• 2 years ago
Durante o Alterosa Esporte desta quarta-feira, Hugão, em tom de brincadeira, disse que espera continuidade do trabalho de Felipão no Atlético. Segurando cartaz com os dizeres #FicaFelipão, ele "elogiou o trabalho do treinador rival.

Leia mais: https://noataque.com.br/mg/futebol/libertadores-da-america/time/atletico-mg/noticia/2023/08/02/ineficiente-atletico-perde-para-o-palmeiras-e-se-complica-na-libertadores/

Já são dez jogos sem vitórias e, agora, uma dura situação a se reverter na Copa Libertadores. Na noite desta quarta-feira (2/8), no Mineirão, em Belo Horizonte, o Atlético perdeu para o Palmeiras por 1 a 0, com gol de Raphael Veiga. O resultado no duelo de ida das oitavas de final volta a escancarar o péssimo momento vivido pela equipe alvinegra.

Os mais de 50 mil atleticanos que compareceram ao Gigante da Pampulha fizeram sua parte. Dentro de campo, assistiram a uma equipe aguerrida, mas bem menos organizada que o adversário. O Atlético cedeu preciosos espaços defensivos, foi pouco criativo e se viu superado em um resultado justo em BH.

Acesse o site: https://noataque.com.br / https://uai.com.br


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#Hugão#Atlético #Felipão


00:00 What is it?
00:01 Yesterday he said he was going to do a crime against Palmeiras.
00:04 There's going to be a crime against Palmeiras!
00:06 I saw it yesterday.
00:07 A crime against Palmeiras.
00:08 And Leopoldo said he was just asking for your permission because it looks like there's an astral hell chasing the athlete.
00:13 This 9 here, everyone saw it.
00:14 The athletes don't like to talk about 9.
00:16 And here there are two.
00:17 There's one of 9 games here, 4 draws, 5 losses.
00:19 4 plus 5 is 9.
00:21 And 6 also chases, right?
00:23 But it chases.
00:24 6 goals in favor against 11 and 4.
00:26 But let's go with this one because this one is more beautiful.
00:28 And now I'm going to talk to a man, to a man, to a grandpa here.
00:31 Grandpa, you're very sad, but I warned you, grandpa.
00:36 I told you what it was like to wear this shirt.
00:38 I told you, but there's not going to be a coup, the campaign is in the air.
00:42 It's all on fire.
00:44 Do you know why?
00:45 Because the man was a Penta Champion with the Brazilian team.
00:48 The man was a Chelsea coach, changed Chelsea to Patamar.
00:51 He got on Cristiano Ronaldo's shoulder and said, "Go there."
00:54 But get on Cristiano Ronaldo's shoulder and Hulk, my friend, there's a big difference.
00:57 I think that the Hulk campaign may be influencing our poll here at @LeopoldoAe.
01:02 @Felipão asks if it's better to dismiss @Felipão 41% and give another time 59%.
01:08 Give another time, Leopoldo, if you want.
01:09 Let the man work.
01:10 Do you think Atlético is, at this moment, do you think that @Felipão still deserves,
01:16 still has a condition to do something about this team?
01:20 Leopoldo, Atlético is more lost than Adam on the day of the match.
01:24 Atlético doesn't know what they want from life.
01:27 They don't know what will happen tomorrow.
01:30 We are really in deep shit.
01:32 Which Adam is he referring to?
01:34 That Adam.
01:35 It's not possible.
01:36 He's like, "The owner had no image."
01:39 That's why.
01:41 He's ugly on our side.
01:43 But trust the grandfather, because the grandfather is here today.
01:47 The grandfather is here today.
01:48 @ArleyMarcio is saying that he really hopes that the club owners,
01:53 the 4 "R"s, take an extreme measure as soon as possible.
01:57 @ArleyMarcio and @IvoChagas have more time to the man.
02:01 At least 4 months.
02:03 I know a coach who can help @Atletico.
02:05 Who?
02:06 @Givanildo Oliveira.
02:07 He has a password.
02:08 @SouaSaiolás.
02:09 @Touchscreen.
02:10 Let me press here.
02:11 But it's not going.
02:12 Give another time.
02:13 Go to @Twitter.
02:14 But in the hierarchy of culprits, it's okay.
02:18 There are players who cost the club a lot.
02:22 @Renovarco, @Pedrinho, I'll talk about that later.
02:24 There's @Patrick, @Denilson, @Vargas, among others from the starting team.
02:28 There's @Filipão.
02:30 But who is guilty of the whole scenario is above this group.
02:34 It's not just @Filipão.
02:36 This time, @Filipão is the smokescreen,
02:38 like @WiltonPereira from @Sampaio the other day.
02:40 And every day we get a new character.
