According to reports, Enforcement Directorate (ED) has received a complaint against actor-politician and TMC MP Nusrat Jahan allegedly in connection to a 'shady' financial entity. As per reports, a BJP leader personally lodged this complaint against Jahan at ED's Salt Lake office.
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Actor Nusrat Jahan, who is also the Trinamool Congress MP from Barishat, has publicly denied her involvement in fraudulent practices, an allegation made by a group of senior citizens. They claimed that a real estate company, with Jahan as one of its directors, swindled them out of several crores of rupees by promising to deliver flats in New Town, Kolkata.
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Actor Nusrat Jahan, who is also the Trinamool Congress MP from Barishat, has publicly denied her involvement in fraudulent practices, an allegation made by a group of senior citizens. They claimed that a real estate company, with Jahan as one of its directors, swindled them out of several crores of rupees by promising to deliver flats in New Town, Kolkata.