Analyzing The Moves From The Miami Marlins At The Deadline

  • last year
00:00 [MUSIC]
00:04 So Craig, what Miami did at the deadline?
00:08 What did you make of the moves the Marlins made?
00:10 >> I think they got better for this year, that's unequivocal.
00:14 I personally think that may be Josh Bell's best game as a Marlin the rest of
00:18 the season, that's gonna be really hard to top.
00:20 They traded Garrett Cooper, who I feel is at the very least the same player,
00:24 if not a little bit better.
00:25 But in that one game performance, there's no question,
00:28 Bell came through for them and they don't win that game without that Bell performance.
00:31 As far as Jake Berger is concerned,
00:34 that's a massive upgrade over Gene Segura there, no doubt about it.
00:37 But I would say before we get into all the trades, Ben,
00:40 there's two sides to these stories too.
00:42 And the other side to this, Ben, which is really one of, to me,
00:45 the bigger baseball stories of the season, a shocking
00:50 overall season performance from Trey Turner on Philadelphia.
00:54 I cannot believe some of the things that I am seeing and
00:57 watching out of one of the most reliable elite players in Major League Baseball,
01:02 swings and misses that are not close.
01:05 Defensive miscues, errors that just are unheard of.
01:10 And boy, there's columnists today writing about this and
01:15 talking about him, how he was there, I guess, last night till 12 o'clock at night,
01:19 hitting again.
01:20 I mean, maybe I don't know what to make of this whole thing, Ben, but
01:24 it's rare that you would see the level of this kind of contract and
01:28 the performance that goes along with it this season.
01:31 I honestly am stunned at what I am seeing there, but
01:33 you can bring that graphic back up on the trades again.
01:36 I just wanted to make sure that I got that in there.
01:39 [MUSIC]
