• last year


00:00 (lion roaring)
00:02 In the vast expanse of these extended plains,
00:15 lions embark on a perilous pursuit of a buffalo,
00:20 driven by the insatiable hunger of their pride.
00:28 However, the scent of blood acts as a magnet,
00:32 luring intruders closer and closer.
00:35 The hyena clan, with a formidable number
00:44 that poses an exceedingly challenging task.
00:47 Their voices rise, resonating through the air,
00:52 spreading terror among the lionesses.
00:59 (lion roaring)
01:01 One courageous lioness attempts to ward them off,
01:04 launching an attack on a hyena,
01:07 only to witness it escape with the aid of its clan members.
01:12 The lions possess superior strength,
01:15 yet the hyenas, armed with their overwhelming numbers,
01:20 present a formidable challenge.
01:22 Yet, a change in the tide occurs.
01:28 With the sudden arrival of the dominant male,
01:31 the hyenas retreat from the vicinity,
01:35 yielding to the newfound inequality before them.
01:39 However, the respite is brief.
01:42 Having concealed their hard-fought prey,
01:45 departs, leaving the male lion alone
01:47 to protect their valuable acquisition.
01:50 Seizing the opportunity, the hyenas cautiously return,
01:57 capitalizing on the lion's solitary presence.
02:00 They lay siege upon him,
02:02 while their counterparts swiftly pilfer
02:05 as much of the spoils as they can manage.
02:08 The lion's ire swells, fueling his determination,
02:13 and he resolves to pursue one of the thieving intruders.
02:18 The lion catches up to his quarry,
02:22 extinguishing its life with ruthless efficiency.
