Pope Francis lashes out at Portugal’s Catholic hierarchy for ignoring clergy sexual abuse

  • last year
The pope said that ignoring the clergy sexual abuse scandal for so long marred the Catholic Church and drove people away from it.


00:00 Pope Francis has met survivors of clerical sexual abuse carried out in Portugal and blasted
00:07 the country's Catholic hierarchy for its response. Francis addressed the scandal on the first
00:14 day of a five-day visit to Lisbon for the Catholic Church's World Youth Day Festival.
00:21 "It is often accentuated by the disappointment or anger that some people feel in relation
00:28 to the Church. In some cases, by our bad testimony and by the scandals that have disfigured
00:35 their faces and that call for a constant, humble purification, starting with the cries
00:43 of pain of the victims, which more than ever have to be welcomed and heard."
00:49 After his address and away from the cameras, Francis spoke to 13 abuse victims for more
00:54 than an hour. The Pope's visit comes after a panel of experts hired by Portugal's bishops
01:00 reported in February that priests and other church personnel may have abused thousands
01:04 of boys and girls since 1950. After the document's release, the bishops initially refused to
01:10 remove named abusers from their posts. This is Francis' fourth World Youth Day. The festival
01:17 was launched by Pope John Paul II in the 1980s to invigorate the church's younger members.
01:22 (whooshing)
