• last year
Credit: SWNS

A unique British family have the Guinness World Record - for the largest number of siblings with albinism.

The six siblings - Naseem, Ghulam, Haider, Muqadas, Musarat, and Mohammed - all have a condition called albinism meaning they have white skin and hair.


00:00 [Music]
00:05 To grow up with having faced ridicule or harsh words from people, it affects your self-esteem
00:12 and confidence. And certainly as a child it did. I was very a timid child because of all
00:19 the abuse I used to get. And you know, we used to go to school, I'd get abuse there,
00:25 walk down the street, you'd get abuse, go to mosque, you'd get abuse because people
00:30 only looked at your colour of your skin. They didn't look beyond that. You get comments,
00:37 you know, people will always stop and stare. And that is something that I've had to learn
00:42 to live with. You know, when I suffered from really severe anxiety, you know, it really
00:49 impacted. But as I, through CBT, through counselling, I'm able to control that. But still on my
00:58 bad days it will filter through because nobody wants to be stared at. Everybody wants to
01:03 just go along in the world and blend in. And it is hard. It's something I will have to
01:09 deal with. You know, I always have that feeling inside me that, you know, possibly the comment
01:17 could come. You know, people might stop me in the road and they have done, you know,
01:21 stopped me in the road and say, you know, you want to get some lacquer for that. You
01:25 know, why would you do that? Or you go into a cafe or a restaurant or, you know, or on
01:32 a bus, you're going to get some ignorant person that's going to say, oh yeah, look at that
01:36 albino. We are unique. We're a unique family. I mean, we are going for the siblings with
01:42 the most albinism in the family. We could also go for the whole family record. But if
01:51 other family members don't want, external family members don't wish to take part in
01:57 that yet. But we are certainly going for the siblings with the most albinism. And it would
02:02 mean a lot. I think it would because it marks us in history. We're unique. God has made
02:08 us different and it should be celebrated. That's what's taken me 42 years of my life
02:14 to realise that God made me different and it should be celebrated. We all share something.
02:21 Our bond is a lot more intense than other siblings because we all share that same condition.
02:29 We all understand what it's like to be different and it's something that falls automatically.
02:36 It's something that is special and it's wonderful to see the children together, the
02:46 cousins together and it's a lot of joy. And we're a special family because we are all
02:55 the same.
02:56 [Music]
