• last year
The Arizona Dance Classic is a 3-Day dance event featuring dance workshops, competitions, social dancing and a Saturday Night Dinner Show. It is great for all ages and levels of dancers from beginners to advanced, and also for spectators who want to watch different styles of dancing: Ballroom, Country, West Coast Swing and Line Dance.  Learn more at https://arizonadanceclassic.com
00:00 Arizona Dance Classic is a three-day dance event
00:02 featuring dance workshops, competitions, social dancing,
00:05 and a Saturday night dinner show.
00:07 So join us to show me a few little lessons in dancing
00:10 and also talk about this great weekend.
00:12 It's Mona Brandt.
00:13 Good morning, Mona, how are you?
00:14 - I'm good, how are you?
00:15 - Good, I've been bragging about my dance school
00:20 and of course, Sherri Rerich's Dance School
00:22 of Battle Creek, Michigan.
00:24 So, and Mona's looking at me like,
00:26 "Mm-hmm, haven't I heard that before?"
00:28 I don't understand, every time I have someone
00:29 come to my class, I've heard how much dance you've had
00:31 until they've taken our class or they have participated
00:34 in this three-day event going on.
00:36 This is really cool and we were talking
00:38 about the different workshops
00:39 and we have different dancers here with us.
00:40 So what different dances will be going on this weekend?
00:43 - Well, we have workshops and social dancing
00:46 and competitions, we have ballroom style dancing,
00:49 we have country dancing, we have line dancing,
00:52 we have West Coast swing dancing,
00:53 so it's all under one roof, all different styles of dancing.
00:56 - Okay, where's the ballroom dancers?
00:57 Who's doing ballroom dancing?
00:59 So we got ballroom dancing down here, all right,
01:01 and then what's the next one we said?
01:02 We said-- - We have country.
01:03 - Country, who's all doing country?
01:05 All right, well, most everybody's doing here,
01:06 and then-- - West Coast swing.
01:08 - West Coast swing, wow, everybody's competing in here.
01:11 And then what was the other one?
01:12 - Line dance. - Line dancing.
01:13 So line dancing right there, so this is awesome.
01:16 No tap or jazz or ballet?
01:17 - No, not this time. - I guess that's why
01:19 I'm not showing up, all right.
01:21 That's not my, no, but this is really cool.
01:22 But what's also awesome, what's really great
01:24 about this weekend too, is those who have never
01:26 really danced before, or maybe have a little bit dancing,
01:29 come out and learn some more dancing, right?
01:32 - Yes, we have workshops every day, Friday, Saturday,
01:34 Sunday, we have workshops starting in the morning,
01:37 going all day long, we have two every hour,
01:39 and we have all different levels of workshops
01:41 from beginner on up through advanced.
01:43 So it's good for even people who are just starting out
01:46 or wanna check it out and learn some dances.
01:48 - And the thing about dancing is that it doesn't matter
01:50 what age you are, because you have people competing
01:52 at starting at eight years old, all the way up to 80.
01:56 - 87, you said?
01:57 - I have a student who's 86 years old,
01:59 we actually have a category now for people in their 80s.
02:03 So there's that many people that are dancing
02:06 that they actually created a category for people
02:09 in their 80s. - That's so cool.
02:10 And again, dancing is so important, it keeps you moving,
02:12 keeps your brains going, and it's so much fun
02:15 for everybody to get into.
02:16 So, all right, you're gonna teach us a little bit
02:17 that we're gonna be able to do, and that is the--
02:20 - Arizona Two Step. - Arizona Two Step.
02:22 So, okay, so everybody's gonna get in place.
02:24 All right, let's, you're gonna show me a little bit,
02:25 or do I need a partner, right?
02:28 - Well, I'll be your partner. - Okay, you'll be my partner.
02:29 All right, I didn't know, everybody else brought
02:31 their partners with them, I didn't wanna,
02:33 and this is your partner over here,
02:34 who you do things with, I just don't wanna upset,
02:36 it's okay if I, it's okay?
02:37 Okay, all right, so I know that.
02:39 - So this is a partner dance, so our dance frame
02:41 is really important, you're gonna put this hand up here,
02:44 you're gonna put this hand here, and we're gonna do this.
02:45 Now, you're gonna start with your left foot,
02:47 and you're gonna mirror me, we're gonna go step together,
02:50 step, touch, step, touch, step together, step, touch.
02:56 - Okay, this is different than what I saw on the video,
02:57 okay, here we go.
02:58 (laughing)
02:59 All right, ready, and step together, step, touch,
03:03 step, touch, repeat, step together, step, touch, step, touch.
03:07 - Okay, and then do we do any spins, or anything like that?
03:08 - Yes, you can do that, so if you did step together,
03:12 step, touch, step, touch, you're gonna turn me,
03:16 and then step, touch, step, touch.
03:17 - So we're kinda, and then we're moving around a little bit.
03:19 - We're going around in a little circle, so.
03:21 - This is really, yeah, this is a great dance to do,
03:23 like easy to do, kind of.
03:24 - Easy to do, you can do it in a small space,
03:26 or if it's crowded, because it doesn't travel a lot.
03:28 - Okay, then when do we talk about your space and my space?
03:32 - That's the dance frame.
03:33 - Right, okay, all right, that's it right there.
03:33 - That's right here, so this is,
03:35 you've been watching Dirty Dancing?
03:36 - Yes, I have, I'm ready for you, I'm ready, let's go,
03:39 let's do it, all right, or you're gonna catch me.
03:41 All right, there we go.
03:42 - But yes, so the dance frame is important,
03:44 because that's how the leader communicates to the follower
03:47 through the dance frame.
03:48 - Correct.
03:48 - So that's the first thing you learn
03:49 when you take a dance lesson.
03:51 - Let me ask, I know we're gonna get this dance going,
03:52 who should actually lead, the woman or the guy?
03:55 - Well, the--
03:57 - Oh, wow, wow.
04:00 - When you dance, there's a leader and a follower.
04:02 - Okay.
04:03 - So usually, traditionally, it's the guy.
04:06 - Okay.
04:06 - But we also have partnerships
04:08 where the female could be the leader.
04:10 You just establish at the beginning of the dance
04:12 who is the leader, and that person leads throughout the dance.
04:15 - I guess the ladies are still leading us, gentlemen,
04:16 aren't they?
04:17 (laughing)
04:18 Let's establish that, look at their awkward, yeah.
04:20 So that was good.
04:21 All right, we're actually gonna do
04:23 a little competition here, and I'm gonna judge you all
04:26 like I used to do in high school.
04:27 Come around, I don't know if you ever saw Grease.
04:30 Thank you very much.
04:31 All right, so anyways, where can people find out
04:32 more information about the dance event?
04:35 - www.arizonadanceclassic.com is the website,
04:39 and there's all the information on the schedule.
04:41 You can buy tickets there,
04:43 you can find out all about the dance, the venue,
04:45 which is the Hilton Phoenix Tapatio Cliffs Hotel,
04:48 going on all weekend long,
04:49 and you can get all the information there.
04:51 - I like it, all right, well, you know what?
04:53 You have your partner, we're getting the style here,
04:55 we're gonna do this.
04:56 Taylor, come on in here, Taylor is our intern.
04:58 Yeah, you're a dancer, get in here.
05:00 I need a partner, here we go.
05:01 All right, are we ready to do this?
05:02 - We're ready.
05:03 - All right, here we go, okay.
05:05 You ready?
05:06 (upbeat music)
05:08 Oh wait, not yet.
05:09 Oh, I guess you can go.
05:10 - What you're saying?
05:11 - There you go.
05:12 (laughing)
05:13 You know what you're doing?
05:13 - I know.
05:14 - Oh, then leave.
05:15 ♪ Four wings, baby, Christ, TV night ♪
05:17 ♪ You and I ♪
05:19 - You wanna go back?
05:20 - Oh, there you go.
05:21 - Oh, there you go.
05:22 (laughing)
05:23 ♪ Go to work, make up, try to keep the balance ♪
05:26 - One.
05:27 ♪ Between love and money ♪
05:28 - There you go.
05:29 - Oh, wait.
05:30 - Two.
05:31 ♪ She can tie her hair up in ribbons and bows ♪
05:34 ♪ Sign her letters with extra zaps ♪
05:37 ♪ I think she'll have her moment ♪
05:39 - We're gonna dance off,
05:40 I think we're gonna dance off the screen,
05:41 we'll know, right?
05:42 ♪ She's trying to make it in her daddy's world ♪
05:44 ♪ She's an American girl ♪
05:49 ♪ An American girl ♪
05:53 ♪ Slow dance, second chance, mama needs romance ♪
05:58 ♪ And a living man ♪
06:01 ♪ Fix the sink, mow the yard, really isn't all that hard ♪
06:06 ♪ She used to tie her hair up in ribbons and bows ♪
06:12 ♪ Sign her letters with extra zaps ♪
06:15 ♪ She's got a picture of her mama in heels and pearls ♪
06:20 ♪ She's trying to make it in her daddy's world ♪
06:23 ♪ An American girl ♪
06:27 ♪ An American girl ♪
06:31 ♪ Well, she's got her God and she's got good wine ♪
06:35 ♪ And we love Franklin and Pat Sinclair ♪
06:38 - It is the big Arizona dance competition's going on,
06:40 so it's all about Western stuff, kind of.
06:42 - Oh, I know, I can't wait to see this,
06:44 'cause we're gonna have everyone dancing in just a moment.
06:46 My dancing can only be described as inhibited and wooden,
06:50 so I will not be doing that.
06:51 But you should watch the show tomorrow,
06:52 because we got a big Stuff the Bus special,
06:55 helping all the kids get backpacks for school.
06:57 - We're continuing on our Stuffing the Bus,
06:59 and getting things done, so it's gonna be fun tomorrow.
07:01 So right now, I want you to fire up that computer,
07:03 head over to aztv.com/win
07:04 for your chance at some really cool prizes,
07:07 and what are we gonna do?
07:08 - It's time to leave you with some more dancing
07:10 from the Arizona dance classic, Take It Away.
07:13 - Have a great day, and remember to share that smile.
07:15 (upbeat music)
07:18 ♪ I like to dance and it looks like this ♪
07:29 ♪ I like to dance and it looks like this ♪
07:33 ♪ I like to pop and lock ♪
07:35 ♪ And hit you with a little bit of robot ♪
07:37 ♪ Gotta hit it, get it, love it, live it ♪
07:38 ♪ Get a little silly with a lyrical ridiculousness ♪
07:41 ♪ I like to shake a leg ♪
07:43 ♪ I like to nod my head ♪
07:46 ♪ I like to walk into a party with a pirouette ♪
07:50 ♪ A little move goes a long way ♪
07:52 ♪ Like a soul train line in a hallway ♪
07:54 ♪ It's your way, my way, all day ♪
07:57 ♪ My kind of magic, it's automatic ♪
08:02 ♪ I feel like dancing, I feel like dancing ♪
08:06 ♪ Even if it's raining, I'm not complaining ♪
08:10 ♪ I feel like dancing ♪
08:12 ♪ I feel like dancing ♪
08:14 ♪ I feel like dancing ♪
08:17 ♪ I feel like dancing ♪
08:19 ♪ I feel like dancing ♪
08:21 ♪ I feel like dancing ♪
08:23 ♪ I feel like dancing ♪
08:25 ♪ I feel like dancing ♪
08:27 ♪ I feel like dancing ♪
08:29 ♪ I feel like dancing ♪
