Lion Cubs Go On Their First Adventure

  • last year
00:00 (birds chirping)
00:02 It's no coincidence that most of the savanna community
00:05 breeds at the same time.
00:07 For many species, the birth of the new generation
00:12 coincides with the rainy season.
00:14 The coming rains will flush the savanna
00:20 with fresh new grasses, vital if there is going
00:23 to be enough food for the hungry new babies.
00:26 (birds chirping)
00:29 Predators are able to breed year round,
00:33 enabling them to raise their young during times of plenty.
00:36 Birth rates amongst lions peak when there are lots
00:41 of vulnerable young prey to catch.
00:43 This dominant male has already secured his mating rights
00:53 to a pride of females through fierce battles
00:57 with other males.
00:58 He warns the competition to keep out by scent marking.
01:05 He's been tracking a receptive female for days.
01:23 The pair have isolated themselves from the rest
01:26 of the pride for the last 48 hours.
01:29 And they've started to mate regularly,
01:34 once every 15 minutes.
01:36 Lions mate quickly and often, up to 40 times per day
01:51 and long into the night to maximize
01:53 the chance of fertilization.
01:55 Eventually, the female returns to the pride.
02:06 If she is now pregnant, in three months,
02:12 she will give birth.
02:14 (dog barking)
02:16 Many of the lionesses already have cubs
02:29 and feeding their demanding youngsters is thirsty work.
02:32 Within a pride, females often synchronize their breeding,
02:43 sharing the childcare and even the suckling duties.
02:46 Cubs of a similar age are also more likely to survive
02:54 because being the same size,
02:56 they have equal access to food.
02:58 At 11 months old, cubs are allowed to join the adults
03:04 when they go out hunting.
03:05 Until then, they have to stay behind,
03:08 under the watchful eye of a babysitting lioness.
03:12 (birds chirping)
03:14 There are new additions to the resident lion pride.
03:22 One of the females has returned with her six week old cubs.
03:27 Isolated with their mother in the safety of a birthing den
03:33 until now, they're ready to join their extended family.
03:38 (birds chirping)
03:40 For the female cubs that will remain in the pride for life,
03:59 this is the start of a long cooperative relationship.
04:02 Born at this time of year,
04:06 there should be plenty of food for the growing family.
04:09 And with the cubs close in age,
04:14 they'll be equally matched
04:15 when it comes to seizing their share.
04:18 In time, their mothers will teach the youngsters
04:25 how to hunt and take their place as apex predators.
04:29 For now though, their carefree days are full of play.
04:34 (birds chirping)
04:36 (upbeat music)
04:39 (dog barking)
04:41 (upbeat music)
04:44 (upbeat music)
04:47 (upbeat music)
04:49 (upbeat music)
