Zebra's Guts Ripped Apart By Hyenas

  • last year


00:00 This dazzle of zebras was grazing in the savanna when one of them spotted an approaching clan
00:06 of hyenas.
00:09 He neighed several times to warn his fellows, sounding the alarm.
00:16 Shortly after that, the zebras found themselves surrounded by the numbers of the hungry predators.
00:24 They panicked and started running away in complete frenzy to get as far away as possible.
00:32 All of that happened in front of the bystanders' eyes that started orchestrating a lethal zebra
00:36 hunt.
00:38 The attack was very organized.
00:41 The divide and conquer tactic paid off well, as the hyenas succeeded to separate a zebra
00:46 from the rest of the dazzle.
00:51 They started taking him on, biting the poor animal's limbs to reduce his escaping odds.
00:58 Their sharp canines shredded the flesh of the zebra, causing him to fall on his back
01:02 legs.
01:06 Then the fierce animals aimed for the prey's neck and succeeded to throw him on the floor,
01:14 totally exposed to their fatal attacks.
01:21 They cut his belly tissue and took several bites of his intestines until he ceased to
01:25 move.
01:26 Later on, the space was cleared for the queen of the cackle.
01:34 She took a taste of the animal's guts.
01:37 With her fur covered in the prey's blood, she had an eager for the ultimate reward.
01:42 She wanted the heart.
01:46 The dying animal kicked in the air as he embraced his very end.
01:50 Eventually, he died of his wounds, with all of his intestines out, without his fellows
01:55 around.
01:56 What a brutal way to die in the savannah.
02:01 After the queen finished her meal, the rest of the clan split the prey, and each had his
02:07 piece of the prey's meat.
02:11 Each one of them carried his share away of the others, trying to avoid a bloody battle
02:18 over the zebra scraps.
02:19 (chicken clucking)
