I am.
21:48 Investigating the dark world of cyber-stalking and incels
21:56 in our brand new series, "Laura Whitmore Investigates."
21:59 Stream it now on ICBX.
22:01 Joined by Antoine Dubec for a very open and personal
22:04 interview, brand new Kate Garraway's "Life Stories"
22:06 is Wednesday here at 9.
22:08 "Coronation Street" is here next.
22:18 (upbeat music)