Birth of the Endless Summer: Discovery of Cape St. Francis | movie | 2021 | Official Trailer

  • last year
Birth of The Endless Summer follows Californian surf pioneer, Dick Metz, as he vagabonds the globe from 1958-1961-reveal | dG1fcEFmNHFNTnVibzg
00:00 (upbeat music)
00:02 - You know, there weren't really too many other movies
00:04 that were out that I was exposed to
00:06 that had South Africa in it.
00:07 It was awesome, I mean, it made me feel like
00:09 a little bit more part of the surf community.
00:12 (upbeat music)
00:14 - That was probably the most fortuitous meeting
00:28 that happened between two surfers
00:30 in the history of South African surfing.
00:32 - I mean, I was the perfect guy for him to meet.
00:35 Everything just gelled.
00:37 I got to meet all the guys that were the nucleus
00:40 of the surf scene in America.
00:42 I think there was a tighter bond between surfers
00:45 than any other game there was ever in the world.
00:48 (upbeat music)
00:50 - I know my grandfather was a pioneer in what he did.
00:57 He was one of the first men to shape surfboards
01:00 in South Africa and he had a massive impact
01:02 in bringing it into the country.
01:03 He was just a personality that I believe
01:06 just absolutely demanded respect but without asking for it.
01:10 - And here's that picture
01:12 that we're gonna replicate tomorrow.
01:14 Patty, me, and there's John.
01:17 - When Dick is around, the descendants
01:19 of the Whitmore family, he's like the long lost uncle
01:22 because everything that that family has
01:25 comes from that meeting.
01:26 Dick was kind of a leader in the surfing world.
01:29 He knew how to travel the world.
01:31 He was curious about everything.
01:33 When he sent letters back about the wonderful surf
01:35 that he discovered in South Africa,
01:37 that kind of keyed Bruce into thinking,
01:40 wow, this is an opportunity.
01:42 This is something that we should explore.
01:44 (upbeat music)
01:47 - I definitely think the end of summer had an effect
01:52 on a lot of people, the way they see travel and the world.
01:56 I wanted to experience what those guys were experiencing.
01:59 - There's these places all around the world
02:00 where you might find some new wave and no one surfed it
02:03 and there's always gonna be some hurricane swell
02:05 or some river mouth that breaks out
02:07 or some remote island in the Aleutians or in the Philippines.
02:10 That sense of adventure never ends
02:12 and I think the end of summer captured that.
02:15 - Once you saw those lines coming in,
02:17 you know it's gotta be breaking down here.
02:19 So you just look down the line and there's waves.
02:24 Look up the line, there's waves.
02:26 So it just wraps around Cape St. Francis
02:28 and comes right down and goes on around.
02:31 I stood right along here someplace
02:33 and this is what I told Bruce about.
02:35 (upbeat music)
02:38 (upbeat music)
02:40 (upbeat music)
02:43 (upbeat music)
02:45 (upbeat music)
02:48 (upbeat music)
02:51 (upbeat music)
02:54 (upbeat music)
02:56 [MUSIC]
