Pitiful! 20 Moments The Old Lion Enjoys His Last Meal And The Last Painful Moment

  • last year
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:05 Lions are the pride of the pasture with their excellent hunting ability,
00:10 thanks to their muscular body and superb skill.
00:13 We have often witnessed the king of the pasture as strong and ferocious in the course of hunts.
00:21 [MUSIC]
00:26 But you see the last moments of the prairie king.
00:29 In this video today, let's take a look at the moment when the old lion enjoys the last meal of his life.
00:37 And let us see if the lion's face of death kept its grip on the grandeur of a king.
00:44 [MUSIC]
00:53 Surely, none of us are strangers to the infamous predator who dominates this African land.
00:59 And before being kicked out, the Confederacy went through their golden age.
01:06 [MUSIC]
01:17 When they're the great fathers, protecting their children from environmental dangers and the governors of the land.
01:24 And all animals have that fear and respect when it comes to the lion.
01:29 [MUSIC]
01:45 Although not directly responsible for feeding and hunting, male lion attacks show how powerful and brutal they are.
01:54 [MUSIC]
02:09 But the wild has always had invisible laws. So even a species that has the power of a lion must accept its fate.
02:18 Competition for the rights of lions is frequent and it seems to be an obvious rule.
02:24 [MUSIC]
02:46 Male lions that are taken over will have to leave the pride for another territory, must earn their own living.
02:52 And as a result, they will become thin and sick from starvation.
02:57 [MUSIC]
03:13 And as they age, unable to hunt on their own, they have to eat the leftovers from other predators.
03:20 [MUSIC]
03:22 Look at this pasturing king. He's old and weak. He's lean. He's got no life and he's very close to dying.
03:30 [MUSIC]
03:32 Perhaps nature would like to give him a gift before the ruler dies.
03:36 [MUSIC]
03:37 It is to make him enjoy his last delicious meal of life.
03:41 [MUSIC]
03:45 This is the same zebra that the hyenas had hunted earlier.
03:50 We no longer see a herd of hyenas charging or stealing prey.
03:56 This seems to be what the hyenas want to give the grass king, the last magnificent meal of his life.
04:03 They accept to leave and let the lions enjoy their prey.
04:07 [MUSIC]
04:25 When lions are thrown out of the pride, it's a big obstacle for them.
04:31 Without the protection of the herd and the food source, it will become sick and exhausted.
04:38 And if they are lucky, they spend some of their last strength attacking small prey or stealing the prey of other predators.
04:47 But fighting and finding food may be extremely difficult during this period.
04:53 [MUSIC]
05:11 The possibility of not hunting prey is thus immense, forcing it to eat leftovers, even rotten food.
05:20 Meals, while not entirely fresh, may be the last meal of its life.
05:25 [MUSIC]
05:54 [MUSIC]
06:16 After watching it all, leave your thoughts in the video commentary.
06:21 Goodbye and see you in subsequent videos on the channel.
06:25 [MUSIC]
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07:32 The Eagle is a YouTube channel that explores the world of wild animals and provides you with useful knowledge about the living environment and hunting methods of all animal species.
07:44 If you're an animal lover and enjoy exploring wild animals, don't hesitate to click the subscribe button to join us in discovering fascinating things about the animal kingdom.
07:58 Goodbye and see you in the next video.
