大马榴梿业若不进步 5年后恐遭他国替代

  • last year
八点最热报 | 相较起中国三亚“树上熟”榴梿,一些大马榴梿园主和种植者提醒,在榴梿产业走向全球化后,马来西亚更应该害怕的是来自东南亚国家的竞争,特别是“榴梿界新星”,被看成是一匹黑马的越南。(主播:梁宝仪)


00:00 Before watching the video, we remind you that there is more content on the Hotpot website.
00:03 In yesterday's report, we mentioned that with the launch of domestic top-level durian,
00:10 as the second largest durian exporter in the world and the unique flavor of the "Cat Mountain King",
00:15 Malaysia, which wants to meet the international market, must not be careless.
00:19 Otherwise, it may not be able to maintain the status of the "King of Durian" in the future.
00:23 At present, China is not the most worrisome opponent in the Malaysian durian industry.
00:27 However, some native and experts of Malaysia's durian industry have reminded us that
00:32 after the durian industry has become globalized,
00:35 Malaysia should be more afraid of the competition from Southeast Asian countries,
00:39 especially the "star" in the durian industry, which is seen as a group of "black horses" in Vietnam.
00:45 In addition to Vietnam, some experts in durian farming also warned that
00:47 if our country does not make progress, it may be overtaken by other Southeast Asian countries,
00:53 and eventually become a "falling durian kingdom".
00:57 So why is Vietnam seen as a "black horse" in so many Southeast Asian durian-farming countries?
01:03 This is because Vietnam has made great progress in the durian-farming industry in recent years
01:07 and has achieved amazing results.
01:10 As mentioned in previous reports,
01:12 China is the largest durian consumer country in the world,
01:15 and almost 90% of the global durian exports are in China.
01:20 And Vietnam, which started to grow large-scale durian five or six years ago,
01:23 has successfully acquired fresh durian to China in September last year.
01:29 It is estimated that the export volume to China this year will reach $1 billion,
01:33 which is more than $4.4 billion.
01:36 Vietnam has successfully entered the Chinese market in a large scale
01:39 because it has geographical advantages that many Southeast Asian countries do not have.
01:43 Vietnam is located in the east of the South China Peninsula,
01:46 and its north is adjacent to Guangxi and Yunnan in China.
01:51 It is precisely because of its geographical location in Piling, China,
01:54 that Vietnam is able to export fresh durian to China at a faster rate.
02:00 Lin Zhenqi, a graduate of the Agricultural Department of the University of Darmstadt,
02:02 has 24 years of durian-farming and research experience,
02:05 and often goes abroad to serve as a durian-farming consultant.
02:12 When he was interviewed by the 8.4 Daily, he pointed out that
02:15 the cost of durian transportation to China in Vietnam is lower than that in other Southeast Asian countries.
02:20 Therefore, Vietnam is able to sell fresh and relatively cheap durians at a lower price.
02:27 It is the golden key to Vietnam's opening of the durian kingdom.
02:31 Zhou Shengzhe, the owner of Darmstadt Durian, said that
02:33 the path to developing durian industry in Vietnam is very similar to that in Thailand,
02:38 and can even be said to be the version of Thailand.
02:40 When the durian variety "golden pillow" in Thailand was selling well in China,
02:44 Vietnam also followed the same path to plant golden pillows
02:48 and successfully entered the Chinese market.
02:50 But compared to Thailand, Vietnam's advantage is that
02:54 they have a large area suitable for planting durian.
02:57 It can adjust the durian variety planted according to market demand and taste.
03:03 This is also one of the reasons why Vietnam has risen rapidly in the competitive durian industry over the years.
03:11 Vietnam is actually a star.
03:14 It combines the advantages of Thailand and Malaysia.
03:18 Vietnam is completely dependent on the market.
03:20 Because it is very new, it has planted only for less than 10 years.
03:23 What fruit is popular in these 10 years?
03:25 It is the tree.
03:26 Then it uses very advanced Thai technology to plant some fruits that the market needs.
03:30 In fact, Vietnam really has an advantage.
03:32 The Vietnamese golden pillow can transport fresh fruit to the Chinese market.
03:38 After all, it is near Guangxi, and it can also transport fresh durians.
03:43 In Vietnam, it can plant durians in places larger than Hainan.
03:47 The climate is closer to Malaysia and Thailand.
03:49 Vietnam is cheap in manpower, and the attitude of the farmers is also very good.
03:53 From geographical location, climate to human resources,
03:56 Vietnam, known as the new star in the durian industry,
03:58 is said to have combined the advantages of natural and geographical harmony.
04:01 It has made a great achievement in planting durians on a large scale in just a few years.
04:04 It has also allowed the export of fresh durians to China.
04:06 The rise has become the biggest threat to other durian-producing countries in Southeast Asia.
04:10 The owner and experts of the Burmese durian are warning
04:13 that if the durian industry in Malaysia does not improve,
04:15 even if it has mastered the natural gelatin produced by the King of the Mountain King,
04:19 it may be eliminated in the durian kingdom's ranking in the next 5 to 10 years.
04:23 We want to compete with Vietnam in the second place.
04:26 I think we will surpass them in the next few years.
04:29 Because they have the ready-made durians,
04:31 they can enter from their land.
04:34 That is already an advantage.
04:35 Malaysia, I think the top three are not in the ranking.
04:38 But the top three are probably Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia,
04:42 Laos and Cambodia, including the Philippines.
04:45 I think in 5 to 10 years, we will surpass them.
04:48 Unless we work harder and harder.
04:50 Because every country is moving in the direction of durians.
04:53 It is already decided.
04:55 As the durian industry becomes globalized,
04:58 intense competition is inevitable.
05:00 But respondents have said that the Burmese durian industry is still facing a problem,
05:04 which is that they feel too good.
05:06 Many durian producers always think that the King of the Mountain King is irreplaceable.
05:10 But they never thought that other countries have already caught up,
05:13 and will surpass the Burmese in minutes.
05:16 One of the problems we face is that we feel too good.
05:20 We think durian is the best.
05:23 We must keep reminding investors and farmers
05:26 that we cannot live in a sense of comfort.
05:28 In fact, we have to work harder to succeed.
05:31 We see that we are working hard.
05:32 Compared with China, their efforts are really far.
05:36 We must have a sense of crisis.
05:38 We should have a sense of crisis.
05:41 Malaysian farmers really need to work harder.
05:44 Otherwise, they will be surpassed one day.
05:46 We think it is the future.
05:48 It won't happen in a short time.
05:50 Although the status of the Burmese durian kingdom will not be shaken in the short term,
05:58 but the Burmese durian specialist Lin Zhengqi said
06:03 that the Burmese durian industry cannot live in its comfort zone,
06:06 and only makes high-end markets.
06:08 He also said that not everyone can afford the expensive durian.
06:12 He said that the reason why Vietnam and Thailand can be stable in the Chinese market is
06:17 partly because of the gold-pickled durian produced by them.
06:21 Not only is the production high, but also the price is cheap.
06:23 Chinese people can afford it.
06:26 But compared to gold-pickled durian,
06:28 the Burmese cat mountain king has very little production,
06:30 so the price is naturally high.
06:33 Therefore, if the Burmese durian market is to be moved from a high-end market to a medium-end market,
06:38 it can not only increase production without affecting the quality of durian,
06:42 but also reduce the price of durian by reducing costs.
06:46 How can the Burmese durian industry reduce costs?
06:49 Lin Zhengqi said that Vietnam has nearly 100 million people,
06:53 and Vietnam is a country that has just started development,
06:56 so the labor cost is naturally cheaper than Burma.
06:58 Burma is still using the traditional planting method.
07:01 It requires a lot of manpower,
07:03 and hiring foreign labor is not cheap.
07:06 Therefore, if we can reduce manpower and gradually mechanize,
07:10 the cost of Burmese durian can be reduced,
07:12 and the price of selling can be naturally reduced.
07:15 But if we reduce manpower and mechanize,
07:18 it requires a lot of money.
07:19 Where does this money come from?
07:21 For this, the owner of Burmese durian, Zhang Weishun,
07:23 used Thailand as an example and said
07:25 that the Thai government will provide technical support to those durian farmers.
07:29 If the Malaysian government can also provide some support to durian farmers,
07:33 such as subsidies and funds,
07:34 then the Burmese durian planting technology
07:36 can also get better development with the support of the government.
07:40 Another owner of Burmese durian, Zhou Shengzhe, pointed out that
07:43 Burma can combine tourism and agriculture
07:46 to expand the ecological tourism of the new durian industry.
07:49 This can also improve the competitiveness of the Burmese durian industry,
07:52 and let the Burmese durian kingdom
07:54 occupy a prominent position in the international community.
07:58 (music)
08:02 (silence)
