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All that fruity goodness! For this list, we’ll be ranking the fruits that offer the most nutritional and healthy benefits to the human body.


00:00 Blueberries might be the best example of how good things come in small packages.
00:04 Welcome to WatchMojo, and today, we're counting down our picks for the top 20 healthiest fruits.
00:11 The maple orange is one of the most commonly purchased and grown types of citrus in the U.S.
00:16 For this list, we'll be ranking the fruits that offer the most nutritional and healthy benefits to the human body.
00:22 What's your favorite fruit? Let us know in the comments.
00:26 Hey, Mojoholics! For a chance to win cash prizes,
00:30 play our live daily trivia challenges every day at 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. Eastern, only at watchmojo.com/play.
00:37 Fruit can be consumed in a variety of ways, and it's important to know which method can offer the most health benefits as part of a balanced diet.
00:47 Oh, Charlie, I'm excited for you, bro.
00:49 Hey!
00:50 Pears!
00:51 Nice!
00:51 Yes, one of nature's most delectable fruits.
00:54 Keeping the skin intact is key when it comes to eating pears, since it's this outside layer that contains the most nutrients.
01:00 Pears are rather high in fiber as far as fruits go, and are also ideal for getting energy levels up.
01:06 And you got a gift basket.
01:07 Gift basket?
01:08 Ha ha!
01:10 Pears? Why?
01:11 The folate content that's present in pears also serves as a great way to offset high blood pressure and is said to promote heart health.
01:19 So eat up!
01:20 Number 19. Kiwi, aka Kiwi fruit.
01:23 The humble kiwi, or kiwi fruit, may be small, but it certainly packs a big punch when it comes to health benefits.
01:30 There is a lot of good cholesterol present within kiwis, enough to help maintain a healthy heart.
01:35 Mango or kiwi?
01:36 Kiwi.
01:38 Additionally, this nutrient-dense fruit is said to work towards maintaining normal blood pressure.
01:42 We're not sure if the news is out with regards to how healthy the kiwi fruit is, but we're definitely thinking about incorporating more of them into our regular daily diets.
01:50 What's in this pie?
01:51 I don't know. Butter and eggs and flour and lime and kiwi and...
01:56 Kiwi? Kiwi?
01:58 You said it was a key lime pie.
02:00 No I didn't. I said kiwi lime.
02:03 That's what makes it so special.
02:04 With that said, kiwi allergies are not uncommon, so newcomers to the fruit may want to consult a physician first.
02:11 Number 18. Plums.
02:13 The word "antioxidant" is tossed around quite a bit in food-related content, especially on TV ads promoting heart-healthy foods.
02:20 Plums are one of those fruits that are natural sources of the stuff that can act as an all-natural anti-inflammatory agent.
02:27 Beautiful. Rub that powder off.
02:34 And look at that.
02:37 Is that gorgeous or what?
02:38 Additionally, research studies examining the benefits of the antioxidants found within plums comment about how consuming the fruits can potentially benefit both bone health and memory.
02:49 Finally, a good rule of thumb when picking out a solid plum for your lunch is to always bet on the darker shades.
02:55 This plum is too ripe.
02:58 Sorry.
03:04 Please don't watch me while I'm eating.
03:05 Sorry.
03:07 The richer the color of the plum, the more likely you're going to receive the maximum amount of healthy benefits.
03:13 Number 17. Pomegranate fruit.
03:15 Fruits from the pomegranate tree don't only serve as healthy snacks in the modern day.
03:20 They originally come from Iran, parts of the Mediterranean.
03:26 India has them as well.
03:27 Look at the colors.
03:27 I mean, they're just outrageously beautiful.
03:31 They smell incredible.
03:32 They also possess an ancient and mythological history.
03:35 Pomegranates show up in the Greek myth of Persephone in Hades and were well regarded in ancient Egypt as a symbol of fruitfulness.
03:43 Today, pomegranate is known to be full of antioxidants and to help tame any nasty bodily inflammation.
03:49 Plus, they taste great in savory recipes as well, making them a versatile addition to any diet.
03:54 I couldn't.
03:55 Oh, come now.
03:56 At least take a pomegranate.
03:58 They may not be the first fruit one thinks of for a snack, but we're thinking that maybe the pomegranate's time to shine has finally come.
04:05 Number 16. Honeydew melon.
04:07 It's something you've been hearing about for years.
04:10 Vitamin C.
04:11 There's a good reason it's been advertised in so many places and talked about so frequently, though, since getting enough vitamin C is just one part of maintaining balanced and healthy nutrition.
04:21 Wow, that is delicious.
04:23 Good pick on the melon.
04:25 Just one cup of juiced honeydew melon is over half of the recommended daily value of vitamin C.
04:30 So if you're lacking in the vitamin, here's your life hack for the day.
04:33 The melon also has a low calorie count and is rich in B vitamins and minerals like potassium, which makes it an excellent snack choice.
04:41 Oh, we're gonna die and I never tasted cantaloupe.
04:44 Ah, you didn't miss much.
04:46 Honeydew is the money melon.
04:48 Number 15. Pineapples.
04:50 Speaking of vitamin C, the pineapple is another great source of the stuff and is super versatile to boot.
04:56 While consuming it on pizza is delicious, don't fight us on this, there are plenty of other healthy ways to reap the fruit's benefits.
05:03 This pineapple's delicious.
05:05 Pineapples in smoothies, fruit salads, or simply cut up and served fresh can provide minerals like manganese, which is said to promote brain health.
05:13 Another cool way to eat pineapple is grilling it, which locks in that sweet fruit flavor without harming its healthy properties.
05:20 Two minutes on each side and then just turn them.
05:24 Really nice color there, look at that. Beautiful.
05:28 Said quite simply, pineapple rules and we'll take it any way we can get it.
05:33 Number 14. Oranges.
05:36 There's a lot that can be done with the common household orange.
05:40 It's so common because it has a high sugar content, it's also high in vitamin C, and it's yummy.
05:46 These classic fruits aren't just for juicing, although that is an all-time classic.
05:50 Orange zest can be added to savory food, for instance.
05:53 The peels are actually high in fiber, minerals, and carotenoids, the latter of which can work to potentially offset atherosclerotic diseases.
06:01 Some studies even link oranges as an important ally in the fight against cancer, which is more than enough of an argument for us to sing this fruit's praises.
06:09 First you have the skin, then the sweet, sweet innards.
06:14 [chomping]
06:20 Just watch out for those grocery store orange juices that pack in too much additional sugar.
06:24 Number 13. Lemons.
06:26 We may only think of lemons in their juiced form or as a garnish,
06:30 but this fruit is somewhat underrated when it comes to its nutritional benefits.
06:33 When you think of citrus and the smell of it, this is probably what comes to mind.
06:38 Specifically, the flavonoid content within lemons have been said to assist in brain function and potentially boosting blood.
06:45 You also likely associate lemons with their high concentration of vitamin C, which is absolutely correct.
06:50 It exceeds the honeydew melon with an impressive 64% of the daily recommended value per 100-gram or 3.5-ounce serving.
06:58 "Hey, they're taking our lemons! We can't spare a single one!"
07:02 Lemons are also a tasty addition to any recipe, especially those with seafood.
07:06 And they even contain a little protein as a bonus.
07:09 Number 12. Raspberries.
07:11 Do you ever feel like something sweet after dinner, but feel guilty about indulging in dessert after every meal?
07:17 "It's super light. It's not too sweet. It's kind of tart, actually, from the raspberries. So it's very refreshing."
07:23 If you don't, amazing. If you do, us too, buddy.
07:26 Incidentally, raspberries are an excellent choice for those moments when you're trying to watch your sugar intake.
07:31 That's because they are low on the glycemic index, processing natural sweetness,
07:36 and a sugar content of just 4%.
07:38 Raspberries are also the fruit highest in fiber.
07:41 For every one cup, you're looking to acquire 8 total grams.
07:44 Plus, they're super versatile, too.
07:46 Try them as garnishes at dinner time or with your breakfast in the morning.
07:50 "So good, warm raspberries, and the pudding, and the toast. Perfect make-ahead breakfast idea."
07:55 They can also be incorporated in smoothies or, if you're really craving that ice cream for dessert,
08:00 throw on a few berries just for good measure.
08:02 Number 11. Tomatoes.
08:05 We all know that tomatoes are a fruit by now, right?
08:08 Well, even if you didn't, you'll know how versatile they are.
08:11 They work great in all sorts of dishes and come in different forms, too.
08:15 For instance, cherry tomatoes.
08:16 "Today, over 7,500 varieties are grown for consumption worldwide.
08:20 Here are just a very few different types."
08:22 When it comes to this fruit, it's important to consume them whole,
08:25 since most of the good stuff is found in the skin.
08:28 They promote anti-inflammation.
08:30 They also have some vitamin C and calcium,
08:33 although the jury is still out with regards to claims that the lycopene found within tomatoes
08:37 can promote heart health or prevent certain cancers.
08:40 We recommend you just grill or eat your tomatoes with a little bit of salt, not too much,
08:45 to bring out their natural sweetness and enjoy.
08:47 "Man, these look so good. Get a little basil on top there.
08:51 Oh, that is so good."
08:58 Number 10. Grapes.
09:00 Here's a question. Does the average person peel their grapes before consuming them?
09:04 Well, the answer is most likely no, unless perhaps you lived in ancient Rome or were
09:09 actually hedonism-bought from Futurama in disguise.
09:12 "I apologize for nothing."
09:14 This is a good thing, too, because the skin on those grapes is where all of the nutrients lie,
09:19 particularly natural anti-inflammatories that benefit a good, healthy heart.
09:23 They also contain a good amount of vitamin K to help synthesize protein in the body.
09:28 They're pretty filling as well and provide substantial food energy considering their size.
09:33 "Great."
09:33 Number 9. Grapefruits.
09:36 The inclusion of grapefruits into your diet, like anything,
09:39 should be monitored with regards to potential allergens.
09:42 "The grapefruit skin has a ton of dimples and the color is varied all over."
09:48 This goes double for this entry, however, since there's evidence that links grapefruit
09:52 and its juice with certain medicines that could be prescribed by your doctor.
09:55 Barring this, a diet consisting of grapefruits can be great for the average person,
10:00 since they are naturally fibrous, contain potassium for energy,
10:03 and are a potent source of vitamin C.
10:06 Knowing this, you can rest assured that your heart will thank you for that
10:09 side order of grapefruit with your breakfast.
10:11 "Come here, look at this. Fresh grapefruit juice."
10:14 Number 8. Blackberries.
10:16 If you'll allow us a dad joke for this entry, it would be "em-berry-sing"
10:21 if you thought avoiding blackberry seeds was a good idea.
10:24 That's because the seeds of this tiny fruit are rich in omega-3 fatty acids,
10:28 and are a good source of easy protein.
10:30 "Joey, this is for you. It's blackberry currant."
10:34 They contain a ton of vitamin C, and they can even keep you regular as they provide a solid
10:40 dose of fiber. Other nutrients in significant content include manganese, vitamin K, and tons
10:46 of phytochemicals. Yeah, we realize we're doubling down on the parental advice here,
10:50 but it's important to feel good about what you're eating.
10:53 "Luan bought $60 worth of organic blackberries today. I hope she enjoys both of them."
10:59 Number 7. Cherries.
11:01 There's a wide variety of cherries out there, and each of them possess different nutritional values.
11:06 "Here you go, buddy. It's fresh. Straight from Pac-Man's."
11:11 Sour cherries, for example, contain vitamins A and C, as well as tons of beta-carotene,
11:17 which can help prevent inflammatory diseases. Cherries also offer fiber and vitamin C,
11:21 as well as other minerals and anthocyanin compounds. The benefits of anthocyanins
11:26 are said to include brain and heart health, which isn't a bad deal considering cherries are also,
11:31 well, delicious. We're not saying the cherry on top of your ice cream sundae is going to
11:36 change a whole lot, but hey, it doesn't hurt, right? "Customers sitting at the Long Marble
11:41 Sundae Bar await orders for old-school desserts, each appropriately finished with a red cherry on
11:47 top." Number 6. Watermelon.
11:51 Although it is true that the basic makeup of a watermelon is, well, mostly water,
11:55 this doesn't mean that this fruit is bereft of nutritional properties.
11:59 "It's got a light structure that kind of compresses and condenses when you eat it,
12:04 so it gives a light crispness, but it's so juicy and so sweet and very, very refreshing."
12:11 For starters, there's the natural hydration that occurs when consuming watermelon,
12:14 which is always a good thing, even more so on a hot day. In addition to this,
12:18 the carotenoid present within watermelon pulp is beneficial to your heart, while the rind contains
12:23 the amino acid citrulline, which helps with blood pressure, digestion, and potentially more.
12:29 We realize that eating the rind isn't exactly common practice, but there are tons of articles
12:33 online with advice on how to prepare and enjoy it. "You still get some of the softer part in the red
12:39 flesh, but the rind itself is crunchy and soft like an amazing pickle." Eating it raw is also
12:45 perfectly fine. Number 5. Strawberries. They're one of the most popular fruits in the world,
12:51 and with good reason. Strawberries can go with a lot of things, from desserts to toppings,
12:55 and as a great snack option. "Strawberries in a sunny field are warm, and that makes strawberries
13:00 more aromatic and sweeter tasting." They're low in fat, as are most fruits, naturally sweet,
13:05 and the seeds contain favorable fatty acids. Additionally, the polyphenols present within
13:10 strawberries are thought to benefit brain and heart health, with some evidence suggesting that
13:14 polyphenols assist in fighting off certain cancers as well as type 2 diabetes. Add to this the
13:20 presence of vitamin C and manganese, and incorporating strawberries into your regular diet
13:25 is basically a no-brainer. "Yes, strawberries! We love 'em, so tasty." Number 4. Apples. It's one of
13:33 the oldest sayings in the book, "An apple a day keeps the doctor away." But you know what? Sometimes
13:38 old health advice can still be applied to the modern day, and this definitely applies to the
13:43 nutritional benefits of apples. "Apples! I got apples!" The carbohydrates present within the
13:50 fruit can help keep you full, the fiber is good for digestion, and there's such a wide array of
13:56 different apples out there, you can totally mix it up. Many of the fruits on this list contain
14:01 seeds and rinds that are edible, but apples are a little different, with the core and seeds not
14:05 providing any extra nutrition. The versatility of apples makes them easy to eat at home or on the go,
14:11 so don't sleep on them. "Can I have an apple? All I can think about, apples. I love apples.
14:18 Maybe I'm having a craving." Number 3. Avocados. Avocados have enjoyed a solid time in the
14:25 spotlight during recent years, and it's about time too, because this fruit is really good for you.
14:30 "Avocado has become one of the world's trendiest foods. As the poster child of millennial healthy
14:36 eating, this superfood is now a mainstay for foodies everywhere." The good fats present within
14:42 avocado provide excellent sources of energy, and they're also good sources of K and B vitamins.
14:48 Oh, but we're not done. There's some protein to be had, as well as carotenoids to help promote
14:53 heart health. "Avocados are rich in monounsaturated fats, which lower LDL, the bad cholesterol,
14:59 without negatively impacting HDL, the good cholesterol." Avocados aren't called a superfood
15:05 for nothing, after all, and we highly recommend enjoying these delicious fruits for breakfast,
15:09 or try your hand at making some homemade guac. Number 2. Bananas. The health benefits of bananas
15:16 have been applauded for years, although their reputation for providing potassium to our daily
15:21 routines is actually a food myth. While it's true that they provide potassium, it's a mere 8% of
15:26 our daily value, which puts them somewhere in the middle of the ranking among other fruits.
15:31 They're so popular because they're yummy, they look nice, and they ripen as they transport.
15:36 "Beyond this, however, bananas go a long way in the fight to keep us full, with more carbohydrates
15:42 than any other fruit on this list. Bananas also include vitamin C and B6, as well as fiber,
15:48 manganese, and starch to promote gut health." "Bananas have a lot of nutritional benefits,
15:53 fiber, some potassium, B6, and vitamin C." "The energy and health benefits of that banana at
15:59 lunch make us feel good about picking up a bunch every week at the grocery store."
16:03 Before we continue, be sure to subscribe to our channel and ring the bell to get notified about
16:08 our latest videos. You have the option to be notified for occasional videos or all of them.
16:13 If you're on your phone, make sure you go into settings and switch on your notifications.
16:17 Number 1. Blueberries. Blueberries are another pint-sized snack that can keep you full on the
16:25 go, and every junk food snack we replace with fruit is a win in our books. The good thing about
16:30 them is that they're high in carbs but low in calories and sugar. "Improvements in cognitive
16:36 and cardiovascular function have both been attributed to the small fruit." Blueberries
16:41 also bring a balanced array of nutrients and minerals to the table, including vitamin C,
16:46 vitamin K, dietary fiber, and manganese. It should be said that research conclusions differ with
16:52 regards to the potential benefits of anthocyanins and polyphenols found within fruits such as
16:57 blueberries. "They don't require any slicing or peeling. You can just pop them in your mouth for
17:02 the benefits." These tiny fruits do contain these phytochemicals, however, as well as naturally
17:07 occurring antioxidants to boot. Did you enjoy this video? Check out these other clips from WatchMojo,
17:14 and be sure to subscribe and ring the bell to be notified about our latest videos.
17:17 [Music]
