• last year
Abel Ferreira rasgou elogios ao ambiente do Mineirão após a vitória do Palmeiras por 1 a 0 sobre o Atlético, nesta quarta-feira (2/8), pela ida das oitavas de final da Copa Libertadores. Além disso, o treinador português citou uma leve melhora no gramado do estádio.

Leia mais: https://noataque.com.br/sp/futebol/time/atletico-mg/noticia/2023/08/03/abel-elogia-ambiente-em-atletico-x-palmeiras-e-fala-sobre-gramado/

Cerca de 52 mil torcedores compareceram no Gigante Pampulha e apoiaram o Galo desde o início. Apesar disso, houve vaias após o apito final. Esse ‘clima de Libertadores’ agradou Abel.

“Em primeiro lugar, falar do ambiente. Ambiente espetacular, gosto de jogar com estádio cheio”, disse o técnico, em entrevista coletiva.

Acesse o site: https://noataque.com.br / https://uai.com.br


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#Atlético #Galo #Palmeiras #Abel


00:00 Talking about the environment, it was spectacular. I like to play with full stadiums.
00:04 In second place, talking about the effort they made.
00:09 It was the first time since I arrived here in Brazil that this field was more or less.
00:13 Which is something that gives a little importance but makes all the difference so that the show can be better.
00:18 Third, my players.
00:22 We had calm, we had tranquility, we were competitive.
00:28 The first part was very well played, with very well done dynamics.
00:34 In the house of a super powerful opponent.
00:39 We are still in the middle of an elimination.
00:44 In the second part, our opponent pushed us a little further back.
00:48 Normal, we had to react, we had to go after the result.
00:53 I think that in this first phase, the result is fair.
01:01 As I said, we are in the middle and now we will discuss the second game on our field.
01:06 during our second.
01:06 [ding]
