• hace 2 años
Snoopy Presents: One-of-a-Kind Marcie
00:00 [Risa]
00:01 [Sonido de alarma]
00:02 [Risa]
00:03 [Música]
00:04 [Voz de niño]
00:05 My fellow students, I am here to remind you to vote in the student council election.
00:08 [Voz de niña]
00:09 Hey, Marcy, I think you'd make a great president.
00:11 If I were president, I'd never have a moment of peace.
00:14 [Voz de niños]
00:15 I guess that makes sense.
00:17 You once told me you were an invertebrate.
00:19 I think you mean introvert, sir.
00:22 That's the one.
00:23 [Música]
00:24 What do you mean they ran out of pizza?
00:26 [Voz de niños]
00:27 Aww.
00:28 There's a lot of people out there that could use a hand.
00:31 And I want to help them.
00:32 But when I try to,
00:34 [Risa]
00:35 all I want to do is run away.
00:37 [Grito]
00:38 [Música]
00:39 What are your strengths?
00:40 Problem solving.
00:41 [Música]
00:43 Good call, Marcy.
00:45 [Música]
00:46 [Risa]
00:47 [Música]
00:48 People like you work quietly in the background
00:51 to make sure that everything runs smoothly.
00:54 [Música]
00:55 I got a slice of pizza.
00:57 I can't take the credit.
00:58 If it wasn't you, then who?
01:01 Whether you're a natural leader
01:03 or even try your best to stay out of the spotlight,
01:05 all of us can make a real difference.
01:07 You're pretty brave, Marcy.
01:09 Marcy! Marcy!
01:11 [Música]
01:13 Who on earth voted for Pigpen?
01:15 [Tose]
01:16 I just thought he ran a clean campaign.
01:19 [Música]
01:20 [MÚSICA]
