The Rock tears up as he tells UFC fighter with just $7 in bank that he’s bought him a house

  • last year
Dwayne Johnson appeared to tear up as he told UFC prospect Themba Gorimbo he was gifting him a house in heartwarming footage.

The Rock made a trip down to Miami to visit Gorimbo, 32, after being moved by hearing stories about him sleeping on a sofa in his gym.

After his first UFC win back in May, Gorimbo - who moved to the US from Zimbabwe - revealed how he had just $7.49 (£5.90) in his bank account.

He then sold his fight gear from the bout and used the money to build a water pump back in his home village.

“Welcome home,” Johnson told Gorimbo, showing him around his new house.
00:00 (dramatic music)
00:01 - Yo, Jay.
00:02 (knocking)
00:04 Got a lot of people.
00:06 Yo, Jay.
00:08 Look at those pictures over there, isn't that cool?
00:16 - It's all like, said your money.
00:18 It's my family.
00:25 Oh my God.
00:26 - So hey, I wanted to bring you here.
00:27 - Oh my God!
00:28 (laughing)
00:30 - So Tampa, I don't know anybody who lives here.
00:37 I wanted to come here, I wanted to bring you here.
00:38 I wanted to look you in the eye
00:40 and I wanted to tell you, welcome home.
00:42 - Oh my God, thank you.
00:43 Thank you so much, thank you brother.
00:57 (laughing)
00:59 Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you so much.
01:01 Thank you so much, man.
01:03 - Oh, brother.
01:04 Like I said, man, I was so moved by your story.
01:06 When I found out you were sleeping on the couch in the gym,
01:09 now there's no more couch sleeping.
01:11 This is your house.
01:12 Welcome home.
01:13 - Oh, thank you so much.
01:14 - Now you can bring your kids here, man.
01:16 (laughing)
01:18 You're welcome.
01:21 So listen, this place is yours.
01:22 You don't have to think about anything.
01:24 - Thank you, man.
01:24 - The only thing you think about is your family,
01:26 getting them over here, getting them with you
01:28 and your training and becoming champion.
01:29 - Thank you, thank you so much, man.
01:31 I will become a champion, trust me.
01:34 Trust me, you can shake my hand on it.
01:36 I will become your champion, thank you.
01:38 Thank you so much, thank you so much.
01:39 - Let me show you around your place.
01:41 Man, that was awesome and amazing.
01:46 And now I understand when they tell me how big his heart is
01:49 and what a wonderful human being that man is.
01:53 And now I got to experience it firsthand.
01:55 Again, I can't say this enough about the guy
01:57 is the guy works his ass off.
02:00 He has such a singular focus and a goal
02:04 and he's sleeping on the couch in the gym.
02:06 He's so committed.
02:07 And so again, I am lucky and blessed
02:12 to be able to shake that man's hand
02:15 and be a very, very small part in his seven bucks journey.
