• 2 years ago


00:00 Africa is home to three very special cats.
00:06 Apex predators equipped with different but equally deadly hunting techniques.
00:21 Each cat endowed with stealth.
00:27 Speed or power.
00:30 But life at the top of the food chain isn't as easy as it seems.
00:39 And each of Africa's big cats has a different story to tell.
00:53 [Music]
00:57 [Music]
01:01 [Music]
01:26 [Music]
01:30 South Africa's Kruger National Park is one of the largest game reserves on the continent.
01:55 It covers nearly 20,000 square kilometers of diverse habitats.
02:00 And contains hundreds of species of mammals, birds and reptiles.
02:15 This abundance of animals means many predators.
02:25 Including Africa's big cats.
02:28 Lion, leopard and cheetah.
02:35 They exist side by side.
02:41 Though their specialized behavior and habitat tend to keep them apart.
02:49 Within the Kruger National Park's wild world live three special cat families.
02:55 A powerful coalition of cheetah brothers who must soon make a difficult decision.
03:04 A lioness struggling to raise her cubs without the pride.
03:16 And a wise old leopard whose young daughter now faces the challenges of life on her own.
03:22 Together they are a cast of big cats.
03:35 In a wildlife drama of epic proportions.
03:41 [Music]
03:44 It's early morning in the south of the Kruger National Park.
03:55 The grass is tall and dry and acts as excellent camouflage for a successful young predator.
04:08 [Music]
04:11 In the last hours of dark this young male lion took down a buffalo calf.
04:17 An impressive feat for a two-year-old.
04:23 And unusual too.
04:30 Lions generally hunt as a well organized team.
04:35 [Music]
04:37 He was forced to leave his pride and search for a territory of his own.
04:42 Now he's proved he has what it takes to survive.
04:48 But his success wasn't entirely due to skill.
05:00 The winter drought has left the buffalo weak and susceptible to predation, making them easier targets.
05:08 While his future is secure for now, not far off his mother is facing more of a struggle.
05:24 [Music]
05:27 She's raising a new litter of cubs.
05:47 At six weeks old they have just left the safety of their den and are totally reliant on her rich milk for sustenance.
05:56 Feeding four hungry cubs is taxing on her energy reserves.
06:07 But if she wants to eat, she's going to have to leave them to hunt for herself.
06:14 [Music]
06:16 Because unlike most lionesses who can rely on their pride to bring them food while they're nursing,
06:26 she's a single mother and has no such help.
06:31 Her pride split up recently.
06:39 The young adult male lions from her last litter were forced by their father to move off and find territories of their own.
06:47 The big male then departed to patrol his range, which is roughly 100 square kilometers of prime hunting ground.
06:56 It will take him several days or longer to make the round trip.
07:02 Without him around, his adult daughter has struck out on her own.
07:09 [Music]
07:11 Leaving the lioness to fend for herself and her vulnerable cubs.
07:20 She's still producing milk for now and keeps her cubs within the safety of dense bush thickets.
07:34 [Music]
07:36 But she'll have to eat soon and to do that she'll have to leave her babies alone.
07:59 Further north, a more successful family of big cats is on the move.
08:04 These two cheetah brothers have formed a powerful alliance.
08:09 One of them is wearing a radio collar, which allows scientists to study their movements,
08:16 giving an intimate look into the secret lives of these elusive animals.
08:21 [Music]
08:25 [Music]
08:27 The brothers grew up as litter mates and have stayed together after leaving their mother.
08:36 Their coalition allows them to control a territory of around 60 square kilometers.
08:42 It includes excellent hunting grounds and a permanent water source.
08:52 Which is important because although cheetahs can go for up to four days without water,
08:57 when it's hot they need to drink more often.
09:00 Working as a team, they have the advantage of being able to bring down bigger prey
09:10 and can successfully defend their territory from solitary males.
09:18 Everything about cheetahs is designed for speed.
09:22 With their long limbs, sleek build and streamlined head,
09:27 they can reach around 112 kilometers per hour at full sprint.
09:32 But cannot maintain that speed for long as it takes great effort.
09:37 [Music]
09:41 [Music]
09:43 In return for speed, cheetahs have sacrificed power.
09:57 So the white rhino cow and her calf have nothing to worry about.
10:02 Which wouldn't be the case if a pride of lions were nearby.
10:09 [Music]
10:11 The cheetah's territory offers the cover of trees and bushes.
10:22 Perfect for stalking prey.
10:26 And they spot something.
10:33 Waterbuck.
10:36 [Music]
10:38 But they must get within 50 meters before launching their attack.
10:50 [Music]
10:54 [Music]
10:56 [Music]
11:21 [Music]
11:48 Together, the brothers pull down the powerful antelope.
11:51 And one secures a vice-like grip on the victim's windpipe.
11:57 [Music]
12:00 But the struggle isn't over.
12:10 The waterbuck puts up a brave fight
12:13 and it takes the combined efforts of both brothers to keep it down.
12:18 [Music]
12:46 The cheetah start feeding quickly out of necessity.
12:49 At least one in ten cheetah kills are stolen by the likes of lion, leopard and hyena.
12:58 [Music]
13:01 [Music]
13:28 But today their prize is uncontested.
13:31 [Music]
13:33 [Music]
13:35 [Music]
13:37 [Music]
13:54 [Music]
13:56 With appetites sated, they can relax as the sun sets.
14:10 Secure in their coalition, for now at least.
14:14 While two big cats settle down for the night with full bellies,
14:22 the next morning another wakes up hungry.
14:25 At 12 years old, this leopard knows how to look after herself.
14:31 She's been living in the savannas and woodlands of the Kruger all her life.
14:37 Solitary by nature, she shares her territory with her sub-adult female cub,
14:45 who has recently become independent.
14:49 [Music]
14:51 Leopards are normally active at night, but the older leopard hasn't eaten in days
15:07 and is on the lookout for breakfast from her favourite vantage point.
15:11 [Music]
15:14 [Music]
15:16 Weighing only 60 kilograms, she's small but incredibly powerful.
15:42 [Music]
15:44 While not nearly as fast as the cheetahs,
15:53 she can still reach 60 kilometers per hour in moments.
15:58 She is a master stalker and stealth is her greatest weapon.
16:09 Moving silent and unseen through the undergrowth.
16:12 [Music]
16:15 The impala hardly saw it coming.
16:22 [Music]
16:25 [Music]
16:27 Using her great strength, she drags it out of sight.
16:44 Impala are one of the most numerous antelope on the savanna of South Africa
16:54 and can make up as much as 85% of the diet of leopard and cheetah.
16:59 This young lioness also has impala in her sights.
17:07 Typically, lions hunt bigger game because they hunt together.
17:20 But with her father patrolling his territory and her mother busy raising cubs,
17:25 she's forced to hunt alone.
17:28 She's only half as fast as the cheetah, reaching 60 kilometers per hour at full speed
17:37 and needs to get within 30 meters before launching her attack.
17:47 [Music]
17:49 But in her haste, she's spotted and the opportunity is lost.
18:05 She's still young and lacks patience.
18:15 Even experienced lions kill only once in six attempts when hunting solo.
18:20 Without help from the pride, she's going to have to work hard to survive.
18:26 Working together allows some big cats to improve their chances of killing larger prey.
18:39 [Music]
18:41 These two brothers have done just that.
19:03 They've brought down another female waterbuck, which is three times the size of a fully grown cheetah.
19:10 It's an impressive achievement made possible by teamwork.
19:21 [Music]
19:23 The brothers are on a roll with two waterbuck killed in just a few days.
19:47 [Music]
19:49 They must stay vigilant though, as there is always the threat of bigger predators stealing their kill.
19:57 If undisturbed, they'll eat more than 14 kilograms each in one sitting.
20:05 Enough to keep them going for several days.
20:13 [Music]
20:15 While the cheetahs can relax after their feast, the lioness is on the move.
20:38 She has decided to relocate to avoid drawing attention to her cubs by remaining in the same place for too long.
20:46 [Music]
20:50 [Music]
20:52 A small mud hole contains just enough water for a brief respite.
21:19 [Music]
21:21 It's welcome refreshment for the thirsty mother.
21:26 The cubs join her in drinking deeply, although at this age they still get most of their moisture from milk.
21:45 In a few months she'll wean them and by a year and a half they'll have to look after themselves.
21:51 Now in the early stages of life, they rely on the leadership of the lioness, knowing little of the challenges she's facing at the moment.
22:03 [Music]
22:13 [Music]
22:15 The mother leopard has completed her maternal duties as her daughter is independent.
22:30 So the impala she killed earlier will be all hers.
22:35 The only problem she faces is that of potential hijackers.
22:42 But she knows how to avoid them.
22:45 By stashing the impala carcass high in a tree, it's out of the reach of lions and she can relax and eat as she pleases.
22:56 She doesn't have to worry about the cheetahs either as they're poor climbers and she easily out muscles them.
23:06 Leopards are by far the most proficient climbers of Africa's large carnivores and can haul kills of more than 50 kilograms up vertical trunks.
23:16 Her cheek teeth, called carnassials, are evolved for slicing.
23:36 Combined with a heavy, powerful lower jaw, they help to tear off chunks of meat which she swallows whole.
24:04 Impala are her staple diet, but like all leopards, she'll eat almost any source of protein.
24:11 Leopards prey on more than 90 species, including insects, reptiles and even fish.
24:28 Their ability to subsist on such a varied diet, as well as their adaptability to different habitats, has made leopards the most widespread of all the world's wild cats.
24:40 Self-sufficiency is not something leopards are born with, though.
24:52 The old leopard's daughter was recently left to fend for herself.
24:56 She's nowhere near the hunter her mother is and needs to learn quickly how to kill.
25:06 Or face potential starvation.
25:16 There are other threats around, too.
25:19 Lions recognize leopards as competition, and they will attack and even kill them if they get the chance.
25:30 The young leopard knows this and moves cautiously.
25:34 She's not afraid of the lion.
25:40 She's not afraid of the lion.
25:44 She's not afraid of the lion.
25:48 She's not afraid of the lion.
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34:44 She's not afraid of the lion.
34:46 She's not afraid of the lion.
34:48 Adult kudu are large and powerful.
34:51 While he could easily outpace them,
34:54 they are too big for him to bring down by himself.
34:58 Without his brother, he will need to learn
35:03 how to catch smaller, yet faster antelope.
35:06 For this cheetah, the harsh reality of his new life
35:11 is quickly becoming clear.
35:15 It's not easy to be successful at the top of the food chain
35:18 when you're on your own.
35:20 Unless you happen to be both experienced and hugely powerful.
35:30 The big male lion is both.
35:35 At nine years old and weighing around 200 kilograms,
35:40 he's a seasoned buffalo hunter
35:42 with enough power to bring down a bull four times his own weight.
35:47 It's unusual, but not unheard of, for a male lion to hunt alone.
35:59 No other predator in Africa can single-handedly
36:08 take down such a large and formidable adversary.
36:12 Once he's gorged himself, he retreats to the shade to rest.
36:31 (birds chirping)
36:34 He has no reason to fear any other predators stealing his meal.
36:42 He's simply too strong to be challenged.
36:57 The jackal will have to wait a while before he gets any scraps.
37:01 The rest of the kill is reserved for the lion family,
37:05 which is nearby.
37:07 (lion roaring)
37:10 (lion roaring)
37:13 (lion roaring)
37:35 (lion roaring)
37:38 The big male's roar reaches the lioness as an invitation to dinner.
37:46 As the cool of night descends, she sets off to join him.
37:54 The cubs are still too young to eat meat,
38:00 and she has no choice but to leave them alone while she feeds.
38:04 (lion roaring)
38:07 They know instinctively to stay concealed and wait for mum's return.
38:32 En route, she meets her adult daughter,
38:35 who also heard the male lion's roars.
38:38 (lion roaring)
38:41 (lion roaring)
38:53 The old king eats his fill before his family arrives.
38:59 (lion roaring)
39:03 (lion roaring)
39:31 (lion roaring)
39:34 After greeting them both, he moves off to let them feed in peace.
39:38 (lion roaring)
39:41 (lion roaring)
40:08 The females are hungry and will eat up to 20 kilograms of meat in one go.
40:13 A meal like this will keep them busy all night
40:28 and replenish the mother's reserves so that she can produce rich milk for her growing cubs.
40:34 (birds chirping)
40:37 After a big meal the night before, the lions are relaxed and back to full strength.
41:02 With dad back and providing ample food,
41:05 the lioness can eat enough to produce plenty of milk
41:09 to satisfy the insatiable appetites of her growing cubs.
41:13 Under the watchful eyes of a powerful father and a resilient mother,
41:24 the cubs have the best possible chances of survival to adulthood.
41:29 (birds chirping)
41:32 With security coming from working together,
41:51 the small pride is an excellent example of how lions benefit from group living.
41:58 (birds chirping)
42:01 (lion roaring)
42:14 The wise old leopard needs no help to survive.
42:25 Being a skilled hunter has allowed her to raise her cub to adulthood
42:29 and propagate her genes, the ultimate measure of success for any animal.
42:35 She relies on nothing but her own intelligence and strength,
42:39 and living in total solitude,
42:42 she exemplifies the most adaptable and widespread of the big cats.
42:54 After a bumpy start, her daughter is now flourishing.
42:59 Last night she killed her first impala,
43:06 proving she inherited her mother's hunting prowess
43:10 and taking an important step towards succeeding on her own.
43:22 (birds chirping)
43:25 The cheetah brothers have now gone their separate ways,
43:32 and each is destined for a different fate.
43:35 One is moving restlessly through the park in search of land,
43:43 but not yet confident outside the safety of the coalition.
43:51 The other has proved more capable of living a solitary life.
43:56 He's found and secured a new territory, which he will defend as his own.
44:03 Here he will surely become a proficient hunter,
44:11 already showing potential by taking down a kudu female alone.
44:16 (birds chirping)
44:19 (music)
44:27 Africa's big cats are some of the most well-known carnivores in the world.
44:35 Famous for their beauty and feared for their deadly natures,
44:46 whether alone or in complex social structures,
44:50 they must work hard to survive in a habitat fraught with challenges.
44:56 By using clever teamwork, staggering speed and terrifying power,
45:06 they are equipped to exploit their environment.
45:14 (music)
45:17 Each of the three cats is different in the way it lives and hunts,
45:23 but all share the title of apex predator in an endlessly active food chain rivaled by few on Earth.
45:39 Lion, leopard and cheetah are indeed Africa's most wild and wonderful big cats.
45:50 (music)
45:58 (music)
46:01 (music)
46:05 (music)
46:09 (music)
46:13 (music)
46:17 (music)
46:21 (dramatic music)
